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sd remove- edited on it
flag as spam.. according to shog rules
non-constructive / abusive right?
Both are same. Go for that.
no spam flag... (1 rep user, since today)
@PetterFriberg They are the main spammers. :)
Isn't this a comment btw: stackoverflow.com/a/16889294/462627
The same question.
Yesterday I learn that : ), basically cat on keyboard with 1 rep user is spam if not 1 rep user its NAA... (however you can risking to get flag declined if mod arrives... but most mod ok)... This was directives from shog
@PetterFriberg True... But asdksaddfdjfkljsdlgjls is never NAA / Spam. So it should be Rude / Abusive. Right?
@PraveenKumar It can be flagged as spam.
You should check the user if 1 rep flag SPAM (if abusive abusive, but there is not much difference), if high rep flag NAA
@PetterFriberg Create a ******* Flowchart plz. :D
I only do "flush" charts..
@PraveenKumar remember the No fun allowed rule-plz
@kayess That's no fun.
so what's the profit with letting your cat walk on your keyboard?
unless there's some hidden link, I just don't get it...
@AndrasDeak Sometimes, the cat can write a truly awesome answer.
In fact no profit, if you are new user you get hit hard... (since its assumed you are messing with SO), if you are established user you don't since its assumed the cat passed on keyboard.
Because the cat is so smart it also moves the mouse to the answer question button and presses post answer, because enter in a answer doesn't post it
@PetterFriberg I also don't get why we assume that established users are less prone to being idiots:P
Yeah more rep they get more ...... : ),
So Skeet is the most ...... ?
Yeah you better stay clear.... , why don't you try to tell him that his is wrong... I like to see his response. : )
@Tunaki Yes...
@kayess Don't talk about Gods THE GOD here.
@Tunaki maybe one should double-check the manuscript of the cat...
@Tunaki please take a look at this.
<h1> <h2>:D
@kayess That's a cat all right. You can tell by the title.
everyone knows the title should be <title>
that's like a very blatant audit for an edit
@Tunaki That's a dog!!! Not a cat. Cats are cute. :)
"My problem is that >SANDWICH BANANA COOL< I keep getting a segfault..."
@Tunaki Kindly see how cats code.
A: Creating Chart Using Angularjs

ShyjuAngular Js is not a charting library. You need to use some javascript charting libraries. Some of the popular ones are D3.js HighCharts Chartjs

A 75k user?
Er, how did you post the question? Are you a bot? Answer please? — Praveen Kumar 1 min ago
I would remove that^
@MadaraUchiha I know this Shyju user... This is insane. Flagging as NAA.
@MadaraUchiha HA! See my recent message
@PraveenKumar it is an answer, is it not?
@MadaraUchiha That guy is giving such answers on many subjects... even on dupes, etc. insane.
just a useless one
Yes it's a valid answer, because the Q is crap
@TimCastelijns Agreed.
Flags will likely get denied
Not vlq either
@PraveenKumar ^ ^^
@AndrasDeak Er... Downvote and move on.
yes, that's what I meant as well
And question is deleted
@Ferrybig too bad
And the question is Madara'd. :D
i want a pumpkin
@MadaraUchiha Some fuel for you: stackoverflow.com/questions/35576014 to burn... :P
there was much valuable insight there
don't care, i want my pumpkin
@SmokeDetector ouch
@PraveenKumar What's wrong with it?
that's a long list
ninja voteflagged
@MadaraUchiha Er... Now I really give up. LoL... <h1> title <h2>??? WTF?
i still haven't got my pumpkin do i really need to ask
@MadaraUchiha You deleted my comment? :P
Okay, you made it nice. :D
Maybe someone else did, I flagged it a while ago
@Tunaki Mention who! :P
obviously @AndrasDeak
Random musing: Should we remove the distinction between gone and postgone and have it behave more like postgone (to preserve history)?
@Tunaki :'( :'(
@MadaraUchiha I agree!
@MadaraUchiha do we want to preserve history?
I don't know, really.
Does it hurt to?
@MadaraUchiha We always have metasmoke for the post reasons
Well, yeah ^ this is a point.
@MadaraUchiha Wanna nuke another incarnation of Sam Sons?
postgone and gone only clean up the chat here
who's this guy?
@Tunaki Hopelessly again! :(
@PraveenKumar gone
@Ferrybig Right
And I see there's reverse chronological listing there too, so that works well for me
actually, maybe we don't need postgone
@MadaraUchiha Won't there be a big train of (removed), that cannot be wreked?
I've started just nuking the users directly instead of nuking the posts first, as it works the same from the anti-spam system's perspective
So I think we can get rid of postgone and just use gone.
@MadaraUchiha Good one! :D
@PraveenKumar They don't appear in the transcript
@ProgramFOX ^ hear that? postgone can be removed.
@MadaraUchiha Oh nice.
@TinyGiant Q: What have you tried? A: I have tried asking on Stack Overflow.
Actual quote from a while back ^
:D "A" for effort.
Ha ha ha...
@Shadow Don't you use the official cv-pls generator script?
I don't think we want that migrated to SU, what is the right course of action?
@PraveenKumar Why?
@TimCastelijns Nuke.
@MadaraUchiha Some times we are not sure if the post is closed or not...
@TimCastelijns Close and let it be roomba'd
Er... Sorry, it should be something related to CV-pls...
@PraveenKumar Smokey is about spam
I guess I am confused. Sorry, my CPU brain overheated.
Does roomba decide whether it should be migrated based on votes etc?
@TimCastelijns No, roomba deletes closed posts with no upvoted answers after 9 days
I always imagine a real little roomba in the server room
@PraveenKumar You should use water cooling, go to your nearest swimming pool, or take a shower
@Ferrybig Gotcha.
YAY! 800 helpful flags \o
Roomba'ing around
Oh so nice when a mod just nuke those post
Only 34 left to catch up with my rep. level
@kayess Yay!!! Same here.
Madara nuked it before I was able to flag
right there BOOM gone in a single flag
@kayess That! :P
A useful list (At least for me) would be a list of positively IDed spam users who are still alive
@PraveenKumar Congrats :)
@MadaraUchiha Im sure smokey has that.
@kayess Same to you.
@Magisch Smokey has a list, but she doesn't know if the user is dead or alive.
smokey's a lady?
@AndrasDeak A girl.
@PraveenKumar oh I see *wink wink*
@AndrasDeak pss: She's Sam's Girlfriend. :D
@PraveenKumar I'll go delete my posts then...:D
@AndrasDeak Ha ha ha...
@PraveenKumar 150 useful flags in 3 weeks here
@MadaraUchiha You are preventing me from farming spam flags D:
@Magisch Yea... Me too. LoL.
I crossed 800 today! Yay!
Onebox alert
one-box alert
@Tunaki java file concurrency: synchronized write method, or semaphore?
Nope, it is spelled one-box. You have it wrong.
@TimCastelijns Ugh, my 3 most hated things
java, file, and concurrency.
@Tunaki as if English had a pre-defined unique set of grammar rules;)
Got Madara'd. And fast. :)
@MadaraUchiha Do you just have a "destroy user" button under every post
Or are you actually an AI that operates at runtime speed
@Magisch I have it behind a couple of clicks in the user's profile
Oops, a cat pressed the "destroy user" button
@MadaraUchiha =) to me it seems that synchronized makes use of a semaphore under the hood, and in essence they provide the same functionality only using semaphores requires a couple more lines of code. Is that right?
How then do you nuke both user and question in like 5s
@Magisch well, he's Uchiha... :P
@Magisch doesn't the former imply the latter?
@TimCastelijns I honestly don't know. I just use pure functions and get thread safety magically.
My rule: Anything that runs concurrently across multiple threads has no side effects
No side effects = no thread mess
@Ferrybig Which cat? :P
@TimCastelijns Making your own semaphore object has the advatages that you can implement timeout while waiting for the lock, or have support for intteruption while locking
I can use an already implemented thread-safe reducer to accumulate the changes to the file after I'm done.
I have 1 logfile I regularly write 1 line to from various places in my app, this is done "fast" so timeout won't be necessary, I just want to prevent file corruption or whatever can happen when 2 threads try to write to same file
Meh, I need 30 more helpful flags and my initial goal is reached. Then I might start adding those answers to farm some more rep. to be able to close vote now... else I might get rene'd
But found my answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/16907992/synchronized-vs-semaphore thanks anyway guyzz
I cleverly circumvent any threading problems by making all my apps single-threaded
Wow that is indeed clever ;-)
Attracts LQ answer
@kayess I prefer to keep my browser installations free of such scripts
@Shadow Alright, I see.
And now it's time to garner some food.
food? Do bots eat?
@Tunaki Yes, pictures of cats.
@Magisch are all of those apps are event free? :p
@kayess They are mostly in c so they are the most important thing, java-free
What kind of apps are we talking about here
@kayess what do you know, lunch time here as well;D
@AndrasDeak Yep, it's the camera up on wall.
@user2314737 OP will be very sad when they get told "fortran"
Academic research probably python
The question also requires some editing
Gogo, tactical nuke
@TimCastelijns unless it's HPC
still tehre
hang on

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