@NathanOliver That might be it. I live next to a forest & field, so we sometimes get them in the garage. Maybe they are inside a wall. That's worse than ghosts.
Because that I only have 2gb RAM, so 9-12 tabs is the max. And now I understand that have a low RAM is also a good thing because which can tells you that you have opened too many tabs.
Me, to self: be more clear. Remember that 50% rule. I mean... has anyone updated their phone to the latest possibly-buggier-than-the-last-update iOS? Mine keeps bugging me, and I'm ignoring it so far, but wondering.
@Gothdo Generally I think this room doesn't like to close older questions that are not causing any harm. Only questions that are explicitly attracting crap or fgitw answers. I think @rene has a section on this in the FAQ
@Mogsdad Are you asking if you should update? Definitely. There's a bug in 9.3 where anytime a call is made to open a URL the phone could deadlock: stackoverflow.com/a/36342775/2415822
Yes. Flux released their source code and were telling users how to sideload it onto their device with Xcode. Apple said this was abuse of their dev tools
The theory is that if manual reports don't show up here, we can put a damper on the mindless mob-flagging. They still show up in the other rooms, of course, just not here.
sigh Here's the deal: We (Charcoal) are getting pressure from both sides - one 'side' says that a whole room ganging up on a message is 'too much power', the other side thinks it's fine. I... honestly think it's fine, but there is something to the concept that people are trusting Smokey too much. This is only an experiment, and things will probably be reverted back to how they were before with minimal change in a few days.
Here's what I think the problem is: Smokey has become too good, and people are relying on its judgement too much.
heck, I'm not innocent of reflex-flagging stuff. We've gotten insanely good at detecting spam, and now the few borderline false positives are causing issues.
My daughter made fortune cookies. Here's the fortune I just got: Life will be happy, until the end when you'll pee yourself a lot. Wisdom for the ages, people.
All I can find wrong is nit-picky stuff. "exponentially" is vague with no current performance, that sort of thing. The question isn't great, but it isn't close-worthy IMO, and does not belong on CR.
If the answer is "move the code that does the action to be after the check to make sure the action is okay" should we close it as a typo as it says While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers.?
@NathanOliver Yes. You can always say "the close reason may not be 100% accurate but it felt good at that time and the question does need to be closed.
design has 17,597 questions as of this writing, 1,360 of which are closed.
According to my favourite search engine, the definition of design is::
To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent.
Following Shog9's procedure from MSE:
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it...
kids these days. The all want instant gratification. In my day you had to wait for a guy called a mail man to bring you things so you could know about then ;)
design has 17,597 questions as of this writing, 1,360 of which are closed.
According to my favourite search engine, the definition of design is::
To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent.
Following Shog9's procedure from MSE:
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it...
Nope, we might have got Shog9 excited and he went ahead to implement some of his ideas. Our constant push might be a minor extra force in that direction.
@Undo Luckily though, browers show the punycode when entering the address (and don't show it in the toolbar). For example: stackоverflow.com (not spam)
@drew Sorry, been a busy day for me... I don't really know anything about Java, so "informed" work in that part of the queue is a bit hit-and-miss, anyway...