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!!afk boss told us to go home early :D
@AwalGarg thats not a basement
thats parking i guess ?
@Abhishrek sure it is
I guess I'm saving to buy a house... Or start a business.. Or go to space... Or something
goto space
@Abhishrek parking is separate, but we don't use it
so here's a real actual question
get ready
Why not all three?
houses will be cheap there
are you ready yet?
@OctavianDamiean OMG
removes pants
Hit me
wait, why did you have pants to remove?
alright, DOM manipulation library that is not shit, so jQuery is ruled out, and provides actual real promises
is dojo go or kill?
also I got fucking lazy
@OctavianDamiean everybody is going react way
DOM is kinda of question these days
His name is Dr. Lexus xD
@AwalGarg actually a lot of people
check on trends :P
s/y a/y not a/
btw wow, to trends new design.
I should have been clearer, DOM manipulation is just a side requirement, actual requirement is HTTP requests API that implements real promises
@OctavianDamiean "I know I ordered french fries, but what I really want is a hamburger"
And yeah, fetch. It's already in some browsers.
with some french fries please
@BenFortune I am... uh, impressed. :P queue seems like the way to go for now. I will look into this more though.
Impressed, wat
Yeah, it's minging.
@AwalGarg But, but, you're going to miss your cru...
The syntax is like clientkick reasonid=5 reasonmsg=Go\saway! clid=1|clid=2|clid=3
well fuck, fetch looks great and all but I have to - no I didn't make that name up - support a browser called Moondoggie which is something like a somewhat retarded little stepbrother of Chromium from 2009 because reasons
@OctavianDamiean Give me 7 bags of what you're on
Isn't there a polyfill for fetch?
Zirak receives 7 bags of chairs
@Zirak While wandering around after pride with this girl I know, she saw a sparkly unicorn mask and joked about buying one. When I told her I would kick her out if I woke up to a unicorn mask in my bed, she didn't get the reference. :(
/me builds a fort
@BenFortune Yep, fetch
!!wiki moondoggie
Moondoggie is a fictional character created by Frederick Kohner in his novel Gidget, The Little Girl with Big Ideas. He appears as a principal character in five of the eight Gidget novels, but is a minor character or is only mentioned in passing in Cher Papa, The Affairs of Gidget and Gidget Goes Parisienne. He is portrayed as a surfer who saves Gidget from drowning and later becomes romantically involved with her. In the novels, two of the television movies and The New Gidget, his real name is Geoffrey H. Griffin (the middle initial is mentioned only in the first novel), but in the three Gidget...
!!urban moondoggie i don't wanna do this
@Zirak Your fort is unstable and collapses, trapping you inside. GAME OVER
@awalgarg Moondoggie The act of spreading organic peanut butter infused with human breastmilk around one's anus. A dog cannot resist the temptation to indulge and salad tossing ensues.
Hey, when you go fishing...
@Zirak You post a video on this, the day of my daughter's wedding?
I love the internet
@AwalGarg yea, you won't find anything useful about moondoggie other than an EVE Online devblog article from 2009 describing how they added that to the game
@ssube What's wrong, Daddy?
@OctavianDamiean there is also reqwest
omg I'm Zirak's father
I never wanted a smiling child
@OctavianDamiean how to download it? and how the fucking fuck did you manage to get in the situation to support it?
github.com/ded/reqwest -- ded reqwest so much pun !
that said, the whatwg fetch polyfill supports webkit
@AwalGarg how I got into the situation? Quite easily, I'm a fucking autist with no live kind of sums it up.
sounds legit
@AwalGarg he is also the main error
you can test it by downloading EVE Online and getting a trail subscription, but in all seriousness if you like your life the way it currently is, don't
@Abhishrek I don't believe in any api which doesn't accept url as a separate and first parameter.
> like your life the way it currently is
is this even possible?
It's always possible to hate your live even more.
@OctavianDamiean wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/IGB_Development found this but it doesn't state which version of chromium. I am assuming 17+ because of the claim of passing acid3 and css3 spec.
in which case, it's not that bad.
may I put emphasis on it claims
@AwalGarg yes?
I know those wiki pages :)
@OctavianDamiean lol, well, so how is it in your experience?
@AwalGarg did you ever break a bone?
yeah. twice.
Imagine you break your dick and all your bones with open fractures and you put Tabasco sauce on the open wounds.
There you go.
Sounds like Friday
Surprisingly it is Friday.
that clip is brilliant
you can just outsource it to someone from my country (India). problem solved.
You can't outsource breaking your dick.
sure you can. @uselesschien does it.
there's hookers that can do that
I need more people with horse masks in my life.
Opinions on dojo?
@uselesschien oh btw did you test the new search?
and the dynamic generation of results.
Finished my Promises/A+ implementation.
okay, besides old, which is not necessarily something bad
@AwalGarg I did. It was.. great. But I want to search by section number.
@uselesschien yes, by section number.
I'm old too and I'm ... okay that's a bad example
check your pings
I did..
I still can't do it. Cache, maybe.
where's @SomeGuy btw
GUYS, My Promises/A+++ implementation in jQuery/JavaScript. gist.githack.com/erikroyall/d3b9d9aaf2aa74c5fff3/raw/…
appear @SomeGuy
@uselesschien syntax is "sec: 5.1 foo bar"
@uselesschien you should totally implement it in COBOL.
I wonder what the tech guys for GI Joe code in
I don't remember writing that :/
I blame your cru...
@AwalGarg github.com/awalGarg/especser/commit/… You wrote that 7 hours ago..
!!> "sec:2 foo".match(/^sec:\s*(?:(?:\d+\.?)+,?\s*)+\b/i)
@AwalGarg ["sec:2 "]
I wonder where that came from
I never even write explanatory comments for regexes anyways
but those ||| are looking cool-ish
Why are pipe chars scattered randomly your explanatory comment?
ofcourse I wrote that
damn shit
lol I mixed the emitter code with it
@uselesschien but hey it works anyways :D
Your code fails because of the curse of the 2-space-indentation gods.
It works now, wtf
wtf wtf wtf
oh cache, damn you
@SterlingArcher The GI Joe software team uses COM because CORBA makes them uncomfortable.
@uselesschien including the dynamic result generation? ^_^
@ssube lol
@uselesschien replied
I now remember everything. damn I should sleep.
@uselesschien hey the pipes are not inconsistent. open them nano and replace 4 pipes with 1 pipe. you'll see "art". almost.
I think I have a stomach ulcer. Best birthday present
@uselesschien hmm, then I forgot why I removed it :D
> because spec searching should be case sensitive. fuzzy results are case insensitive so you get the best of both worlds
oh yeah, the regex matches case insensitively, and searching should be case sensitive. yeah.
like wot?
> searching should be case sensitive
why not?
It should be case-insensitive.
that's not a valid answer to questions starting with "why"
Case sensitive text search by default is rather unusual UX.
@ssube keyword: almost
I thought all the abstract operations are meant to be matched case sensitively :/
I don't think the spec authors used case to distinguish any two operations.
The language is case-sensitive and they use consistent casing, but there's no reason for search to require that.
I have to agree. Now, searhing my own code, I find value in case-sensitive sometmes. So an options sounds nice
but by default, i think people will get 0 results and wonder why.
@ssube @uselesschien makes sense. next commit will lowercase everything.
You're lowercasing titles already..... dude..
One uppercase letter in the search term and it will return 0 results.
hmm, in that case I mistakenly took out the lowercasing.
@uselesschien any other thing that bothers you?
or ssube
The irony.
> because spec searching should be case sensitive
> let title = selectedStack[i].title.toLowerCase();
That's kind of a big question.
oh lord, been away from the scene for like half a year or so (maybe more) and I already feel like I don't know nothing
also, double negation because fuck you
@uselesschien I am terribad at anything remotely related to ux :D
Everything is different now.
JS has merged with Ruby and is now called Juby.
Which has merged with PHP and is now called PHP.
@AwalGarg Cru...fect.
well, Juby is implemented in PHP
and all the different frameworks that cropped up
@uselesschien quite possible. i am sure you know how it is
There are now more frameworks than the population of Oregon.
trying to pick a node web framework is like trying to decide which bees hive you want to poke, you know you're fucked either way
express or gtfo
@AwalGarg I've never had one. Literally. Had a pitier tho.
!!urban pitier
@uselesschien No definition found for pitier
@uselesschien n00b
We've adopted a naming practice for JS framework similar to asteroids. I'm making an app with 1235 Schorria right now. It's based on Angular.
@AwalGarg yes but then there's frameworks that are based on Express and add useful things and then not so useful things like bugs and edge cases
@OctavianDamiean just express.
@AwalGarg I was in a love-out-of-pity relationship. Once. And.. that's it. Maybe, I am a[yadda]ual.
@OctavianDamiean Express.
Hai, I'm Octavian and I'm terminally lazy.
@uselesschien N00B!!
We all are. That's why we're programmers.
I just pretend to be a programmer.
ahh, a manager.
I'm a lobster.
@Luggage lol
@OctavianDamiean I'll bash you into productivity again
@Luggage spot on
nah, my day job is to collect torture from various sources of torturing events like parents, college, news, indian roads, etc.
@AwalGarg nah, you are.
@AwalGarg ik how it feels
@OctavianDamiean getting back to work? :)
@OctavianDamiean lisp is still waiting for you
I'm trying to be productive :P
(in case you were away for too long, I'm a lisp fanboy now)
anyone know a jsfiddle-like service that does es6 (and JSX, for React)?
(and I do productive things with it)
@Luggage es6fiddle is a thing iirc
Ohh.. and everyone talks about Haskell all the time.
I still 2.9 JS and I especially like how promises matured over time
@Luggage woo
It's like everyone just started dating Haskell and needs to tell us all the funny things she said.
TIL es6fiddle is a thing
@KendallFrey priceless
I got a handjob from Haskell
es6fiddle has no html output
oh I finally understand "2.9" (<3) took me time...
@KendallFrey you just wait until you get gonorrhea from Haskell
ohh, codepen probably does it. it supports more languages than jsfiddle
yea, codepen does babel.
@OctavianDamiean Haskell has no side-effects, don't worry
inb4 joke about IO producing side effects
@Luggage only when bartek is there tho
@ssube @uselesschien
@OctavianDamiean oh and we raised a couple of regulars to be decent at jabbascript
like @NickDugger or @AwalGarg
good job there
they're finally starting to do semi-useful things
> finally
jsbin can do babel too, click on javascript dropdown
@KendallFrey No, at some point in the future you're going to get a handjob from Haskell, but there's no way to tell when it will actually happen. Even if it does happen, you won't get off, because that would be a side effect.
room 17 saves lives
@ssube it's a monad handjob, he'll get off
@FlorianMargaine His penis will be replaced with a function that produces a penis that has just ejaculated.
what does parent commit mean?
@AwalGarg it means a commit just before another commit
github says: "1 parent <garbage> commit <garbage>"
I think I've forgotten how monads work, and it feels so good.
@AwalGarg a git commit hash is made up of the contents of the commit + the previous commit hash
@ssube :(
so a single commit actually verifies all of the previous history
monads are just a morphism
@FlorianMargaine which is a huge problem when you need to touch up old metadata
@FlorianMargaine so why does it say "1 parent"? Is it possible to have more than 1 parent?
@AwalGarg a merge
makes sense
an octopus merge can have a lot of parents, much like a mormon child
@AwalGarg weren't you the one who showed the first git commit last time?
@AwalGarg were you born when Netscape 4 came out in 1997
Does anyone ever do octopus merges?
It just seems like a poor life decision.
Figures that I make a questionable joke right as a mod joins.
@BoltClock how the hell do you know? do mods get to know my personal details? o.O
hai @BoltClock
@AwalGarg IIRC it said 16 or 17 in your profile when the age field was still visible
codepen.io/luggage66/pen/mJLLGO?editors=001 <- React LinkedState. It's not working (the parent state doesn't seem to change).
@BoltClock that.. is.. uh, weird. I don't want to ask why you remember it :D
I posted this answer, and then I felt old
A: Why would I ever use Array.toSource?

BoltClockYou don't. toSource() is a holdover from the Netscape days and has been obsolete for ages. It was, however, the only built-in way to convert an object to its source representation before what we now know as JSON, let alone the respective de/serialization APIs, ever came into existence.

I suspect it's how I'm calling React.addons.LinkedStateMixin.linkState()
And then I remembered the kid in the JS room named Awal Garg
@argentum47 ^^
if I have a 2d array, is there a good way in lodash to remove all nested arrays where the item at 0 is 0?
@ssube ಠ_ಠ
@corvid filter?
@corvid .filter() the parent array by innerArray[0] === 0;
@BoltClock I like your eyebrows.
@BoltClock I am glad you remember me :)
Ah okay... I used reject which I guess was the inverse
outer.filter(inner => inner[0] !== 0)
but I don't believe in anyone with an anime related avatar. :D
yea, .reject() lools like it should work
@AwalGarg do you have an android phone lying around ?
@Abhishrek nope
android emulator ?
I did until 2 days ago.
I cleaned up my VMs yesterday.
@AwalGarg ping on gtalk #urgent
@corvid Technically speaking _.filter(ary, _.first) works, too, assuming 0 is the only falsely value you have in your arrays... but something more explicit is probably better.
var filteredArray = my2DArray.filter((x) => !(x[0] === 0));
I have lots of zeroes in my arrays alas
@Retsam Boolean?
@Luggage Isn't that doing false === 0 or true === 0?
no? it's doing <value at index 0> === 0
I added some parens. Not sure if they are needed.
Yeah, they are.
Otherwise you're doing (!x[0]) === 0.
which may work.. -ish.
!!> var x = [1,3,5]; !x[0] === 0
@Retsam "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable x"
hm.. no, not with === it won't work..
@Retsam false
and my darling Caprica is still around as well
this also assumes that the arrays have at least one value..
Not really. [][0] !== 0 is true.
yea, so zero length arrays will not be filtered out. it's unknown if that's desirable.
and I lost interest.
night errybody
night awal
is there a native JS function to make a query string form an object? { foo: 'bar' } => ?foo=bar
Well... "Your check got returned to sender" is only a good excuse for the first 3 weeks
After 4, I just hate you.

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