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but the map just skips undefined
... which is what I've been saying!
@taco ["taco"]
if it's not really there
@NickDugger Please go and play in the Sandbox
@NickDugger we aren't testing commands actively discussion JS! :P
I was kidding
@NickDugger stop fucking around
!!> Array(2).fill(Array(2).fill(0))
@Catgocat map doesn't skip undefined... map doesn't care for .length only.
@Loktar [[0,0],[0,0]]
ahaha i was kidding
!!> [undefined, undefined, undefined].map(function() { return 1 });
nice ok there we go
@rlemon [1,1,1]
thats what I want it for
prefilling mult dimensional arrays, for map data
Let's all dye our hair and listen to pop punk
@rlemon it skips unfilled values
unfilled !== undefined
yeah right that
@Loktar Int32Array(n) done and done
!!> [1,2,3].concat(Array(3)).concat([1,2,3]).map(i => i)
@Catgocat [1,2,3,"undefined","undefined","undefined",1,2,3]
@Catgocat what the actual fuck are you trying to achieve?
@NickDugger no
well hot damn, I didn't know fill was supported in chrome 36
@ssube your mom
damn that makes me happy, going to use it in all the places! :P
so nothing. k
still not supported in node
@ssube showing off newly learnt js functions
who uses node?
and iojs
@Loktar cheeky bastard :P
I have a module in my ES6 at work that's literally just "Polyfills" and is a function that registers a bunch of features that IE8 is missing.
like array.prototype.map
@NickDugger yeah me too
But only has .fill in it
I have a polyfills.js file myself
export default () => {
	if (!location.origin) {
		location.origin = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port: '');
	if (!String.prototype.trim) {
		String.prototype.trim = function () {
			return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "");
	if (!Array.isArray) {
	 	Array.isArray = function(array) {
			return Object.prototype.toString.call(array) === '[object Array]';
	if (!Array.prototype.map) {
		Array.prototype.map = function(callback, thisArg) {
dat code paste
@NickDugger ok nick you don't have to paste it here
yes I do
I dont support IE8 yay!
how are the % of IE8 users @2015?
I relly hope I don't have to support IE8 because I do some very non-IE8 things
like use properties
we still do, although I think we might be dropping it at the end of 2015
Depends on the business/market
@NickDugger why you have to make it so hard
Our target audience is low-income, turdsmears
@Catgocat 0% if you kick them out when they try to load your page :)
We told all our clients to use chrome ._.
@Cereal that is very browserist of you.
ahhh thats as bad as saying use IE :P
Welcome turdsmear! Please create an account.
> Works best on chrome
my mom uses internet explorer because it's the first thing she sees on the desktop
make the website in flash
We support modern browsers, it was just easier to tell them to use chrome
I got my mom on firefox, back int he day, but she can go back to IE now, it's fine
That's why we have christmas... so we can all go home to our parents and remove IE from their computers
A: Storing $scopes in a factory

SomeKittens "$scope cannot be accessed in a factory" You're almost correct. You can't inject the $scope service into another service. There's nothing stopping you from creating a service that stores data, and putting $scope in as that data. THIS IS A BAD IDEA. Services are used to share data between...

ie-latest is no problem
^ nitpick, please
But get ready people, a new era is coming, the -edge- prefix revolution.
Why doesn't my chat auto scroll down anymore T.T
prefixes are nothing new
no one likes them
come up with a better solution
use autoprefixer.
css autoprefixr for life
@Cereal if you scroll all the way to the bottom it should keep auto scrolling
yea, but we shouldn't need to prefix
@nick I am, it doesn't
that is the point
Works fine on the ruby room
@Cereal ugh mine does that sometimes
@rlemon yeah stop bitching about it
Yeah. Same problem at work too
idk what causes it
true, but a build process can get rid of thsoe problems even if they shoulfn't be problems to begin with.
wait. maybe it's because I loaded earlier messages
@rlemon what do you suggest instead?
@Catgocat 1) I didn't bitch. 2) I've earned the right to bitch in this room. 3) go play in traffic.
never had that problem on all the machines i use. using chrome
If you really need to prefix, use Less/SCSS mixins
@akaRash I don't have one.
a built process can get rid of all of your problems
@rlemon bring us cupcakes every monday and your bitch license will be renewed
@NickDugger that's a decent solution. autoprefixer might be a betetr one, depending on the case.
aye. I use lesshat for all the things.
yeah @rlemon has earned the right to bitch, he has >300k messages while you have 4k, @Catgocat
You know who created prefixes? The design guys #notmyproblem
.prefix(@property; @value){
	-webkit-@{property}: @value;
	-moz-@{property}: @value;
	-ms-@{property}: @value;
	-o-@{property}: @value;
	@{property}: @value;
@rlemon they are actually ok. I am not saying they are the best solution to the problem with rendering glitches but they aren't that bad.
@Luggage ^^^
@FlorianMargaine 4k and they aren't even good
All I ever read
yea, i have some of those.. Autoprefixer will jsut add prefixes for the browsers you wan tto support, though
so you can choose at build time
@Cereal LOL dude...
You made me just really look at his name for the first time
I thought that was his name :/
you know what I wanna bitch about right now?! I might just have to rewrite this fucking system because fuck you websockets....
This was the most complex Less that I've written, and it's not even complex :(
.columns(@n, @i: 2) when (@i < @n) {
	@width: floor((100% / @n) * 100) / 100;
	&.x@{i} {
		width: @width * @i;
	.columns(@n, (@i + 1));
let's be friends ppl
calm down
@rlemon socket.io works, it jsut has lousy documentation
yea I know
primus.io works lets you switch between all the implementations.
I just don't understand the issue really
like I always say lol
which is an issue
socket io socket io socket io socket io
@Catgocat do cats have tits?
primus.io was more confusing than socket.io.
@akaRash not really, no
@NickDugger codepen.io/rlemon/pen/qdmBvM my most complex scss
@Luggage whaaat really?
@FlorianMargaine at how many messages do we get the privilege to bitch?
they've got nips and make milk and all that
I switched because I hated socket.io
@ssube hahahahaha
socket.io loved to drop connections for no reason
@for $x from 1 through 36 {
  .cloud:nth-child(#{$x}) {
    top: calc( 50% - #{random($j) - $j/2 + px});
    left: calc( 50% - #{random($j*2) - $j + px} );
    @for $i from 1 through 24 {
      span:nth-child(#{$i}) {
        top: random($size) - $size/2 + px;
        left: random($size*2) - $size + px;
@akaRash I'm actually entirely serious
cats totally feed their kids milk
@Loktar omg yes
@rlemon I would just rather do it in javascript... what you did is a headache waiting to happen
and they can't open the fridge
so there's only one place it can come from
@ssube wait you are serious? let me laugh louder. AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@akaRash 100k
@akaRash that was the same volume fyi
my logs are filled with "connection ended. connection established... repeat"
was totally silent.
@rlemon yeah man, I dont get it
is he laughing at cats having nipples?
I'm not a fan of socket.io
hehehe @Loktar I have more messages than you
@akaRash Yeah when I got my cat, I thought it was a female until it was 2 years old, because the vet told me males had tits too.
I have a bigger count
True story I am not joking.
@FlorianMargaine I have a bigger pen is mightier.
also, I just read the cat convo. mammary glands !== tits.
cats don't have tits.
I am only 70k messages short of getting bitching rights then
yeah but it seemed like tits
although I already bitch a lot :P
@akaRash not if you keep using that account! :P
Core concepts to cover in client-side JS: array and object literals, functions, scope, comparison, DOM interaction, event handling, array functions, module pattern, revealing module pattern... what am I missing?
cats don't have tits
I know what cats have
I have a cat
having a cat !== understanding biology of a cat :P
rlemon !== vet
I have 3, I'm still convinced they're just magnets in disguise
What if I disected it?
@Loktar I have set up the dev profiles already so next time I restart my pc I won't be using this account much :P
rlemon === cat voodoo specialist
@RyanKinal id lean more towards modules, like es6 modules
The tits, chickadees, and titmice constitute Paridae, a large family of small passerine birds which occur in the northern hemisphere and Africa. Most were formerly classified in the genus Parus. These birds are called either "chickadees" (onomatopoeic, derived from their distinctive "chick-a dee dee dee" alarm call) or "titmice" in North America, and just "tits" in the rest of the English-speaking world. The name titmouse is recorded from the 14th century, composed of the Old English name for the bird, mase (Proto-Germanic *maison, German Meise) and tit, denoting something small. The spelling ...
I prefer "cat whisperer" thankyou very much
instead of module pattern and revealing module pattern
but thats just me
@Loktar Fair enough. I guess I still have to learn ES6 modules myself.
yeah I also prefer using es6 modules
gw2 time
Who here played gw2?
@RyanKinal does functions cover prototypes?
when is es7 coming out anyways
@RyanKinal loops and closures.
@Catgocat I did, I even bought it :/
@Cereal Meeee
wasn't a huge fan though
besides the war mode
> es7 coming "out"
There's no end game
But my girlfriend plays, so I play just to keep up
also good money sink a+
@rlemon Closures I'm kind of including in functions and scopes. But good point.
@BenFortune Name.id?
@Loktar sorry you bought what??
@Cereal Getting it now :p
@RyanKinal I'm just thinking "what is the most seen question on SO" and talk about those.
because damn
@NickDugger No. But honestly, as much as I love OO JS, I don't use it all that often.
@Catgocat he meant to ping me
@rlemon Good point
@Cereal Guild Wars 2
oh ok np
Added you
just mispinged again
I mostly log on to do dailies and commune some crystals
oh well.
anyone knows why hackernews looks so goddamn sexy ~_~
@BenFortune Yeah I just login to do pvp dailies/play with girlfriend
it looks simplish too
@akaRash ... it doesn't? I've never liked the design.
HN is butt ugly.
@RyanKinal honestly closures and lexical scope is the most important thing... also the hardest thing to learn
@akaRash not really the word i would use to describe it
so is 'revealing module pattern' just a closure to keep some bits of the module private?
@FlorianMargaine Right right. I'll make sure to cover that.
@FlorianMargaine I'd say internals are harder to learn than that
@Luggage Pretty much, yeah
my third attempt to learn and use python actively
@akaRash internals?
let's do it :))))))))))))99
(function(rawr) { poop })($)
@FlorianMargaine like what the spec dictates should happen when a unary operator is used for casting
@akaRash meh, that's details
still useful to know
learning stuff by heart is boring... concepts are much harder to grasp
How to deal with the fact that when I think of doing something in python, I end up doing it in iojs and then don't use python for a long time
@Catgocat stop?
it's not "hard", it's just tedious
just like my... wait
@FlorianMargaine spec has concepts as well. for instance, a proper understanding of how realm and scope objects live is interesting and conceptual
We've all heard about the tedium in your pants.
@akaRash which is closures and lexical scope... :-)
@FlorianMargaine not really. atleast not with the realm object.
"realm object"?
Ever go through a day and just feel like you have to wipe?
the super mega hyper property container
I'm with @FlorianMargaine on this one. There are concepts that are much more important than operator trivia in one's ability to write and understand code.
!!spec realm
@akaRash realm object not found in spec
@NickDugger is today one of those days?
@akaRash realm not found in spec
how can I see my first message
on this chat, ever?
just curious
@akaRash ftr, I have never heard of "realm object"
@akaRash i don't think that's a real thing, dude
@nick I have an itch that only toilet paper can scratch
execution contexts, evaluation, all kinds of scopes and contexts
wtffing fuck am I misspelling or what
> I can haz jquery?! -Catgocat, June 1, 2014
> No, that's what I asked for, but it's not right. - Catgocat, May 31, 2014
fuck you guys
@rlemon accounts for almost 10% of all messages in the JS room
@NickDugger get some bleach on that toilet paper itll do wonders
!!spec code realm
@akaRash code realm not found in spec
> fuck you guys, but after you guys fuck me - Catgocat, July 9th, 2015
@Shmiddty 1.5% total message or something
> Hey, there's no candy in this van! - Catgocat, April 3, 2014
@rlemon in all rooms?
well not an "object" per se but ok...
@akaRash yeah... that's lexical scope.
@FlorianMargaine it sounds a little bit broader
!!> 323000/23787380*100
@rlemon 1.3578628667806207
@Shmiddty ^
more execution environment, encompassing a lot of the runtime as well
this includes removed content
@FlorianMargaine no :(
I'm just going by message id as the 'total count'
why the hell does cap not pick it up anyways
@ssube welcome to the group
@ssube sounds like realm is the tree of execution contexts
which sounds very related to lexical scope to me...
@rlemon why the hell is there no var declaration for it?
@FlorianMargaine very close, yeah
y zirak no use modules
but different way to stuff... ok
@MadaraUchiha whoo voting
zirak is a bad programmer
we only keep him around to look pretty
Lol. @rlemon is the 1%
the bot is fucking HUGE as far as 'pet projects' go
@akaRash legacy
kudos to Zirak for even getting it to where it is
@Shmiddty yes sir.
@NickDugger he's in the top 3 of this room's programmers, I'd say
most active user right here
if not top 1
don't know if that is good or bad
@FlorianMargaine it was a joke
Yeah, I was just looking at Zirak's project today. It looks like a lot of work. I'm kinda curious about the motivation however.
damn @FlorianMargaine you just beat me eh?
@Asher pride
It would be nice to hear a demo on skype sometime.
@Loktar we're not very far away, yeah :P
I have quick question, does anyone know how to prompt "save as" and "run" when the user downloads a file on your website?
@ssube @FlorianMargaine it is close, but different. understanding how module scope works internally (which is useless for most cases to know) requires to know it.
@dalvacoder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Benji, Florian, Zirak is my top three in no order.
its cool I like being close to you. <3
@rlemon I don't consider myself in the top 3
@Asher he wanted someone to play hangman with christmas eve three years ago
I've made a few "bots" in my day... However, I got kinda worried about the implications. Its maybe smarter to work on image processing and other things rather then anti-people projects.
@rlemon no love for copy? :(
right now, my file is just being downloaded automatically without prompting the user, this is in Chrome and IE
@akaRash o right, copy as well.
Zirak, copy is the top 2. Benji on the theorical side, but I've never seen his code, except in SO answers...
@akaRash lol I was thinking the same thing.. and then you just list most people
(no special order.)
how do I see really long message history
there is no "top n" for me. just that these 4 people I think are most intelligent in here.
My top 3, Awal, Nick Dugger, Catgoat
@Loktar not even zigi?
hes like Beetle juice
say his name 3 times he appears
I don't want to risk that shit.
zigi zigi zigi
top 3 what?
He hangs out in the php room, so pinging him would work...
Top 3 trollers! :P
top three most improved users: @towc, ummm, that is it. the rest of you trolls never improved, just trolled more :P
@rlemon awal
eh @NickDugger has improved
Actually, I deleted most of the code just because I think the direction is maybe bad. It takes a good scientific and ethical head to kinda keep things going in a safe direction. Its fun to work on. However, hopefully it will turn into a NLP project? :) If anyone wants to entertain the idea of making a visual search engine I'm all ears.
in code.
@FlorianMargaine still a huge troll
my intelligence level decreased after coming in this room
@Loktar still a huge troll
I'm a solid constant
oh yeah, the biggest! :P
@Loktar I can troll and still improve
Awal, nick and sterling for the most improved imho
that should have been to robert
@NickDugger stop saying non-sense bullsh*t
I said improved users not improved knowledge
eh, I improved slightly
oooh @rlemon
I was reading that wrong
but yeah, I'm still a dick
I don't understand @towc's code so I just think he is some kind of magician and let it roll :P
Oooh. Yeah same
@SterlingArcher I'm constantly "solid".
@Asher Were you worried about your bot going rogue?
@NickDugger DickNugget
@SterlingArcher never improved as a user, just as a programmer.
@AwalGarg as well
dicken mcnugget
@rlemon my person is awesome :D
I'd eat that @KendallFrey
no... not so much going rogue... I was just more worried about my own motivation. I mean... yeah its a bot. However, NLP projects turned out to be more interesting and really I wanted to be in the search space.
i think i deserve a shoutout too
FWIW @SterlingArcher you are chill AF, you didn't need changing :D
as I was the original Nick
I just enjoy gifs a lot
could be worse
I run a sanctuary for unwanted AI.
@SterlingArcher you should open a new room for gifs :P
When I joined the chat room, I was just learning javascript. Now javascript is my bitch and I've learned some C# and have a far better grip on what programming is
Yeah I enjoy gfs a lot too, I just can't...
@KendallFrey @SterlingArcher you should open a new room for gilfs :P (source)
listening to zirak read bash.org xD
@SterlingArcher you could post dick pics and think it is okay.... I'm looking at you @Catgocat
I rescue them from abusive servers.
LOL @Luggage this would be interesting to see?
@rlemon how are you looking at me ??? are you here stalking me??? mommmmm
yes, turn around
that said, top5 would include @ssube imho
@nick prove it, but not with facts. Convince me that you aren't just a little shit
@rlemon cough I wonder who is was that made me in a banana hammock a thing
and @DenysSéguret
no, there are just selena gomez posters
Well, part of it is just the human spirt of it all... you know making AI do what we want in terms of making life better on earth.
in a blank wall
@Catgocat @rlemon is your mom :P
@KendallFrey I never oneboxed
@DenysSéguret is part of top3/5 too... dunno
in fact I made sure to only post the ID
@rlemon I seem to recall that being false
no order: denys, zirak, copy, ssube, benji
yep. That's my list.
i haz impruved
huh what? don't include me, I didn't do it
@KendallFrey find it then. I'm pretty sure I never oneboxed them
your spelling hasnt
that is just flag bait
shutup ben it was a joke
and you forgot the apostrophe in hasn't mr. smart
oh my god this video is hilarious
> "did i just fry chrome? .. yeah I did.."
There are tons of people in this room that are smarter than I, and that's why I like it. I was told to never be the smartest person in the room, because you won;t learn anything
me for example ^
Hell, even the guys that are younger than me (Kendall, towc, etc) are smarter than me
I bet @SterlingArcher holds the record for the most number of "oh my god"s :D
being smart is just my thing
@NickDugger Not true. The smartest person in the room is probably learning something right now
here is my top list, however it is big ...
if you are in this pic, I probably envy you
@rlemon you envy yourself?
I'm not on that list, must be a bug
@rlemon you envy @CapricaSix?
@FlorianMargaine always
@rlemon i'm not in it so obviously you're deluded
as a rule I cannot respect nicks
stop trying to steal my thunder, nick
we should be on a team
i started typing first
I finished the sentence first
that's just the ro list
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at envying abhishrek
^ true
that said, he made stuff
I'm so confused
@Loktar BRO! when did you steal #2 poster in the room?
Abhishrek has made some cool things
I envy world hunger and hope we can undo making it a thing for so many fortunate people in unpleasant areas of our beautiful world. Thank you all.
@FlorianMargaine he is great at doing code and design no doubt
@akaRash I wouldn't say that
he's good at design
but he's a doer
and yes, he writes a lot of code
agreed, and edited
@Loktar and @SterlingArcher are on my private list.
they can fight for order
I think @SterlingArcher would win
Loktar doesn't use CF, so that puts him ahead
but then @Loktar's wife would come in and beat his ass
@Loktar has military training
and stuff
@rlemon doesn't matter, can't hit a woman
loktar's username sounds cool
loktar is my boo
jordan is also my boo
unless she starts some shit while getting her hair did
boo buddies
I can't share any of my projects ~
boob uddies
well except sc2overwatch
@Cereal you can write projects for me and share them :D
but no javascript in that
if you give me ideas =D
my zigi script is my only claim to fame
man, coulda used a zigi script last year
want it?
@rlemon Unless I'm greatly mistaken, this would onebox: chat.stackoverflow.com/messages/10946567/history
@Cereal write me a very very thin userscript manager which uses native installation of userscripts
@ssube psh
if she hits me, equal oppourtunity
how do I use it :p
Disclaimer: I haven't looked at this script in a year
<dont tell my wife>
so it could prolly be better
@BenCraig Put it in greasemonkey or tampermonkey
sorry not sorry
@NickDugger boob undies (source)
@KendallFrey hrm, my bad. but I did unbox it immediatly.
pre cc @BenCraig
Hello guys
@rlemon As I also remembered.
hey @ZahidSaeed
I have a sharp memory
I also wrote a script to bypass age gates on youtube
@KendallFrey maybe cus you write C#
I have a question
@rlemon oh dear
@ZahidSaeed no
@ZahidSaeed how big is it?
Really short ;)
not interested
I want to clone a row and append it multiple times whenever "insert" key is pressed
Folks, what does the slang term "to grok [through lots of something]" mean?
9 minutes
But it only appends 1 time
then do it
@NickAlexeev To understand at a native level
!!define grok
clone multiple times
@NickAlexeev understand
@KendallFrey grok (transitive, slang) to understand (something) intuitively
although you might be thinking of grep
or "grasp"
I grok git, because I know how it manipulates data internally
now how do I tell if its working (never used one of these before)
which is a command line tool used to search through text/directories
@SomeKittens So, by the end of the grokking action, the person understands the subject very well. Right?
I grok your mum
I have cloned that row and saved it in variable
Plot twist: Loktar breathes CFM
@BenCraig if @ziGi Says something, it'll remove all the vowels from his message
@NickAlexeev yeah
Makes him 70% more intelligent
I grok your dad.
1 min ago, by aka Rash
clone multiple times
$('tr').on('click', '.insert', function() {
  var row = $(this).parents('tr'),
    cloned = row.clone();

untested, not answering any questions about it
@Zirak I love how 90% of your video so far has been compiling xD
@SomeKittens Thanks. I guess, the rest of the guys try to make fun of me and confuse me. How kind.
well, I got tricked into buying a girl a drink at a show tonight, so I need to go home and trim my beard. Have fun, folks.
@Cereal alright, I just hope I installed it properly. seems almost too simple
@rlemon he never claimed to be using that library ;)
@NickAlexeev what was the context?
@ssube lol I'm having drinks with a girl tonight too
@Cereal oh shout
@akaRash and I'm not giving him copy paste solution
when do I ever
this is abstract enough that you can still understand what needs to happen
and work ends in three minutes
so fuckit
but then if he is using that library, you just gave him a copy paste solution!! :D
@SterlingArcher stud
@akaRash no i didn't
@rlemon ok
@BenCraig as long as your set the URL to this chatroom, should be fine
Every time I get to a wtf spot @Loktar is all like "Click this -> click that -> look over there -> BOOM!" and the problem goes away
@SomeKittens The context was that a "A framework has a lot of documentation. You'll have to grok through it.".
^ not exactly.. But have to give some props sometimes :P
haha thanks
@akaRash he would still have to understand enough to know what the .insert is and how to change the script or his HTML to get it working
5 minutes
in doing so he will likely ask more questions or visit the docs.
well except yesterday, screw that issue man
@NickAlexeev ah, grok is not the right word
ugh i have to get up and go to work.
They meant grep
I wish I worked with @Loktar :(
maybe they mean you just have to read it all
Let's all work with Loktar, but not in nebraska
Let's all move to Minnesota
aww NE isn't so bad! :P
@NickAlexeev which in that case means "to search through for a specific thing"
@NickDugger Ill meet you in MI
tripple ping
Hey NE is actually pretty sweet lol
@Jhawins yeah, so much of nothing
@rlemon dude id get in trouble if I worked with you
shooting rockets and shit
@FlorianMargaine lol you would know huh
@SomeKittens What they implied was to read cover-to-cover, rather than search for one specific thing.
@Loktar oh.. I thought you meant sex
Or we could all move to Denver, but I just wanna go home for now...
@NickDugger bleh yeah Denver is apparently awesome
can't argue with that I guess
we could move to SF and work in an old warehouse
you know where is awesome? NEW ZEALAND
I got homesick after a bad interview, and have had my heart set on getting a job back in Minnesota
I've had great leads, at least
You could move to Tajikistan and get ice cream for 30 cents
@phenomnomnominal US needs to annex it already
2 phone interviews this week
I'm gonna go to Denver this winter
it looks beautiful
@Zirak have you considered rewriting the bot with es6 and promises and the socket normalizer that I am writing (which will hopefully be complete sometime in future ~_~) :D :D :D
We could all meet up in Denver for a vacation
Did you guys want some freedom?
have our own mini meetup
@Loktar US won't be a country for long anyways
@NickDugger isnt 3M based in minnesota? maybe you should check em out
@akaRash I'd say he considered es6/promises, but not your socket normalizer
that way the same bot can work with miaou as well :D
@phenomnomnominal ohhhhh
@Loktar USA: Where freedom is forced on you.
thats because we will be an empire
@nick Yeah, plenty of companies are
@Loktar yeah, that's why US is not attractive
Also, I've been thinking. Wouldn't it have been way better if the South had split off?
@FlorianMargaine You would know huh
I'm trying to work for software/tech companies, though. 3M invents cool shit, but It's not for me, I think
Hi guys, I can't figure how to retrieve my data-attributes that was filled with a php array json_encode ( data-colors="<?php echo json_encode($route_colors, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT); ?>" ) If I use var colors = JSON.parse($span.attr('data-colors')); I get an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input if I don't use JSON.parse I get a string instead of an array
@phenomnomnominal eh idk.
The conferedary wouldn't have lasted, and they'd have all died, and then all the hicks would be gone.
@FlorianMargaine it can be really benefitting for bot code and will make the bot way more easy to maintain in multiple rooms from a single instance
I was thinking more along the lines of ocean sea routes
@Loktar Nah i checked the logic and it works out.
time to go home
!!afk itchy butt

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