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I think I ate TacoBell once, I remember my wife saying something along the lines of prepare your anus
the first block of XML wasn't being shown in the preview at all
Anyway I'll check the menu on my own, I thought you could tell me a best menu item as you use to go there, Magic.
Sorry, I don't get anything that doesn't have meat
fuck here goes my day.. agar.io
B...but afaik, you're veg too ?
Nacho bell grande is often a good choice. Just ask for no meat. Or maybe they don't use meat there anyway. I don't know
Haha...no, TLN. Not a veg at all
oh nana
that must have been bad
ohh boy! I have got no one who is veg over here. :|
@Emmanuel This question is a mess, I don't know why I bothered. Sometimes I just take one for the team and help a guy who's really struggling. Trying to earn some karma points that I may need to cash in in the future.
That question you just answered deserved to be closed.
damn you, jlind!
String displaythisgoddammit haha
haha cM i just wasted an hour of my life.
I don't know how to vote it closed though, TLN. What would you classify it as? Off topic because it's asking 'why isn't this code working'?
seeking debugging help ?
I wasn't sure of choosing one. So I din't close yet.
Otherwise I would have closed that at first place.
Okay Now I closed it.
I don't think it should be closed as that. It has the code and the error. But I'm confused on the problem. Was the R in the original code and just a copy/paste error when posting?
Also, the linked code doesn't contain the posted code, as far as I could tell
nm, it's there
He has imported wrong R.java
posted on April 30, 2015 by Tor Norbye

Android Studio 1.2 is now available in the stable update channel! Version 1.2 updates Android Studio to be based on IntelliJ 14.1.1. Relative to Android Studio 1.1, this means the IDE picks up all the new features from IntelliJ 14 and 14.1, such as a new debugger which shows variable values inline in the editor, can decompile libraries you don't have source code for, and can generate a list of

I voted too
300 Answers! whoo
@Emmanuel did you flag that answer?
Wait if the question gets closed does that mean I go back to 299 answers?
guys pls
No, only if it's deleted. Which it can't be with upvoted answer, I believe
That's why you should answer good questions and not crap ;)
Fair enough lol
Not that I was going to stop at 300 anyway, I'd make it up somehow.
@Codester still denied for no answers
So my first SO answer was 07/18/14. 286 days. That means I have a 1.05 answer/day ratio.
@Codester if you request access again and haven't answered any questions on StackOverflow, you'll be added to the ban list.
Now I'm curious what mine is but too lazy to check and do the mafs
i got you cM it's my lunch break
YOu're the best
Also, figure out how to keep my page from caching on my phone. k thx
1,469 answers since 9/12/12 is a 1.52 answer/day ratio
I'm gonna have to pick up the pace
That will start to go down because I'm not answering much anymore. Or at least not for awhile
I did not flag it
I'm gonna have to go on Data Exchange and find the day I gave the most answers. That'll be a fun query.
Why not? Go do it
I will.
Thanks, mac.
Strange, I'm not getting a count of 300 :/
because this is read only and doesn't update instantly
silly me
11 answers in a day.
What the hell did I do with my life that day.
I think the answer to that is pretty obvious
even when Ahmad is gone, Jake Wharton weasels his way into starred posts
Mac, this may make you feel a little better...
That was a really simple query, but I've never written one on data exchange before.
Good job! I haven't written one on there yet either
I've thought about it then got lazy
Looks like not much got done in codeMagic land on the last day of July '13
Next, find a way to get a running total of consecutive days with an answer.
Just kidding, not worth my time lol.
What would be interesting is to manipulate that query to get answers/day on days that you actually answered, so 0 answer days don't bog it down.
lol, that was anticlimatic.
There is like unlimited information on this thing, any SO stat you want you can pull from here.
As an SQL nerd, this is a gold mine.
Magic : have a look at this message and read your reply to this message.
Magic, You're a liar. B-|
What do I do if I want to migrate a question to a site that's not on the list?
@nana did you just eat me (u gon die) ?
What did I do this time?
I am gettign fed up with the laptops. I wasted I don't know how many days on this.
@TheLittleNaruto I like veggies...but I'm not a vegetarian
@MrEngineer13 you can't without a custom flag for a mod
I tried meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/284367/… but got closed as a dupe even though it's not exactly a dupe
Kk, thanks neighbor
Sure. Anything for my favorite neighbor
@DaveS ^^^^^
Alright, Magic. :-)
I'm guessing he's talking about the game. Don't know though
Sensei, what's wrong with your laptops ?
You understand the difference, TLN?
I ahte them
Y...yes, I think so, Magic.
I hate them all
Start loving 'em, Sensei
A vegetarian doesn't eat meat. Which is what you are. But people can enjoy veggies and meat. That doesn't make them a vegetarian. Just makes them happy :)
they'll love you back.
I just ate banana as oprah
Magic, That cleared everything, Thank you :-P
I just wan't an octacore desktop strength cpu, 16GB of ram, decend gpu, 256GB SSD, flush SD card slot, 2+ usb type C ports, 12+ hour battery life, @ pounds wight, 4k display aluminum unibody, no fans for $500
Why does no-one make that
BTW, I am still in office.
Throw in touchscreen and I'll throw in extra $100
finishing the current app.
Current time: 23:56 Hours
In the office? Non-stop?
Yes, Sensei :)
Sounds like a hackathon to me.
The app is being tested
You're crazy :)
@Codeconuts you still don't have the minimum required rep for the room. So, still denied room-15.github.io
But go get that rep so we can let you in because your name makes me laugh
Sensei :)
nooo my game bugged
@nana i was talking about agar.io some giant yellow circle named banana ate me
thought it had to be you
:) unfortunately wasn't me.
I am being depressed here ,not playing fun awesome games.
There also was a big yellow one named foo
hey guys, i'm now in chaos about dpi and ppi. I tried to read from many posts to get what really its, still i couldn't figured it out exactly about it. ppi refers pixel per inch. My phone is around 244 ppi, what does this value say? in diagonal there are 244 pixels in inch or what?
No one even noticed the green circle is back. :(
again again
is there something better than this nowadays for moving around views without losing constraints?: indiestack.com/2013/12/transplanting-constraints
(this is iOS question)
in the article, the author had to edit xib file by hand, and there are a lot of steps
Here, @McAdam331, if you want rep I guess you can do this...
Q: I have a -8 post on S/O Can some people help me?

mjz19910I have this question I had answered it in the question but have now changed it can you come up vote it if it is good or answer it? How do i make prototype.Array.shift() not shift all instances of an array Is my question go check it out! I would also like someone to explain to me why this would...

already gone
just ask for it
the meta post is gone
anyone looking for a remote android dev? :P
anyone looking for a remote android dev job? Yes, I am
Me too, what a coincidence!
My login screen doesn't look right on iOS. And disabling cache and/or zoom still isn't working :(
@McAdam331 I was trying to brake my wpm record today with a friends coolermaster mech-keyboard, but I couldn't, and I am disappointed..
@Try_me34 My friends keep telling me to go mechanical because it'll increase my wpm but I don't think I can get it any faster tbh
@codeMagic Do those even exist? I should start looking.
Sure they do.
How don't know how plentiful but I have seen them. Most require you to be able to make office visits occasionally
Why can I never spell "occasionally" correctly the first time...ugh
So you can only spell it right occasionally? :D
I see what you did there
A: I need explanation on this ..pleaseee

jyoon public int count7(int n) { ... } Defines a method called count7, which accepts an int (integer), returns an int (integer), and has public access (i.e. anyone can call this method). if(n == 0) { return 0; } If n is 0, return 0 because there is no 7 in this number. else { if(n%10 ==...

Hope he doesn't delete that question.
Other than that, I'm really gud wit the engrishes
Good thing you deleted that yourself :P
I wonder what it said
Wtf am I playing?
I miscalculated someone elses size
I got eaten trying to eat someone else
my eyes are bleeding from looking at your circles nana
Where are you guys playing?
I'll start a new one in East
I am too
3 seconds and I am eaten
All in East?
I'm in east
I just got ate by the leader
And I wasn't much smaller...damn
I want the board
We should all meet
That damn pepe got me again
I was looking for you guys
I'm going back in for one more turn then I need to do something
^ That was me half an hour ago
Bottom left corner
lol, neighbor
I was cM
I'm guessing nana is murica
You distracted me, I changed tabs
Make your name your SO name
I did
meet in north west?
North West? Sure
Like, US West? @nana
like top left
us east server
Oh shoot ok
I am in the corner
AIDS is leading
okay, hang on
what's your name, nana?
How are you in both tabs?
I split chrome.
nevermind that
yeah, just thought of that. Lol
There is this guy JT who ran into me twice already :)
In corner
left top?
oh right
Nevermind eaten,
omy to left
I went there and you werent there
so I was eaten by someone else
What side
ok again
Pick, I died
Then IO jsut got eaten
I am nana now
on the spot
my name is gonna be oprah, who's the top 3 in your game nana?
Top left or right
"huge faggot"
US East?
can't find a game with "huge faggot" in top 5 :(
frečacne now
oh there's multiple games in each area?
I quit for now
damn it! I was getting huge
The leader where I am i squinn
still France?
There is no france
probably a full game
france is empt
the fuck are you talking about?
each region has multiple games
Ok now the top player is CapsDirtyFloor
and there's a player cap or something
shit was just there
where are you?
8chan, sweden
loli pussy, kafuka
are you joining me or should I keep trying to caps?
whaaaaat Dave
Going back
they are player names in this agar.io game een
Ok, I can't find anyone. I'm going home. Probably play when I get home
lol; I should go see it
I found a game with France in it
But it's not the leader
dave, still?
I keep getting this Sweden/8Chan/Loli Puss/OingoBoingo
you there?
im waiting to start
ia mlooking for it
ill sit at the nick screen and tell you if 8chan moves from 1
8chan/Loli/Kafuka/ unnamed/"CRX w/ Fartcan" is top 5
nop, not once
I am getting ebola chan on first a lot
ok sit at one, who's your top 5?
us east?
ebola chan I've seen that
stay there
I don't even understand how this game works lol
Eat smaller things, avoid bigger things
It must sound terrible
Yeah east.
type your top 5 out incase it changes
ebola chan, wide face
wide face is first
(^______^) is first now
in that game
my nick is Oprah
Steel Memes
I found 8chan!
Is anyone there? @nana @DaveS
im in ebola-chan
i am not
ebola chan
Damnit okay
I'll keep refreshing
top left
Ugh, can't find it
What's the top 3
I think I found it!
ebola chan / oprah ?
I found Oprah, that's you @DaveS right?
@nana and @DaveS meet up?
can't find the game
Refresh and try Eat repeat
yeah, I've gone through 20-30 refreshes and can't find it
top guy is still ebola chan?
I went through 50
some guy
no now it's someguy
ok still in but tdead
i emt dave couple time
Top left @DaveS and @nana
it just froze for me
I'm feeding myself to nana
had to drop, I was NOMTException :D
That was hard
got cornered accidentally ate nana
no hard feelings
I mean :)
who were you Dave?
It was on purpose
I am still nana
who are the leaders now?
ugh.. can't find it again
Ukraine now
Top 5 are (^________^)/Ukraine/Gaben/TCW/Earth
Cornered by Ukraine and Gab
Ebola ate me
too much lag to the west coast :-/
Okay now I'm done
me too, I'm out
almost got you Dave :D
im going back to work
harder than us west
I could do this all day. Cookie clicker
I have been, gotta get back to work
Alright, am out; have a good evening guys
Editing posts is fun
Night, Een

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