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@Mogsdad Maybe you have a mouse
@Tunaki Well, what do you mean about some reports ? Does it mean that Smokey's leaving us? :(
@KevinGuan It's TylerH's fault.
Huh, he can still blames people anyway.
@Mogsdad If the TV starts talking to you - get out.
@Mogsdad how do you have two distinct chat user pictures?
@KevinGuan We will only be handling reports on questions right now
@ryanyuyu Hm?
I see both your "M" and the Jon Skeet unikong
@NathanOliver Ah that's sad. In a while? Or forever?
@NathanOliver That might be it. I live next to a forest & field, so we sometimes get them in the garage. Maybe they are inside a wall. That's worse than ghosts.
@ryanyuyu probably caching
@KevinGuan Temporary, we expect.
Yeah maybe. Screencap
@Mogsdad I hope so. If no then I'll think about go to Charcoal. But I don't like open too many tabs.
Awesome! I used that avatar for April Fool's day! Weird that it came up today.
@ryanyuyu Happy April Fool's day! Now try to clear the caching and restart your browser!
Meh. It's kinda cool being pranked still a week later.
@KevinGuan I know what you mean.... i.sstatic.net/KsYnR.png
@ryanyuyu :)
@Mogsdad Yeah...something like that.
@Mogsdad I know that problem.... i.imgur.com/8tc39wp.png
At least I know now that I am not the only who forgets to close my tabs after I used them
3 windows, ~30 tabs in each. I'm surprised my machine hasn't given up on me
Oh guys! Haven't you seen this image? i.imgur.com/4lpVkTS.gif
I'm putting my i7 with 16gb of ram to good use
Because that I only have 2gb RAM, so 9-12 tabs is the max. And now I understand that have a low RAM is also a good thing because which can tells you that you have opened too many tabs.
@Mogsdad Dad?
You people haven't seen mine... :P
@PraveenKumar Family computer...
1 message moved to Trash
@KevinGuan I have 16Gb : ) I can borrow you some...
@PetterFriberg Don't, my Chrome will eats them all =p
@KevinGuan That's just one of the 5 chrome browsers open on this machine currently! Although most only have 4-5 tabs.
Then another question: How many tabs are too many?
@KevinGuan when you can't count them
It's not the tabs it's how long they are open
Just found a message:
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Feb 26 at 18:23, by Tiny Giant
gmbl grmbl apparently having 50 tabs open across three browsers is reason enough for my system to crash.
@KevinGuan It's Kevin Guan's fault.
yeah...wait, what? how that could be my fault?
That's amazing
Well, sleep time. Bonne nuit everyone!
@Cerbrus predictably, it's managed to gather a reopen vote.
Silly users are silly @Sam :P
Is this just a typo question? stackoverflow.com/questions/36502080/…
don't ask why I'm still here
We know you don't sleep
I know you have the cameras
Then, what do you think about the above question I linked?
iOS 9.3.1... yes / no?
Android of course
You mean windows phone.
@KevinGuan It's Python and gibberish to me
@Rob do you have an email addr you can share to get you into Slack?
@undo too
trying to build this web portal thing
Guys, is this seriously an answer? stackoverflow.com/a/36501961/462627
Me, to self: be more clear. Remember that 50% rule. I mean... has anyone updated their phone to the latest possibly-buggier-than-the-last-update iOS? Mine keeps bugging me, and I'm ignoring it so far, but wondering.
I have comment that already above...
Woah... 5 Votes!
Afternoon all!
Plop David!
@DavidG \o
@Mogsdad 9.3.2 actually
if anyone wants to be a part of building this Rob thing, web portal, throw out your email addr or email me directly from [email protected]
@PraveenKumar Well it kinda was and then the OP updated the Q
@PraveenKumar yes it seriously is
@Drew Which lang(s) are ya using?
LoL... That's what even I commented... Ha ha... Crazy socks... :P
If a post attempts to respond to the question or attempts to provide a solution, it is an answer
@Drew huh what?
Undo it would be nice to have a mod in the Slack conversation
Plop Gothdo
If just to observe
@JAL So shouldn't old questions be closed?
@Drew Why not just make a room on c.SO?
Well, c.SO <<<<<< Slack
But Slack does lack the transparency
that is a good point Undo
@Kyll And Slack <<<<<<<< Discord
@Sam Still trying huh
Yes :p
Okay, I'll give it a shot tonight =D
And slacks markup is very poor
@sam c#
@Gothdo Shog has said before dont close old questions as Too Broad (meaning circa 2009, etc. because they usually weren't too broad when asked)
@Drew Woot
but if they get new activity, then that's probably OK
also OK to close for other reasons
@sam we need to prop up the Rob thing
@Gothdo Generally I think this room doesn't like to close older questions that are not causing any harm. Only questions that are explicitly attracting crap or fgitw answers. I think @rene has a section on this in the FAQ
@Drew reading
@JAL Yep. We don't want to waste close votes on old not doing anything content when there is so much new poo coming in
@JAL But just voting to close these questions (for other reasons than Too Broad) is OK? I mean, without sending [cv-pls] request.
@Gothdo You're welcome to vote as you please, however this room requests that you don't old questions without new activity
@JAL Ok, I understand, thanks for explanation.
no prob!
(@drew email sent.)
@Gothdo Doing that may waste the vote. The queue is sorted by #of flags and post age(my assumption) so it might not surface up to anyone in the CVQ.
@NathanOliver Isn't there any official info about how the queue is sorted?
@Gothdo not sure. it is kind of a black box from what I know
We should try reverse engineering the black box
@Ferrybig They're currently looking for someone to rewrite the code actually
it's years old and not been touched in a long time
#1 reason why no major improvements/overhauls have happened to it
Shog even said all of the developers that made it are now gone.
Tushar passed a audit!
@NathanOliver Crazy comment yeah
I have returned from my chores
@Magisch Hey, and you're still alive.
@TylerH That just started public beta yesterday... but I guess you have the dev beta?
@Mogsdad Oh, I don't have an iPhone, but I just remember seeing articles about 9.3.2 not working
@Mogsdad Are you asking if you should update? Definitely. There's a bug in 9.3 where anytime a call is made to open a URL the phone could deadlock: stackoverflow.com/a/36342775/2415822
@JAL I'm still on 9.2, so avoiding that particular vulnerability. And the lock-screen bypass.
Ah gotcha
9.3 has night shift which is cool if you use flux
I assume 9.3.2 will fix the security vulnerabilities
@JAL I suppose if you use f.lux already then it's not "cool" but "hah, copy cats"
Well, yeah. If you're not a developer or have a jailbroken phone it's the only way to adjust the gamma of your screen
@TylerH I wish the f.lux Linux UI was slightly more polished
There was a bit of a rufus between f.lux and Apple recently no?
Yes. Flux released their source code and were telling users how to sideload it onto their device with Xcode. Apple said this was abuse of their dev tools
I have only used it on Windows
@JAL aka "You can't modify the device you own"
I hate that stuff
Software licenses and all that
Let me buy a thing and own it, wholly
I think posting answers on Stack Overflow has changed the level of content I post elsewhere, which is "try hard".
@gunr2171 "closed as wontfix: reason - too detailed"
waiting for less traffic jam
haven't had that kind of jam before
I typically stick to grape
Yeah, the traffic one has a strange metallic flavor and undefined smells
interesting, still doesn't show up in our channel
@Undo hates us because of the two flags
I know, I just wasn't sure which type of reports aren't coming into this room
@JanDvorak No need to escalate and ping Undo with that.
I still aren't
@JanDvorak eh?
@Undo I've heard Smokey no longer wants to be with us
@JanDvorak no, ya'll are getting everything you normally do except answers.
what is it with mods and saying "ya'll"? Undo and shog both do it.
@Undo They manually reported an answer and it didn't show up though. Probably should on manual reports.
@gunr2171 the cabal of ya'll?
@gunr2171 Pretty sure I got it from Shog. I think it's contagious.
Would you prefer an all-caps YOU?
@gunr2171 y'all*
It's the 2nd person plural pronoun in English
@BrockAdams actually, that's exactly what we're wanting to not happen for a while
We're working on a new to be pinned message that explains the current status on Smokey reports and the RO pov on the matter.
The Smokey message format causes some folks to automatically flag stuff as spam. Which is... suboptimal
@rene the hard part will be getting all the ROs to have the same POV :-P
@gunr2171 And me. Definite Shog-contagion.
The theory is that if manual reports don't show up here, we can put a damper on the mindless mob-flagging. They still show up in the other rooms, of course, just not here.
@TylerH not at all, they all agree to mine POV but don't tell them yet...
@Undo Was there mindless mob-flagging here before your test?
And is there no mindless mob-flagging elsewhere?
@Undo I would rather have you choose your words wisely
"mindless mob-flagging" well, good to be clear on that then.
Let the RO's just work on that message before we end-up in a repeat of the last 24 hours
sigh Here's the deal: We (Charcoal) are getting pressure from both sides - one 'side' says that a whole room ganging up on a message is 'too much power', the other side thinks it's fine. I... honestly think it's fine, but there is something to the concept that people are trusting Smokey too much. This is only an experiment, and things will probably be reverted back to how they were before with minimal change in a few days.
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, yesterday, by Undo
Here's what I think the problem is: Smokey has become too good, and people are relying on its judgement too much.
heck, I'm not innocent of reflex-flagging stuff. We've gotten insanely good at detecting spam, and now the few borderline false positives are causing issues.
@Undo does smokey have any judgment?
So... the idea here is that we should try to give ya'll our best-effort at filtering to only obvious things.
It just reports based on what people feed it
I'm not going to comment further until our Room Owners make their statement
@Kyll Wise sentiment.
@TylerH After about twenty regexes, I'm pretty sure things become sentient.
MagicEditor will soon write posts.
If you say regex three times, a Perl programmer appears?
and grants you 3.0000000000001 wishes
My daughter made fortune cookies. Here's the fortune I just got: Life will be happy, until the end when you'll pee yourself a lot. Wisdom for the ages, people.
And that was a half-page one-box.
Now to remove half a leg!
@Kyll Required now for my prisoners in RimWorld now that the latest update includes prison breaks :-X
A coworker of mine just had his wife give birth to twin daughters
convinced me more then ever that I never want children
@Magisch that is interesting phrasing
"I'll call over and have my wife give birth to twin daughters, one sec"
cya, commuting home.
Is this on-topic here or should it be on code review? stackoverflow.com/questions/36505077/…
@Signal not good for cr since it doesn't compile. I'd vote unclear
Sure that was closeworthy?
@Signal ...or ignore it.
All I can find wrong is nit-picky stuff. "exponentially" is vague with no current performance, that sort of thing. The question isn't great, but it isn't close-worthy IMO, and does not belong on CR.
@JanDvorak Closed.
I mean the post Smokey linked here
@JanDvorak yes it is closed.
oh. Yay!
Used POB. The next two votes should be OT and dupe
looks like utter crap
17.6k questions... oof.
> The origin of this tag can't be intelligent [design]
> This tag was [design]ed to suck
> Trash the [design]
> What can be done about the tag system's [design]?
Welp... Writing that one up
Wow, that's a terrible tag
speaking of [origin]...
@Kyll Not so intelligent [design]
user image
@Kyll @rene may be able to enlighten us. Or enliven the discussion. When he's back from his commute.
If the answer is "move the code that does the action to be after the check to make sure the action is okay" should we close it as a typo as it says While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers.?
@Kyll Noice
@NathanOliver Yes. You can always say "the close reason may not be 100% accurate but it felt good at that time and the question does need to be closed.
Feeds? Wake up!
Are the feeds down or something?
Q: Not so intelligent [design]

Kylldesign has 17,597 questions as of this writing, 1,360 of which are closed. According to my favourite search engine, the definition of design is:: To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent. Following Shog9's procedure from MSE: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it...

kids these days. The all want instant gratification. In my day you had to wait for a guy called a mail man to bring you things so you could know about then ;)
@Kyll They've always been lazy.
it'll come along and post it any minute now
@NathanOliver Kylls these days
3 one-boxes in one page all because of me then. great
@Kyll there is a 10 or so minute delay
@NathanOliver Back in my day we didn't have paper.
Q: Not so intelligent [design]

Kylldesign has 17,597 questions as of this writing, 1,360 of which are closed. According to my favourite search engine, the definition of design is:: To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent. Following Shog9's procedure from MSE: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it...

there it is
@Kyll I see the sneaky link
@Rob Courtesy of a big letter
inb4 "back in my day we didn't have e-ink"
@Mogsdad what do I need to cut-off now?
Oh, and I'm back
world bazaar?
water buffalo
what bummer
writhing body
warner brothers
wtf bbq
@rene Kyll pointed out the "burnination process" popup... I didn't think that was ready yet. Thought you'd know more.
See above rainfall of one-boxes
Nope, we might have got Shog9 excited and he went ahead to implement some of his ideas. Our constant push might be a minor extra force in that direction.
@Mogs: wish you were around when I had my 8080 NOP question, I would have rather had you answer! chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/29621207#29621207 Question here
@JAL At least you got an answer. That's why the 8085 was used for control applications, while 8080 was for general purpose computing.
That's why I'm starting with the 8080. Fewer instructions, "easier" (in theory) to emulate
but cool to know
@JAL Did you used any tutorials to learn assembly?
I wouldn't say I "know" assembly but I'm working through the tutorial on emulator101.com
Also playing around with the Swift compiler's -emit-assembly flag
I'm not even that great a C since I don't use it on a daily basis
good mornings. is that question too broad or just off-topic?
you are so evil
what magic is this now?
@JAL UTF-8 in domain names :/
This is amazing
pretty sneaky sis
@Undo l i
I had to click twice to make sure I wasn't more crazy then I thought I was.
This is going to open up a whole new world of phishing. I hadn't thought of that before.
stackoverfiow :-D
@Undo It's not UTF-8, just an "i" as in "Ian" instead of an "l" as in "Laura"
Or I think so
yep, it is^
@JAL Feel like I'm going to be too dumb for this tutorial.
Just got it
@Kyll Really? Wow, surprised you were able to snag that domain.
I presume you got it for $12 or whatever the standard .com price is now?
something like that.
I somewhat doubt aws is even charging me, it is so freakin cheap monthly
They'll charge you for the registration if you're using Route 53
But I've noticed that if your usage is under ~$0.50 they don't even bother billing you
I am. I just suck at looking at bills
Are we still allowed to report spam answers here?
If so:
@Undo Luckily though, browers show the punycode when entering the address (and don't show it in the toolbar). For example: stackоverflow.com (not spam)
Oh, well, it also doesn't properly hyperlink
@PaulRoub They go out to all the other rooms
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
8736 need review
1551 reviews today
3233593 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
unlimited paypal money does sound pretty nice
@PaulRoub it's gone
@Closey next 15 tags
@rene The next 15 tags are: 27, 25, 24, 24, 23, 23, 22, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20, 19, 19, 19
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Félix Gagnon-Grenier passed a audit!
@Tunaki A bit late for the pun-suggestion party =p
@Kyll I know :D, crazy day at work. Can you imagine, I didn't have time to raise a single flag!
@Tunaki :O
Hey Kyll
@Undo I can give you unlimited paypal money :-D
but it will be fleeting
just F12 and edit the markup displayed in the balance span :-P
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@drew Sorry, been a busy day for me... I don't really know anything about Java, so "informed" work in that part of the queue is a bit hit-and-miss, anyway...
@CindyMeister I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 1 min ago, by TylerH
just put react on your backend and npm the latest modules and set up your gitbash to call the repo and you'll be spick and span
^ Development jargon today...
God evening, I had a beer and some wine, time to start waving the flags : )
It may be useful in cases where they provide a complete example to specify that they are missing the minimal part
@PetterFriberg Good evening, good sir
@PetterFriberg Great, you can start reviewing now!
lol, let cluos vole this..

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