@PhilSturgeon that sounded a bit dramatic but it wasn't in my intents. as you used (new Foo)->bar one might think that the error happens after the construction, while it happens on property access ( right? ) having them split on two lines would help understanding what is a problem, imho
@Wes oh nothing dramatic about it, i didnt see it as that. im just trying to work out what i gotta fix :)
@bwoebi it does both? fatal errors if you put it in the property declaration because the compiler will shit, but throws a TypeError if you do bad stuff at runtime.
i'm already seeing all the frameworks doing
class SomeStruct{
public int $a; public int $b; public int $c;
function isActuallyValid(){ return isset($this->a) && isset($this->b) && isset($this->c); }
@JoeWatkins i have an idea that would make both me and @bwoebi happy and it's possibly easier to implement
class SomeStruct{ public int $a; }
class Joe { SomeStruct $struct; static function test1() : SomeStruct{ return new SomeStruct(); // can't return a type whose type declarations aren't fulfilled } static function test2(SomeStruct $struct){ // can't pass a type whose type declarations aren't fulfilled
} static function test2(SomeStruct $struct){ $this->struct = new SomeStruct(); // can't assign a non type whose field types aren't fulfilled to a typed field
@PhilSturgeon @JoeWatkins additional point why constructor is a bad boundary for typed properties: static properties. (It is common to call a MyClass::init() function after its definition, but nothing we can identify as a static ctor in PHP)
@JoeWatkins i have an idea that would make both me and @bwoebi happy and it's possibly easier to implement
class SomeStruct{ public int $a; }
class Joe
static SomeStruct $struct;
static function test1() : SomeStruct{
return new SomeStruct(); // TypeError: can't return a type whose type declarations aren't fulfilled
static function test2(SomeStruct $struct){ // TypeError: can't pass a type whose type declarations aren't fulfilled
static function test3(){
@SergeyTelshevsky if you try to access something that hasnt been set its gonna give you an error. so what is the problem? your constructor can provide dynamic defaults for anything that you really need to be there in all your methods.
@Wes well, type safety is providing assurances that the property is only ever going to have the type you expect, or its going to say "why are you trying to use this its not got a value"
@Andrea it's about moving the problem to another place. ok, the error is going to show up eventually, but it could be a subtle, hard-to-spot case, as opposed to having it immediately showing up after construction.
@bwoebi if he's complaining that I contribute to a lot of FOSS projects, and complaining that a commit from me means its Phil-related, then yeah he's right.
is_int() reminds me: what is the preferred way to tell if a variable "is inty". That is, is something whose value is an integer: an int, bool, string containing an integer (and optionally, a float that is an integer value)?
@SergeyTelshevsky yeah, im thinking you'll either have set a default, set the value in the constructor or another method or... well why are you calling something you havent set?
right now you do that you'd get a null because thats the default for mixed and not set, but if you have an int that doesnt have a value... you get an error?
@PhilSturgeon see… I'm also having a skewed perception then. It's just that you were very present there (in the league for example) for times … and you're carrying that prejudice around now
@SergeyTelshevsky right so you cant set var foo Int to nil, and when you try to use it, you'll get a 0 right? that's the only way i can see to avoid the situation in this patch, where if you try to use a property that has no default value you get an error.
@bwoebi public misconception. i put some commits in and everyone says its Phils. I've been blamed for CodeIgniter and FuelPHP, saying they were entirely my fault, when I was one of many team members. give too much attribution then assign too much blame when they dont like it, or pretend im claiming too much credit and say its unfair. dunno wtf is wrong with people im just trying to write some code :p
@bwoebi how so? i talk about projects im involved with. Apparently I founded the FIG, just because I blogged about it. not my fault my blog got shared around so much. :)
next i'll have invented PHP just for helping Joe with some RFCs.
freenode ##php stumbled upon a php weirdness. Anyone want to take a stab as to why this happens, and if anything should be done about it? 3v4l.org/FXVMUphp.net/manual/en/…
I've tried to shine spotlights on those who work hard on projects my name is near philsturgeon.uk/api/2015/02/11/meet-the-league its a black hole effect for some reason. they do all the work, i talk about it, its mine.
basically, ((array)json_decode(json_encode([1 => 1, 2 => 2])))[1] fails because it's looking for index (int 1) and what's actually there is index (string 1)
@bwoebi go to phptherightway.com and click View Source. Then Ctrl + F. Type "thephpleague.com" and there is one link, in a bullet point list, alphabetical order.
ANYWAY, sidetracked. @SergeyTelshevsky did what i was saying make any sense? if not an error on usage of undefined property, or not default values relevant to the type, what should be done?
true, the json part specifically is irrelevant; but is this intended functionality? Or just the way things happened to shake out, and is really a bug that could/should be fixed?
@PhilSturgeon And as an added benefit. A class where all delcared properties are concretely types (not nullable, not mixed, etc...), you could optimize the variable storage to not includes the types in the instance (since they can be fetched from the class definition while looking up the property slot.
So instead of sizeof(specific-instance) == sizeof(base-object) + (nprops * sizeof(zval) you have == sizeof(base-object) + (nprops * sizeof(zval_value)) the later of which is about half the memory overhead
@SergeyTelshevsky btw, i missed this: 3v4l.org/jQsbc not sure what it should do if you try to use properties with no value. i feel like error isnt so bad. write your classes better? outta my depth here i think. :)
@Sara thats what i was saying a minute ago to somebody else actually. Go does that nicely, it'll say "well, this doesnt have a value but its an int so 0 makes sense"
@SergeyTelshevsky all of them. basically incomplete types would be allowed locally (in the scope they were created only) but you won't be allowed to pass them around unless all types are valid
@PhilSturgeon personally, I think it's simply unsafe, somewhere you may miss a conditional in which you set any of the values and you'll get an unexpected error
But I had another idea. You could have the properties table allow variable sized. Concrete type props get the single 64-bit slot for the value (getting type from property-info), while non-concrete types get a couple slot for the full zval struct
@PhilSturgeon type an interface property, then call a method on it somewhere in another method.. requires at least an anonymous class default value which will throw an exception, I think it's too complicated
So what if you introduced a new field to the zend_reference struct, to hold the zend_property_info it's binding to (if any). It'd make references bigger, but hopefull references are becoming less popular anyway.
@Sara I think if you didn't hurt performance in the general case, it's perfectly valid to say, "if you do (x, y, z) and don't do (p, q, references), then we can use this shiny new optimization and it's faster and more memory efficient"
@jbafford we could convert an integer string to int when casting an object to an array (and vice versa on the way back), but then you've got another problem when it's greater than PHP_INT_MAX... which just pushes the edge case around, imo
Here's a terrible thought.... If you take a reference to a prop that's stored value only: "Promote" it to the Properties hashtable and take it out of slotted storage. (Unless there's room to promote it in place because of another property being promoted out)