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9:00 PM
			.pipe(replace(/\>\s+\</g, '><'))
gulp minify HTML :D
I don't even care
you should be ashamed
I'm too lazy to learn flex and whitespace between elements was being rendered
this was the easiest solution
9:01 PM
I already include gulp-replace
using that lib would in fact be more work
you suck balls
you heard me
since when do you need a lib for replace
go suck a croissant
9:02 PM
go suck a caribou's dick
Adobe Flash being renamed to Adobe Animate
@FlorianMargaine your mom is in France
cc @BoltClock if you haven't seen that already since we were just talking about what replacement tool there is
@Trasiva go suck a moose's dick (source)
9:03 PM
@FlorianMargaine who pissed in your whatever-french-people-eat-instead-of-cornflakes?
@Loktar woohoo! news of the year! ... 2007
baguettes, i assume.
@Luggage this morning was boiled egg on ham with roquefort
and obviously some toast
France doesn't like Canada because we keep trying to give them Quebec
It's understandable
9:06 PM
yeah, suck it up and keep your 200-years old french
No one wants Quebec, not even Quebec.
(they speak like french did 200 years ago.)
Quebec wants Quebec
they just don't want anything else
@FlorianMargaine That's some tasty cheese!
@Trasiva it is
9:06 PM
@FlorianMargaine with 200 years of english bastardization
@Trasiva far from the worst though :)
@FlorianMargaine What editor was that gif from?
@FlorianMargaine I was really hesitant the first time I tried it, I'd had some really funky goat cheese before and it wasn't very palatable.
I'm so excited... my CPU is coming in today, I get to build my PC
see what 144Hz 1440p really looks like :)
@Luggage atom
9:08 PM
:( aaaaaaa crap
so the menu to this monitor is all chinese
and I don't know how / if I can change it
@rlemon you need the menu?
wanna tweak contrast
@rlemon D'oh!
@rlemon google translate via camera
9:10 PM
When the hell did Nerf guns get so expensive?
Still cheaper than legos
Nerf inflates their prices because they're using children to model new weaponry R&D
Excess profit goes to R&D development.
Aka Nerf is planning on entering the arms race
Seems legit
9:12 PM
hm.. doesn't seem to work with chinese
Up to 95 feet away
Yeah, now imagine that but metal or carbon fiber or shrapnel
That's a 50 combined potential 50mm shell machine
Damn roboturrets
@SterlingArcher You know we already have better toys than that...right?
Yeah lol we had railgun technology what.. like 10 years ago?
9:15 PM
Unclassified this year IIRC. That means some brutal top secret weapon is out there lol
The Navy's new railgun? Fucking SEEEEEEXEH.
AngularJS experts, I have one page that contains a ui-view. When you visit that page (/user/), it loads /user/login template into the view by default. You can hit signup, which will load the signup (/user/signup) template into the view. However, if you directly go to /user/signup, it shows the barebones form. Is it possible to show the /user page with the signup template (loaded in the view) when a user goes to /user/signup?
Well now
That's shockingly accurate
9:17 PM
@rlemon great now that will always be in my head
I always hump pepsi
"penny for your thoughts" "not a fucking chance"
@SomeKittens was fun
@rlemon ermahgerddddd
@AwalGarg okay PHP is very nice
9:18 PM
although... fuck stealth mode lol
@Abhishrek wat
@Abhishrek what's the 18th? when you arrive or some planned event?
are you drunk?
@Abhishrek go sleep
9:18 PM
Out of context
@SterlingArcher how exactly do you fuck stealth mode
@AwalGarg err nice in the sense, I now know what NOT to do
with the VPL
ahem. maybe not
spent the past 20 hours comparing php, python, javascript, java, C++
PHP is the sperm which shouldn't have made it to the outside
9:20 PM
very true.
!!afk vape n shit
wait wait no
!!afk thomas the vape engine
too late.
go toilet vape.
!!afk vape em if you got em
@Luggage more or less just a meetup and getting drunk
9:20 PM
i'll come hang out with you kids.
@Luggage you are not invited
he's still coming
Ofcourse he is invited
he's that guy
9:21 PM
then i'll crash your party.
Actually anybody who can make it to herndon is invited :P
@Loktar woa
JC3 hits reddit
i'll just drive around DC looking for a 'bro' and an indian.
9:22 PM
Also anybody in New York ?
@Loktar "must defeat DRM with GOG" they HAVE TO BE planning this
I haven't read much on it @rlemon I didn't play the first 2 too much tbh.
shrek is hardly Indian
^ Hey I am cheap. I just realized the difference while buying stuff with a foreigner. I felt so Indian ! (Saved us both > 500 usd)
all foreigners are the same to me.
9:22 PM
@rlemon well the devs are a part of GoG :p
so that is definitely planned
!!s/the same/better/
@AwalGarg all foreigners are better to me. (source)
yea, found it when you said atom. :)
@Loktar still funny to see the devs taking jabs at the publishers
9:23 PM
I chose not to install it, thoough.
I tried it.
fun for first 2 minutes
yeah. Witcher 3 was the best. I played it uninstalled it and let Jacob install/play it
@Abhishrek you have a job over here or just going to school?
exceptional as a prank
The extension chose not to be installed by you.
9:24 PM
And the physical vs can be tied to gog as well
@Luggage undecided my GRE score is 327 which can get me a good college for masters
but I have no clue how will I pay for it, and pay for my expenses in states for that time frame.
GRE? Give Random Eggs?
well, are you allowed to work?
Also I am participating in 1776.vc with a partner
9:25 PM
@rlemon Please tell me this is a Ziploc tech demo
@Luggage on this visa (nope in US). But I can attend interviews & get hired & I can work from remote ;-)
ohh, like pretend you are back home working remotely?
@KendallFrey Comb Jellyfish.
what's zirak
@sfiore Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
9:27 PM
If I have a for loop, and inside that is a function, it won't go to the next iteration unless that function finishes completely right?
@sfiore @Zirak is love, Zirak is life.
@Luggage wasn't thinking of that. I cannot work for a US employer on this Visa.
@AmericanSlime not counting async actions, yes.
@Abhishrek ah, ok.
@sfiore you don't wanna know
but I took it for the event and to visit colleges, and have some fun with the money I made :D.
9:28 PM
@Luggage Thank you.
@AwalGarg ok..
@FlorianMargaine !!phrasing
@SterlingArcher phrasing ;-)
@sfiore an old ugly thing
I did guess a good topic..
Let's start a Meteor chat, bye
9:30 PM
@sfiore you need to date @corvid
@sfiore what's sfiore
@Luggage who is he?
some guy that is all about Meteor
and/or is forced to use metoer
Bianca Castafiore, the "Milanese Nightingale", is a fictional character in The Adventures of Tintin, the comics series by Belgian cartoonist Hergé. She is an opera singer whose demeanor comically aggravates Captain Haddock's stereotyped sea-captain misogyny as she pops up in adventure after adventure. Castafiore is comically portrayed as narcissistic, whimsical, absent-minded, and talkative, and seems unaware that her voice is shrill and appallingly loud. She is also wealthy, generous and essentially amiable, and has a will of iron. Her forename means "white" (feminine) in Italian, and her surname...
@Luggage and meet some kind of head injury which ensures that they both lose all memories of Meteor
9:31 PM
@Luggage he is forced to, interesting..
forced by who? money I guess..
"sfiore" sounds like an ancient chinese dragon to me
@Zirak Hello Zirak, sorry to doubt about your existence..
The potatoes are invading
@AwalGarg it is just s.fiore
9:32 PM
@sfiore oh, how do you pronounce your last name?
You're a wizard @Zirak
@Zirak The pizza is aggressive
@AwalGarg in italian
!!tr en fiore
9:33 PM
@KendallFrey I ate the pizza
@SterlingArcher I have the appropriate garments (cc @BenjaminGruenbaum)
@Zirak I pooped on the pizza
fiore is flower or the better is Florence Citizens
@FlorianMargaine That's just mean >:(
@AwalGarg ^ click the sound icon
9:34 PM
@Zirak a horse mask?
@Zirak you ate my poop
how did that feel?
we all eat particles of poop
@Zirak you're going to go to hogwards and get a wand and a bloody owl will deliver your shitey mail and you're going to have fun
@KendallFrey I put on my robe and wizard hat...
@FlorianMargaine Strenghening.
@AwalGarg the pronounce is f-e-o-r-ae
9:35 PM
me pukes
@SterlingArcher Those moogles don't even have google
Are you getting these references?
@SterlingArcher Ofcourse Hagrid.
my shell command is rusty :/ I tried cp -R /foo /tmp but tmp remained empty
(cc @KendallFrey) I can't tell if he gets it D:
9:36 PM
Ok guys, I understand there is no value added about Javascript here, bye
@Abhishrek :DDDD
@LuizFreneda Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can someone correct my shell line ?
(i want to cp the whole content in foo to /tmp )
@KarelG do you want to copy the /foo folder in /tmp?
or its content only?
9:37 PM
@KarelG sudo?
@sfiore value added? if you have a question, ask
@KarelG not in the Javascript chat!
@SterlingArcher name.md - Archer + Hagrid ?
@sfiore you can start a JS conversation if you want. steering the conversation is pretty easy in this room.
@SterlingArcher no.
9:37 PM
@SterlingArcher Do you feel it Mr. Krabs?
!!> javascript++
@crl "SyntaxError: invalid increment operand"
@crl "javascript+"
@KarelG you might want cp -R /foo/* /tmp
steering the conversation here is like steering a rabid donkey
9:38 PM
Ok, I have a question for all of you
not Meteor related please
I wish I learned sooner that i++ and ++i are different.
!!welcome sfiore
@sfiore Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
9:38 PM
@AmericanSlime oily fuck
he or she has already been welcomed
@AmericanSlime well, the i is in a different position.
@Luggage he
@Luggage avatar says he
@FlorianMargaine athanks. I thought that the -R flag knows that i want the child contents ...
I have problem with closure/Object
9:39 PM
do go on
@Luggage and he's "welcoming" again to show the "Please don't ask..." message
please go on
@FlorianMargaine ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
@KarelG you should have a foo folder in /tmp :)
Oh florian !
9:40 PM
!!> ( _=>'closure sucks')()
@crl "closure sucks"
Different position, but I just assumed javascript was being smart and figuring out what I meant when I used it. Never realized the differences until recently.
@AwalGarg Please refrain from using impolite language in javascript chat.
@KarelG -R is recursive. It means "copy all the files and folders under this folder too"
9:40 PM
In your opinion, what's the best practice to write Object-style code without the ES6?
langages don't figure out what you want, you tell them what you want
@Zirak I love your facial expressions sometimes.
@Luggage except english
What do you mean by Object-style code ?
programming languages.
he means classes.
9:41 PM
@Zirak are you hiding, Lenny?
A snippet speaks 10000 words. (although try to make it shorter than that)
well. that's what i want. But you have to point to the children of /foo to get it working :/
guys your mod went loose and is wreaking havoc
@Trasiva ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
@Abhishrek no, it usually speaks the number of words in the snippet.
9:41 PM
Sep 15 at 17:24, by Ranganathan Swamy
Sep 15 at 17:24, by Ranganathan Swamy
with all due respect
lol I remember that
oh great we could make it chat wide shitstorm not just in the lounge
@BartekBanachewicz lol
thanks @AwalGarg
@FlorianMargaine that was the joke ._.
9:42 PM
@BadgerCat I'm thriving on it, ain't I
@Abhishrek you're the joke
@sfiore i'll get you a good example.
I'm funny
I mean var pippo = new Pippo('pippo');
pippo.toString(); // My Name is pippo
9:42 PM
@Abhishrek HAH
@BartekBanachewicz I should make some popcorn
function Pippo(name){this.name = name; this.toString=_=>My name is ${this.name}} // that was hard
@FlorianMargaine and you monsieur are an accident :->
@BadgerCat Why aren't you in Mexico, soaking up the rays?
9:43 PM
@Abhishrek a happy accident, fortunately
@sfiore Not as catchy as Inigo Montoya
@BartekBanachewicz You mean drama in the lounge? Color me shocked.
@SterlingArcher haii
@Trasiva only two weeks!
@FlorianMargaine not for the rest of us T_T
9:43 PM
@BadgerCat how's school and copy?
We have to hand in a homework in one hour but we're reading up on the Longue's drama
Oh man, I'm stealing ass-cactus now.
@SterlingArcher Just had a thought BadgerGirl can copy to plagiarize her homework !
@Zirak Wait. YOU killed my father?
@KendallFrey (╯°□°)╯︵ /(.□. )
9:44 PM
omg I've been working so hard i forgot today is fail day
@BartekBanachewicz then you need this
I am your father
@BartekBanachewicz you are the guy who made the "bear vs bare" twitter account?
@Zirak The only appropriate response was "No. I am your father."
9:45 PM
For years I've wanted to do a t-shirt saying "My name is Scar! I killed your father! Prepare to die!"
@BadgerCat : hi
@crl that's awesome ok, so you completely avoid to inherit to Object, to use pippo.prototype.someOtherFunction and other stuff?
And another one "My name is Darth Vader! I am your father! Prepare to die!:
@Nick thank you
@Trasiva isn't it great
9:45 PM
@Zirak you don't want it anymore?
@AwalGarg no, that's me!
I'm literally lolling
@FlorianMargaine I gave up on the prospect of doing things in general
@BartekBanachewicz It's my new favorite, it now replaces twat waffle.
9:46 PM
@BadgerCat i love lounge drama
@Zirak my brother goal in life is printing on t-shirts
(well, s/goal in life/work/)
@sfiore seriously for doing inheritance, I'd use ES6 (never managed to learned well how to use prototypes)
comparison of es6 and es5 simple-ass-class.
9:46 PM
meh, Ed Cotrell is in the Lounge
@AwalGarg but Twitter suspended my API key for spamming
Jesus, the C++ room has two mods laying down the law?
i agree, use es6. It's the current spec and is awesome
@FlorianMargaine That was a sad sentence :(
What the fuck happened over there?
9:47 PM
@Zirak ... I sure hope for him that he has better goals in life.
@BadgerCat a show started airing here with the name "Bear the Bares" (or "Bare the Bears"?), that reminded me of it.
@Trasiva :D
@Trasiva two newly elected mods.
@FlorianMargaine Maybe we can copulate. Or do business.
@Luggage thanks for the pointer
@BartekBanachewicz I see you sharing my stuff in the Lounge...I feel dirty now.
9:47 PM
dammit I've been checking my credit card every couple of hours for my payments to be processed so I can buy the rest of my computer
still nothing
@Trasiva twat waffle was too good to let slip
@Zirak I'd rather the former latter.
@BartekBanachewicz Good point.
@AwalGarg Did someone say Bear?
9:48 PM
Oh man, I can't read deleted messages. I feel so powerless.
@crl my big problem is that I used to be a 'instance.prototype' programmer.. So I think opposite than you..
Could someone TL;DR what the shadow DOM is?
I can't even handle the Lounge right now.
@rlemon if you have to wait at a cab station and you're lonely ...
@Trasiva well so far 3 SO regulars were directly hit
9:50 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Sometimes it's easier to just sit it out and let the dust settle.
I wonder how the will look if Second Rikudo bans us all.
@BadgerCat 2.9
are the mods in the lounge? what's happening
@BartekBanachewicz it's Madara Uchiha now
@AmericanSlime I used to love talking about shadow DOM a while ago. Now I got bored of it.
9:50 PM
@KendallFrey drama
@BartekBanachewicz So let's go there..
@BartekBanachewicz I knew chat would be stupid if he got mod...
people shitting on girls, this kinda stuff
@FlorianMargaine NO SHIT
@AmericanSlime a secret dom inside of an element. For exmaple <select> could be implemented, internally, as a separate input and butotn but that's hiddedn
9:51 PM
@FlorianMargaine That's not drama, that's kinky
thanks to @Luggage and @cri
tl;dr whats going on in C++?
people are shitting on girls?
see you soon
@KendallFrey Except on the pizza
9:52 PM
I confirm ^
@FlorianMargaine no one said anything meant to be derogatory towards women, but mods like to read stuff out-of-context
@SterlingArcher still no modules
49 secs ago, by sfiore
see you soon
looks outside
grabs gun
@Luggage you breathed exactly 22, 583 times while you slept
9:53 PM
I breath ~6 times by minute
We'll keep that in mind
it's important
@Luggage Thank you.
@Zirak I fell in love with org-capture today
i have an idea; let us, the javascript people flood C++ lounge \o/
9:57 PM
@FlorianMargaine I'll throw some baguettes in the pit
@KarelG Do you think they would appreciate a JS bot?
Q: Angular loads individual views without parent template

DemCodeLinesI have one page that contains a ui-view. When you visit that page (/user/), it loads /user/login template into the view by default. You can hit signup, which will load the signup (/user/signup) template into the view. However, if you directly go to /user/signup, it shows the barebones form. Is it...

@crl try that at your own risk :p
(ng-question) Hi. Looking at this plunker / script.js file - Line #39 does not return a promise object but rather a regular object so it is immediatly considered as resolved. Later -line #59 uses this object. But at first - there is NO data. So who actually updates $scope.gists when data is available?
9:59 PM
@Zirak ╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻

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