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My gosh. So many languages missed. I should have hunted down COBOL
I don't know whether I can still write it in COBOL.
WRITE 'Hello, world!'.
@AndyProwl If you are planning on downloading it, don't download it now. Try tomorrow. It's buggy as fuck currently.
Something like that.
@райтфолд Is it me, or did Hexapoda shed quite a few core features
@Jefffrey I don't care if it's buggy
I'm just curious
@райтфолд It's quite pretty. I can see how it would appeal to slightly autistic people
WRITE was Fortran.
@райтфолд But that's fewer languages
I was!
@sehe That's the languages I know how to write hello world in.
And DisplayWrite was a word processor
@Jefffrey I like the idea
Hello world in PHP is the best.
how do you win?
Everything until <?php is printed, so hello world is just Hello, world!.
You don't. It's about making as many points as possible.
@Rapptz Oh my god, the devil deals this run are amazing. Pact, Turret Baby and Robe of Sins now.
Meanwhile here:
@Jefffrey Oh. That I don't like much
Ah wait
@Rapptz gimpy is okay-ish
The only exception is that shebangs are ignored in CLI mode.
it's about scoring as much as possible, right?
Got it
@ScottW You can see how great a gamer I am
I forget mom's knife can be used as melee
such a good item
it's great, yeah
aw crap.
dead cat - and I got 7 heart containers
but also 1 guppy item
unlikely to get another one, being in the Cathedral
guess I'll leave it for now
wait, I got the paw. I'll just paw it away
@Rapptz what?
lol don't know
wtf are jazz hands?
google it
@Rapptz What is NUS?
> Jazz hands, in performance dance, is the extension of a performer’s hands with palms toward the audience and fingers splayed. It is commonly associated with especially exuberant types of performance such as musicals, cheerleading, and show choir. In cheerleading, the position with arms outstretched and fingers wiggling up and down is sometimes referred to as spirit fingers
not sure
Highly memetic
I thought it was funny.
@Blob this
Can’t find a good Krieger clip :(
aw yis, monstro's lung
I hate Monstro's Lung
@Rapptz It is silly. "Clapping scares me"
It's great when you got some tear rate
> Boost Property Library has not been named "Boost Json Library" because it's not a JSON library. Instead, it's a Property Tree library (that happens to use JSON subsets for its purposes). answer
and when you have chocolate milk, it's plain awesome
So many people. Always abusing Boost Property Tree. I honestly don't recall any legitimate use of the library.
I could make a shitload of money by writing Boost Json

... oh wait
there's a boost library that uses rapidJSON internally I forget which
aaaaand ded blue baby
PropertyTree uses rapidXml internally. I reckon you're confused with that
oh gawd, past 1 am
time to sleep
have less sleep, do more stupid things!
The most stupid things you do the more you want to sleep.
@sehe I certainly don't see much--we use it some at work, but I'd really rather get rid of it. Using it as a JSON parser seems to mostly lead to code that's longer and more complex than code that just dealt with the JSON directly.
Good show, old chap!
@sehe Oooh, look out. Shog's gonna get you! :-)
The tree model is cumbersome and very inflexible. The JSON and XML support are farcical. And they're constantly abused for it because ...
It's in Boost! We already use that! Worst excuse ever
@JerryCoffin speaking of the devil ...
was the polar bear gotten?
@chmod711telkitty Hm...that looks rather unpleasant.
He looks to be partying pretty hard.
I am getting all suspicious, you called for @shog9 & he's here, looks like he was stalking you all along!
@chmod711telkitty It's a shoggy dog story.
@chmod711telkitty Poor @sehe
I'm off to bed anyway. I'm drunk and the Lounge has a COBOL infestation:(
@MartinJames Night.
@Nooble Cheers, BYE..
@MartinJames Fortunately, COBOL is nearly always recoverable, with early detection.
@MartinJames G'night.
@MartinJames why would being drunk deter you from having fun in the lounge :p
those pups are so cute
Koalas are 1024x better.
@chmod711telkitty not as cute as you.... haha, just kidding. you're hideous.
@Blob surely the hottest thing ... just for blob, haha
@ScarletAmaranth Random thought: if one were looking for an uninhabited type in C++, there’s something about how throw expressions are handled ;)
Although I don’t really know the formal relationship between forall a. a and Void, and it’s more like the former I suppose.
mmmh I’m looking at std::experimental::string_view and you can "foo"sv.copy(buffer, buffer_size), does that look nice to you?
Never mind that there is no UDL operator atm.
@Rapptz std::experimental::string_view is missing a lot of constexpr :( e.g. equality/comparison.
> using namespace std::experimental::literals::string_view_literals;
it workses!
Anyone has a clue as to why the relops are overloaded with undeducible arguments? E.g. for operator== there is (basic_string_view<C, T>, basic_string_view<C, T>) and (identity_t<basic_string_view<C, T>>, basic_string_view<C, T>) (ditto right parameter).
Didn’t even know that’s a valid overload set tbh.
@Blob also when are you ready to share the photos of your real self for the ... err ... entertainment of the lounge?
k it’s to handle the conversions from std::basic_string<C, T, Alloc>, in all likelihood
@chmod711telkitty Samoyeds are awesome--as long as you don't mind them shedding white fur everywhere, all the time.
I still just prefer huskies
Too bad I can't stand the cold & they can't stand the warmth well
> Library Fundamentals v1 DTS
> missing
@Rapptz k I assume it’s the libstdc++ version that’s lagging behind, the most recent draft does put constexpr on those
I like Alaskan Malamute also
lol, [c]rbegin etc. aren’t constexpr while begin etc. are, I assume that’s because std::reverse_iterator is not a literal type
@chmod711telkitty never. it was @Nooble who was supposed to do that
but you can go ahead if you like
@Nooble where's that damn pic?
@Blob Ask @LightnessRacesinOrbit, she's seen me before.
Ahh here I found it.
oo I’m seeing one bool test [[gnu::unused]] = true; in some test file.
i'm serious
we should meet, except i'd like to hide everything about myself
So who lost the marmalade?
I did.
@ParkYoung-Bae i think everyone but copy
unless puppy and bartek have something I didn't see
Buppy's game was pretty nice.
I exploded.
Falling Fellow best game
@ParkYoung-Bae This Falling Fellow game is apparently top tier.
Yep I'm stuck on it
all right last game then sleep
that was quick
all right, good night everyone
basic_string_view::compare is specified in terms of traits::compare, but the latter is not constexpr
What's a usual IRC prefix for bots?
This network reserves !stuff along with /stuff :c
Oh well I’ll move on to std::experimental::string_view and when/if I need constexpr comparison I can always hack a function up.
Stupid IRC network.
@Rapptz Lightness
@Rapptz use @? or .?
@Rapptz R.
I'm going with $stuff
time to PHP it up
> Equivalent to os << str.to_string()
stream insertion for views
because C++ streams don’t let you insert formatted strings except via, well, std::basic_string, or via null-termination
good stuff
my friends are suggesting >
It looks like people are greentexting ._.
Oh, prefixes to what the bot says then?
What's the available character set anyway?
@LucDanton Commands. !mybot dostuff
I mean a prefix for my bot commands.
@ParkYoung-Bae Why did you suggest R.?
Apparently this network reserves / % and !. @ and # are special too.
@LucDanton R. Martinho Fernandes
I was using ! but the guys took it for me ;_;
@ParkYoung-Bae It doesn’t really work does it?
@Rapptz :, vim-style
R. do my stuff!
Yeah I suggested > : $
@LucDanton Why wouldn't it work?
Something about titles and forms of addresses.
why is the conversion operator explicit?
Welp, time to .to_string() everything ;_;
inb4 zen of python Explicit is better than implicit.
Inside is better than outside ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ
Is it true you have to press Shift to get to the numbers on a french keyboard?
On Azerty layout yes
without implicit conversions how does one e.g. concatenate string and views together?
lhs.append(rhs.begin(), rhs.end())?
wow you guys have it rough
do you guys have strong pinkies?
Yes, but for wholly unrelated French reasons.
@Rapptz I used to hate that, but I’m sort of okay with it.
stockholm syndrome
I'm not sure there's an advantage to either layouts
Because so many symbols are readily available without shift in the azerty version, and IMO they're as used if not more than numbers
@Rapptz You don’t use digits that much in French. Do you in English?
I use digits a lot in programming
Yeah, but you also use &, *, - etc. so what gives?
I use digits more!
Than &?
I think so
Could actually be straightforward to set up a script to keep counts, no?
@LucDanton Also parens and ^ and # and lots of stuff really
Now you’ve got me wondering…
@ParkYoung-Bae Haven’t used qwerty in a while, I don’t recall :(
my kb is stupid UK qwerty on it lol, different symbols
all characters accessed via shift
outside of capital letters
woops nevermind that one is US looks like, the previous one was UK
Azerty: 1234567980 on shift, &é"'(-è_çà)= no shift, ~#{[|`\^@]} on alt
bépo is… weird
very convenient for natural languages, but programming seems like an after thought
At least () are easy :v Sadly it’s the only brackets where it’s the case
So nobody is going to whip out a script to count characters? :)
But autocompletion!
> fromListWith :: Ord k => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> Map k a
couldn’t find it because it doesn’t use Monoid. Which I suppose it can’t because it should be Semigroup :|
$ runhaskell ~/haskell/Count/Count.hs "0123456789" ./{include,source}/**/*.[hc]pp
fromList [('0',88),('1',115),('2',33),('3',21),('4',8),('5',7),('6',19),('7',6),('8',8),('9',6)]
$ runhaskell ~/haskell/Count/Count.hs "&" ./{include,source}/**/*.[hc]pp
fromList [('&',1222)]
@Rapptz references be crazy yo
Obviously I should add a 7 somewhere.
well this certainly was a productive use of my time
> I also omitted operator+(basic_string, basic_string_view) because LLVM returns a lightweight object from this overload and only performs the concatenation lazily. If we define this overload, we'll have a hard time introducing that lightweight concatenation later.
That actually makes sense (it’s an older paper though)
eh I’ll append by hand
@Rapptz Who’s left with the Stockholm syndrome in the end?
wait… since it’s Haskell I can’t just give you the script for you to run it on your code then?
A+ productivity
forgot to check your cabal privilege
I actually install binaries and then do sandboxes :v
shoulda written it in python
I like hacking more when I have the types, I throw stuff until it clicks together.
shoulda written it in C++
had a bad case of the lazy I/O shenanigans btw, that shit is awful
Expected output: the fucking source contains a, b, c or d characters ffs
Change return . to return $!.
bash-3.1$ python ../test/luccount.py "0123456789" ./gears/**/*.hpp
Counter({'0': 451, '1': 399, '2': 368, '3': 146, '5': 138, '4': 108, '6': 98, '9': 55, '8': 55, '7': 49})
bash-3.1$ python ../test/luccount.py "&" ./gears/**/*.hpp
Counter({'&': 1120})
Can you paste the script somewhere? I’m curious.
nice ones and zeroes btw

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