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Hello people
Has anyone used generic types with recycler adapter?
not with recycler no
Hmm getting a really weird compile error even though studio doesn't mark it in red
Says taht I am not overriding onBindViewHolder() when I clearly am
hm do more than one of the possible cast's have that method as a possible override?
There is no casting
class MyRecyclerAdapter<T extends MyObject> extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyRecyclerAdapter.ViewHolder>
thats the class definitation
only happens when I throw that generic type in there
no idea
anyone know what the current best practices docs for android testing are? Am i just going off the official google docs?
I get to rewrite our unit tests today, since I moved about 6000 lines of code over the last week. Figure I'll start from scratch
For unir testa you should use the "new" test folder
sure, every little bit
If i leave and come back will i still have permission to chat or do I have to get it again
If you need to test Android components you will want to use Robolectric
You will still have it
Awesomesauce, I'll be back. Probably.
Q: Android app to interact with my local online classifieds website

Jackie Chani need some help , my client gave me small requirement " I need an Android app to interact with my local online classifieds website" . Does this mean i need to connect my android app with his website( i mean opening his web site in android web view)? or this means that i need to make an app with ...

which is the best "flag" to flag that question?
I did "too broad"
Me too.
Since there's only 1 "Too broad" flag.
I had chosen "opinion based"
And 1 "Unclear"
I chose unclear
Why am I yelling?
Adam, you won't see who flagged it as something. Only when someone has actually cast a vote. Carl flagged
> i am also a new by
That's the best. Out of all the forms of newb, he couldn't pick a valid one. Or at least it's new to me
style / pattern question - if i have an expandable list header with a button, do you guys use an interface your fragment implements that the adapter calls when the button is clicked? or do you pass an activity reference into your adapter and call a function on that directly when the button is clicked?
Too broad is best for that because it is clear what he's Jackie Chan is asking. Jackie Chan wants to know if he should use a WebView in an Android app or build a web app.
I set it in my adapter
I don't really like it there but it works. Also, in case you didn't hear, fragments are dumb
nobody tells me nuttin'
oh are we all moving back to pure activity-driven apps?
Only us smart ones
I will probably actually use them in my personal app just to gather more reasons to hate them. But I ain't changing what I got
i have to learn your art of passive aggressive superiority statements
Deja Vu?
Or did I travel in time?
@jlindenbaum I'm using events for that kind of stuff
2 hours ago, by jlindenbaum
i need to learn the cM ways of passive aggressive "rtfm" answers
Our local Mexican restaurant here is just way too good.
Let's see
Let's not.
Now I'm kind of curious what my ' passive aggressive "rtfm" answers' are
What do you eat there nil
If it makes you feel better cM I don't think your statements are passive at all.
more like active aggressive
They're pretty much on par with Bay Area food
> Be big enough to admit you mistakes. Then take them all out for happy meals.
Is that the secret to implying people are children?
Thank you
Yay, you just admitted your mistake so now you get to take us out for happy meals
My mistakes, not your fathers :P
@codeMagic What is the difference?
What does flagging do if not voting to close?
> "Exclusively for Google Chrome!" — Good bye then. Not going to use this "browser".
I have never been to a mexican restaurant. Wow what a constatation
Same Sarge, I have FF and don't use chrome so it is useless for me too
But the site had some good examples
You haven't netpork? I guess they are not that common.
Back home there was only couple and they were fancy, very expensive to eat mexican.
Here it's like $6.50 for a beef and bean burrito
Well there is one big here but I never had any idea what to eat there. Perhaps I will try some burritos. :)
Bearing in mind that said burrito is like.. 30% of the volume of my head.
Possibly 50%
Burrito is $13.50 here.
When you go have some guacamole, and I'd especially suggest anything on the menu.
Though I did get the blackened chicken burrito today, which is more like $8.50 or something
Guacamole is a salad
@Axxiss I am with you 100%
Google is launching a wireless service to compete with Ting/Republic wireless
Passing an Activity to your Adapter is not a good idea in my opinion @jlindenbaum
Events are the way to go
@AdamS flagging is for <3K users to send it to the queue for people with power, as far as closing anyway
What is this queue?
> should be closed...
This question is completely unclear, incomplete, overly-broad, primarily opinion-based or is not about programming as described in the help center, and it is unlikely to be fixed via editing.
Oh I stopped going in there. I don't get points.
There's like 8 or so queues now
yep 8
And I'm always so torn between what to do.
What to do as far as what?
Oh, do I close this as too broad or whatever.
I used to review stuff for a while.
Ah. It can be confusing at first.
But it's not interesting or rewarding, and there's too much grey area.
I'd rather answer questions.
I get points, I help someone, and hopefully I learn something new.
And sometimes things aren't off-topic, too broad, etc... but you feel like it should be closed. Those cases usually a dv, comment, and/or edit is more relevant
If you comment on things people comment back. I don't like arguing with people on the internet.
I have more pressing issues. Like why this fucking fetch request isn't finding this row when it clearly matches the predicate.
That's understandable. But I enjoy cleaning it up by doing edits, helping first time posters, etc... Plus it helps at election times if you're into that sort of thing
Yeah I don't have the time for that :P
Me either. I really don't have time to sit here and talk about how it all works but, here I am regardless :D
'Cause it's more interesting to me than this fucking javascript
android studio 1.2 is p nice
I tried to update yesterday and it failed to update
going to try again right now
seems to have worked this time. What do you like about the newest version JMR?
Are you guys using beta?
@CarlAnderson i like the new look, but the biggest feature change i like is that when debugging it shows variable values in the code
like as a comment next to each line it will show the value for that object, its nice
oh, cool
I hardly ever run through debug mode
I just do a bunch of LogCat dumps
comes from not being able to build debug binaries from long ago
you don't run proguard at all?
building the release build of my app takes so long
no, you misunderstand. I couldn't build the debug binary of the Amazon shipping tool that ran in the warehouses, because it blew up the C++ compiler with out of memory errors when it tried to link in all the bloated libraries. After working with that code for 2.5 years and really only being able to debug via cout statements, I've just gotten into the habit of debugging via log statements and haven't gone back to running stuff through a debugger since then.
even for your Android app though?
you should break that habit :P
eh.. habits die hard when you're as old as Gandalf.
@codeMagic have you learned React yet?
Bah to React and all this Javascript gobbledygarbage.
Honestly it is a little scary the state of JS development.
No. Do you want me to?
You know you missed me, you even pinged me
that's like the equivalent of your girlfriend texting "Hey" while you're on vacation
@DaveS Where were you?
Oh. I forgot
Looks disturbingly organized.
they did a good job, added a bunch of extra bathrooms, showers and power charging outlets, three of the bigger issues of previous years
o/ hi all
Actually I just envy you. I am sure you had a blast.
I did, it was amazing, chet faker and bonobo did a dual set to close sunday night at the do lab. Really dope shit.
whoa ok there is def a naked girl right there
I have a question about Fragments. Should I wait till cM is here? haha
If fragments are bad, how do you create a master/detail flow on a tablet layout? Is it just a listview on the left and a relative layout on the right, instead of a fragment, or is it just better to use fragments in that scenario?
ive been considering that same question
i think the answer is "sorry, looks like you have to use fragments"
Well, it's not Fragments that bother me, it's just that I didn't use them first and now that I'm trying to implement the tablet layout I have to refactor them in there.
This is beautiful.
Fragments are not bad...
Fragments are horrible
Navigation drawer + view pager + fragments = bad stuff happens on rotation
anyone have experience doing something like taking a timestamp and making it into "10 minutes ago"
Fragments are like a tool, you need to know how to use it properly and for what kind of jobs it is useful
you don't just start hammering screws and expect the shit to stay in
You wouldn't use a chainsaw instead of scalpel.
You wouldn't use a pool pump instead of a syringe
You wouldn't use a SQUARE instead of a CIRCLE
You wouldn't use a heat gun instead of a hair blower.
blow torch is more dangerous
You mean more useful.
lol true
You wouldn't download a car
You wouldn't use Charmander vs Squirtle when you have Pikachu
^^No, you wouldn't. I totally would..
^^ that is just silly
seriously though... fuck the action bar.
Dave, how much was the whole Coachella experience?
this answer is wrong
A: How do you call on/use files from outside the activity class in Android Studio?

Dan12-16I am able to do it by importing android.content.res.Resources; and then accessing the images like this: Resources res = getResources(); Drawable image = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.imageName); In an outside class. Your class should extend something like View to access the context of the MainAct...

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