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I'm going to prep for my talk I'll talk to you later
@ircmaxell later
Hello !!
@AkashDeep thats the mysql query cache at work
Can I ask something here ?
@limekin Apparently yes considering you just did
lol yes I did
@AkashDeep hehe that is an asshole move of that orm thing
Expected it but still
Do I have to recompile php to use more extensions or libraries everytime?
yum install php-foobar is all I need :P
@limekin you don't have to, no.
@limekin You can make shared extensions which don't require recompiling php - php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.phpize.php
That's great. I'm pretty new to php. I tried to use mysql with it, and found out that I was using the older mysql extension. But the docs contained that I have to recompile it with the --with options for adding support for the new mysqli or PDO_mysql extensions.
Alright will check it out ! Thanks :)
@limekin PDO is most likely already installed and enabled
As well as the pdo mysql driver
Do a phpinfo(); to see whether it is indeed installed
Wow think I missed it then
A: How can I tell if PDO module installed/disabled?

PeeHaaGenerally you can just do phpinfo(); to find out what modules are installed. Or from the commandline: php -m Additionally you could use: class_exists('PDO') to find out whether the PDO class indeed is accessible.

@limekin how did you install PHP, manually configuring it or using a package manager (yum, apt, etc.)?
@salathe : I compiled it from source on Ubuntu 14.04 LS
^ that
He may be a drunk brit, but he knows what I wanted to ask :)
I resemble that remark
lol is it weird already ? I just do that a lot, but yeah I do know there are packages on apt
Thought that would be a good way to get a fine installation
It's not necessarily weird, but it's potentially making life harder for yourself when you come to add some extension you don't already have
I compiled it right after I compiled apache lol
Yeah right
It should be possible to compile PDO as a shared module
So basically I should look for binaries on package repos ?
(i.e. avoid recompiling PHP itself)
Got it ! Thanks for the help guys :)
@limekin Depends what you are doing. As a general rule, the only reason not to do that is if you are doing something weird, usually it's because you are developing PHP itself (as in the C src) or because you need a different thread-safefty configuration to the one provided by your package manager
Or maybe you need some weird old version, or want to run from master or something
but if you are just doing regular development in PHP, just get the standard packages
Or you just like dependency and maintenance hell
my servers mysql usage is more than 100%
what will be the best solution
stop mysql process OR restart apache which is best solution
no crop ... I was working on db dumb and then mysql usage gone 100% +
More than 100%?
Multiple cpus?
@DaveRandom yes :(
@Danack 1 cpu only..
Let me guess... MySQL and Apache/nginx share the same box?
How can something use more than 100% of something else? That's a logical impossibility...
@John Do you mean you have a query running that is using up all the resources? If so - stackoverflow.com/questions/3787651/…
It's like that crap that sports people talk about giving 110%... I just want to jump into the TV/Radio/Newspaper/whatever and punch then in their stupid innumerate faces
Whereupon they will of course beat the crap out of me, but it would be totally worth it.
@FlorianMargaine :-)
I give 110% at all times!
Which makes you wonder why they don't try harder and go for 200%
This is presumably because you are moving so fast have done so much speed that you are affected by time dilation.
@DaveRandom I would say it's highly improbable.
Ways to progress with learning PHP? I've got the basics behind me and some advanced stuff, just don't know how to progress from here effectively? Anyone have any online courses or resources they've used in the past and would recommend?
@Machavity That's 110% awesome!
@Jay php.net/docs.php Recommended by salathes everywhere
Hmm, I forgot how many things in Ruby on Rails are made by convention.
@bwoebi I didn't even know that doesn't work
My newest baby was born last night at 10:30.
@Danack thanks
Aww, congrats!
@LeviMorrison congrats!
Congrats @LeviMorrison!
@NikiC then you do now :-( … does that need a RFC or is it just a bug that it doesn't work (aka, make a PR)?
@LeviMorrison congrats :-)
@LeviMorrison congrats!
@DaveRandom Clearly you have never run a java app
@bwoebi I think it's sufficiently bug-ish
@LeviMorrison Gratz!
@NikiC good… then I'll look at fixing that.
@Machavity That looks perfect
@PeeHaa Yeh I'm pretty sure that the Java VM just starts with long long memoryIWant = 0xffffffffffffffff; while (!myMem = malloc(memoryIWant)) memoryIWant--;
Don't you guys like function composition?
posted on June 03, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MonsieurLeMarquis */

Now, that PHP supports lambda expressions of first level to be directly evaluated, it implements a big advance in functional programming.
you mean "now" since PHP 5.3?
@marcio I suppose he means (function() {})();
@bwoebi that's not sooo important for function composition, specifically
nope. But the only thing which changed related to that^^
Yeah, I mean that.
@LeviMorrison hmm .. I have to ask ... did you really glue a red bow to a newborn ?
It will finally allow me to implement currying in a nice manner.
// Explicitly curried simple add function
$add = ($x) ~> ($y) use ($x) ~> $x + $y
// Implicitly curried add function, as LiveScript's --> operator
$add = ($x, $y) ~~> $x + $y
$add(10, 20); // 30
$add(10)(20); // 30
just beware ~> is not really there yet
~> ... new RFC?
Wait, the sperm operator was a serious consideration?!
"Sperm operator"? :P
@MarceloCamargo "yet" because we never know :x
I'm sad because chicken operator has not been accepted.
C++ has the tadpole operator: (~-) (-~), yay.
@MarceloCamargo what's the chicken operator?
I'm grateful it wasn't accepted because :> deserves a better usage
actually, why not -> for that matter?
Maybe I'll open a RFC for piping operator. It's one of the most very useful things that I use and that's so match expressive.
@MarceloCamargo what exactly does that operator pipe?
I'll explain with details in a gist. Hold a while.
@Ja͢ck because ($x) -> $y is already valid code and would offer plenty of parsing issues
not sure why php should turn into a code golf language, though.
how is that valid code?
@Ja͢ck nobody is trying to make PHP match up with Pyth…
@Ja͢ck object property access with dynamic name?
hmm, that gets an unexpected -> for me.
Apparently it's one of the things that the AST stuff fixed
(I guess)
@DaveRandom yes.
ah, still running 5.6.8 here :)
@LeviMorrison concratulations! How many kids do you have already?
@Ja͢ck why is everybody running these nearly-EOL versions…
@tereško The hospital did, it seems.
@ziGi This is my second.
@LeviMorrison the hospital is obsessed with gender I guess
Probably more obsessed with not getting babies mixed up....
Thanks for all the congratulations.
How do you mix babies, they look different?
@LeviMorrison congrats :)
oh yeah, baby identification has gone ape shit here ... now, the baby wears a permanent device that must match up with the mother, otherwise it gets wheeled back out ...
guess i can't blame them after one hospital mixed up two babies last year =/
@bwoebi 5.6.9 now =O
@MarceloCamargo ah, so, inversion of the order in which params are written?
Basically. It improves legibility and is implemented by recognized programming languages, such as F# or Shell (scripting)
@ziGi new born babies all look like knees (excluding the ones we see here).
hairy knees?
@marcio why, do the ones that you see there have Brazilian butts?
LiveScript uses it together with partially applied functions, but I don't believe partial functions are necessary in PHP.
Although, I believe in |>.
@MarceloCamargo I'm not sure if I like that too much… It's a bit like magically inserting the first parameter depending on whether there is a |> in the line after it.
It is more useful for complex functions.
The return value is being always the last and other functions are applied to them in a human way.
not sure if that's human :-P
Would we get <| and <|> and ^(^-^)^ (>^-^)> ^(^-^)^ <(^-^<) operators too?
@MarceloCamargo hummm... hmm, not sure if I get it
ah ok, you gist example is much easier to read
@marcio, Well, basically, the pipe operator applies a function passing the value on "stack" for it and returns the result to be applied again.
You can do method-chaining with simple functions, without needing an object for that.

function add1($x) { return $x + 1; }

|> add1 // => 11
|> add1 // => 12
Yeah, I see:
range(1, 10)
|> map (function($x) { return $x * 2 }) // => [1, 2, 3, 4 ... 20]
|> filter ('even'); // => [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]
Indeed it's an improvement over:
It would be the object equivalence to:

class Num {
private $value;

function __construct($x) { $this->value = $x; }
function add1($x) { return new Num($this->value + 1); }

new Num(10)
-> add1() // Num 11
-> add1() // Num 12
Look at the second example how I'm doing with objects:
    'even', array_map(
        function($x) { return $x * 2 }, range(1, 10));
^ reading code backwards sucks
someone using phpstorm? is there a way to add a method to an interface and automatically add the stub to all classes implementing such interface?
Yeah, you could rewrite that with |>:

range(1, 10)
|> array_map(function($x) { return $x * 2 })
|> array_filter('even');
Note that both array_map and array_filter have arity 2 (arg num) and the value evaluated is passed to that.
@bwoebi I don't think it's bad at all
@marcio I'm not saying it'd be bad, but I'm not persuaded.
["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
|> array_map(function($item) {
echo $item . "\n";
@Worf I don't know about a shortcut, but you will have to implement it in every class anyway, so just use Alt + Enter in each class.
You can't just nest a complex call, its illegible. This way you have the control flow of evaluation.
@bwoebi The argument for not reading code backwards is enough to me. I've seen people avoiding nesting function calls because it's hard to read so they do intermediate assigns. Piping would solve it.
@kelunik Alt+Enter how?
|> foo
|> bar
|> baz
|> print

@Worf Put the cursor into the first line (class XY implements YZ) and hit Alt + Enter.
doesn't work for me, i'm on windows maybe i have different key mapping
but i know what is that, it's not very helpful :P
wait.. it's actually worst because array_filter get's the callback as a second parameter:
        function($x) { return $x * 2; }, range(1, 10)), 'even')
@marcio I prefer using $array->filter(..)->map(..).
@kelunik me too ^^ but I have a hunch this ain't going to happen :x
This could be solved by using a wildcard inside:

range(1, 10)
|> array_map(function($x) { return $x * 2; }, _)
|> array_filter(_, "even");
@kelunik This is already possible with Rawr. :P
@MarceloCamargo "_" is a valid constant name, you'd need to go for "$_"
@kelunik that's fine as long as you only use native functions…
It would work fine for non-arrays to:
@LeviMorrison congratulations!!!!1
Yes, but that piping looks awkward.
"java smells bad"
|> strtoupper
|> explode (" ")
|> array_map (function($item) {
echo $item . "\n";
That piping is the default operator for pipeline, but we can change if necessary.
would it be a BC break if array_column() was made to work with arrays of objects? kinda frustrating it only works for inner arrays =(
@LeviMorrison congratulations!!
use AAA\BBB\CCC\{function DDD, const EEE}; @marcio +1000000000 for this (i mean, being able to mix two use types)
@Ja͢ck BC fix :)
that's it then .. i shall write poc this wk
@Worf :-) and I thought this wasn't going to be popular
@ziGi yes, if the baby is born in Brazil then it will have a Brazilian butt I guess.
@Ja͢ck on a sort-of related note, whatever happened to list comprehensions? /cc @NikiC
@salathe Yeah, I've tried ... couldn't get rid of the memory leaks =((
"brazilian butts", tsc, tsc.
Brazil is known by that. :v
@marcio why that, less stuff to write :P it will be popular
LiveScript also has a .|. operator and I think this wasn't made by pure innocence.
@Worf mainly because every little thing is being stuffed inside classes as a standard :<
Does LiveScript have a penis operator too?
@marcio eheh :P
every time you guys say "LiveScript" I have to google and - meh, another coffeescript // forgets what LiveScript is
@tereško you are not from Lithuania right?
@jack (cc @MadaraUchiha)
const D = 8;
8===D ? $this->setGender(Gender::Male) : $this->setGender(Gender::Female);
@ziGi no
@Worf ahaha
@tereško ok, I was just wondering because I saw a post about the fact that they made Army mandatory in Lithuania
@ziGi that happened in february
The distinction between sex and gender differentiates sex (the anatomy of an individual's reproductive system, and secondary sex characteristics) from gender (social roles based on the sex of the person, usually culturally learned), or personal identification of one's own gender based on an internal awareness (gender identity). In some circumstances, an individual's assigned sex and gender do not align, and the result is sometimes a transgender person. The sex and gender distinction is not universal. In ordinary speech, sex and gender are often used interchangeably. Some dictionaries and academic...
@tereško I just found out
Oh ffs, don't bring ALL the edge cases in
@ziGi boredpanda.com is slow not a news site ;)
@marcio i am a simple man. was just for fun didn't want to be excessively specific :P
@Worf $this->setGender(8===D ? Gender::Male : Gender::Female);
come on :P
@FlorianMargaine true.
@Gordon haha true, it's just that I don't really care about news that much. People make me sad with their decisions
@Worf At least you didn't model a 'protected bool $male;' scenario I saw a guy doing once xD
@ziGi actually, I was thinking about @tereško as well when it popped up in my fb stream. then remembered he is from latvia and concluded that this is different from lithuania
yeah, they have potatoes in lithuania
I think I want one of those: kickstarter.com/projects/1035100786/…
@JoeWatkins definitely does ^
@bwoebi is there a convenient function in master that converts any variable type into a string value?
@Gordon yeah, I don't want to offend teresko, but I always confuse both countries because I've never been there and because in my mother tongue they have much more similar names. The same way Dutch people are mixing Hungary and Bulgaria because they sound similar in Dutch (Hongerije, Bulgerije). Although in Latvia and Lithuania they speak similar language, although Latvian is more modern.
@NikiC I meant more like a convert_to_string_ex() but without that finicky zval separation stuff
is there a way to do

`function (MyObject[] objectsArray) { ... }`
Short answer: no
other than foreach etc
@Ja͢ck So zval_get_string() maybe?
that certainly sounds right! :)
do i still need to efree() that later?
oh wait, can't be that simple ...
zend_string_release() .. right
@발렌탕 It's been suggested a couple of times but even if the language supported it the underlying operation would still be O(n). The problem being that arrays themselves are untyped, so you can't do the type check at the point where the element is added to the array, so you can only do the check at call time. IIRC the last time it was proposed this was the thing that blew it out of the water.
Since we also don't support generics, the only options are foreach etc checks in the receiving routine, or creating a specific ArrayObject-like thing which performs the check at the time of element insertion.
both of which are kind of shitty solutions
@Ocramius had some god-awful way to do it by hijacking variadics to do it, but it doesn't really fix either of those problems, won't be any faster and is way less readable
So, pretty standard code written by @Ocramius :-P
@Ja͢ck yup
@발렌탕 if you are using 5.6, function (MyObject ...$objectsArray) { ... } sort of does what you want, but it works with variadics instead of an array
@DaveRandom oh jeez, untyped array ! was I really even silly to try 'MyObject[] myarray' ? that sounds like non sense yes!
However, if there were a mechanism to declare type-bound arrays, that would be very useful, in the least of readability.
@발렌탕 Yeh, don't hold your breath on that one. It ain't gonna happen any time soon.
sounds like what you're after.
@Jack thanks, but that's like a cake behind a glass
Why, yes.
Also, strangely, like a prostitute in Sweden.
You can do function foo(array $arr) {} to ensure that is is an array, but if you wan't to ensure the types of the elements you have to do it manually. PHP is a weakly typed language, I still haven't decided whether I would actually even want this even if it could be implemented sanely.
I think generics-like stuff is likely to be more useful (and could be used to do the same thing)
Currently, if you want a typed collection ... create a typed collection class.
> Yo momma so fat she's red-shifted
I lol'd
because she's moving away from you?
ah so
@DaveRandom that's not how redshift works
@tereško It's almost how gravitational redshift works, although one could argue over the semantics of it, but it's a yo-momma joke, I wouldn't examine it too closely.
@DaveRandom redshift has to do with objects relative movement
warping of space does not affect it (unless you could induce fluctuation in the gravitational field)
@DaveRandom haha
@tereško that is how gravitational redshift works
Everything with mass redshifts light that's emitted away from it
> Yo momma so fat the escape velocity at her surface exceeds 3*10^8 M/s
@CiaranMcNulty hmm
that's actually curious and seem to indicate that space is quantized too (same was a photons are)
How did you get from gravitational redshift to space being quantized?
@ziGi 3*10^8 Mega per second? o.0
haha it should be m/s
good morning
yo mamma so fat she statically allocates her index table at the time of formatting
@Ja͢ck zval_get_string() if I remember correctly
It's because time dialation
frequency changes as the rate of time increases away from the gravity well
@bwoebi yeah :D
posted on June 03, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Stichoza */

ahahah ^
Yo mamma so fat the (intval($yoMommaWeight) < 0)== true
@tereško There is also redshift that can be observed due to the effects of time dilation as the light moves away from the high-gravity body from which it was emitted. If "yo momma" were indeed "so fat" enough for this to be measurable, then changes are she would also be fat enough to collapse under her own gravity and begin fusion, emitting light in the process.
@NikiC dont mind me, I am talking out of my ass ...
> ...it's a yo-momma joke, I wouldn't examine it too closely.
@DaveRandom arguably the most educational yo momma joke :)
@DaveRandom if yo momma's so fat she'll become a supermassive black hole because of what you have just explained
<message redacted because it would get flagged immediately>
well, to cause redshit the energy of the photon has to be lower than expexted
I am just thinking how can a photon loose energy by moving from more compressed space to less compressed
This is the only place I know of where I can see discussion of cosmological phenomenon, Swedish prostitution and cake in one screen
@DaveRandom As I learn more about the engine I'm not sure we could do it feasibly without JIT optimization, which is something I'd personally want to stay away from.
@Orangepill I'm sure there's an RFC for that too
I'd prefer to keep the main PHP engine simple and let other people do JITs.
@tereško Redshift does not mandate the loss of energy, merely a re-balancing of frequency and wavelength
@Orangepill well, sometimes it's cosmological prostitution, Swedish cake and phenomenons.
@marcio cosmological prostitution sounds dangerous from an STD standpoints...
Swedish cakes look rather yummy, though.
@DaveRandom ok, but that still doesn't explain the change
/me will have to read
Does anyone know how to change the default table style in powerpoint?
Hmm, not sure if you change that in the master slide.
@tereško Indeed, I don't pretend to be an authority on such matters (and I also didn't make up the joke)
@salathe Well, here is the fix (minus tests) ;-)
@DaveRandom @tereško is probably referring to energy of a photon being proportional to its frequency, so a redshifted photon has less energy
But that's not an issue. Energy conservation is a property of inertial reference frames and you're not looking at an inertial frame here
In GR energy is an observer-dependent quantity. The energy of the particle depends on "how" you look at it ^^
/me wonders whether I am a particle because my energy sure does depend on how you look at me, too
@Ja͢ck yay :)
Random aside: the one time I use Twitter in the hope of getting responses or retwitted, nothing happens.
@NikiC These are things that start to melt my brain when I think about them for too long. It's one of those things where I've read stuff a thousand times and every time I think I get a marginally better understanding of it, until the next time I read it and I realise I really didn't.
@NikiC s/observe/measure
@tereško ?
"orbserve" implies a sentient being
Not in the context of relativity (afaik)
@tereško "observer" is a technical term
This is physics, not theology
I know, but it has been poisoned
I have seen too many people on the internet who thinks that quantum mechanics means that you can think shit into existence
@tereško Observer in QM and in relativity are two different things
In relativity it's just the reference frame from which the measurement occurs
oh .. with "GR" you meant gravity
@tereško I meant general relativity ^^
.. see .. the problem with acronyms ?
in that case, I must ask: are you implying that by having mass to warp the spacetime the object exists in a different inertial system ?
because it makes it even more confusing
Yesterday the boss asked us to dream. "What if you had unlimited funds to hire devs or replace the current system with third party software? What would you do?"
That was an immensely scary discussion.
We have it every three or four years, really.
hire devs
hire an architect
@Charles Embezzle as much as possible and move to a non-extradition country
@tereško Bingo.
My boss asked me how I would build a financial software for kids to be able to do their bookkeeping when selling stuff on Kingsday in the Netherlands.
Yeah, the answer was basically "well, first we need to hire someone smarter than I am, at an appropriate market rate."
"Then we need to hire someone that actually knows how software that handles financials should operate and tell us what to do, because it's clear that we don't completely grasp what's going on here."
And I couldn't imagine what kid would like to learn about how finances work in the real world when they are 10.
Yeah, that's a weird one.
@ziGi I would answer: "carefully"
Increasing a developer team of 10 people to 90 people to be able to do a 90 days task in 10 days is like getting 9 women pregnant to give birth to a baby in a month.
The more developers you have, the more time is going to be spent in management and coordination, especially if there aren't any good project managers and CTO's
@ziGi that's the wrong question ^^ try "how to make kids instigated to learn about finances when they are 10?", they will relate to the "real world" part in case your method is successful.
@tereško What I meant by that is that you only have local inertial frames in GR. Local as in within an area of low spacetime curvature. An inertial frame of a photon close to a massive objcet is a different frame from one far away.
Really all I wanted to say with that is that there should be no expectation of energy conservation
@marcio you are completely correct. Actually what I told him was that it has to be more like a game that asks the kids to do some operations in the game which would teach them to the "real world" problems but at the same time the focus would be for them to have fun and gain points, so more or less gamification.
Brooks' law is a claim about software project management according to which "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." It was coined by Fred Brooks in his 1975 book The Mythical Man-Month. According to Brooks, there is an incremental person who, when added to a project, makes it take more, not less time. Brooks adds that "nine women can't make a baby in one month." == Explanations == According to Brooks himself, the law is an "outrageous oversimplification", but it captures the general rule. Brooks points to two main factors that explain why it works this way: It takes some time...
@ziGi And that's not easy. He asked you the hard question and he knows that.
Btw @PeeHaa and @Gordon, thank you for your help with the Android room guys. I am not going to get un-banned, but at least I understood that I have done quite a lot of damage, that I did not even know of. I have even sent someone to the psychiatric clinic. (the last part was a joke, but apparently they got so offended by some of my sexist comments that were not aimed to them, that they didn't want to join the room after that, although I was banned)
@ziGi !?
@GeoffreyHale, I got banned from the Android room and I was wondering why I still have a ban after such a long time
@ziGi Got that much. Sorry ~ I stopped reading at "sent someone to the psychiatric clinic". Your explanation was already in paranthesis after that. =)
@ziGi Interesting that they only block you from a single room.
@ziGi Each room is managed by different individuals?
@GeoffreyHale yes, but you can get a general ban from all rooms for serious misbehaving, like cursing and inappropriate content
@ziGi np I think :P
@GeoffreyHale Every room has different room owners
Although, I still can't wrap my mind around how people get so offended on the internet, by things which were not even directed to them but to their gender, and won't join back even after the person, in this case me, hasn't been present there for a year. And the worst part is that I don't even remember what I have said that is so serious.
@ziGi Difference in sensitivity - topic, personality type, emotional triggers, etc.
@ziGi Hard for me to comment without also generalizing about types // and since you've apparently been banned for generalizing about a gender type in a chat room, I'll learn from your mistake and bite my tongue. ;)
@ziGi It's probably a good thing that you can't wrap your mind around it. Will be better if you aren't ever easily offendable... and simultaneously don't offend. ;)
@GeoffreyHale haha good point, however, what I wanted to say is that I am not the one that suffers that much from it, as is the person that is too sensitive on such topics.
@ziGi Eh, this will get philosophical real quick, bit off topic... but "too sensitive"? Is not all relative? You hurt someone. That's the facts. Then you got banned. That's the facts. Looks like something you did caused problems for everyone. Worth considering.
So, my fiancé was just admitted to surgery; nothing too major; wish her luck!
@GeoffreyHale yeah, I am not at all easily offended and I try lately not to offend anyone.
@DanLugg Luck to your fiance!
@GeoffreyHale yes, however, it took me one year to understand what harm I have caused, instead of people trying to accept that I am a human and I learn how to behave with age and give me a second chance after some time.

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