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it does the job no? I only need vdom
It does the job.
Why do you need vdom?
If you need vdom - use virtual-dom.
^ That so much
because a cms page model is vdom
oh ok, will check
I use figurative DOM.
doges are good owners, much possesive
@Feeds @FlorianMargaine if you disagree we'll talk about it.
Alright, thanks.
If I do, I will post it on Sec.SE anyways
@Feeds @BenjaminGruenbaum you vouch for him
If he starts acting up hit him
@MadaraUchiha no problem @Mosho if you mess up you'll write jQuery+WordPress for a week <3
@MadaraUchiha no thanks I don't wanna die
@BenjaminGruenbaum Perfect.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm having an interesting discussion in the PHP room about their implementation of Promises
A library called Aerys that implements an event loop with Promises and coroutines
@BenjaminGruenbaum he was removed because him and @phenomnomnominal were having a pissing contest.
@MadaraUchiha I know, Dan's, I've been following it for like 2 years, I heavily influenced their choice to go with coroutines and promises. We're friend and shit.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They have Observable events mixed in their Promises :|
@rlemon I know, I talked to him about it and he said if I don't readd him I'll get my my ass kicked promised to be a good boy.
@MadaraUchiha yeah, I didn't do that part.
so what about @phenomnomnominal?
Their resolution handler takes the signature function($error = null, $data) {
I dunno, smells bad to me :P
@rlemon don't know, didn't talk about him - I'd add him but I don't have context and I don't want to do it blindly.
@MadaraUchiha it doesn't matter since they have coroutines.
but, you just blindly...
you know what
never mind
play favoritism
@rlemon no, I talked to @Mosho first regarding what happened. I didn't just re-add him.
yea, you talked to the offender, one of them and not the person who removed him
this room ownership has gone to crap
Yup, I agree.
We have a general culture problem but won't talk about it.
What do we need to do to stop this crap?
Kick all the ROs but me?
sweep out owners
Which is fine, as room owners have no real power anyway.
too many current owners only show up every so often, generally make things more dramatic, then leave
which is rael
So let's step up and just remove them
@BenjaminGruenbaum let's talk then
If they throw a hissy fit, they shouldn't have been RO in the first place
inb4 cleanup the list like we did in room 11: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/16442907#16442907
If I was randomly removed, I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't rage quit.
@SterlingArcher okay, @BenjaminGruenbaum I like you but IMO you've only increased the level of drama lately.
So remove me if need be, if if makes the room better
@BenjaminGruenbaum why does he need to be an owner?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Am I the only one who kinda likes the .then() syntax more than coroutine syntax?
@MadaraUchiha probably.
@MadaraUchiha absolutely
I feels somewhat wrong to mix sync and async code like that, especially when looping and stuff.
@rlemon lol, not gonna happen.
I believe no here had chance to work on report viewer at all
how is it without the then? coroutines? never used that
I said I think you've increased the drama level and you respond with "not gonna happen" ??
@crl yeah, yield
oh ok, thanks
@rlemon this discussion, right now, in this forum.
why not?
@FlorianMargaine well, because he's been a part of this community for a long time - and was removed for a pissing contest who didn't really affect anyone but him and another user.
you do not get to make all room decisions
I'm not trying to make any room decisions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum and all the SO mods
okay bud, keep telling yourself that
let's vote for room ownerhips
Is this room for sale ?
@Mathematics yeah, $10,000 and it's all yours
@crl you wouldn't get a vote anyway :D
wow so drama
my big problem is you playing "room dad" then telling everyone they're wrong when they call you out on it
can we all just lighten the fuck up
hehe I don't want to be one anyway
@SterlingArcher what about vat ?
throws lamp
@Mosho Reference game on point.
@Mosho lol you saw the detention slip
2 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@rlemon lol, not gonna happen.
Can we at least make something happen?
you are a bad owner imo
and I vote we remove @BenjaminGruenbaum
Remove uneeded RO's first, then tackle personal issues?
I wasn't as active for a month and when I came back the room culture went to shit. The room rarely has any discussions about JavaScript or web development.
oh shiet
@rlemon make me owner and I'll remove ya all
@BenjaminGruenbaum in all fairness, I've talked about JS way more than I've trolled this month, thanks to my game
@SterlingArcher I haven't blamed you
Look at the starred messages - it's all imgur links and trolling.
^^, room too much OT
When was the last time you've engaged in actual interesting discussion about coding or JavaScript in the past few months?
Talking to lemon.
This room used to be full of people who care about building cool things in web technologies, you used to churn out cool codepen examples and build cool stuff. Loktar used to too, there was a whole community here focused on constructive learning.
Now it's all reddit links and imgur.
Hate watching so many good developers wasting time chating crap and crap developers doing all of the coding
I'm not the only one who noticed, I'm just sticking around - other people just leave.
Reason people aren't active is because this room is full of spam, even the "active" room owners feel uneasy about how much shit and OT we have in this room.
I often prefer vamps to OT
@BenjaminGruenbaum I help people in here daily.
you sweep in with some cool links and shit... but often it is followed up with drama
not always, more recently.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I got a job where I can't spend a ton of time making pens at work :p
the room hasn't changed, you may want it to be more pure... but it has always been this way
No, it really hasn't "always been this way"
@BenjaminGruenbaum anything un-cool?
I've still created stuff.. in face something I made a few months ago was just used by national geographic.
Open a random day a month ago, open a random day in 2013.
@Loktar yeah, if I'd just have more time to do cool stuff again :(
@rlemon I have to disagree with that.
... I just don't create useless pens as much.
@Loktar no kidding?!
I'm not too active because of that lack of time in here anymore too, but I agree with Benji
@Loktar oh ffs I'm not blaming anyone in particular.
well.. you mentioned me by name
so of course I had to defend myself
@MadaraUchiha in the past 4 years this room has never been stricktly OT. we've had dips and turns where more trolls than normal join. but it has always been a mix of OT fun and help and discussion of JS
@rlemon is all over my ass for "creating drama" because I want to create discussion about the situation in the room, and calls me "room dad" whenever I exercise my RO powers in the slightest.
@rlemon And recently it's a lot more OT than JS discussions.
you make decisions on behalf of all owners and when we call you out you argue
shut up, both of you
We've become Longue<JavaScript>
IMO, there is the same JS discussions, but in between there is more OT
Stop starring Madara
Guys, get a room. Honestly.
@rlemon Name one decision I've made "alone"?
Adding Awal as a room owner?
@BenjaminGruenbaum re-adding @Mosho, adding @AwalGarg, moving discussions away from this room
need me to go on?
@KendallFrey you ain't gonna come back to C# room will ya ?
@Loktar I added awal as room owner after he was voted for in a room meeting and declined, and did so after several months and after other room owners added other people.
@Loktar me too
@KendallFrey I think this is a discussion that we need to have, one way or another.
@Mathematics I never left
@rlemon what discussion did I move away from this room, is this whole thing really about ES room?
And I prefer the spontaneous one where everyone say what they think clearly, than way for a meeting when everyone forgotten their claims.
you've tried to move discussions away before, including this discussion
@MadaraUchiha If so, it needs to be in a fashion other than two guys going for each other's throats.
@KendallFrey If that's not possible, I'd like a bag of peanuts, at very least.
When the hell is ST3 going to be out of beta? I would like to buy it.
@rlemon right, because this discussion is completely off topic for this room - users who'll come in will find it super confusing. I wanted to schedule a meeting where we can all discuss it and not just people who are opportunistically here. When I scheduled room meetings people didn't show up.
@Waxi no more dev on ST, it's a dead project
@Waxi lol perma-beta
@Waxi it is stable now. I've not run into any bugs in a while.
Wait ST3 is a dead project?
The meetings don't really work
They worked for half a year.
That's my favorite text editor :/
I mean they do to an extent, but not everyone shows.
since they are held when people aren't at work, ect.
they do and don't work. because ^
@Loktar they're on Saturdays and give people an opportunity to discuss things as a group.
They work when people show up
When people don't show up, it means they don't trust "the system", the system is us.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah but Saturdays is when the room is at one of its deadest states
Right, but owners can show up just fine.
the times I haven't shown up is because on the weekends is when I get my running around done
@BenjaminGruenbaum When people don't show up, it usually means they are busy with other things.
so much drama
10-5 I'm pretty much not at home
This is what happens. Drama, talk about meetings, we're gonna fix it... nothing happens.
Did you at any point ping anyone and ask for a different time?
It's just a circle of crap
everyone did
@SterlingArcher then let's fix it.
gonna be simpler
there was never any times that worked for everyone
@KendallFrey If you can't show up for a meeting, don't complain that decisions are made without you.
@rlemon and it moved several slots.
Gonna need 50 more meetings and 200 more emails before we make progress.
@MadaraUchiha Don't think he was complaining
and there was never a time that worked for everyone..
@MadaraUchiha I won't
We can't make decisions anyway
Especially when you don't announce beforehand (not you specifically, but this happens all the times)
Well I for one, will stop posting imgur and reddit links
At its core, we're still all friends and we all get along. We need to agree on clear terms.
@SterlingArcher :(
@SterlingArcher why?
I'm late to this discussion, anything worth noting?
Because I want my fucking room back
@Feeds That's gonna take some getting used to.
I'm sick of the weekly bickering
@Waxi If you care about JS, not really
@SterlingArcher you have a dedicated room for that?
@KendallFrey it has padding.
And if I have to give up something small like that? I'll gladly do it
lol there has always been off topic discussion in this room.
Myself @SomeGuy and a few others have been here pretty much since th ebeginning
people trying to change it are the issue always
The problem isn't with the OT discussion proper, we always had OT discussion.
Then I don't know what do do
At this rate people are just gonna rage quit
I suspect if this room goes strictly OT it will loose half of the regulars.
@SterlingArcher maybe that's whats needed I guess?
This room did lose half of the regulars.
People already are (rage)quitting...
Or are we somehow not acknowledging that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum the room goes through cycles
More than half, by my estimation
Person or group A is complaining that this room is not JS 100% of the time? Is that the gist?
@Loktar Every month? :P
@Waxi no
People prefer just quitting than dealing with the drama and I wanna stay and fight.
@Waxi not at all.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's the problem?
I wanna stay and get along
Person or group A is complaining that the culture and atmosphere of this room is declining.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. JS merely brought us together. How many of us are here to just hang out with eachother at this point? do we still help and talk about js when it comes up? yes.
What did I missed?
@MadaraUchiha Vicious cycle.
Anyone died, kicked or banned?
We need to make decisions together.
@Maurice @FlorianMargaine deROed himself
Lets be fair this started with @Mosho being added back as an owner right?
not that I care, since I like @mosho, but that seems to be how it all started
It tipped off this issue, but it's not the root of it
@Loktar That was the trigger, yes. But it's been boiling down there for a long time.
@MadaraUchiha I'm fairly new to this room, but guys in here have always been helpful. Not sure how that's indicative of a decline.
@Loktar no, well yea, it tipped me off because I'll be honest I've been stewing about the owner issue for a while now
@MadaraUchiha He did what himself? -> sorry
@Waxi I think it's about the quality of the room in general for the regulars
I don't really know either, though
oh dear, why?
@FlorianMargaine you're not leaving the room, are you? :/
@rlemon aye. Same here. I hate the "lets change the room" discussions It's very frustrating.
Who'll help me with Lisp? :(
You can't force something that's organic in nature.
@SterlingArcher nope
Culture is something we can work on.
Lots of "let's change", but no proposed solutions
just setting myself aside of these drama
We used to have a really nice culture here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what needs to be worked on about it?
I mean who all is complaining about it?
Here's a proposal - let's do what worked last time when the culture went to shit.
Which was?
@FlorianMargaine :)
Clear the RO list?
Room meetings!
Man, you guys have this discussion every day now
As long as youre here Flo!
Let's have meetings, and discuss things together. Let's decide to be more constructive and not be dicks to each other.
Yeah, just get an agenda together and get it done
@Neoares I just went to toilet come back and room 17 is on fire?
@Maurice we're not on fire
And lets please be mature about it. If you think someone's behaving in a way that's inappropriate, tell them, and we'll try to fix it
On fire is kicking
Seriously, we did it before and we can do it again, we can totally fix this.
hey @cereal
There's a difference between shitters full, and somebody just blew it up real bad
one day meetings don't work. "you can show up or not" is fine and all but if you want everyone to participate lets figure out a forum where everyone is encouraged to participate
Hey @AwalGarg
where do you host your arch linux server?
@Maurice yep
Anywhoodles, I gotta run get my car estimated. PHRSNG shall rise once more!
@rlemon works with me, what works for nodejs/moderation is a private GH repo where things are discussed. We've been able to discuss things really well there.
!!afk collision shop
@Cereal Looks right, you get it working?
Those meetings are always at a time I'm doing other stuff. I'm sure that counts for other people as well.
@Cerbrus for most it seems
@DharaniDharan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Same here
Yeah, same here
that was my problem.
@Cerbrus the same
I guess a repo could work in that situation
@Cereal wait do they provide a VM or did you migrate from some other base?
@rlemon how do you feel about a GH private repo?
@AwalGarg They provide a vm. You just pick a distro from a list and it spins it up
@BenjaminGruenbaum For discussions?
I don't mind trying it. I'm just pointing out meetings don't work due to times.
@BenFortune Yeah
and it seems people are in agreement
damn I should have picked linode then :(
@MadaraUchiha yes
ok thanks
@Cereal Awesome, how you finding it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum We tried a mailing list, didn't work
Actually, I think I never even attended a meeting.
Maybe GitHub with a more familiar interface would work better.
If you guys, for any reason, start an impromptu room meeting, I'd like to be pinged so that I have a chance to look
@rlemon mailing list is a lot less convenient and it's mostly public.
Worth a shot IMHO.
@BenFortune I'm fumbling around in the dark and getting frusterated
also, I'm for opening up the discussion for everyone in the room and not just RO's
which is the easiest way to debug the javascript in browser. And also i want to edit the javascript code manualy to verify the chnages?
@rlemon So public repos
@rlemon that could be problematic when discussing moderation issues.
Fair enough
@DharaniDharan F12 is easy peazy
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why?
Do we have anything truly private?
@MadaraUchiha because, discussing kicks' legitimacy is an issue.
@DharaniDharan F12, developer tools, and set breakpoints or use the debugger; statement to force trigger the correct line.
When discussing problematic users, I think
@MadaraUchiha GH private repos are pretty good.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think it is.
@SomeGuy I can agree with that.
Skype is just as bad as a meeting on chat
@BenFortune is the controller only ever run once?
Transparency is definitely better.
That's what I meant.
@Loktar 100% agree
Does it act as a constructor?
I'm for full transparency
@Loktar we can have two, like nodejs
When we do have a user we need to discuss, that can be done in private, but that shouldn't be the norm.
that is a super edge case, really.
often it is the same user just 6mo later
Moderators don't discuss details of suspensions, to preserve the user's privacy.
@Cereal Yep, should do.
(in public, that is)
@Cerbrus ok. Then do another room, called JS Meeting. The users who got time can join and talk about stuff. The others can read it later and comment / vote..
I think that kicks are somewhat the same.
@Maurice that's what we have done.
You don't want to signal out specific users in public.
I'm for a public and private repo
@Maurice we did that for like 6 months and it worked, we stopped doing that because we can't work out time.
private only when discussing specific users, and public for everything else.
Let's start with a public one.
Right, I'm for that too
culture xD
Now, what's the actual issue?
You want to discuss.. via GitHub? Did I miss something?
Lack of popcorn, @SomeGuy
Or is it for the notes only @BenjaminGruenbaum?
BRB - Just wanted to say: I love you all! xoxo <3
From what I can gather, @rlemon and @Loktar have a problem with @BenjaminGruenbaum being...too administrative?
JavaScript room meta
!!afk Smoking :)
It probably doesn't help this room is one of the most popular ones. You can't please everyone though!
oh shit I got lumped into that! haha
but I do agree @SomeGuy
I feel like anytime there is drama @BenjaminGruenbaum is around :p
just going to be honest.
@SomeGuy I definitely do. I don't want him to think it is like me not liking him or anything.
@Loktar Haha, as I said, it's from what I gather. Feel free to correct me
As long as I can ask my noobie questions and get answers, I won't complain.
Any time there's drama, @CapricaSix is around, too... *Glares*
@SomeGuy eh I was just not trying to add fuel to the fire so I didn't come out directly.
@Waxi Count your days :P
would you not even complain when you get noobie answers ?
shit, they know my secret!
@SomeGuy I totally get @rlemon - I'd rather not do things on my own either. I feel like I'm reacting through lack of communication. I think we should work on communication.
A public repo is a step towards that.
@Loktar If it's a problem, we'll try to fix it
Well damn. Talk about walking into a shit storm.
now, back to coding.... anyone used the rpi camera module???
Suggestion: Adding someone as RO should be discussed on with at least X existing ROs.
where the hell is that mounted?
we are now flooding the chat with non javascript related things
@KarelG That's fair, but would I know a good answer from a bad one? The answers I get appear to be good.
@Cerbrus Alternatively, at least N :+1: on the GitHub repo
Just a slight remark: there's another chat server with both public and private rooms, with SO user authentication and also with a survey command making it easy to handle votes. IMO it could be used to discuss this room's policy
@DenysSéguret :p
I think I know this chat you speak of
@DenysSéguret right
@rlemon I just thought about that when wondering how voting could be properly handled on the issue opened by Ben
Is there any good git tutorial?
So that whole dual listbox thing I was working on last week? One of the low rung users called yesterday demanding that I revert it because it was 'Too different and they couldn't use it." I told them no, that was was the requesting individual who was well above their paygrade requested this change, and all other users enjoy it. Apparently instead of accepting that they'll have to get used to it, they wrote a scathing scathing letter to our president and cc'd a bunch of big wigs.
good for beginners to be precise
Supposedly said individual no longer works for aforementioned Fortune 500 company.
!!tell Mr_Green google git learn branching
@Mr_Green That first one
ok thanks
@Mr_Green Did you look for Git Good?
@Waxi that can be a caveat :P But in most of the situation, we're helpful. Of course we're sometimes trolling. That's one of the reasons why this room is good
I didn't look for anything
just was watching some git videos on youtube
not getting anything in mind
not sure if video tutorials is helpful at programming related topics ...
If you're going to ask questions, it's usually good form to at least spend five minutes researching it yourself.
i usually don't advise these.
@KarelG works great for some people
There is a lot of knowledgeable people in here...I just hope that stays intact regardless of what plays out with everyone's drama.
Got to go, see you guys later
drama can occur.
* looks to kendal and jhawins *
I hate lmgitfy users :/
@littlepootis secret
> Enable JavaScript to use LMGTFY
i would caress him
@KarelG What about us two? The only drama we have is me calling him a redneck
and me calling you a redneck :D
both of you usually get involved in drama often. But it's not a problem. It sometimes leads to hilarity
the Canadian Version
how are you chatting with JS disabled?
@Mr_Green he enables it for some sites
What do you call a Canadian Redneck? Just a Redneck? A moose mounter? A syrup sucker?
too precautious
@rlemon yeah :)
Should we pin the GH repo thing?
OMD the number of mails I receive from GH...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum of course
I use curl, download content, read the source, make sure they're not tracking me, and then visit the site on a js enabled browser
@DenysSéguret my phone's gonna blow up
@littlepootis Interesting
GH issue system is already bad for managing issues, I doubt it will be good as a forum or chat system...
How many levels of staff are in these chatrooms? 2?
you have room owners, but also moderators
There are ROs and users
@DenysSéguret it's actually really good for nodejs
And there happen to be some mods here
I'd imagine room owners promote mods, but who has the authority to promote to room owner?
There are room owners, which is essentially a dude that can kick and move messages and shit, and only @MadaraUchiha is a moderator, that's more system-wide moderation of everything. Like a super-powered owner.
@Waxi no, mods are gods
user -> owner ->->->->->->->-> mod
@DenysSéguret We all just need to sign the "Please fix the issue system" petition
Well, the only mod we actually see here, regularly, that is.
speaking about spam...
@rlemon Accurate.

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