Yesterday I learn that : ), basically cat on keyboard with 1 rep user is spam if not 1 rep user its NAA... (however you can risking to get flag declined if mod arrives... but most mod ok)... This was directives from shog
In fact no profit, if you are new user you get hit hard... (since its assumed you are messing with SO), if you are established user you don't since its assumed the cat passed on keyboard.
@MadaraUchiha =) to me it seems that synchronized makes use of a semaphore under the hood, and in essence they provide the same functionality only using semaphores requires a couple more lines of code. Is that right?
@TimCastelijns Making your own semaphore object has the advatages that you can implement timeout while waiting for the lock, or have support for intteruption while locking
I have 1 logfile I regularly write 1 line to from various places in my app, this is done "fast" so timeout won't be necessary, I just want to prevent file corruption or whatever can happen when 2 threads try to write to same file
Meh, I need 30 more helpful flags and my initial goal is reached. Then I might start adding those answers to farm some more rep. to be able to close vote now... else I might get rene'd