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Alright, so we are at 30 candidates (assuming Jeremy's nomination is actually serious). Here's how it's going to work.
Next person that nominates, Ty gets kicked out.
Then Wobbuffet, by a very close (~100 rep) margin.
@AstroCB @bjb568 You're very close, with 4630 and 4666 rep respectively. So this can still change, but assuming all rep levels stay the same, Astro gets the boot next.
Then bjb, and then @hichris123 I believe.
Suppose Ty gets kicked out, then somebody withdraws their nomination. Does Ty's nomination automatically come back?
Nominations don't disappear until the primaries. So he'll still be there, and there will still be 31 candidates, but then people with less rep than #30 won't be able to nominate.
@Doorknob Not #30 -- the lowest rep candidate.
Oh, really? What's the point of that? Unless someone withdraws, that person can't make it into primaries anyway.
@Doorknob :o
@Doorknob What do you mean? If I have less rep than the lowest rep contender, I can't nominate. If I have more rep, then I would kick the lowest rep contender out of the primary.
@hichris123 Let's say there's 40 candidates. Now let's say my rep is between #35 and #36. Why should I be able to nominate, considering I won't be able to make it to the primaries (barring withdrawals) anyway?
@Doorknob oh, I see what you're saying. It's the lowest rep contender inside the 30 going to the primary.
Yeah, that's what I meant by #30.
I thought you meant #30 in terms of nomination time.
Ah, no.
I think Doorknob's phrasing is confusing a bit, when he says higher nominees boot the lower ones, the "booting" isn't some action that immediately takes place; it's just that in the end only the top 30 get filtered through to the primaries. In the mean time it's just an open collection of unlimited nominations. It's pretty straightforward.
@Doorknob I'm gone for a day and this happens...
@Doorknob 29.
Okay, so Jeremy wasn't serious.
@Doorknob hey, it's my old argument from day one!
@JasonC Correct.
2 days ago, by TylerH
e.g. if I submit myself as a candidate along with 30 people who have higher rep than me, then I'm just SOL? Even if I might be a better candidate?
@TylerH Yeah, the system doesn't even let you nominate if you've got less rep than the 30th candidate by rep.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, yesterday, by AstroCB
17 hours ago, by AstroCB
3 hours ago, by AstroCB
It's a tad sad that there are a few candidates whom I've never heard of who barely participate in moderation at all yet have rep way higher than me and are going to end up shoving me and other lower-rep-but-more-active-with-moderation candidates out simply because of that.
Technically if enough people withdraw, you'd be able to get in though.
@AstroCB yeah, I talked for about two hours on day one about how that method of culling candidates for the primary is a sham
In case anybody is curious, it's possible to re-nominate yourself after withdrawing.
(The same nomination post reappears, though -- you can't use this to get away from comments or anything like that.)
@JeremyBanks as it should be
@Doorknob I kind of don't want to be the guy to go post "you suck, get out of here please withdraw" on people's noms. Hm… Why don't you do it then? :p
@bjb568 Would a comment like that be effective against you? I would expect most people to be... unreceptive to that sentiment. :P
Well, some of them who are a bit unsure might withdraw.
Every withdraw is one less boot.
I would expect comments like that to be deleted
I would hope so
I'm not sure if posting direct comments on nomination posts is the most tactful way to handle that. It would probably be better to encourage candidates to think about withdrawing in general without directing at specific people, perhaps in a meta post or something. But, imo, it shouldn't really be encouraged at all, even generally. People know they can withdraw and have every right to keep their nomination. Showing support for AstroCB's meta post on the filter metrics would be a better approach.
@JasonC Agreed. :)
@JasonC There's been one or two this election, and several on previous elections who have withdrawn based on very direct comments to their nomination. While some are adverse to getting their feelings hurt, it's probably the right place for it - keep it front and center, don't post in a different spot where the candidate may never even see your post.
@slugster Sure, I can see that angle, too. But even more fundamental than how to present withdrawal requests is that a system where we even want to ask others to withdraw is less than ideal; so the real longer term solution is to think of ways to change that. That said, this is just speaking from the POV that a change is important; Personally, I still only weakly support all of this.
I guess that the system you're referring to is a necessary evil. While it would be nice to allow absolutely anyone to run you realistically need to limit numbers for manageability; you also avoid diluting and spreading votes so much that people end up getting elected without a clear majority and mandate.
@slugster Yeah, totally. Tim Post has a nice post on that meta topic, along the lines of observing more closely than usual this election to try to figure something out for next time, if it's even possible to figure something out.
Also, from now on, everything I say in chat will have at least one italicized word and a link.
1 hour later…
@Unihedro I was gonna write to bjb good luck and stuff yesterday but I had to go home, so the computer at work had the reply-message-to typed in - today I got to the office and pressed random keys to wake the computer up and it posted.
Good morning guys
Election day 3: One more candidate until elimination process begins.
Days 2-3 has gotten far fewer nomination rates than day 1.
Bring on the elections!
Go sleep for four days and you'll wake up to it.
Good morning all
I'm a newbie to this chat. How can I help community here?
@SergeSeletskyy It's an election room, here you can discuss the election, candidates.. You can help here by posting questions that you find relevant for the election, answer others...
@SergeSeletskyy There's a few other chat rooms you might be interested in hanging out in, too, like the JavaScript room or one of the others.
There's always a rails one, in general you can help the community by asking and answering questions though.
Hey guys
Thank you @MarounMaroun and @JasonC
I guess I'm too green to discuss elections :)
Will go and write some answers more.
Good luck guys.
3 hours later…
We now have 30 nominees. @AstroCB, you are 3rd from the bottom of the list by reputation.
Where's Borkey?
@MartijnPieters We already went over this:
10 hours ago, by Doorknob
Alright, so we are at 30 candidates (assuming Jeremy's nomination is actually serious). Here's how it's going to work.
@Doorknob But 10 hours ago there were still 29 nominations.
I don't think Shree == Jeremy here. :-)
@MartijnPieters True. What happened is that Jeremy withdrew his nomination and then Shree added his.
@Doorknob ah, sorry, I wasn't aware of Jeremy's nomination then.
Interesting, so @AstroCB and @bjb568 are now in a deathmatch to gain enough rep to leave the other person at the bottom.
Bear + two people kind of thing, see who can run faster.
... Until another candidate joins and knocks them both out anyways.
how this election thing works?
how i vote?
@sagar43 You can't. The three mods will be chosen using the wheel of blame
> 0 characters left
@sagar43 In all seriousness, nobody can vote yet. We're in the nomination phase for the next four days.
ohk Thnkx
Ohh, we reached elimination phase already!
@Seth Me personally, I think Second Rikudo is also a shoe-in
@Unihedro Not really a phase though.
10 candidates with the least rep:
1 Ty221 (3221) http://stackoverflow.com/users/1952862
2 TheWobbuffet (4509) http://stackoverflow.com/users/2876565
3 AstroCB (4660) http://stackoverflow.com/users/3366929
4 bjb568 (4676) http://stackoverflow.com/users/2371861
5 hichris123 (5034) http://stackoverflow.com/users/2581872
6 Shree (6241) http://stackoverflow.com/users/965146
7 Unihedro (6411) http://stackoverflow.com/users/3622940
8 Hemang (7171) http://stackoverflow.com/users/1603234
9 Andy (11,183) http://stackoverflow.com/users/189134
I'm not in the bottom 10 anymore? :)
@Andy +1 xD
@Mooseman 12,270 is higher than 11,345...
durron597's nomination: I don't actually want to be moderator, I just want to push some of the lower rep users out of the top 30
@durron597 ... This is why we can't have nice things. :P
@Mooseman More fun to consider it one. Like we're in a game show.
@Unihedro Just brush up on your FGITW skillz
@Mooseman I like that show. I watch it on Youtube sometimes, because our cabel TV doesn't broadcast it.
BTW, while we're sorting with rep, I'm the lowest repped candidate to have all of the "Noteworthy Badges" listed under elections.SE. I'm also the candidate who has been on the site for the least session of time - aka latest join date.
... and I almost would had been first to post the nomination post. I'll try harder next year.
@Unihedro I get it via antenna :D
@Unihedro Don't assume you'll lose. I'd vote for you.
@Mooseman Our antennas over here doesn't pick up signals from the western TV broadcasters.
@Mooseman I meant "time of nomination post posted"
@Unihedro For the number of international broadcasts we get OTA I'm surprised you don't get at least a couple US stations.
@Unihedro If you're elected you wouldn't be able to try next year. ;)
I never thought of it that way.
Oh wait, I mixed up how the election works with that of re-election systems. xD
The cm's would go NUTS if a whole new crew of mods was elected each year. xD
Fun times. xD
Contrary to real life elections, real candidates in elections try very hard for publicity stunts; picking on each candidate, et cetera.
But here on Stack Overflow, professionalism stops all of it from happening.
Or you could create a sockpuppet and make that a moderator too :)
!!should sockpuppets be made moderators
@Unihedro Doubtfully
... A post of mine has been gaining exposure and has been upvoted several times starting yesterday, and I'm kinda wondering what's up with it.
@Unihedro did someone mention it in one of your nomination comments perhaps?
I did see an uptick in voting activity since nominating, especially on the one post mentioned in a comment.
I did link to a post of mine in a comment of response, but this is another one.
Oh, I found out why. Someone linked to it from their documentation.
Free promotion \o/
@Unihedro Where?
Q: The text box for for editing one's nomination should be a bit bigger

Cool GuyCurrently the text box that appears when editing one's nomination(http://stackoverflow.com/election/nomination-edit/6/YOUR_USERID) appears like this: The red freehand circles show the problem. The size of the text box and the preview box needs to be increased.

... Don't care :D
Good morning (or relevant UTC time greeting) nominees / kibitzers
@TravisJ Morning
Complaining about the the election automatically disqualifies you. — Mooseman 40 secs ago
tzt :)
this election is more exacting than the ones in my country
Yeah! Remember to support your favourite candidates so they win.
Oh I don't have any
Ah, exacting. I thought you meant exciting :)
So if you don't have a favorite candidate, how are going to decide how to vote?
umm, don't; voting randomly doesn't help the better candidates win.
@Unihedro - Or does it?! Random election results inc
Random results = bad :(
!!are random results bad?
@yellowantphil Indubitably
see ^^
@Unihedro not sure using a random result as confirmation that random results aren't good is some form of paradox :)
That was the joke :p
Random results = Rekire, hichris123, Sergey K.
are low-rep candidates bumped off when a 31st person is nominated, or when the nomination phase ends?
@Unihedro Wait...is that how elections work?
makes note to self
@yellowantphil First.
@yellowantphil haha... mis-read the context of "bumped off"... there... seemed a bit harsh/extreme/and dubious morally/legally :p
@JonClements Yikes :-o :)
@Unihedro Nono, it's the latter.
@yellowantphil When the nomination phase ends. There is no "bumping" or anything that happens right now, recent talk about it has been misleading. It's simply that the top 30 make it through to the primaries when the primaries start. Until then it's just an open collection of nominees.
@AlexisKing ohhhh
@Mooseman Is that a complaint about how complaining disqualifies you?
Because if it is, then bzzzt, you are out. :-P
So many meta-jokes today. xD
Please be responsible with meta-jokes. There's been a huge number of blown minds recently. It's only noon here and my head's already exploded twice.
Stop! Who approaches the Nomination of SO must answer me these questions three, ere the primary he see.
What is your favorite color?
What is your quest?
@TravisJ um...
I can't tell you.
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
To seek the primary
@TravisJ What do you mean, an MSO swallow, or an MSE swallow?
@JasonC - haha! aaaaaaaaahh
@Unihedro - lol wow, someone put some actual research into those numbers
Kudos if you figure out the reference BEFORE clicking the link.
no kudos
function randomElect(){
 var candidates = $("#mainbar > table:first > tbody > tr .user-details a").map(function(){ return $(this).text(); }), names = [];
 for(var i = 0; i < 3;i++) names.push(candidates.eq(parseInt(Math.random()*(candidates.length),10)).remove()[0]);
 alert('Congrats to '+names.join(', ')+'!');
Dammit I lost :(
@Unihedro claim there's obviously some inconsistency in the voting and you demand a re-count... :p
Wow... I see you're a master of photoshopping - looks perfectly valid and obviously not tampered with to me :)
Needs more red. And circles.
haha... @AlexisKing I was just about to say that :p
@AlexisKing ... That's red. I can get you more circles though.
@AlexisKing oh come on - it's obviously red - just happens to have been drawn by a blue pen...
it just looks blue because it has interacted with oxygen
I love that video... just brings back painful memories of similar meetings with clients... :(
I think one of my favourite moments was: "We want to use C# for this, but can you write it so it looks like VB"?
Excellent! Organize a business trip, we'll cover the expenses, go over to their location... inflate the balloon.
1 hour later…
@Unihedro :D
@mohammed Hello :)
@Unihedro Yes. Yes I can. I am a consultant. I can do anything.
^^ Uh-oh
Well, thank god I don't live in that alternative universe.
Here's a good outcome:
Why we can't flag the comments in the election page stackoverflow.com/election?cb=1 ?
How about we don't speculate on the outcome just yet?
@AdrianCidAlmaguer dunno. Someone asked on meta but there is not much of an answer
Q: Why can't I flag comments on election nominations?

Karl RichterI just checked out http://stackoverflow.com/election/6 and saw a lot of nonsense comments ("ah! Thanks for pointing out the typo.", "Best Luck buddy!", etc.). Why can't I flag them - being as unconstructive as any other unconstructive comment on other sites (I haven't found another where I can't ...

@AdrianCidAlmaguer - You technically can, but it is probably frowned upon.
The technical answer is they disabled it. Why they chose to do so...
Mods have a pretty close watch on the comments though.
Nomination for election is a big thing and while it's true moderators get some stick, it would be better to be respectful to everybody at this stage. We don't want people being bullied out of standing.
Ugh, my message was too long to post.
@Unihedro - Send it through the socket with a 50ms delay and they will both come out at the same time :)
> To whom it may concern,
I would like to discuss a very interesting concept that stems from the study of Quantum Mechanics. One conclusion that can be drawn is that any time an idea is created, the simple fact that the possibility exists means that a separate universe has been formed in such a way that the idea will be true. More interesting is that once one of these universes begins to exist, it not only exists now, but it has existed forever, and will assumedly continue to exist forever. For example: Imagine a world where there is no light. No sun, no incandescent bulbs, no vision. We co
I don't see how that's relevant.
@TravisJ I can't see the square button
to flag
@AdrianCidAlmaguer - Correct
The randomization script here was not intended as serious use and if my joke gave you an impression that it was rude and bullying, I apologize in advance.
Yeah it was just supposed to be for fun :(
@ChrisF ... I wasn't done yet.
I didn't intend to hurt anyone's feelings, just a RNG really
@AdrianCidAlmaguer You can't flag them. But if you see trouble brewing you could mention it in here or in one of the other chat rooms, or even a one-on-one chat room with a mod. The nomination post collection is small enough that mods have been keeping an eye on it pretty well, though. So far the trouble has been being handled well without much user intervention required.
@JasonC thanks for the info
Well it's not so much about the RNG - it's pretty clear what an RNG does
(or does not do)
I think it's just a periodic reminder
As to my understanding, this rooms is an "Open Discussion for so/election/6". Frankly, not much is already going on, and speculating on outcomes in manners of jokes doesn't disrupt much of what's already happening. But that's only my opinion; but since it could be considered rude, I'll just stop. :p
Just visiting so the first time on a kindle
Does it display well?
The Kindle 3/Keyboard was a nightmare on SE. And most websites.
The mainsite looks like on a desktop the chat uses the mobile view
Never owned one.
The keyboard layout is much different, more like a desktop keyboard
I would add a screenshot if i would know how to do it
We have in the room one of the future admins @MartijnPieters
24 mins ago, by ChrisF
How about we don't speculate on the outcome just yet?
Do the new kindles still use the e-paper? What's the refresh rate like? The old ones used to have a really slow update. The technology was super weird, too; I had a project once that involved hacking a bunch of kindles with their cases removed into a tiled advertising billboard. It was a strange technology to work with.
You had to invert the screen to clear it before writing.
@Unihedro just read the comments in his nomination
I wanna be a mod
@AdrianCidAlmaguer ... Yes?
@carb0nshel1 - That way you can lift your question ban?
@carb0nshel1 you need at least of 3k rep
and you only have 165
youn need work hard in the site
You also need the four listed badges, and sufficient goodwill (to win, duh).
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 mins ago, by bjb568
I need 4 repz to not be pushed before AStro.
You don't even have a silver badge, so... :p
@carb0nshel1 but never is late, begin now to answer questions and participated in the site and maybe the next year you can be nominated ;-)
All i know is front end.
go to the html, css tags
@carb0nshel1 Learn about the full stacks then.
@AstroCB your lead is widening
All of these books are free...Thanks.
@yellowantphil Possibly as the result of foul voting, but yes.
@AstroCB foul voting? and those last two weren't from me
@yellowantphil I wasn't accusing you, but I doubt that those were out of the blue.
@carb0nshel1 You're welcome.
@AstroCB you have been gaining faster than bjb lately, even without help
What can I do to repay you?
@yellowantphil True, but that's mostly because he hasn't been answering.
...or posting anything at all, for the most part.
@carb0nshel1 Help more people on the Internet.
You are right unihedro
... Or you can donate to my Paypal. Just kidding, don't.
I have a dragon. It eats all the money people donate to me.
Do you have a picture?
Are you that kid from Pay It forward?
What do you mean? I can take a selfie right now, if you want one.
@carb0nshel1 No. I'm an insignificant entity on the Internet.
Of your dragon
It's imaginary.
Whoa, that was way bigger than I intended. Take it in, self destructing in 30.
Too bad Hehe
... It's a metaphorical representation of the donation I put. :P
@JasonC :'(
@Unihedro There's one book that isnt in here.
@JasonC It was a cute dragon cartoon.
Javascript: The good parts.
@carb0nshel1 Eh, contact them. I don't maintain it.
Its not free but... u know
@carb0nshel1 That probably explains why it's not on the list of free resources. :P
yeah but, Its a good book.
@Unihedro I'm joking, of course ^^.
/me has changed the name of this room from "Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat" to "Tavern on the Meta II: The Search for Grok"
The kind and motivational comments I get about my participation on site makes everything worthwhile. ^~^
@Unihedro - I went to your interwebs house and found a link to a sede query which made me think of asking you to suggest a query function in the new meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/289702/… feature
@TravisJ ehhh I have an inherent dislike towards ElasticSearch.
@Unihedro - I don't use it either. But if you don't suggest help for it, then you may dislike it extra more.
Might give it a try in the morning though. I was out participating in an event all day.
Oh, nice :)
Actually, I just saw it before I decided to sleep. Were it not for the Meta promo box getting cramped with pinned things, I might have noticed it sooner.
sooo... >_>
It is pretty impressive.
It's so impressive that I'm already in "ugh ignored" mode upon seeing it.
I'm a little disappointed that Hot Meta Questions can't add to the fun.
What's this fascination with the featured list? That's like the 8th screenshot of it I've seen in chat in the past 24 hours.
Backs away slowly.
Sigh, I tried. I really did, but sometimes users are so helpless =/ This user has been a member for 2 years, and this is their first interaction with the site. You would think after 2 years they would at least be used the at least some of the features.
@TravisJ It's very very common for people to post something then wander away for hours
@durron597 - Yup, but for some reason it still surprises me when it happens.
@durron597 You mean the entire internet doesn't install the app and hang out in chat?

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