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@ircmaxell :)
Hey, does anyone have a good idea of what the current best way is to go about comparing php sessions in node.js to authenticate users? I can't get my head around it.
@ircmaxell That change went in a direction I didn't expect, not sure I get what's going on there
@NikiC which part?
basically there can be multiple assertion types
(preparing for things like isset/empty assertions, etc)
@ircmaxell ah, it still has the explicit and/or handling, was confused there for a while
yeah, it's subtle
compiling constant expressions in PHP userland sucks.
yay! it works!
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.8-ge1cc585 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 1.81 seconds, Memory: 35.25Mb

There were 13 failures:
or not
@Ocramius Any particular problem?
hey, has anyone read MVC as explained there sitepoint.com/the-mvc-pattern-and-php-1? Is it a good way to start thinking about it? It seems very.. valid, to me, but what do I know.
it seems to contradict the one on tutorials point tutorialspoint.com/design_pattern/mvc_pattern.htm on the part where the view has the model and the controller, whereas on the other end the controller has the model and the view
@NikiC mainly having to re-do expression evaluation without eval()
@FélixGagnon-Grenier have you read blog.ircmaxell.com/2014/11/…
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I'd just not be specific
As in, basically replace "string" with "callable" or somethin
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it is not too bad, but It give you an impression that "model" is a class, which it really isnt
and that tutorialpoint one is actually quite terrible
@ircmaxell ftr, this concept is called "verify" everywhere else
(not "expect")
@FlorianMargaine I've seen it as expect
I'm beginning to not like Github issues being so open...
hm, I think I've only seen it in selenium, actually. Ignore me.
good evening
I'm completely in trouble
from apache I get lot of these messages:
andromeda.dnsprotect.com - - [15/Jul/2015:23:33:50 +0000] "POST /wp-login.php HTTP/1.0" 503 3099 "-" "-"
my website is very slow
what can I do?
What's the best way to do configurations, I know it's with env vars
but the question here is
do I make a conf.php file that does getEnv()?
What does "best" mean?
meaning that for example I can't use ini files although they are OK-ish since they don't support getEnv() so they can't get the var from the Environment
What are you trying to do, in what environment?
I want to avoid saving passwords in config files
but instead make the files get them from the environment
I would more or less agree with that. Is $pass = getenv('password'); in config.php not working?
that's what I do
but I throw an Exception if getenv returns false
cause I hate false or null results
Sounds good. What's the issue? Or are you just asking for feedback
@ziGi You've read 12factor.net/config ?
@Danack yes, but it's abstract
@KevinMGranger feedback
I know how to do stuff, I just want some more guru experience
I am just wondering what would it be a good exception for this
@ziGi ah, I'm most certainly no guru. But it sounds fine to me (as long as by "throw an exception" you also mean "and catch it present a helpful error message")
@KevinMGranger the exception is for the people who deploy to know what is happening and what env var configs are missing
from the system
@ziGi And you've looked at Auryn before.....what I do is create a delegate function that will read a variable from the env settings and turn it into a 'named thing'
function createSQLConfig() {
	$host = getenv('mysql.host');
	$username = getenv('mysql.username');
	$password = getenv('mysql.password');

	return new SQLConfig($host, $username, $password)
$injector->delegate('SQLConfig', 'createSQLConfig');
@Danack interesting
thank you
and what is SQLConfig if I may ask, a VO holding SQL Config Settings?
ok great, that's nice
I've started doing that a lot. Having named config objects separate from the actual classes that need them.
As it separates out the concerns.
@Danack and you can mock them :D
very very nice

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