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You're awesome mates !
I really appreciate your help.
@DSM I don't know if you do time-series clustering but this paper may be of interest to you.
Quite an old paper, but interesting.
FFisegydd, you know a common mistake when someone uses $projekt, to set what will be outputted but just nothing happens?
@BhargavRao: come again? Do I use italics that much?
@MartijnPieters Of course!
I use it when quoting documentation; the title of the section goes in italics, and I sometimes use emphasis.
But I don't think it is a defining trait, however. :-)
You use it almost everywhere, coz ur answers are always complete! Including references from docs.
But yet why didn't you use one there?
Sorry to disappoint you!
The text there is less , so I guess you couldn't use it :(
But hey, why not "You could use a helper function:"
Rhubarb all
There, a new answer where I used italics again.
@Martijn I'm not going to try it - but semi-curious - is it possible to kick-mute a mod?
I have no idea.
I don't think it'll actually stop me from coming right back in as I could just remove the ban from myself.
@MartijnPieters thats a good guess as to whats wrong with that code
That's what I'm thinking, but the kick shouldn't take effect in the first place
Im suprised that jonrsharpe didnt know about using iter like that
hes pretty sharp :P
and since there's only a handful of mods anyway - it won't matter
@Martijn ahh the kick-mute disappears on your profile...
@Martijn also doing some Windows development.... please bring out the katana and put the ninja puppy out of its misery
meh its easy ... i do windows development all day every day
and you haven't wanted to throw yourself over the precipice of madness into the well of insanity yet?
only when i cant find a precompiled binary of a library i want
but then again we are still using python2.6 + wx1.8 ... because we are terrified to upgrade mostly
we tried once before and it was disaster (well it was before my time so all I hear was "yeah we probably wont try that again")
I actually really don't mind C# (that much)... but jeeze, what I had to fix really wanted to make this puppy weep
Can I ask you guys which is faster? Appending to an array each loop or filling in a pre-created empty array?
o i c .... not only win developement ... c# developement ... ok now i pity you
Using numpy
@JoranBeasley right T_T like me try
im guessing filling a numpy will be a little bit faster
(assuming the array is pretty big)
@JoranBeasley Also some VB.NET or whatever it's called these days to sort out... joy of joys
yeah ok
at least all my windows is python
@Joran excellent - wanna swap?
@JoranBeasley yep -- filling in much faster
lol not on your life :P
last time i did c# i think i just got fed up and re-wrote it in python
in JavaScript, 9 mins ago, by Awal Garg
http://gemsfromstackexchange.tumblr.com/ oh god I can't stop laughing!
enjoy pythonians!
It should be a nice name for a module! =D
Seems like it'd be a nice name for an API to make daemons play nice

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