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What's the method you override to save things to the bundle?
onSavedInstanceState(Bundle out) or something isn't it?
API 11? That can't be true can it?
Oh, hah, sorry, nevermind :/ Already had the method in my class, which is why I couldn't get it to work.
Does anybody else end up changing things in their code, because you know it's wrong but you're not quite sure why you know it's wrong?
yes ... it's usually because it doesn't look right
is nice and warm in the office
@Graeme , do you ever write a function and you think: wow, this is THE way to do it!... Then you get a few hours of sleep, wake up, and your newly found godpower fingers re-code the exact same function but this time 10x better? :)
Heh, yeah. It's awesome when that happens.
Just had my splash screen do a new SearchTermHelper(this); as a line unto itself.
Seeing it I've just gone in, made the constructor private and created a static method called init(Context context) which just creates the object
target api = lowest api you allow right
I think mostly because of the visual impact of it.
it would be the target :)
where in the manifest do you declare the lowest api you allow?
Same place
Heres mine:
    android:targetSdkVersion="11" />
hopes @Pyrodante doesn't see the teeeeeeeeeeeeny tiny bit of code
Question for you all:
Does getArguments() work after an orientation change?
Hi again
Hi @Alin
do you guys know of a tutorial on how to make a Toast like custom control ? I want to have an icon + a message
@Graeme but I see it :D
You don't tell me off for it >:)
3 is my borderline :D
@Graeme me not like the layout inflater... I was thinking at something like a custom dialog with a timer in it...
better go with layout inflater then ?
@Graeme thanks
@Alin you want a Custom toast but you don't want to inflate a peice of XML to do it?
Graeme, why don't you store something, rotate your app, and see if you can get it? That's my best answer. I have not coded w/ fragments yet but I see it's storing stuff in a bundle
yea im pretty sure you have to inflate, alin
@Evan Was hoping someone would know off the top of their head.
lol you could have already tested it by now ;)
@Graeme silly me... nevermind, your solution is great. Thanks
A solution I'll implement
A: Android : Adding image to Toast?

KnickediThere's always the possibility to create a custom layout. There was one fact which I disliked about that: It breaks the system default toast UI. This could differ on different platforms and implementations. There's no simple way to use the system default resource so I decided to hack the toast an...

@Evan For future reference, yes - yes it does still work after an orientation change ;)
@Alin that solution is wrong (tm)
@Graeme why ?
@Alin here's what I use. Feel free to add an image. pastebin.com/9mT16964
If it's wrong then apparently all 5 of my droids don't want to be right.
:) bThanks
Also, lemme upload my layout file.
See my comment on it.
But Toast's AFAIK have no contract that they have a LinearLayout to display it's contents. That means that solution is not device & version independent.
ooo interesting
heres the layout, the only important part is the background drawable of the root view, that is if you want it to look like toast: pastebin.com/mDat3D3b
@WarrenFaith hehe. That actually made me laugh. :D
Especially the recycling part was hilarious.
why would someone @ me if they don't want me to catch them putting in code?
has anyone here had experience with using Wordpress login credentials through Android/Java? How do we test if the login was successful?
I can't believe that HTC forces me to use goddamn Windows to unlock my bootloader.
reboots into Windows bitching about HTC being incompetent
still better than samsung, that forces you to use a pc (windows/mac) to update your android
Wait what? Why?
Hello room
samsung doesn't do OTA updates afaik
wow. The HTC site has a pretty cool concept. It would be cool if that would be done using JavaScript.
Can anyone please tell me if location of a mobile phone can be taken forcefully? I mean I have an android mobile and I have to take its location after every 3-4 seconds without doing any action by the person using the mobile. Basically track it for its security.
you can not force on the location trackers, but you can listen to them all you want if they are on
and perhaps do something if they are off
@Pyrodante: Can you please explain more about it.
so like, they have to have the GPS turned on, but if it IS on you can listen for a location
same with network
developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/… how would you do a join on a content provider query?
Say the GPS is on, then there would be no problem in getting location after 3-4 seconds?
it mentions there you can join contactscontract.contacts and contactscontract.data
@Akito If the location provider provides a new location, why not?
@OctavianDamiean: Location provider?
Well depends on conditions but you can tell the location provider "I want a location only after so many seconds and they have moved so much distance"
so you can say "I want a new location every 10 seconds, only if they have moved at least 50 meters"
Well you can tell him that you want that but that doesn't mean that he has to. :D
thats true, in practice the location provider does whatever he wants :P
What is the location provider?
That is the component in Android that provides a location (Captain Obvious was here :P)
lol I think @OctavianDamiean and I had a "dickish response" off
Can I even send the latitude and longitude to a website?
Why not?
you can even send the accuracy... :)
You can even send it a unicorn if you wish.
Thanks guys.
anyone work with contactscontract?
I think @Graeme does.
Btw @Akito the only way you will retrieve a GPS location in 3-4 seconds is if you're pulling the coarse location... I would avoid fine location (which uses actual GPS device & drains battery) because most users don't realize they have to be OUTSIDE for it to work... Just a random tip.
@Graeme, do you know how to join the contactscontract.contacts table and contactscontract.data table?
Ouh, fancy.
Free PSDs for prototyping Android 4.0 apps http://shar.es/WRkAt /via @Tutorialzine #androiddev #android
@Evan: pulling the coarse location
coarse location would be the network... which also will give you a long lat and accuracy
but the accuracy will be between 50-1050
Let me describe everything to you all.
I don't know what its measured in so I call it SAU (Standard Android Units)
ugh, im trying to load a custom contact list within my app, so frustrating
Trust me, I know my tracking devices >.<
Now, I'm really not trying to spoil your question party but all those questions get answered in the official documentation.
I am trying to develop a web application which will shoe me the device location and will also show me where my device was before a week and where it was a before 10 seconds.
first off: how much do you expect the device to move in 10 seconds?!?
Oct, you aren't sure what accuracy is measured in? I thought meters.
err, pyro*
it is meters... but my answers far more amusing
If the person is in an aeroplane, I expect much ;)
Well I agree I should increase the time.
Its more for security purposes by the way.
@Akito you have a lot of googling to do. No-one here is going to write your program.
@Evan It is meters.
ahem... yes all of that is possible but I would say less about ten seconds and think more in "last location given"
@Evan: I am handling the php web development side of this project but I came here to have an idea about it.
Trollolol I'm late to the party I guess. :D
Yeah @OctavianDamiean, try to keep up...
All proud owners of an Asus EeePad Transformer 101 raise your hand.
basically you can tell it to give locations and you can listen for "location found" events
in other news all this stuff is in the documentation for location providers
@Akito break down what your program needs to do into little pieces, and then research each piece. You need to get location? So google "android location manager." You need to send it to a "website?" Google "android asynchronous http." There are many many examples for what you need to do.
@Evan To make location logging you have 2 options: depending on your current settings on the device. You can use network location which in an area with signal is done instant but has a accuracy around 1000 meters. Then you have GPS which has an accuracy from 5-30 meters, depending on the device.
GPS will take a long time to lock for the first time, may even take a minute or so. After is started you could have faster locks. Also each location provicer has a LastGoodKnownLocaation which you can use for different comprisions, like: how much distance did the user made....
Are people still getting trolled by meters
also: your chances of getting an accurate location at all from network in a plane is negligible
victory is mine!
Oh yea, you should plan not to rely on getLastGoodKnownLocation as it may return null as well.
very true
im going crazy i swear
why cant i figure this out
Don't worry. Content providers are real beasts.
what I do for that exact reason, @OctavianDamiean , is store the last known coords myself in shared preferences. I'm not sure if it's safe to keep someone's location unencrypted in a lil shared pref table but the app isn't public yet so I don't care, yet.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, that's because you are getting all this information in pieces, read the documentation to make sense of it.
hehe I just love this guy's avatar on Twitter.
@sunnychl, New Delhi, India
Not a blogger, photographer or foodie. However, I do read blogs, look at pictures and you know, eat food. Not a geek, but I know stuff. Kind of a gamer.
29.7k tweets, 1k followers, following 159 users
if i was writing in sql i could do a join query no sweat
but how the hell do you do it with the getContentResolver.query() function?
A SQL query walks into a bar. He approaches two tables and says, Mind if I join you?
Easy, getContentResolver().query().pleaseForGodsSakeDoADamnJoinKThxBai();
yea thatd be a useful method
It would break the Law of Demeter though.
thats amazing
Oh god, guess what. Apple is suing Samsung again.
Apple tends to kill everything coming in their way.
Because someone can use the Customizable interface to make it look like Apples non-customizable interface
Who forgets Apple and Microsoft war.
android api 11 and above is beautiful
it includes a column in the contactscontract.contacts db for the display photo uri
it makes what im trying to do so easy
but of course i have to control for everyone using 2.3.3 and lower which islike everyone
Fragmentation yaaaaaay
o/ nil!
Guys, check the army men from my country
during these days protests
We call him Conan
lol wtf
He retarded?
You don't mess with da'polis'
inner anger
is quite comfortable with the Romanian police
LOL omg
how can my day get better?
I'll need to see like 8 retarded cops running down the street to ever laugh again =/ ...
It is actually only that one guy. He clearly misunderstood what he was supposed to do.
Like to keep the masses calm and stuff like that.
i cant stop watching it
still better then pepper spray
Too bad he returned and beat the shit out of the guy that was filming him...
we could have seen some more action
This is just great. I love the detailed description.
@OctavianDamiean I guess nothing can occur :))
thats epic
approx few minutes...
Hello again. Can anyone please help me with this question :http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4910415/android-sending-data-to-be-stored-in-mysql
I simply don't understand how is the android app connecting to the database(I dont find a login displayed)
"Pasting code from the Internet into production code is like chewing gum found in the street." - Mike Johnson
hahaha, awesome. :D
Someone please help me out.
@Akito, @OctavianDamiean has answered
@owengerig where?
"That is because you do not have a View parameter in your postData() method declaration."
@Akito In your bloody question -_-
It wasn't me. I've just improved the answer's formatting there. It was our awesome Mark Murphy (CommonsWare) that answered the question.
o sorry my mistake, but my answer would be the same as the top answer
Just for the record, @Akito, I hope that you aren't truncating location variables to two digits...
u marked it as the answer?
I have not asked this question.
I am trying to understand this process of connecting mysql and android
Then ask a question.
Why does your function even have "View v" as a parameter?
its really not his question
Or search for an existing question – it sounds like what you want is already answered.
oh, sorry.
Herly asked it
ya i was under that impression too
Not that I really see there being much of a question here - there's probably just an API for it that you hand a username and password to.
@Akito "I am trying to understand this process of connecting mysql and android" that post u linked wont help you. what exactly are you trying to do
that post you linked to is for a remote server accepting the coords then saving it to its own sql db
Wait, a MySQL instance on the phone!?
well maybe he could use sqlite
lets hear his response
but ya i did overlook "MySql" vs just "SQL"
I wonder if there's something bizarrely wrong with Google's Indian division..
There sure is.
Two instances of them basically attacking competing businesses is very, very strange. O_o
Granted, I still don't think Google actually knew about or endorses any of this crap.
They must be kidding me.
@katienotopoulos, Brooklyn, NY
Don't fill your diap over it.
11.1k tweets, 2.6k followers, following 501 users
on wikipedia being down
People forgot about the good old libraries apparently.
This is sad.
Awesome, is Wikipedia actually going down for a bit?
I can't wait to see how it affects my classmates who can't figure out how to use our academic databases >_>
TVTropes should go down alongside Wikipedia in order to protest as well
Maybe it'll actually fix some people by doing so >_>
I should totally down-vote one of your answers @nil. Then you'd have 1337 reputation.
and reddit
Do it.
but 1338 is more leet than most :)
Curse you!
I had 1337 once
it was nice
You mean 1338, beyond leet? :D
leeb, the new leet.
I'm leeb guys
@OctavianDamiean is OVER 9000!
I should answer questions, but I have no motivation to
heres a basic question, is there any proper beta outlet for android apps? The market seems like a sink or swim situation... I'd love to be able to have my app on the market in a beta phase where only verified emails would even be able to see it.
and if google doesnt have this functionality, they really should cuntsider it.
It doesn't.
that's an unfortunate misspelling
totally :p
Thanks, @OctavianDamiean
We can beta it for you, or you could allow people to download and test the APK
Reddit jumps at any excuse to be down
"We can beta it for you" = "give me a free copy of your app :P "
Yea the e-mailing out APKs has been my current approach. I've only been sending them to my brother/cousins. Once I get a little more work done I would love for you guys to test it out.
ya because you can manually distribute the apk that mechanism isnt needed
apple has that stuff though
the problem with family is they probably wont be great feedback
you should test it like any company does, or as near as possible to that
yes, your mom wont find bugs
I send betas/debug builds off to friends who're extremely critical of things.
so yes, send it to @nil then
I totally agree. Lucky for me, my brother and one of my cousins = highly functional aspergers geniuses. They OWN my face with feedback.
Don't send it to me, I don't use or develop for Android anymore
i cringe before pressing send
@Nil is the Simon Cowell of Stack Overflow
Also, the only Android thing I have right now is an HP Touchpad running 2.3.5. Not exactly worth testing on that.
did u throw linux on that at all @nil
Simon Cowell looks better than me and has a sexy accent, so I'm afraid I'm not a Simon Cowell, though my last name is similar.
#SOPA in the brick and mortar world is kind of like this: Walmart sells ski masks, robbers use ski masks, lets shut down Walmart.
No. I don't feel like putting an OS that sucks at touch input on a Touchpad.
Was that a tweet?
You know you can just paste a link to a tweet and it'll onebox
i really want to do that. they are only like 200 and i can replace a pc with it. provided i can do ssh, and torrent
I frankly prefer webOS to Android right now. I think it's a lot more of a forward-thinking OS.
I'd love to play around with WebOS.
eh i was reading about that os and it didnt sound to good. but regardless its kind of a nil point. like i said i just want one to put linux on and replace a pc
It's nice, but the performance for rendering HTML/CSS isn't quite there yet, so the UI is laggy from time to time
trys again
#SOPA in the brick and mortar world is kind of like this: Walmart sells ski masks, robbers use ski masks, lets shut down Walmart.
i hate how webOS and blackberry struggle with getting apps and a following yet still make it more expensive for dev accounts. that why android took of so well imo, 20$ thats cheap. compared to 100 for apple or microsoft
webOS was 100 idk what blackberry is
I prefer the $100 for Apple to the $25 for Android.
The $25 Android thing has resulted in utter spamification of the Market
not to mention all the contest google and apple run for cool app submissions
thats a good point, @nil
its not the dollar amount that causes the spam imo, its the review process
or lack there of
I would gladly support raising the cost of the developer account and making people pay $50 or so to publish a single app
Yes, but in lieu of a review process, just make it expensive to spam
having gone from android to ios, nil, which do you prefer?
i would hate that, and with the 30% they already take per sale your taking alot of money from developers, exactly what im saying they shouldnt do
A good developer can afford $50 to publish an app because a good app will sell. I don't think it's difficult to stand out as good in a market full of garbage.
I still wish I had a webOS phone.
can you explain why you prefer iOS development? I imagine developing for 1-2 sets of hardware is one of the big plusses...
still i cant see how u come up with the idea that the spam is a result of the cost vs the review process. and how you would like to take more money from developers which companies already take enough money from
objective c > java imo, but ur asking nil i realize that
oh feel free to contribute :)
API availability, likelihood of users updating, far better developer tools, I personally like Objective-C (this is not an objective opinion, by the way – plenty of people hate Obj-C and there are a lot of valid reasons for that), and far better documentation
sounds enticing
is one of those persons
and byte code vs machine code output from the languages
is also one of those persons that hate Java
I'm really not a fan of running an OS in a VM, but it appears to work
ive come to the conclusion that no-one likes java
There are people that like it.
i love all the languages
dont get to play with all of them as much as i woud like though
I think most people just try it, go "this is neat," then realize they can't play nicely with the other languages and promptly give up.
thats whats cool with objC its a superset of C so you are learning 2 languages in one
I just can't stand the syntax.
[ya it does look nasty]
Java only works well for a small number of tasks, as far as I'm concerned, since the language is forcing you into a very rigid structure.
Whereas, given Objective-C or C++ or Objective-C++ (for both), you're really just limited by whether or not you're as dumb as I am.
I'm not a huge fan of managing memory, but I like that I'm not prevented from doing that in C, C++, or Obj-C too. ARC is awesome because it's sort of the middle ground between managing memory and having a garbage collector slow everything down.
hmmm objectiveC looks like what I would end up with after disassembling something
Looks like Smalltalk on top of C
well now you make me want to learn ARC :x
ARC is objC
You don't really learn ARC. It's just there.
its a technology
within the language
It's also optional on a per-file basis, so Apple has been nice enough to not force you to use it.
thats pretty badass
has just successfully unlocked his bootloader
I'm just waiting for ICS to get ported to the Touchpad, if it ever does. Not really holding out any hope for that, since it's not really a good use of anyone's time to do it.
i wish i had time to learn python and assembly (i think one would take more then the other)
or finish this stupid ajax thing ive been working on all day
JavaScript is really amazing.
I'd go for JavaScript instead of Python to be honest.
ya, especially when your use to strongly typed languages
Also, I think it's really weird that Android has JSONObject (and other JSON classes) instead of just serializing it to maps and strings and regular arrays..
Ruby > CoffeeScript > JavaScript
I taught myself enough ASM when I was 13 to hack counterstrike, the good ol days. :) Ran a hacking website called cshacked.com , 5k hits a day, not bad for a teen. Now to reproduce such success as an adult, legally... on a much larger scale...
No. CoffeeScript is not really that useful.
If you already know JavaScript it is not worth wasting your time on it.
It's awesome shut up I don't like you eat rocks
the last project i did for my work, we had to sniff packets, figure out and replicate commands from another program. kinda of like hacking, closest ive ever got
@OctavianDamiean what ide do you use for php/javscript and the like
The Twitterverse has just made me realize that NeXT is one of the most popular smartphone operating systems O_o
That's just weird
@owengerig Uhm, mostly Scribes.
I don't like PHP.
have u ever used netbeans
Scribes is one of the few nice editors for Linux.
ya im looking for an ide though
I don't need an IDE.
Maybe use Vim?
but its causing alot of problems, cuz the code will run on its own, but i cant get the ide to "run" the page
Aptana is good for people that like bloated IDEs.
Aptana.. that sounds like a Gnome thing
Does KDevelop still exist?
Aptana is actually an Eclipse thing. :)
Not sure, I'm not a KDE user.
Wonder what the Gnome IDE thing was
thats where cuz eclipse has eclipse PDT for php
Also, I think I have a hatred of just about all P* languages.
Some people like gedit as I did a couple of months ago.
Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python (albeit only because of the whitespace), .. probably some others.
I liked gedit, but it's a little underwhelming
So you're not a Perl fan, like me?
Oh god Pascal ...
I have yet to find a P* language I can tolerate
It's a cursed letter
feeds Slug-cat with salad-mice ... puts a bowl of magic cubes out for hungry uniponies
does a unipony only have one eye?
sorry, maybe i should post my question on SO
no .. that's a cylopony
well what does a unipony have 1 of?
A corn?
then it would be a unicorn i would think
maybe one 1 leg????!?
It is a very small unicorn which makes it a unipony.
Totoro has lots of acorns
i c now, the plural of baby unicorns.

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