Hey, does anyone have a good idea of what the current best way is to go about comparing php sessions in node.js to authenticate users? I can't get my head around it.
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.8-ge1cc585 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 1.81 seconds, Memory: 35.25Mb
There were 13 failures:
hey, has anyone read MVC as explained there sitepoint.com/the-mvc-pattern-and-php-1? Is it a good way to start thinking about it? It seems very.. valid, to me, but what do I know.
it seems to contradict the one on tutorials point tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/mvc_pattern.htm on the part where the view has the model and the controller, whereas on the other end the controller has the model and the view
meaning that for example I can't use ini files although they are OK-ish since they don't support getEnv() so they can't get the var from the Environment
@ziGi ah, I'm most certainly no guru. But it sounds fine to me (as long as by "throw an exception" you also mean "and catch it present a helpful error message")
@ziGi And you've looked at Auryn before.....what I do is create a delegate function that will read a variable from the env settings and turn it into a 'named thing'
function createSQLConfig() {
$host = getenv('mysql.host');
$username = getenv('mysql.username');
$password = getenv('mysql.password');
return new SQLConfig($host, $username, $password)