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@rdlowrey I think if it doesn't exist you'll get back null
@rdlowrey at least according to lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_6/ext/standard/filestat.c#976 it should be always an integer… except it failed before.
@rdlowrey but what's weird is that you get null. filemtime() returns always false when it fails, never null.
Well maybe I have a logic problem somewhere. It shouldn't be possible to get to that point in the code if the file doesn't exist
@bwoebi presumable the php-uv thing -- I'm looking into Niklas's static file error
youtube.com/watch?v=cIC8FEccnwA #player (not rebecca, i promise)
@rdlowrey @kelunik are you running with php-uv ?
@ircmaxell a bug in 5.5.0, it seems :-)
@bwoebi nope, native driver
oh, okay then
posted on August 28, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frankie */

@ircmaxell no, stat(), not stream_stat()
Anyway, not a big deal. Should be able to work out the problem
@bwoebi same problem: stat("wrapper://blah")
@rdlowrey you busy?
@PeeHaa you know the drill, just ask and if I can I will :)
does anyone know of an n+1 query logger for PHP similar to github.com/flyerhzm/bullet
@rdlowrey Tbh I am partly lazy and partly not awake yet, but I have a method like:
public function foo(Concrete1 $obj1, Interface1 $obj, string $var1, string $var2)
    // doo stuff
@samaYo why ? :(
The $vars can be any number of items
any number as in "variadic"?
@rdlowrey reading source, no way a stat() call can return something non-falsy having no integer mtime array entry.
I have an array of vars basically I need to pass at the end of the method args
@bwoebi except for wrapper calls
How do I tell auryn to do just that. As in fill in the actual objects and append with my arrayh
@ircmaxell sure, but I'm highly doubting this has been a wrapper call…
@bwoebi why? that proves that there's a case that can do it
@ircmaxell well, wait… not even then.
@PeeHaa are you trying to execute that function or are those args in a constructor?
normal class method not ctor
Hello all - I am new, I just entered and don't have a clue about half of the things you are talking about here:) Can you tell me about this room and yourself?

BTW: I like PHP and learn Symfony2
And I don't necessary know the extra arg names
@ircmaxell in case of a wrapper call the php_stream_stat_path_ex() function still returns a php_stream_statbuf … [just a faked one then obviously.]
@PeeHaa auryn doesn't currently support defining an array to be passed as a variadic :/
Notice is worse or Warning ?
@rdlowrey well, actually. in case stat() returns false, you're returning null in your code… BlockingDriver.php:31
Good evening to all
Can I somehow use auryn to at least build specific dependencies manually? So making a wrapper to do it myself?
so, we get a fileinfo without a mtime set (auto-set to null) … probably some logic error down that road @rdlowrey
@rdlowrey Maybe we can add "..." as provision key for variadic args?
@ircmaxell yeah, auto-cast to long as you see? … with the struct first being memset() to 0. (in case the key doesn't exist)
@PeeHaa Just a normal $injector->make?
@PeeHaa normally you would do something like this:
@PeeHaa if you can build a closure, Auryn can do the injecting of the other things:
class bar {
    public function foo(Concrete1 $obj1, Interface1 $obj2, string $var1, string $var2) {
        // doo stuff

$fn = function (Bar $bar, Concrete1 $obj1, Interface1 $obj2) use ($var1, $var2) {
	$bar->foo($obj1, $obj2, $var1, $var2)
If you have $var1.... etc available locally.
@kelunik Ah ofc
yeah, fair enough
$injector->execute("MyClassFoo::bar", [":arg1" => "foo", ":arg2" => "bar"]);
thought it was allocating an array there for a second
btw - I had someone complain that they couldn't inject $_SESSION into an object with Auryn...
@Danack Yes, but I have variable number of them
Number of tests :   65                63
Tests skipped   :    2 (  3.1%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   63 ( 96.9%) (100.0%)
Time taken      :    5 seconds

I can leave windows now ... stupid thing ...
@rdlowrey I think I can find them out using reflection on string args
First class seats: 40, Booked: 30, #3 in line for upgrade. Fingers crossed!!!
@Danack wait, what?
@ircmaxell just curious… what does it depend on whether you're eligible for upgrade?
I'll try to wrap something up @rdlowrey @Danack @kelunik and push it to github so you can tell me I am doing it wrong soon
well, since this is an international leg, nobody gets put on the upgrade list automatically. I purchased an upgrade to be placed on the wait list
@ircmaxell good luck
first class is clutch on an international
@Danack I'm actually struggling to wrap my head around all the implications of doing this. I've often thought that there's plenty of scope for having an instantiable (built-in) Session class that uses the same underlying data store, which would make the whole thing a lot saner in many ways.
@ircmaxell so, you're paying just a tiny bit more for first class basically with a chance of not having luck?
@DaveRandom yes - that's what I do Disclaimer, code is awful and needs rewriting if nothing else to avoid a dependency hell.
i want to display my all facebook friends names n dropdownlist as my website.its working with my account only but its not working with another acc?any idea?
@Arundivakar I would guess a permissions issue - which you should be able to figure out by contemplating the error code that the API return you?
@Danack Oh yeh that's what I do as well, a built-in could pave the way for a clean road to deprecation though
@Danack Well, just don't use the internal session thing? github.com/Danack/intahwebz-core/blob/master/src/Intahwebz/…
@kelunik yes. that is also a plan...
agree ... the crazy magical nature of ext/session is a blight
Though locking in userland is annoying.
@Danak i didnt get ant error its working fine with my account but its not getting with another accout
Anyway @Danack disagree with this: github.com/Danack/intahwebz-core/blob/master/src/Intahwebz/… … I though agree that it's not handled optimally, but output actually should be streamed…
Question to Symfony2 Users
FOSrestbundle have a controller that have a method view ($datatoencode, $statuscode).

Can I change the response simply by putting different status code than 200? For example 404 or do I have to code it manually?
@Danack It's not that annoying, but I have to revisit my mutex implementation.
@rdlowrey 14:20 minute flight, so you can say that again
@bwoebi correct
@bwoebi I am taking 3 flights, the cost is refunded if none of the 3 get upgraded. But I already got upgraded on the first, so now it's just fingers crossed for #2
@bwoebi ....yeah, no. Session start needs to be called before your code is run. Outputting anything to the client shouldn't start until after the run, and you know whether you're going to have a 200 or other response. It fundamentally is bad to start sending the response before the status of the response is known.
@XSorcery fyi you're not being ignored, but I'm not sure we actually have any symfony users in here.
@Danack wait… you want to send a header but later conditionally revoke sending it?
@Danack The wrong thing here is just the body output before headers being complete.
@kelunik and hence PHP is assuming that headers are complete when you begin output…
@bwoebi No I don't. But calling session_start sends the headers including a status header.
@bwoebi Which is completely fine.
@Danack It does?
@Danack oh, does the call actually send the headers even if nothing has been output yet?
No problem I understand. It is tough for me cause documentation for this specific Symfony2 component is humble. So It will be probably even tougher to find anybody who know this stuff:)
I don't think it does, otherwise you couldn't send any other status code than 200.
I'm pretty sure, yes...and the status line is also sent - which means if you have an exception when generating the body, then as the status line is already sent, you can't change the status code.
iirc first output sends headers
@kelunik I heard that PHP sucks.
@Danack It's actually just the web SAPI.
It's rather HTTP which sucks here.
@Danack I heard that HTTP sucks
If you e.g. want to stream something over HTTP… and somewhen service gets interrupted, you can't change status either.
@Danack I'm pretty sure that's not true.
HTTP can be confusing. I am trying to build my first API in PHP (in Symfony) now. I just have 3 months since I wrote my first PHP script:)
I don't recall whether session_start() sends the headers or not
@rdlowrey yes
@rdlowrey I've always used output buffering to avoid this problem.
@rdlowrey 406 REQUEST DENIED
@Trowski a better solution overall is to structure your application so you don't have that problem...
@rdlowrey @Danack no, it doesn't force sending headers… at least I see no such logic in ext/session/session.c … it sets the header, but doesn't flush these off to client.
@ircmaxell So what happens if you send headers and something goes wrong generating the body?
first output sends headers
echo "Hello";
php-cgi that ...
@Trowski you don't output until the body is ready
that doens't mean you need to buffer
that means you simply don't output
@Danack I wanted to try it... Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function session_start() I'm not going to recompile PHP for that.
websockets don't have these problems btw ... you get to design your own protocol ;)
@ircmaxell Well right, I meant buffering in general, not necessarily ob_start().
@rdlowrey right, they have all sorts of other problems :-P
dang has anyone tried to implement Google oAuth in their site?
@rdlowrey Yeah, doesn't make it easier. ;-)
@rdlowrey that's like saying ZeroMQ is amazing! it's so light weight and simple to use! Yeah, because it sticks all the redundancy, scalability and durability logic into the client, so the protocol is easy, the implementation is HARD
@kelunik I cannot reproduce it now....it may have been an artifact of running PHP as an Apache module? Anyway I still just don't like the way that opening a session for reading has a side effect of setting headers.
Fryyydai fryydaaai, gotta get down on fryyydaiiih
@Danack Actually, IMHO, setting that cookie is a side-effect you're happy to have in 99,9% of cases. so that you don't have to manually bother about it.
\o/ @RonniSkansing
Right -- I get that ... but the problems everyone here is mentioning with HTTP are due 100% to statelessness
Oh wait. It has been friday for the entire week already for me :P
@PeeHaa \o/ yaay!
with websockets you aren't limited to statelessness
@rdlowrey well, not specifically statelessness, but the 1:1 ratio of request/response
e.g. if you're streaming data and something goes wrong you just send an error frame
@Danack Setting that header on read is the absolute right thing, sending it would be wrong. I can't say if it works as Arya isn't using session_start.
@JoeWatkins First I appreciate everything you're doing with pthreads, it's quite awesome. Thanks for taking a look, if the problem isn't solvable in 5.x the I won't bother looking into it. Reflection can be used in 5.x to determine if a closure uses static variables and just throw an exception, so I'm not too concerned about the issue.
It's more about a framing protocol that is built around streaming data
With http you only get one status "frame" ... you can't indicate errors midstream
@rdlowrey Which is a really nice thing now that I'm implementing the WebSocket code after having worked on the API before...
@rdlowrey agree… and doesn't HTTP/2.0 get that right too?
yes, actually.
@bwoebi no
> Peter Jackson’s attention to detail was so marked that he considered the 13,000 resident sheep to look ‘too modern’. They were moved out of shot and in their place 39 stunt sheep of a more ‘old-fashioned-looking’ breed were imported from the UK!
@ircmaxell you don't think?
@Trowski for simple cases it is, I think the last PR solved the simple case, but that's not real useful, for the complex cases you always come up against the same problems ...
@rdlowrey no, HTTP/2 abstracts the connection from the request/response. Meaning you can tunnel multiple requests over the same connection. But you can't sub-frame requests arbitrarially. You're still bound to 1 request/response in a client-initated way
@ircmaxell sure, but the specific issue I was referencing was the ability to indicate "something went wrong" after you've already started response output
@JoeWatkins The PR solved the problem of the event loop being stored as a static variable, that's all we really cared about.
e.g. in h2 I can send a RST_STREAM at any point in the individual response stream indicating something bad happened on my end
@rdlowrey and I don't think you can do that
@rdlowrey in the middle of a response?
I think so
   stream error is an error related to a specific stream that does not
   affect processing of other streams.

   An endpoint that detects a stream error sends a RST_STREAM frame
   (Section 6.4) that contains the stream identifier of the stream where
   the error occurred.  The RST_STREAM frame includes an error code that
   indicates the type of error.

   A RST_STREAM is the last frame that an endpoint can send on a stream.
   The peer that sends the RST_STREAM frame MUST be prepared to receive
@Trowski good ... also, you should use or at least test on seven ...
@ircmaxell after each frame.
@rdlowrey isn't that specific to the overall connection? not a specific request/response pair?
nope, there's a different mechanism for "connection level" errors that affect all streams
@JoeWatkins The plan is to have a branch targeted just for 7. I'll grab the latest pthreads and try it out sometime today.
fair enough, I stand corrected
That said -- we haven't actually implemented h2 yet so I don't have all the particulars locked in memory yet
@NikiC o_O?
Am I going crazy or is that code really saying that if the parent hints against Foo then the child can hint against ns\Foo?
@NikiC unless they are internal classes, in which case you can't
This code looks so unmaintainable.
This is why I much prefer functions with names describing what they check.
Then you just do a series of calls and it is easy to understand…
@LeviMorrison yeah ditto
There's some duplication there too. (not duplicated logic, just code)
Good code tells you what it's doing. If you have to think about what's going on it's not good code.
How do I get the scalar type using ReflectionParameter? I cannot find it in docs I think
> ./configure: line 53527: syntax error: unexpected end of file
@LeviMorrison buildconf crashed?
@Abe Shouldn't that actually complain because of incompatible signatures at compile time?
@bwoebi Maybe – doing a --force and trying again.
@PeeHaa getClass I think....
o.O that didn't fix it
@Danack GetClass returns null
@kelunik yes i believe that's what @NikiC spotted, no?
@PeeHaa you and your fancy PHP 7 code...
getTYpe returns :
object(ReflectionType)#3 (0) {
@Danack :P
@PeeHaa What do you want, exactly?
I think I remember it not actually being possible to get the scalar type from reflection
string @LeviMorrison
Cast it to a string then.
@rdlowrey Seriously?
@ircmaxell check it too 3v4l.org/Ptq2g
(string) $ReflectionType
(And no I'm not joking)
GTFO seriously?
/me tests it
@Abe Yes, I just wondered, because I thought it would be this: 3v4l.org/NC47N
Tracked it down to this commit: github.com/php/php-src/commit/…
Ah, that's what it was. Forgot about those reflection types
\o/ Thanks puss
@NikiC namespace test::ns1;?
@LeviMorrison yeah, that was the initial proposed ns separator
But it doesn't work anymore, correct?
Why doesn't ReflectionType have at least a getter fo this?
@PeeHaa For what?
@NikiC kill it with fire :P
So yeah, this is a leftover from back when the NS system worked totally different
@Abe That's what I'm gonna do!
@PeeHaa … it has a toString
Why would you want some other named method when it already exists?
A non magic method I meant
By the way, it's intentionally very minimal.
The real question is: why does it have a __toString method
@NikiC because you couldn't address root namespace directly back then? [basically the same ambiguity we have today for fcalls/constants?]
If we ever have enums or union or intersection types or generics or practically any other type then being specific just means rewriting the API again.
Fair enough
@PeeHaa For code generation from reflection, I think.
@NikiC Will be interesting to see if any tests break
@LeviMorrison that's the best when you have tests to verify incorrect code :)
"I fixed a bug and now my tests are breaking" is always fun ...
Feb 26 at 19:49, by Danack
The code was 'working' before it was tested, therefor tests break code.
@rdlowrey Yeah… stop misusing buggy behavior as features ^^
@rdlowrey I have one and the // FIXME is in the test code instead of the actual code. ^^
@PeeHaa seems legit
Did the implementation of 'Context Sensitive Lexer' get, er, implemented?
@Danack sure
@Danack Yes, totally breaks PhpStorm. :-(
sigh Friday is about inventing the new ingenious way to create a rebecca link in room 11 chat
impressive how long that tradition has held up, isn't it
I don't mind since it's blocked by me in the firewall rules. Just annoying a bit (:
@AlmaDo I assume you've blocked youtube so that nothing is displayed?
Is there a name for a technique where you use tuple in which first value is for successful response and second value for errors if they are present?
@bwoebi regex on the web proxy
@AlmaDo heh, someone make the rebecca.blackfriday site use https ...
Or in other words how do I use Option pattern in a way that would allow me to tell which errors happened and why I returned None and not Maybe something?
@nikita2206 maybe 'error second' as opposed to 'error first' which is a standard term.
@bwoebi doesn't matter
So are there failing tests on master that should be expected?
@Danack hm, yeah but that's js, I want to do just that in php and I'd like to make it more type-verified. Maybe there are already some libraries that you're aware of, like php-option?
(not XFAILS, normal FAILS)
I have 6 on Mac which seems higher than normal.
These all fail and don't look like they should.
Or how would you call such a class? Something like Response with two childs Error and Success but I'd like to come up with better names :|
Guess I'll look into them.
@LeviMorrison just look at the diff
@bwoebi I'm getting parse errors.
sure, parse errors are expected
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in %s on line 7
^ ns_094.phpt
Ah, I'm missing the errors.
that's pretty odd
Actually, it's an error mismatch.
Boy I'm having a hard time reading today >.<
001+ Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or \\ (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /Users/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/tests/ns_094.php on line 7
001- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'const' (T_CONST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in %s on line 7
I'd expect this to be breaking on other systems too.
git.php.net/… @LeviMorrison
sure your parser had been regenerated?
Maybe it didn't for some reason. Will touch the files and try again.
touch Zend/zend_language_*.{c,h,l,y}
./buildconf && ./configure --disable-all --enable-debug --enable-maintainer-zts && nice make -j 4
Type group use declarations should not allow override on inner itens [Zend/tests/ns_094.phpt]
Absolute namespaces should be allowed [Zend/tests/ns_095.phpt]
Group use declaration list should not contain leading separator [Zend/tests/ns_096.phpt]
It wasn't rebuilding it.
Forgot on Mac I need to specify custom YACC=
as said… ^^
Usually it rebuilds it… except I forgot to include that part.
just set YACC in your .bashrc and be happy …^^
There we go! All clean!
Any Woocommerce/ Wordpress Expert/ Developer here ? I am stuck with a problem and can't find the solution .. Please let me know if you can help. Link to my question : stackoverflow.com/questions/32272602/…
@VIVEKSEDANI you did not post the code with which you are having problems
> 0 votes remaining
@tereško Actually First I implemented in the shipping calculator method. It has a limitation that you can not know which shipping method user is going to select and the delivery address. So we can not be sure whether cash on delivery is available there or not.
@tereško Another problem was that in shipping_calculator() method, I did get the product details but don't know how to get the pin-code and the country entered by the user in the shipping calculator. Do you know how to get that information ?
@tereško Let me know if you need the code..
.. and another person in block-list
<3 nested assert()s 3v4l.org/5U0Bs
@Abe monstrous ...
@Abe assert(!assert($value)); // guaranteed to fail
Hi. ;]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
@JoeWatkins :P it is useful if you want huge checks to be skipped in production. that's more the job of a conditional compilation preprocessor thingy, but it works
that's what assert in general is for ... but why nest assertions like that ?
why nest code like that when it's not necessary ...
@JoeWatkins assert only takes a simple expression and i noticed sometimes i need more than that, OR it is just easier to read having a big check divided in more lines of code, so:
    if($x < $y || $this->bar || ...)
    return true;
I know, I wrote it ...
surely all of that nesting isn't from a real assertion
i know you wrote it :P yes it's not a real assertion, it's more a conditional compilation thing, but it works
markdown in here is pooh
it looks a little abusive to me, it's probably either the case that the pre/post condition is too complex because the method is doing too much, or that some of that logic should be normal business/validation logic ... but I'm probably wrong ...
I'm always wrong about stuff ...
/me shrugs
Aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhh TypeError not exception
This is going to be the last time I fall for that
@PeeHaa You're welcome.
Thanks Obama @Trowski
@JoeWatkins the method is indeed doing too much in my case but it's a borderline case. normally i would use a one liner simple assert()
@bwoebi What happens if I do something like $value = assert() and the assert is removed in production?
btw @JoeWatkins did you take a look at my post about DBC? news.php.net/php.internals/87758
@kelunik it's replaced by boolean true.
(and that true is then, if possible, optimized out)
Where can I find where php -v is handled? I would have thought it was just simply here but I don't see it
@PeeHaa search in sapi/cli/php_cli.c
(where the actual main function also resides btw.)
> public function offsetGet(int{NonNegative} $offset){}
did I do something so wrong that I deserve punishment, so you tricked me into reading that code ?
@bwoebi Ah yes. ty
@JoeWatkins hmmm???
was talking to @Abe
@FlorianMargaine lxr.php.net/…
yeah just found it. Tnx
Good morning Every body
@JoeWatkins why not?
@Abe looks really awkward to me ...
@Abe Having classes be able to extend scalar types would be far less insane:
My 41 hours of travel (including 23 hours of flight time) between New York and Auckland, New Zealand is about to start... #getcomfortable
@kelunik remember we talked about the composer scripts yesterday.. It wasnt that easy to exploit as I thought first
class NonNegative extends int {
    public function __construct($value) {
        if ($value < 0) {
         throw new \ValueException("blah blah blah");
that is why I am paying for the chance of an upgrade
I can't really think of anything better ...
@RonniSkansing why not?
Note: Only scripts defined in the root package's composer.json are executed. If a dependency of the root package specifies its own scripts, Composer does not execute those additional scripts.
@ircmaxell 23 hours to get to Auckland? wow
so the client would have to be foolish enough to add a hook that points to evil doer file
@ircmaxell It it's refunded in case of no upgrade anyway.
in the root composer file
@bwoebi 6 to Los Angeles, 14 to Sydney, 3 to Auckland
any required ones would be not run
@kelunik one leg was confirmed (the first, 6 hour leg). I'm finger's crossed for the second leg (currently 10 open seats and I am #3 on the upgrade list)
@ircmaxell oh, landing twice… well…
.. but I found another way to use the cached sudo after install as a required package
@bwoebi 12 hours in Sydney
@kelunik try sudo composer require skansing/composer-plugin-test
@RonniSkansing Didn't expect it to be that sane, given how composer uses HTTP if HTTPS is not available.
something like use() doesn't look too bad @Abe
function my($param, $param2)
		  as(/*something here to describe params*/)
		  use($lexical, $lexical2) : My {
not too bad I don't think ...
function my($param, $param2)
		  as(Validator1::class, Validator2::class)
		  use($lexical, $lexical2) : My {
@RonniSkansing Better not to give composer sudo rights...
or callables ... or strings ... or closures ...

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