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@FélixGagnon-Grenier What's an adequately well usable word within policy then, that can replace it?
For day-to-day use?
@tereško which system?
@HassanAlthaf linode.com/docs/databases/mysql/… do fresh install try once more
@tereško hi my friend sorry to bother you I have just one question I have an existing exe for a web app and I want to replace some files with new ones in that exe is there an easy way to do it ?
Btw, there's WHM installed in this server as well.
But I'm not using it.
@hakre no idea. I'm still trying to form an opinion on that
@HassanAlthaf are you a sysadmin
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The meta post shows lack of other activity.
root@host [/home/wishmalokayavid/public_html]# sudo yum install mysql-server
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.usc.edu
 * extras: mirror.keystealth.org
 * updates: repos.lax.quadranet.com
No package mysql-server available.
Error: Nothing to do
where you from ?
I feel that without such a proposition, just expecting people to say "person that values reputation way more than quality" instead of "repwhore" won't happen
Sri Lanka
@tereško can you help me ?
thank you in advance
lol ok
'The "No package mysql-server available." means that you've used the wrong package name.
I know.
I'm following a tutorial.
Well done @JayIsTooCommon slow clap :P
reinstall mysql from scratch
Every tutorial for mysql installation has the same god damn thing
@undefined Ok.
@HassanAlthaf That's fine unless you follow a tutorial on the internet blindly. That would be a very bad idea.
@HassanAlthaf Sounds like you want to learn about how the package manager works in your case first.
I'm actually a Ubuntu user, new to CentOS.
I'm guessing yum is same as 'apt-get'
yes it is
rpm -qa | grep mysql
Running rpm -qa | grep mysql
but you have to learn some packaging stuf for centos
Shows me that.
Can you link me to a webpage that has what I need to learn?
executable is it done with a programm in linux ?
Also, could cPanel installation in this server be a problem?
What do you mean.
Can someone give me a helping hand about that ?
@HassanAlthaf man yum perhaps already works for you, but asking for a website: centos.org/docs/5/html/yum/sn-searching-packages.html
yum doesn't seem to work. I tried it.
I have MySQL
But I cannot start it.
sudo systemctl start mysqld
Nevermind, sudo systemctl start mysql worked!
when in doubt (of the service name), list all available services first.
Is there anyway to check if I can access mysql with
In the commandline UI?
Or anyway to get the mysql host?
Because doesn't seem to work on my code.
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 Thank you, I have already done that. xD
I actually cannot do a fresh install on this server since there is other sites on this server.
@HassanAlthaf just 3 hrs i have done that i can access mysql XD
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/wishmalokayavid/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1490

Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/wishmalokayavid/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1520
So, my password is wrong they say.
@PeeHaa it was a series of unfortunate events, I promise. I'll be on at 7 to explain. In the meantime, think about all the wonderful things I've done
@JayIsTooCommon heheheh
@tereško did you have any server adminstrator guide link?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 happy bday
@RonniSkansing thanks Ronni :)
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 servermom
@samayo thanks name is interesting ;)
@kelunik the feather, would also allow to retire the awful looking mammoth.
meh .. it bad, but not bad enough to flag as offensive
starring is not the same as flagging ...
lol, someone flagged that?
teh fuck?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes .. :(
what a douchebag
let's hope for a misclick... twice in a row
@Danack that's what you get for going against social justice crowd
why the fuck is docker so lame...
anyway ... no consequences so far. Stay happy people ...
is there a confirmation dialog when clicking the flag? (too afraid to try)
that seems... totally not misclick-prone
not a misclick, I find that video highly offensive, it's a slur. I'm sure @Danack didn't meant it that way, so I just flagged the posting and I didn't label him.
@hakre calling someones work "awful" is a considered a dick move in Bird culture.
@Danack Then excuse my bad English.
And I don't know what Bird culture is.
@Danack And perhaps it's really my English, but I didn't call someone awful.
hmmm.... well, I'll take back that douchebag part, I didn't see it that way tho.
@hakre Saying that a piece of art is awful is pretty 'not nice'. You could have said "I don't like it", which gets how you feel about it across, without making you look like you're being a dick, by trying to make the artist feel bad about creating it.
'Bird culture' is a reference to popular culture: youtube.com/watch?v=xbo7LONZodM
@hakre What's wrong with the ElePHPant?
If I absolutely had to use a service locator, is there any one that's particularly recommended?
No, just don't.
Framework locks me out from any point before the controller, tried to use Auryn, and I believe it might still be possible
but it means I have to edit a fair amount of core (the framework is not maintained, has not been for many years)
Maybe I can try and pass the injector instance into the framework.
It sounds like you just start?
It's a new build but on the same framework we're using for our current sites.
Frankly I'm sick of it, and would like a service layer, for example, so I stop seeing copied and pasted code everywhere
I could rock up to a conference and speak for an hour on how not suitable this framework is for keeping technical debt down, but it's already an established thing.
@Sean If it's established, what do you use currently instead of a service locator?
@kelunik We use nothing. Reusable code is either pasted or put in "Model" classes
And static calls
A service locator doesn't really have anything to do with reusable code...
I mean we don't use a service layer
All data collection, validation, processing is done in a controller route. If there's multiple places in the system which edit the same object then the code is duplicated across controller methods
This is the system with the 20k lined controller lol
Get out. Get out while you can
@Sean A complete rewrite is probably faster
@Sean We had this. I left. Go somewhere where you don't have to maintain code where you care about what you do and others don't! (Also haven't we had this discussion before?)
@Jimbo Yep. It's really.. annoying.
That feeling when yes, you can technically do your job but the way you have to do it leaves you feeling dirty hahah.
@PeeHaa just takin dogs out
have fun
You guys ever setup an ecommerce site?
If so what do you use for it?
whatever you do steer away from magento
@kelunik I dick-movely voice (the voice of a dick mover): I find the animals look -awful- unpleasant, aggressive.
Suppose that narrows it down
Don't bother with opencart (maintainer is almost as bad as laravel)
oh right also dont do that one
@Fabor I've rolled my own
@PeeHaa which one?
opencunt err cart
wow, that's pretty dick moving to put opencunt in your speak.
@PeeHaa yeah, it's been like three minutes since you last sweared swore (thx @Fabor), I guess it was getting hard not to
@hakre :P
> Aliexpress API documentations, and test with their API console (explorer) at the following link. However, it is in Chinese only.
gee thanks :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier swore*
@Fabor he's French he can't help it
Hence why I am helping :)
I can translate from french. So if he can translate from chinese to french I then can translate again :)
I sadly can't :(
ok, so im trying to write a route for learning purposes...
```$route = new Route();
$route->add('\/users\/({\d,})', function(){
//do something


How can i get the matches im trying to get from the pattern ?
so backticks doesnt wrk for code here...
@Danack Wow that nose really is offensive!
@KristianHareland they do, take single ones. And for multiline, just make a single post with multi-line it gets a button for that.
or post a gist and link it.
btw. what is Route from?
here is my source code
so basically what i want to do is to capture the any regex i put in and the make the matches reusable from anywhere in that page after $route->load() is called
hi :|
you bassically use preg_match to get the variables and store them in an array: preg_match($this->_expr, $path, $this->_matches)
NikiC was so nice to publish a whole blog post about route parsing with regular expressions: nikic.github.io/2014/02/18/…
I think everyone should read it.
@KristianHareland The matches are stored inside the $_SESSION super-global ($_SESSION[__CLASS__ . $this->add_method . '_matches'] = $matches;)
One problem with the matching you have in the code is, that it does not tell you when the regular expression failed and why it failed.
In short: It misses error handling. That perhaps makes it hard to use.
@Sean Just use Auryn as a service locator:
$injector->share($injector); //yolo
" Framework locks me out from any point before the controller" - this is a problem I need to blog about (, as well as all other things I should blog about). Almost all frameworks assume that all the dependencies needed to serve a request can be resolve from just looking at the route.
They can't.
/Pretty sure i have priority on that.
damn it
@PeeHaa I think we're quite a few that were seduced by that line
For example if you have an end-point that allows someone to broadcast a message to several social media sites they have registered, the first step in serving that request is going to be looking at what social media services that particular has registered.
You then need to run another layer of execution where the service object for the appropriate social-media services are injected.
That is the idea behind github.com/danack/tierjigskeleton - which is another thing I need to spend more time on.
@PeeHaa actually, does that codebase even need that line?
@bwoebi Need? no. Convenient yes
@PeeHaa I mean, you nowhere directly specify Auryn as parameter…
I mean the line is redundant
I do
in 1 place
@PeeHaa oh, must be missing it then… where?
@Danack if only there were more than 24 hours in a day.. :)
@PeeHaa that's another repo…
packagist magic guy meme
11 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@Danack Staph stealing mah code https://github.com/PeeHaa/WebNews/blob/master/bootstrap.php#L51
^ I was talking about that repo… @PeeHaa
I am too
The router is included in that project
@PeeHaa our princess is in another castle!
I wish I had such a way with words, mildly nsfw - twitter.com/scalzi/status/…
@PeeHaa … oh. damn deps.
Controller is only a high level command that is executed within a certain layer.
@bwoebi ;-)
@PeeHaa Well… $injector->make(FrontController::class, ["injector" => new Injector($injector)]) would have worked too… :-D
I know
but // yolo is cooler, right?
Really just to make sure I can let auryn handle everything
And yes it's way cooler
Let me give you Super::$auryn
Don't ask look for things, just take em all.
@hakre nice, four tries to get the right amount of dashes ^^
@NikiC Is there any reason why the MarkBasedDispatcher (fastroute) is chunked at all?
@bwoebi I think it's explained in that article due to performance.
@bwoebi three times corrected, first time was just ask, so no correction. ;)
@hakre it makes sense for position or count based, else the number of matches would be enormous for the last match
I've asked specifically about MarkBased here
> Perl is “some assembly required”. Python is “batteries included”. PHP is “kitchen sink, but it’s from Canada and both faucets are labeled C“.
I had some respect for that article. emphasis on had.
@bwoebi if you don't chunk, the regex grows large. and the larger the regex so more little it's performance vs. size. I think something in that direction. Should be addressed in the article itself.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier PHP never was from Canada, that sounds so stupid.
@hakre really? … perhaps for the first time (aka initial compilation), but that doesn't count
@hakre I think they are talking about the kitchen sink
We're really talking about pure matching speeds @hakre
@bwoebi I dunno, I thought we're talking about the blog-post.
@hakre no, where did I mention the blog post?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Okay but kitchen sink is used as analogy to PHP, so PHP = Kitchen Sink and one form Canada? Are kitchen sinks from Canada different to others?
@hakre From what I can gather, they are using the old stereotype that canada things are broken by design to imply that php is likewise
hence my "go fuck yourself, asshole" (targeted at the writer). also don't take that too seriously, I know I'm bad at writing
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Hmm, then this sentence still makes no real sense. Then they should have been writing that it's broken by design.
PHP is like a shoe. Except from canada and both feets are dirty.
PHP is like a flying airplane, but from Canada, speaking french with a tough accent and never taking off.
And so on, and so forth. This is really stupid.
hehe. it's pretty much what I'm clumsily trying to say
@bwoebi iirc there's still a tradeoff between time to first match and time to last match
@NikiC Do you have benchmarks / what does influence it?
@bwoebi I benchmarked it when it was added, not sure if code is still around
I don't really see a reason why first match should be slower than before after initial compilation? At least with PCRE, it is a linear match and once matched, it immediately returns
gist.github.com/psychoticmeow/d94616529359a8a9ee5d … is that the benchmark? That's the only one I found @NikiC
@bwoebi Just checked, it does make a difference
PCRE uses backtracking, therefore it is not linear.
@NikiC How much of a difference … and why?
@bwoebi on 5.6 first route 9 placeholders for 30 and 50 chunks is 0.148 vs 1.72
wow o_O
On 7.0 it doesn't seem to make a significant difference there
though between 50 and 100 there's still a bit
@NikiC Is that related to JIT? (which is active by default on 7.0?)
@bwoebi This is the script btw gist.github.com/nikic/42e2db0e06204da1a71d8adcbf2d1ce9. Because I suck at coding it's not actually possible to directly modify the chunk size, gotta edit the code ...
@bwoebi I assume so
I can check
@NikiC But still… why does that make so much of a difference for first route?
Maybe this is related to memory allocation between the C libs and PHP userspace?
on 7.0 w/o jit it's 0.47 vs 0.53
matches are PHP arrays ...
that doesn't make sense… then it'd be much slower on 7.0 than 5.6 without JIT??
@bwoebi err sorry, add a zero in there
0.047 vs 0.053?
@NikiC I see first route being slightly slower with last route being significantly faster
61/86 (chunk size 100) vs 57/100 (chunk size 30)
(fastest out of 5 runs each)
for me they're pretty balanced
impact is about the same (in different directions) on first/last
good question though why it matters at all
So question was: is chunking still having a positive effect?
@hakre it probably depends on whether your most commonly matched routes are at start or end of your definition sequence
let's say the order of the definition sequence is undefined
in that case apparently not.
@rtheunissen Your ZVAL_COPY_DTOR ... is that not simply ZVAL_COPY_VALUE implemented in a very roundabout way (i.e. copy+dtor instead of just doing nothing)?
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/master/src/common.h#L69 This if doesn't make sense as the ZVAL_COPY below assumes that it is non-null anyway
@PeeHaa You just called the only guy who likes us ancient..
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/master/src/common.h#L138 This will misbehave if the string contains nul bytes. The length needs to be checked first (there's also zend_string_equals_literal)
@NikiC 522/993 vs 591/843 [that's now with 200k runs… and fastest out of 6] - that's -12% and +17% for me …
@bwoebi okay, I count that as about the same
iirc the value was chosen so that markbased never performs worse than the others
@JayIsTooCommon :P
@NikiC Ah, makes some sense … the only thing I do not understand is the why then…
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/… This should not be necessary. You're already using var_tmp_var. This will just create a second var_tmp_var with an extra copy
@rtheunissen Also, aren't most unserializers leaking the data structure in the error case?
@rtheunissen Why do you check for *(++pos) != '\0' at the end? Unless I'm missing something, I don't see why there should be a nul byte there, unless the datastructure is the only thing being unserialized
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/master/src/php/objects/… Did you check whether this works correctly with an empty pq? iirc smart_str has this stupid behavior where the string is null if it's entirely empty
Never mind that last one, you handle the empty case separately so that's not an issue
@PeeHaa Holy FUCK did he like not even have a safety parachute?
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/… Here you're silently going from a zend_long capacity to a uint32 capacity
> Landen zonder parachute
what does that even means^
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/master/src/ds/ds_htable.c#L32 usually, if your allocation contains a multiplication, you should use safe_emalloc (or here safe_erealloc) to avoid overflows
though looks like there's a number of places where large capacities are not handled/rejected
@rtheunissen github.com/php-ds/extension/blob/master/src/ds/ds_vector.c#L131 This looks a bit odd. Does that mean you can end up with an UNDEF value in return_value?
Though given how vector works, the check is probably just a leftover -- there can't be any UNDEF values in there, right?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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