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@R.MartinhoFernandes Same here, except here it's basically implied everywhere
My dad hates them too because he hates pseudoscience. I don't see a difference between that and other products that pretend to be healthy.
"Asbestos free" is next
I have the discussion very often. It's all the rage here in Germany.
Really? Here there's a section in the supermarket but I mostly ignore it since it costs more and the fruit are uglier.
@milleniumbug I prefer asbest-free coffee
Buy local, kids.
Actually I recently realized I routinely shop my vegetables in the eco/bio section. Mostly... because there's less of everything so it's easier for me to "get an overview" ;/
@milleniumbug all forms of asbestos are known to be serious health hazards. It's a completely different situation.
I had not realized it before. And the new shop layout has been there for months
@R.MartinhoFernandes He was joking.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a SMBC reference, IIRC.
Or maybe it's XKCD.
"This liqourice is fat-free!" -> "These French fries are asbestos free"
Right, XKCD.
xkcd no longer oneboxes?
oh https
Lol. I didn't know that one. It was p. obvious. Which prompted my "coffee" response
I didn't remember that one.
Mar 6 '14 at 17:01, by Cat Plus Plus
Chat is programmed Very Good (tm)
I should make a laminated print of it and give it as a visit card whenever I want to leave a conversation with one of those nutters.
I'd do it right now if I was home.
Where are you?
Cycling from Prague to Unconference, I suppose
I'm staying at a friend's.
I'm technically homeless for a while.
o.O I did that for a summer.
This 29th year of my life has been a constant adventure.
It's a vicious cycle.
I literally carried a large box with sheet music and that was it
(It's been a month)
@EtiennedeMartel nice
why are you technically homeless?
because he technically doesn't rent a place to stay?
I thought you said like, a week ago or something, that your flatmate was moving out.
and first you must actually have a flatmate.
No. A new flatmate was moving in.
I read that as flamemate at first. lol
Into the room I was occupying.
that sounds like a fairly big problem
I'm actually surprised at my lack of worry.
Q: Can I wear a bulletproof vest while traveling on British Airways from Heathrow?

user1298069I'll be wearing it all the time anyway once I arrive at my hostile destination but how about wearing it during the flight? It makes sense to wear it in case someone try to hijack the plane.

Me too
personally I consider not having a place securely and completely to myself to be a critical situation
@R.MartinhoFernandes You just know that there are now enough women hot for you that you can settle into the life of a kept man anytime you feel like it.
I actually don't remember feeling happier than I feel these days.
correct me if I'm wrong, but that does tend to happen when you leave work
I guess its the lack of responsibility?
I remember being in a very similar situation at pretty much the same age and realizing it was the happiest part of my life
I feel home. That's it.
I have the best friends. Sorry, guys, they're all mine.
oh you :)
I felt like I had nothing to lose and nothing to regret
I don't regret many things.
The feeling of freedom was especially very inspiring and gave me much energy
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm p. sure they'll reserve some rights to themselves :)
Some rights reserved
alright planklets, I'm going to bed
good night
sleep well
alleej zunne
da zennekiknie eej
@TonyTheLion Good night.
40 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Plants are fucking weird, man.
one last thing, why is this starred?
I need to know, otherwise my sleep might be ruined
They're fucking weird
Night for the humble bees
@TonyTheLion What, you got to fuck a plant before you sleep?
Plants are very fucking weird because they reproduce fuck weird.
so does literally every other single species on the planet.
I get it guise
Porn Pony Get It (Big Time)
@Andy A lot of interesting things happened since my birthday a month ago. Deep down, I think two main things changed that led to much bliss. First, I became aware of how much the people that I care about care about me; and second, I realised something about myself I didn't know.
what was that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What, that you're a chick magnet?
@Puppy haha. The simples. Life isn't it
We already figured that out when we got a glimpse of your facial hair.
I suppose it's about appreciation and selfworth. But I might be projecting
When is it a good idea to use pointers to pointers?
When you are participating in an obfuscated C contest
when you need to point to a pointer.
Here are the full error messages: — shyab 26 secs ago
Hint. A SSCE is not a list of errors. — sehe 12 secs ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can see how you're open to life, connect with others, leave your comfort zone, that's a reasonable way of living. It reminds me of when I was like that and how good it felt
What happened bro :(
To me?
Q: Why use double pointer? or Why use pointers to pointers?

manjuWhen should a double pointer be used in C? Can anyone explain with a example? What I know is that a double pointer is a pointer to a pointer. Why would I need a pointer to a pointer?

wtf happened to robot
@ziGi When you're writing C, it can be hard to avoid them. In C++, there's almost no real use for them.
@ziGi Google will get you much better answers than asking here
I come from a simpler programming languages background like Java and PHP where this is not something common
in Java you do it literally all the time
it's just not expressed that way.
@Puppy He's talking.
(and the lounge is quite nosy)
True that
I'm not nosy, I simply want to know wtf happened to robot and I want to know it right now
I have done double pointers in C to make list of strings basically, but then I was interpreting them like a matrix more or less, I was wondering when it can be useful in C++
I finally accepted that I changed and I'm not that guy from a few years ago.
@ziGi About pointers to pointers to... stackoverflow.com/a/21501054/1012936
You can't see it right now, but here's a thumbs up.
I don't feel an introvert anymore :|
That's a good thing
@milleniumbug that's quite useful, thanks
Seriously, that's great for you.
I used to think I was an introvert because I was shy. And then I met actual introverts and I realized that just because you don't know how to break the ice, doesn't mean you can't fit comfortably with other people.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I feel an introvert sometimes (well, maybe she's not really an introvert, but she's a lot less extroverted than her sister, anyway).
Honestly I don't even see it as something to "accept" - why would you struggle with enjoying relating to others?
kill the heretic
@EtiennedeMartel I can relate to that.
@AndyProwl It's the change.
Change in itself can be hard to adjust to
That said, I regularly go to parties where I know only one or two persons, just to meet new people. The more I do that, the easier it gets.
I could never do that
Lies. You don't feel comfortable, so you conveniently decide not to :) (Like everyone else)
> persons, just to meet new people
@Puppy 25yo me couldn't either.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I actually thought about it, and then I posted it anyway because fuck English.
I'm 24 not 25
@sehe I can understand that in principle, although this kind of change (gaining friends, being more open, being liked, etc.) should not be traumatic - or rather, not in a hurtful way
Btw I find this very funny -> ideone.com/W9ComG since a[i] == *(a+i) == *(i+a) == i[a]
@Puppy Then you still have one year before you have to bite the bullet.
Now I do it on purpose.
@Puppy He didn't say anything about your age
@EtiennedeMartel +1
that's because you're a freak of nature
@AndyProwl Who said so? If you're used to being all on your own, life is simpler in a way. And when that changes, one can feel lost.
There's this cliché about going out of your comfort zone, but it really works.
At least it works in my case.
So I recommend it to others.
Who knows, maybe it'll work too.
@EtiennedeMartel Was about to write that
Took repeated shellings of my comfort zone.
@sehe I'm just speaking from personal experience and the bit of intuition I grew
@EtiennedeMartel why do you bite the bullet at 25?
@AndyProwl Go right ahead. Same here! I'm not correcting anyone o.O
@R.MartinhoFernandes Man, you really like it rough.
@zigi He's just paralleling with my experience.
@sehe Oh, ok. I misinterpreted the "Who said so?", sorry
@ziGi because that's when you feel particularly hungry and need the extra ferro :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes paralleling what?
@AndyProwl Well, yeah. Nobody said it was traumatic etc.
Yeah got it
Doesn't make it all irrelevant. Growing pains happen
I am 25 and the only problem I have is that I start to feel that picking up 18 year old chicks is not the best idea anymore :D
(Still, actually)
On Saturday, a few friends were moving in a new appartment and I went helping them. This was followed by a beer drinking night. One of the people there had Asperger's. That was an interesting evening.
I don't pick up chicks so I have no advice for you.
@ziGi Well. Put that way, it doesn't sound like it ever was "the best" idea. I suppose it's more about the intent
And how do you call someone who is introvert during winter and extrovert during summer?
@ziGi With the usual rule (minimum age is (your age / 2) + 7), they're out of your range.
@sehe When I was 20 it was fine, when I was 21-22 it was still fine
Well. Really. Depends a lot
@EtiennedeMartel haha nice one
@ziGi why not?
@AndyProwl cause their level of thinking is totally different, I can't even relate to the stuff they are interested in
@ziGi That's a generalization, but yes. I think I get what you mean.
@ziGi IME many 18 yo girls are more mature than 25 yo boys
@AndyProwl maybe I just have an old soul, most people think I am 27-28 :/
also, I was 32 when I "picked up" my current girlfriend, who was 18 back then
@AndyProwl hm, so isn't the difference too much?
@ziGi Not with her
@AndyProwl does that mean that you are a bit infantile for your age and she is a bit more mature for her age
@Andy not trying to be mean, but notice he said he can't relate to the stuff they are interested in.
It depends. You just can't over-generalize and say "oh I'm this age so I really should exclude this age category". Unless it's illegal, of course
Couldn't help but notice.
@ziGi That's not about age. That's about interests. Like I said before, it's more about the intent anyways
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's what I'm trying to oppose to; the idea of "their interests" is an improper generalization
@ziGi It probably means they like eachother and enjoy spending their life together...
Age and maturity are probably somewhat correlated, but I wouldn't bet on that.
@AndyProwl Yup. Picking up the wrong chicks doesn't work, regardless of age
@AndyProwl the other day I was walking in a park and saw this really nice contraption at a kids playing ground. It was a excavator for kids used to dig sand. Since I've never used one of those I decided to try it and some woman came and asked me what am I doing, just then I felt a bit old, cause there was a kid nearby who was looking at me in a strange way. So I was thinking, can they call the police and say that I am a pedophile or something? Although I have no such intentions
The key is probably around "picking up" and "chicks"
@sehe totally agree
@sehe Everyone knows life works like farming stuff in a MMO.
You fill your meter in a bar and bam, you harvest a lady.
I can't relate to that. I still don't know what a MMO is
a massively multiplayer online role-playing game
@ziGi Wait how does that relate with the message you're replying to?
World of Warcraft-style game.
Mass Multiplayer Online
@AndyProwl Get to know your conversation partner before you engage all the way :/ I saw the signs of sloppy reasoning earlier. He's here for distraction, I guess
@AndyProwl well it does in terms of age, I mean if I am over 30 I would still do it, but I could get arrested for it.
"I don't know what that is" "Oh, well, let the Lounge fill you in posthaste"
@sehe The guy is Dutch. That explains it.
@sehe Basically what I was trying to say is that something led him to the change that brought him to a state of higher happiness, and it sounds odd to me to imagine this as something one would struggle with. Oversimplifying: if I became happier, why would I mind? (I'm not claiming this to be a clever thought, just what's going on in my head)
@ziGi Of course not. What the hell.
@EtiennedeMartel Jazeker. Dat verklaart een boel
I guess it depends on the country, and I am not Dutch btw, I just live in the Netherlands
@sehe Je ne parle pas Allemand.
puppy, still as strange as this feels, has work tomorrow
@EtiennedeMartel Ich doch
@EtiennedeMartel people speak Dutch in the Netherlands, not German...
good night inferior beings and clearly robot
@sehe You're more perceptive :)
@Puppy You're just trying to sleep with him, admit it.
Who's the bot? Are you referring to me?
That's interesting.
Well, get in line.
I must admit that I am clearly super horny for robot
I find him irresistible
@Puppy I feel so left out! I guess I'll recover though.
@Puppy night
@zigi that'd be me.
Random Internet Dude #34 whom I have never met, bear my children immediately please
I see, sorry, I kind of doze off.
@EtiennedeMartel I avoid speaking French although I can a little bit, cause my french friends told me I sound like a pervert when I do :D
@ziGi Maybe you are a pervert, have you thought about that?
No. Attention deficit. Next patient
@EtiennedeMartel haha I have, but I doubt it. I guess it depends on some traits
@sehe you are much closer
Pedo bear reporting
(yeah I know that's not what you meant)
@EtiennedeMartel they were making me say stuff like "les enfants viennent dans mon camion, je dois bonbons" sorry for the bad French but you get what I mean
Just bear with the bear
I can hardly bear these puns.
@ziGi Yeah, but, err. yeah.
@Skylion Wash before reuse
@AndyProwl ...but don't bare with the bear.
@Skylion why did you reply with such big paws
I prefer to let the garbage collector do that
race to the bottom
work, collector, work ♪♫♪
that fell ♭
May 27 at 14:30, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@MartinJames I've known her for... two years now. I dunno why I'm anxious.
I also figured this one bit out.
Hmm, I guess iI'll have to chew on that notion
@R.MartinhoFernandes cause of insecurity most likely
Is ziGi @ScottW's nephew?
haha, who's ScottW?
Cause of insecurity is almost always use after exploits.
With the conversation style of Cinch
@sehe Do I really sound like a bot?
I can't keep up. So many inane questions. Just accept you can't know everyone if you're for the first time, essentially
No, but you do sounds like a Cinch
@ziGi "Foul and a miss"
@sehe I've been here before, a lot of times
@R.MartinhoFernandes That seems to me like it could easily lead to extra anxiousness--if you're already friends, and you try to date and it doesn't work out, you could easily end up losing a friend (at least for a while), which I'd rate as a much worse consequence than just a date that didn't go well.
@ziGi R. Martinho Fernandes is robot
No @Zigi Fowl and a Mrs.
@ziGi Not enough, or not paying attention (or you are indeed ScottW)

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