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Why does VBA allow Const MyInteger As Integer = 42 but not Dim MyInteger As Integer = 42
it's still used ...
excel...... unless there is another/better way to script excel..
long live VBA!
it should work if your variable is myInteger
but it doesn't oh well.... separate lines work for some reason
please try to start your var names with lowercase
// coding semantics
Do you really think that is my code? Who would do MyInteger really bad variable name in my opinion.
Not decriptive at all MyString MyDouble MyArray
hmm, markdown converters should be converting • to · (or something), right?
@William you gave that variable name. If it's from a tutorial, then see it from the tutorial's perspective
@AwalGarg supp
@KarelG Yes the tutorials are listed for VBA but code like I posted above doesn't work from there examples. I think they mislabeled it and it is VB.NET.
@AwalGarg • if it's done in UTF-8 format
@AwalGarg I wanted to ask some things man. You on?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Got some questions about my application. Would you be able to help me out a bit? (Like I need some logic help).
@FlorianMargaine I have no idea how to implement forkstream. Going to kill self. Was nice knowing you. kthxbai.
@Zirak Hey man, ever used NG or NG2?
please don't ping everyone ...
Too busy killing self
i can provide you a rope
@KarelG Lol, don't kill him. He's a valuable asset.
@Zirak ?
just curious... do happy faces have, like, other body parts as well?
@FlorianMargaine I don't know how things work. How to draw svg in X11. How to write good UI that's not in html. Fucking magnets how do they work
@AwalGarg glares that's racist
only a stache
@AwalGarg ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Zirak nobody cares about UI
@Zirak drawing an svg is simple, duh
@Zirak the "fucking" should be with UI, html, X11 and svg, not magnets.
@Zirak At least you can do it in HTML, right?
@Zirak magnets use your mom's weight to balance each other
Whoa, look at Florian solving all of the universe's most important mysteries
she acts like gravity
she influence Earth orbit
@SomeGuy 42
she influences speed of time.
Do you mean 42 is the weight of yo mama in planetary tonnes?
@FlorianMargaine I want write things in window show pretty how do please considerate my doubtful needy
just use kivy
@Zirak Please revert back to me with the needful
!!afk researching the difference between profile, resume, cv, their and there - will take 10 years and 5 million dollars
i never firgured the ¯
which code is that ?
following courses into big data ?
> Way #7 to subtly admit you're a pedophile
@MadaraUchiha that wasn't my high school experience, but I guess we would talk about when someone got pregnant. Nobody cared about sex.
@William I was about to ask whether you were schooled at a strict Catholic school, but even the schoolgoers there care deeply about sex.
@William US?
@MadaraUchiha Chicago
Maybe freshmen cared then I think most people thought it wasn't important
@MadaraUchiha true, cannot be truer
It was a private school though.... @Zirak not religious
it seems imgur isn't even hosting all their images (using fastly or something like that) or maybe it's just a way to replicate
WTF VBA what does this even mean Dim b: b = 0
i.imgur.com/jIQ9HsY.jpg well I guess I'm not alone
something like var b = 0
but why write it twice
no idea
It is actually kind funny because I had original thought you had to do
Dim i
i = Range(...)
actually but you can do Dim i:i = Range(...) not sure which one is better
there should be some js lib for excel :p
YES PLZ. Actually Micro$oft announced there would be a JS api released this year.
It might already be released but haven't found it and it certainly isn't built natively into excel.
I might try to do excel in html, starting to know well <table>, nah jk (would be easier on Firefox tho, with multi selection)
@MadaraUchiha so... everyone else is not doing it?
@crl You are joking. Google docs is okay if you are talking about that
Plz enligten
nah just something with table in contenteditable, FF allows to have mutiple selection (ctrl+click) jsbin.com/cacarew/5/edit?html,js,output or mouse selection
@William the : is used to separate the code
Dim b: b = 0
----- is equal to
Dim b
b = 0
it's a little piece, but sometimes it hurts the readability. But meh, i don't care since i don't use VB anymore. It's an annoying language. No sense, no soul, no ...
@KarelG thank you! Not sure why I didn't think of that.
would have prefered ;
wait till you see languages like haskell :P
@crl every serious website is using a CDN in 2016
they cannot host all these data eventually
@FlorianMargaine ah ok, good to know :)
makes sense to let a CDN do what they do well
@KarelG I thought VB was like Python and it had no line separator. Haskells line separotr is ; isn't it?
appimage.org this, and everything like this is so stupid
Is there a way to take a file on the user's machine and turn it into a blob object in javascript?
haskell doesn't use ; as line separator
@AwalGarg Do you not use portable apps on linux or Windows? I had actually looked into this at one point
@KarelG not what this says hyperpolyglot.org/ml
do you know how to compute factorial in Javascript / Java / VB ?
VBA plz don't do that, I'm assuming you mean VB.NET now understand
lemme call it VB because i don't respect that language
It annoys me because old sites refer to VBA as VB and new sites refer to VB.NET as VB
@KarelG well, it does use it as a statement separator
Even Micro$oft does this
but doesn't require it
it uses that in if branches
it's to mark the end of scope ?
no, that's }
@SomeGuy @AwalGarg @littlepootis youtube.com/watch?v=BVC2DqLSiL0&t=1h56m38s
is there any free active x plugin for firefox or chrome ?
hmm, i need to check the syntactic sugars
wtf activeX ?
Haskell uses either {} and ; or indentation and newlines
i just need to print though browser
wtf activeX is right? its dead. Microsoft doesn't really help others browsners
been for ages. But people keeps digging it up D:
how could i print though the browser ?
what crl said: ctrl+p to print the webpage
it just print headers
like page no and href
check your print settings ...
@underscore do you want the actual hrefs/urls or just highlighted.
i just need to print from browser
i have to print cheques
File > Print preview
it shows an example of how the webpage gets printed
can we get the print status ? @KarelG
like job complete
@Abhishrek better than grudge and conjuring and likes anyways
better ? lol
@underscore why are you using activex
i don't think activex really has that much fuctionality at least from the browser
i heard using activex i can control the printer
@underscore when you issue the print command, you will see a little printer icon on your system tray. With that, you can track the status
@fucksystemd how did you star that repo twice o.O
i have a set of cheques
i want one cheque print sucessfully
send next one and so on
using Javascript
@underscore activex support has been dropped from IE I wouldn't do something like. Why don't you give them a pdf.
You can control fromatting quit well that way
var s= null;
s.slice() // [] ... da fuck...
I have never gotten job status to work well on my own computers I wouldn't really on it even if you could get it.
pdf itself has a quality issue
@underscore What does that mean? You mean pixel density
pdf send an image data to the printer
@underscore Hmm You mean interpreted as an image?
@crl is that all the code? that's not possible
hm wait happens only on that tab, I'm stupid I guess
@crl Doesn't work for me
yea I was in a debugger breakpoint
and s was defined I guess, nvm my mistake
@underscore You can't rely on printer status in my experince I don't think I'm the best to really help
@underscore WTF you said JavaScript earlier. Sorry not the right person at all then.
it have print status libraries ?
i mean javascript doesnt control
wrote .splice() somewhere insead of .slice() :))
that's why i ask to use activex
i fucking hate that you cannot edit a post in google discussion group
!!google-groups or SO?
"I would like to create a web server with JavaScript" Prior to node.js lots of people would assume you meant Java and were confused.
You can make a web server in pretty much anything
I ought to make a web server in brainfuck... or maybe REBEL
@KendallFrey How would you have done it with JavaScript prior to node.js
Like Yegge did.
Or CommonJS
Heck, netscape server had server side JS almost 10 years before Node
It just wasn't common. TBH I have no idea why it is common now.
@William Probably would have either been compiled, or run with cscript
and the actual HTTP part would have been manual I guess
cos it's cool to run the same language in both sides
Code is rarely actually shared
@William how do you do your auth with node? Do you like this way:

same syntax maybe at least
yeah same syntax is nice also socket.io is nice
no and that express example isn't too (imo)
@SuperUberDuper hmm if it works... I've never done auth with node.js honesty.
JS specific library code is often shared, but I agree that userspace code is hardly ever shared.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think because V8 brought speed, and prior to that JS was considered slow? That's what I have read/inferred.
Yes but most people using Node don't or shouldn't actually care about that.
Yeah v8 is much much faster then Python
That's FUD
Anyone making things that are not realtime should have a cache in front of their site anyway at which point it doesn't matter.
That's why 80% of the internet is PHP and ~20% of it is wordpress.
Python is a language, v8 is a runtime - it makes no sense to compare both.
fine node vs python then
they probably meant CPython
node is also not a language, it's a platform. Node is used with JavaScript.
@William this is also my first auth app with node = > to heroku
Languages don't have performance charactaristics and tools with performance charactaristics like Node's in Python came out before Node did. Node was inspired by these tools.
And the bartender says, "Success, but you're not ready!"

So a JavaScript function walks into a bar.
@Elegant.Scripting Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Elegant.Scripting Are you referring to the nested function aspect of JS typically or the fact people who use node.js may not be the best of programmers.
@William people using NodeJS are typically better than people using PHP but that's not a good thing because it only means PHP is easier to get into :P
@William Lol, just an asynchronous joke. :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Whoops, still getting used to this chat. First timer. I love Node, if anything it makes more sense than PHP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum something something language runtime comparison something something
@Elegant.Scripting If you came up with that I'm impressed. its actually pretty good either way. Some people don't like node.js. I remember the node.js cancer articles that came out saying the asynchronoous functions were an anti pattern
l laugh at node haters
@William Credits to Neil Mansilla. Lots of people are afraid of change at first, even if it's more performant and scalable later down the road (which Node, at the moment, is both).
I don't like NodeJS :D
I'm not afraid of change (away from Node)
It has terrible debugging, virtually every server is susceptible to denial of service attacks, you have to worry about blocking at every turn.
@SuperUberDuper the way node.js is written internally is completely different then the way we use it. Some languages have threads or some variant that keeps you in the same mindsight. I doubt many die hard node.js fans use it on a regular basis and truly understand how it works internally but I could be wrong.
Lots of broken abstractions, lots of shitty userland libraries that sometimes work.
oh yeah, how do you debug node in production on non-cluster setups?
@William no one really understands how it works internally, well - probably ben and maybe 2-3 other people but that's it - and the APIs keep changing all the time.
@AwalGarg no idea, maybe like visual studio can remote debug c#?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure exactly
@AwalGarg you don't - even with cluster setups - the typical flow is that errors thrown restart the server - if your server takes 8 seconds to restart (good luck with that) and I find a single path where you accept JSON from the user I can just send you invalid JSON which causes it to throw which restarts your server - if you have a cluster of 2 machines with 4 cores each - I can DoS you by sending a single request your way every second.
@William lolno, have you even read the code?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know that... but... netflix?
@SuperUberDuper C# debugging is magical - you can go back, edit your code and reexecute it on the server - no other toolchain is even close to that.
@AwalGarg what about netflix? Node has some advantages + netflix are solving problems in a domain Node is sort of useful (realtime, stateful etc).
so how come call the cool kids use node instead of c#?
@SuperUberDuper visual studio takes like 10 seconds to open and create a new project in - it generates a ton of configuration files most C# developers don't understand and everything is just a little too magical - node is faster to prototype in IMO. Not to mention visual studio isn't open and until recently wasn't free.
Its like ruby and python cool kids use it
like me of course
i have about 1.5 years c# exp
@BenjaminGruenbaum The bare-metal debugging they did by peeking into memory techblog.netflix.com/2015/12/… - what if we create tooling around that?
@William ruby and Python are both very reasonable choices for backend - Python probably more than ruby.
thing is c# is tied to non unix..
@AwalGarg wow
@BenjaminGruenbaum I never particularly like Python and haven't used ruby to much. Python forced space indenting and lack of anonymous functions makes it annoying for me
@AwalGarg they did core dumps - that's incredibly low level and retarded - in C# they would have found all those leaks automatically with dotTrace and wouldn't have taken a single server offline. This post is precisely on why NodeJS can be terrible.
@SuperUberDuper that's FUD again.
@William Python has anonymous functions - but they're just not that big of a deal since it has comprehensions + it has async/await so you don't actually need them for concurrency.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, but once we abstract all that "low level and retarded" stuff, we get to do that "automatically" part in node too.
Also, it's not like you have code that isn't indented ever in any other language...
@AwalGarg so you're saying that if someone makes C# like tooling for Node it'll have C# like tooling?
lol yes :P
The tooling for C# is amazing, even if someone were to invest the hundreds of man years to make it for Node - it would still take years.
Hopefully node has some of that cool stuff eventually.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pythons anonymous functions can be expressions only and one lrine. Those are not anonymous functions IMO
@William your opinion is irrelevant since the term "anonymous function" is well defined. Python has weak lambdas - I agree with that but that's an intentional design choice. If you give me a JS pattern I'll show you how Python can replicate it without anonymous functions as expressively.
Remember, you don't need callbacks for iteration because you have comprehensions and you don't need callbacks for asynchronous actions because you have async/await in the language.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how does C#'s tooling compare to the intrinsic tooling of function languages, like say, elm or ocaml? I have been meaning to try C# for a while
@AwalGarg C# isn't "fun" - it's just productive.
It has much better tooling than functional languages IMO. IMO functional languages typically have the worst tooling.
oh, nice. Then I can stay away from it.
Yeah, F# is 'fun', but it's a lot less productive IMO. C# and Python are both very fun imperative languages.
c# is maybe like a glorified java :p, but those make probably the fastest servers
@BenjaminGruenbaum wasn't async an after thought in Python. I think I have only used it once
I want this hyperpolyglot.org for the Microsoft Languages
C# is like "well thought out Java"
I have a book about javaee7 at home :/
For those still in school I find it funny that the new textbooks often don't cover backwards compatibility they just give you the newest APIs or standards.
its a shame the average age of humanity is about 80
@SuperUberDuper why by that age I doubt I would want to do much
not enough time to be become a great programmer and enjoy the rewards
@William why would they?
you make all this money by age 40 or 50 and then..
@BenjaminGruenbaum So when I try to deploy my projects I don't realize it isn't compatible with my user base
How would it be incompatible?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I Java web developement class kinda silly where the teacher and textbooks examples use the latest apis and html/js standards. They wouldn't work in IE8(maybe 7) and the Firefox we had on many of the computers.
Why would they teach you APIs for IE8 anyway?
That's just silly :P
If anything the problem is courses teach older aPIs.
Old works. It doesn't matter to much.
my sat coding music:
hmm, no path.glob in node :(
my coding at work is not fun but well paid.
we do jquery, smarty, php and ie8
ie8 is still quit common yet it didn't even mention the fact the websites would not work with the apis
@FlorianMargaine ^ you can implement that too :D
i need some suggestion on phatomjs can anybody help
@striker_axel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
would you guys recommend to have login and register routes all build into a SPA? That would mean you could not need to worry about sessions like express does here:

How do I read/write a gist via JavaScript?
I saw the documentation but it's some sort of command line. Is there a way to do it with JavaScript ( I assume with ajax?)
why do all markdown parsers suck :(
@AwalGarg it's easy enough to implement node-side, no?
node.. WAT -> var express = require('../../');
@AwalGarg yeah, isaacs made a glob lib... it's going to be hard to add in node :) github.com/isaacs/node-glob
@FlorianMargaine A sane implementation in my mind looks like a parser for globbing
I need to take a file on the user's machine and upload it into google docs, so I'm trying to get a file reference to a blob object. Anyone have experience with this?
is there not a callback in the api? @McAdam331
there's no return
I'm not sure which API you're referring to. I think I've found something, though: stackoverflow.com/questions/14446447/…
trying it out now
fs api probly
> Note that symlinked directories are not crawled as part of a **, though their contents may match against subsequent portions of the pattern. This prevents infinite loops and duplicates and the like.
@McAdam331 client or server side?
@FlorianMargaine ^ >:( subtle annoyance, though
using input type file?
@FlorianMargaine wouldn't it be "better" to implement this in libuv, though?
Well I'm not using a form. I'm trying to do this automatically.
so you think client-side js could go and read your file system?
the only way to pass local data to the browser I know are paste, drop, input type="file"
When Trump says he'll make Mexico pay for the wall, maybe it's because they'll put it up for defense from the US
So this isn't something that's possible?
So we're looking for a way to automatically upload files into your drive when you download them
and we tried by intercepting the downloads and doing an ajax request to get the file from the download url and then upload it to drive
and this worked on a regular webpage, but wouldn't work on a chrome extension because we get this cross origins error. Basically chrome extensions won't let you pull for data outside your domain
@McAdam331 Is there not a concept of a sudo/root chrome extension?
I'm new to chrome extensions so if you're trying to point me too something in a non-direct way I'm not seeing it.
@McAdam331 I wouldn't make it a chrome extension but instead make a c# sharp app that watches the Downloads direct and waits for it to be modified.
Don't know about chrome extensions really.
You probably have already considered such.
@AwalGarg Is this chrome only? I don't understand what is does.
The goal was (for a hackathon project) to make a chrome extension that whenever you download an office file (doc, docx, xlsx, ppt, etc) that it would just automatically upload to drive and open for you instead of opening in the corresponding MS office application.
and, rightfully so, it's a pain trying to intercept these downloads and do something else with them, which is by design I'm sure, but I wish there was something I could do to make it work for demonstrations at least.
@McAdam331 Are there sure it can be done? I would use C# or C++ or C.
If I try to do it when the download is created by canceling it and uploading it to drive myself I am unable to make the HTTP request because of CERS (I believe that's what it was??) and if I try to download the file completely and then upload it I can't read from the file system.
Yeah. I'll look into another language I suppose.
Do you think a python script could be a good filewatcher for this? I'm on a mac, so C# not preferred.
@McAdam331 I'm not a fan of Python but node.js isn't to much better if you are not wanting the C/C# languages.
Hey if you use node.js then it is technically all JS :) Being that this is the node.js room
I feel like C is too low level for this project. I'll go through the drive docs and see what kind of APIs they have available.
Thanks for you input, William!
yeah that
I'm such a newbie. :(
This is what hackathons are good for though, I suppose.
I'm an Android dev - branching out pretty hard this weekend.
@McAdam331 That can be fixed by simply requesting for more permission. A chrome extension has more capabilities than your average js. See developer.chrome.com/extensions/xhr
@Zirak Let me try it! Thanks.
@AwalGarg why?
I mean, personally I see nodejs as a binding to libc, but nodejs maintainers don't see it that way, they see it as a foundation, and everything that can sanely be done in js should be done in js
glob can totally be sanely done in js, so it won't get in I think
@FlorianMargaine I mean, lots of async calls on the JS side seems like more chances of race conditions than if they were done on the C++ side. That's my perception though, I am not sure if the overhead really matters.
@FlorianMargaine I'm trying out stumpwm. I'm weirded out.
C-t is super uncomfortable
madebymike.com.au/writing/love-letter-to-jquery dear lord, please tell me this is sarcasm
he hasn't discovered dom api in 10 years
@Zirak oh?
anyone know a good way to make a SPA (with login, registration etc) with postgresql + node + express.

No crappy Mean stack, or passportjs
@Zirak get the swank lines in your stumpwmrc, then you'll be able to slime-connect in your stumpwm process, i.e.have an repl, run Lisp functions and see your windows change... cool stuff
regex101.com/r/cG2bA7/1 how to make this not match that 3rd match? halp plx
@SuperUberDuper I'd say react, for things like oauth it's not really easy from api only
better handled the classic way
I don't want to use oauth, just user+password
@AwalGarg Something Like this
dont care for react either
I wonder how gmail or google docs are done
they must have some templating thing

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