@davidism Basically, everything started to break down, I don't think it is linked to supervisord or gunicorn, but it seems to be linked to zope-interface, Martinj seemed to know how to fix it but he didn't had the time to deal with it.
I'm trying to see if I can figure it by myself but so far I'm pretty lost lol.
Downloaded the .tar.gz and dezipped it but idk how to compile it (trying, trying)
What does "everything started to break down" mean. Your question has a lot of words but doesn't actually seem to describe your problem or how to reproduce it.
You don't compile zope, you install it with pip. (and it compiles it)
@davidism How to reproduce it? If I knew what what the source of my problem, that would help, basically in my case, whenever I run supervisord, gunicorn (or maybe some other, I didn't test everything on my system :)) the same error show up, and that's it, the command doesn't do anything else.
I seriously don't know what happenned, everything used to work fine before, up until idk what happenned, I'm trying to figure it out but no such luck, I hope you smart guys may help me if lucky :P
@JeromeJ I'm having real trouble understanding what you're doing. What command did you run? What was the error? Are you saying you're not using virtualenv? What are you using?
Sorry, I ran this command virtualenv testdir/virt1 and the old same error appeared right away, same as in my question stackoverflow.com/q/29865518/1524913
(apt-get install zope, the package name isn't right, as expected)
python doesn't crash, virtualenv does.
Btw, if I did try those commands at some point (the ones you listed above), it was after "everything broke down" (so it couldn't be the "cause" of it, )
I don't remember how I linked python to python3, it was quite long ago, it is really important? So far it didn't break anything before. Is there a way to find out what I did b4?
Never had an issue that seemed related to that before so it makes me think it would be unlikely that this is the actual issue, then again I've no idea what's the actual issue ^^
… ls: cannot access /usr/local/bin/python: No such file or directory
I "think", I downloaded and compiled it myself, didn't do anything fancy. Could it be that I installed it without sudo (if that is even possible) and that determined it to be installed there?
OK, so the problem is that virtualenv uses the system python2. You've modified PYTHONPATH in your env, and it points to some python3 related stuff. So when you run virtualenv, python2 now sees some python3 related paths.
The solution is to not mess with the system python installation and to not mess with global environment variables.
I would like to point out that there is absolutely no way someone could have figured this out from the question you posted.
I would like my function, getz (i,j), to return the value Z from a list called data, which comprises of Z values. However, I only wish to return values that are greater than 100 and less than 600...how do I do this?
I have this so far but it doesn't seem to work:
def getz (i,j):
Z = 100< dat...
... which is unclear, and abandoned by OP. Normally I'd delete my answer to mask my shame at answering it, but as it's the only answer, I feel a bit icky about that. Can I get some close votes on the Q (followed by delete votes as and when)?
> If the bounty starter accepted an answer during the bounty period, that answer is awarded the bounty (provided that the answer was posted during the bounty period). Answers accepted before the bounty period are not eligible to be awarded the bounty automatically.
Do you guys mind if I ask advice sometimes on small solutions I've written for codeabbey challenges? I asked one earlier but I don't want to spam the room. Opinions from experienced people help me a lot more than just looking at random solutions from other contestants
@Stephan I realise you're not doing so now, but as long as you don't "ask to ask" for each solution (and as long as largeish pieces of code are in a dpaste or gist rather than dumped into the room) I don't see a problem with it.
In that case, here's one I'd like to ask advice on. Assume input() returns a space delimited list of temperatures in Fahrenheit that need to be converted to Celcius. The first one is actually the amount of values that follow, hence the [1:]
temperatures = [int(t) for t in input().split()[1:]]
celcius = [int(round((F-32) / 1.8)) for F in temperatures]
print(" ".join(str(c) for c in celcius))
All other solutions seem to use some kind of for/while construction, but I think without is nicer (?)
I quite like that way of doing it. Don't like input() as the name for a function, though, but i'm guessing that is a mockup and / or not your decision...
Well, to be fair if you're using modern JS it's not so different. It's just that JS arrays have these weird corner cases - and the slicing syntax is so much nicer in Python.
i want to append to a list like this i.a.append(foo) where a is the object property, i finally figured it out by storing getattr(obj, attrname) in a variable and used it to append to the list