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5:05 PM
@dorukayhan The current API quota remaining is 8231.
!!/test BUY NOW
> Would not be caught for title, body, and username.
@FrankerZ close flags gets disputed... wut?
@JonClements but the power of the new search is so guuuud
@Braiam yeap
Verizon is where tech companies go to die now?
Well, among other places
They bought AOL in the past
but mostly they want Yahoo's 1 billion or so userbase
I didn't realize AOL still existed.
this also means that Verizon now owns Tumblr, too, since it was purchased by Yahoo a year back
or will own, when it clears the SEC and all that
5:37 PM
hi all o/
Hiya JAL
how's everyone's rep doing now that Documentation has been around for a few days?
@JAL stable for me ...
@JAL Rep is fine. It's just about the only thing in Docs fixed in any meaningful way
@JAL still getting random +5 for editing two lines on git docs
5:41 PM
I tried to do something useful on Docs, which doesn't give tons of rep
Just as not being the FGITW
in rene's mind: will doing this get me rep? Better I don't do it, I will feel dirty, and not in the fun way
@JAL I can't help noticing that the top 6 answers do not provide (only) references to off-site resources.
@JAL No docs rep for me.
@NisseEngström It was attracting crap answers, I figured I could either protect or close.
@JAL imo it would be better off being closed. it's off-topic after all
6:08 PM
Out from under my rock again.
@Machavity Doesn't the edit mean that it's not a typo? It's lacking an MCVE though.
@Mogsdad It's scary right?
@NisseEngström That one is weird. He asked a Q with a typo. When he gets called out for it he edits the typo out... but the code in the edit works fine
6:12 PM
@NathanOliver They said... don't go through the cellar door! But I did, and I saw things I'd never seen before! Sky! Sunshine! Trees!
6:29 PM
OK, so this post just popped up on my radar. Did the VLQ flag get removed? Not quite sure I can't mark it as such.
yeah, there is new magic in that dialog
Doesn't look like it's been reviewed in first posts or triage yet
I didn't see the option to tag VLQ
@FrankerZ And it's not over 7 days either
@Drew indeed a nice topic :) At least the OP was willing to listen to reason
6:41 PM
yeah I am trying to re-do the php of it
Rev1 of it was going into information_schema.tables
it was pretty zanny. The op doesnt know php or mysql. Well, not error trapping and mysqli that is for sure
PHP & MySQL 101 with Prof. Drew
console.error: itmemory:
  Message: TypeError: tab is undefined
    getBrowserForTab@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/tabs/utils.js:198:1
report/<@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://jid1-frvglzkoncspew-at-jetpack/lib/main.js:230:20
notify@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js -> resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/timers.js:40:9
Anyone see if this is an extension? Reads to me like there's no extension involved
yup, found the problem: is an extension
Can someone here who is an RO in SOCVFinder give some assistance?
@Drew @sam @Kyll @Tunaki ^
6:57 PM
sure what's up
Can you hop in SOCVFinder?
Can someone fix a nit for me? stackoverflow.com/documentation/git/1308/…
I can't edit, have 10 draft already, and can't submit/delete draft either
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
7:18 PM
@Braiam is that still needed?
I see @dorukayhan is also editing
It should be --[no-]recurse-submodules[=yes|on-demand|no] without backslashes
@Braiam It might be that the escaping is needed due to the table markdown
but it is weird indeed
I only know of instances of html mixed that makes it unhappy
7:22 PM
so that smoke detector thing, its just an issue with the example domain, no? new here <_<
@Compass I wasn't sure either but you can click the ... dots at the end to get at the report
yeah i didnt notice because the link wasn't auto hyperlinked, but domain was everywhere and linked
yeah, this one was not obvious, so I assume not spam in that case
hence my f as response
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
7:28 PM
did you fix the nit @doru?
@Braiam nope
rene passed a audit!
@dorukayhan what was the problem?
Is there someone speaking German here?
7:34 PM
@Tunaki I speak German when drunk, does that count?
not really :)
your best option I think is Bart
@Tunaki Jawohl
I want to translate "Alias is:" in German. My guess is "Alias ist:". Consider alias like some property that has, well, an alias
@Tunaki Natürli.
7:39 PM
@Tunaki I can only say ist is good
Good enough.
thanks :)
Isn't @Magisch or @Seth or @πάνταῥεῖ around?
They are your last chance @Tunaki
Just asking cause the properties file I'm modifying has "Standard" meaning "Default" and "Standardwert ist" as "Default is"...
Google translate gives " Alias ​​ist" which jives with what I remember from German class.
Standardwert is default value
7:41 PM
@Tunaki "Standardwert ist" -> "Default value is"
@NathanOliver Just 12?!
Mah, it'll do.
@Tunaki Your guess is right, there's no german word for alias.
loanword then?
7:45 PM
Awesome thanks @πάνταῥεῖ and @rene and everyone else that contributed to this translation project.
now we need to have a way to reward them... what about +5 each time someone upvotes it
@Braiam Vote on content, not on people :)
@Mogsdad I know. Slacking today. Work is keeping me busy.
stupid work...
@NathanOliver Wanna trade? Looking for work is exhausting.
@Mogsdad hmm. Would I have to move to Canada to look for work?
7:54 PM
anyone for approval here: stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/52216 to fix a nasty layour issue raised by @Braiam
@rene hahahaha... I mean, isn't that in the CommonMark specs?
btw, approved
@Braiam it took me some hassle
first it looked good in preview but didn't want to accept it
then I had to juggle with html markup and in the end I used the special chat encoding
that sounds like a bug...
le sigh
@Braiam it definitely is
8:01 PM
@rene pandoc seems to get it right
@rene check it ^
yep, strange
I wonder what parser they are using...
@rene You've reviewed 40 posts today (of which 2 were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 39 minutes and 39 seconds, averaging to a review every 59 seconds.
so we can delete it
@Braiam maybe the parsing is Ok but their own check if they have 2 table cells is wrong
8:20 PM
wow, i should have a documenter. I have to work to even be 1/1000th of a Skeet :V
8:34 PM
@Braiam Yeah they really should remove rep from docs... not need for rep, it just creates a lot of strange edits and other stuff..
If there wasn't a rep cap from docs and it was at the original 10rep, I would have over 4k rep from docs.
I like the idea of docs, but it is getting ridiculous. I refuse to edit any high traffic stuff..
alternatively split the rep amongst all the users>
that's pocket sand
8:46 PM
I'm not familiar with that expression
ah, King of the Hill
no wonder I'm unfamiliar with it :-)
I don't actually watch it, it's just part of our culture:P
@AndrasDeak whose culture?
why, the culture of teh internet, of course
as decreed by the Elders
How did Smokey catch that? post & edit from 2013...
8:52 PM
hmm we just edit it?, remove the last url, the youtube video is relavant
@AndrasDeak There's a new answer from 1 minute ago
which brought the question to the front page
@TylerH oooh, thanks, I see
arg! Again hit the comment upvote limit
8:58 PM
there's such a limit?
are you upvoting all the docs grump?
@AndrasDeak comment upvotes are limited to ~40 a day I think
maybe 50
well, I gathered that in retrospect:P
> 186k user answering off-topic questions while voting to close them
the rep thirst is real
9:00 PM
send them to docs
@JAL Blade style: "Sooner or later the thirst always wins"? :p
woot I'm 5 times Guru
If docs redirected to this image...
9:28 PM
@Tim ^ buried this since you retracted your CV and the dupe indeed does not apply
9:53 PM
^Maybe even simple typo.
Writing a comment...
Well he got blacklisted with k... I guess we do not mind... since fairly offensive
I'm feeling good.
@Tunaki for a second I thought you were going to comment "Please look at our new feature instead, SO Documentation" ;)
10:08 PM
@SmokeDetector wut with that suggested edit?
must be the content from the DropBox link
ah no the "script here"
I'm not touching that
10:09 PM
stupid markdown
10:10 PM
> bah
so where did that code come from?
@AndrasDeak script here
the ideal wave would been "mmm"
@Tunaki but it didn't
10:11 PM
so they plopped it from nowhere
at least "script here" starts with a function run() or something, and a buttload of obfuscatedness
I'm leaving a comment for the editor
maybe it was the answer?
@ShirotzuSan - Why did you add a bunch of code to the question? If that's' the answer, then put the code in an answer, not in the question. — jfriend00 yesterday
first comment on question
why jfriend didn't roll back is another good question
the answer was good : ), accepted
10:14 PM
you ask yourself too many questions at this hour
Oooh, OK
I guess that stuff will hit roomba... lets just leave it...
that .js is the source for the agar game, where you play to become the largest cell
and that was indeed de-obfuscated by the anime person, and edited into te question (facepalm)
@Tunaki when you write that comment about docs, ping the anime person too, we can use a pair of crafty hands like that
I'll ping what the unicorns tell me to ping
Are you a unicorn @Andras?
10:21 PM
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@queen Seen that already sweetie, and VTC. But THX though.
Thanks honey
Tunaki passed a audit!
^^ I'm feeling a bit like Raj Koothrappali when he was training Siri for him :) ...
May bee I could get her to call me Sexy one day (pun intended)
10:28 PM
@πάνταῥεῖ hmm, maybe I can fix that ; )
@PetterFriberg As an opt in only please ...
na it would be a user id 1413395 feature...
@PetterFriberg I don't want to look queeny tarty in public :-P ...
Petter will gladly opt you in
or Andras will regex you in...
10:34 PM
how much does java regex like Greek?:P
you tell me.. by now your a java regex guru
oh thanks for telling me, I didn't notice:D
@AndrasDeak As he mentioned, the user ID would probably do well.
But I was just joking actually
no you weren't:P
pulling newest version
regarding the obfuscation agar question:
@AndrasDeak - I'm also guessing that neither of the editors have the rights to post this code (which is why we aren't supposed to post someone else's code in some else's answer). — jfriend00 1 min ago
good point there
of course the question is useless even if it's legal
it also doesn't help that OP seems to speak Google Translatish
oh I thought you posted mine
1.2k "challenge of the day: write my code for me". Argh
it's always a bad sign when most of a person's rep comes from asking
1.2k rep, top tag score 3
you have my moral support..
10:56 PM
out of del votes
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm 10k, need 2 days
@SotiriosDelimanolis Wow, how did you manage that. Never happened to me ever.
insta-delvote kicks in at 20k
@πάνταῥεῖ every day, deletion is what I do best
@AndrasDeak Work on documentation a bit, if you're eager ;-) ...
10:57 PM
@πάνταῥεῖ I drop here a few possibly delv-able questions from [guide] every now and then. Should I ping you with those?
no but honestly, I participate in
@πάνταῥεῖ oh right, let me edit NullPointerException or something:P
@SotiriosDelimanolis Roomba catches most of the anyways probably. Sounds bit of a waste. I use delete only what I think that should disappear from the front page as quickly as possible.
A lot of sh*t gets upvoted in .
the best thing about FGsITW is that they often get accepted which hinders roomba for good
11:10 PM
@AlexanderO'Mara DELV along ...
@πάνταῥεῖ and off-topic
Off-topic yet not blantly off-topic / Too broad. Not sure how to deal with it: stackoverflow.com/questions/38574304/…
@icecub Not too broad? I think it is, plus off-topic (general computing) and possibly primarily-opinion-based.
closed, too broad
good night, @Tunaki
11:13 PM
@AlexanderO'Mara Yeah to broad. I ment just "not blantly off-topic". It fits better on Server Fault but I don't want to close vote it for that because it's way to broad to migrate
@icecub err... not a glance of code...
@Braiam Absolutely right, invalidates the tag altogether.
@Braiam True but you can close vote off-topic for another SE website if it's a better fit. The question is a better fit for Server Fault, yet it isn't because it's too broad. Hence I was unsure how to flag it properly
@icecub golden rule: don't migrate crap
11:19 PM
@AndrasDeak Ok so in cases like this it's ok to just flag it as Too Broad even though it's off-topic?
@icecub it normally doesn't matter so long as it's closed
but try to not even hint those questions as "more suitable" to other site
Alright, thanks for the info :)
@icecub yes, it's crap (too broad, unclear, off-topic in general) -> duplicate -> off-topic with migrate
with the last part preferably ignored:P
only really good questions should get migrated, no site needs our dump to be dumped on them
and even then it's worth asking OP to make sure their question is on topic on the target site, and that it might need rewording to fit there well
bed time for m2, cya
@AndrasDeak Alright, thanks for the explanation :)
11:30 PM
me too (for a change), good night
@PetterFriberg N8
gn8 :)
@AndrasDeak N8
so many German(ish) peopleses
@AndrasDeak Stramm! :)
11:31 PM
whatever you say:P
@AndrasDeak You were lucky, could have been bavarian :)
@JarrodRoberson f
I don't have anything against Bavarians, we have some very nice colleagues in München
@AndrasDeak But our dialect is weird, even for other germans :). Of course we're nice people here.
I was reading for a while "barbarians"...
@Braiam \o/, almost the cliché ...
Spam? Link is same as in user's profile. stackoverflow.com/a/38578568/1364007
@WaiHaLee k (definitely)

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