This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by gunr2171. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
Once you already have a gold badge for a queue, the number of total reviews is hard to keep track of where you're at. I'd like to see how many reviews I've done so far today in the queue. For example, if I've already done 16 out of my 20 possible, show that.
I don't care whether it's a bar grap...
@TylerH Your last completed review session ended 16 seconds ago and lasted 15 minutes and 28 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 23 seconds.
I always thought the "don't age votes under 100 views" was a good thing. Aren't the majority of closed posts under that value? Now wouldn't it be more of these posts don't get processed?
Counter argument would be "90% of closed posts get closed in under 2 days"
There is system one, which has benefits and some quirks. Then there is system 2 with benefits and some quirks. If system 3 increases the number of people that acknowledge a post is crap that is preferable over any other system. As long as you need a human to make that judgement make sure those humans have the feeling it does matter what they do. Having the ability to re-cast your vote is a good thing for example. The rest doesn't matter to me.
I admit that looking at just 10K in a queue makes me feel a little bit happier that looking at 150K in the queue but that is about it.
If everything that was going to be closed was closed instantly, everything would be closed with 0 views.
But... They wouldn't stay that way.
If nothing else, they'd collect some number of views before deletion
If they didn't get deleted, or they got reopened, they'd stand to collect a lot more.
Now of course, nothing gets closed instantly
So in practice, questions garner some number of views before getting closed and some number after.
The original theory was, stuff with very few views prior to closure wasn't really getting a fair shake - so don't age the votes.
But review throws a wrench into that - review doesn't care about views. It semi-randomly shows questions to lots of people regardless of what they'd normally be looking at.
So views becomes almost useless for controlling aging when it comes to review.
Now, the questions where review doesn't matter - the stuff that ends up on the home page for a lot of people, or shows up repeatedly in search results or gets jumped on by a chat room - that stuff never needed the view threshold in the first place.
So... Realistically, the view threshold can go away entirely now.
With the possible exception of a few edge cases that review skips for some reason, and that just end up not being seen anywhere else.
Not sure those exist yet, but I'll allow they might, at least for a short length of time.
@Shog9 Looks good, though what happens if a post ends up in the improvement queue and it's really unsalvageable? Does it get bumped out if too many people "skip" it?
Eventually, you hit a ratio you can't really live with, where there's just no point in asking the question.
But, if votes last forever, then with millions of readers and many thousands of cose voters, eventually 5 people are going to see the question and vote to close it.
@Shog9 Agreed but I don't think that's really a problem in practice. You should be trusting your people with CV powers to act appropriately, shouldn't it?
If in 2 weeks the question didn't get 5 people to vote on it should it really be closed? especially when you have rooms such as this one dedicated to cving
@TylerH so, that's something I didn't really touch on in my post... Reopen works great when you're talking about the questions that invariably get a few views every day. It doesn't work great when you're talking about questions that might get 1 view per month or less.
do you have an example for a question that should have been closed but decayed
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see it does it make a sound?
SO gets hundreds of new questions each day, you can't mod all of them, a huge chunk is being moded but the crappy ones that were asked yesterday have already been buried by today's questions odds are they ll never be looked at
@Shog9 While you're here, this is something I've thought of before, but I just thought about it again. I think it would be somewhat helpful to have a "Duplicates" queue. Sometimes I'm sure a question is a duplicate but I don't have the time to track down the other question. Having the option to flag a question as a "probable duplicate" would be nice.
@AlexisKing It sounds like you are "dumping off the hard work to someone else". All the queues are set up for the reviewers to give a "quick" approve/reject, not spending research effort per item.
I'm just saying that it's not a hard-and-fast rule. I think having some queues that take up some more time from reviewers wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea.
It's not like people have to participate in the queues if they don't want to.
Plus with tag-filtering and gold badge dupe-hammers, it would really let people who are the best suited to find dupes properly do so.
@AlexisKing that's about meaningless. Most of the questions being asked in some tags are "probable duplicates" - the hard part is finding one that's a close enough match.
@Shog9 Which is sort of why I'd find such a queue helpful. I'd participate in it myself, too, for the tags I'm interested in. Decouple the process of flagging a question as a duplicate from actually finding the duplicate question.
Another elephant in the room is what to do with the old questions with hundreds of votes that aren't locked yet are still off-topic by today's standards
Do we flag them to be locked for historical value? Or CV them
@Shog9 Most of those questions should really be closed for other reasons. I'm talking about questions that don't fit the other close reasons but are still dupes.
Aka semi-high-quality posts that just happen to be duplicates.
@TylerH "by today's standards" is about useless - we have these standards because of problems observed in the past. If an old question is causing a problem, then deal with it; otherwise, don't worry about it.
I often use the new answers to old questions page. Mostly I like to seek bad answers that should be voted for deletion. Occasionally the answer itself is a sign that the question is bad and should be closed. I of course vote to close, but being such an old question, it is unlikely to get atten...
I'm perversely fond of finding duplicates in Triage, even though it wasn't at all designed for that. Folks ask tons of low-quality duplicate questions, and seeing them closed fast is gratifying.
@AlexisKing I justify it this way: if I can find a dup for an arbitrary topic in ~1 minute while triaging, the asker didn't really search - so it's unsalvageable. If it takes me longer than that, it deserves a shot - someone with deeper knowledge of the subject may still see it as a dup though.
@ProgramFOX I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@Shog9 To continue bombarding you with questions while I have you around, what's the proper action for link-only answers that have been well-received (i.e. upvoted and/or accepted)?
IIUC, link-only answers aren't valid for NAA flags.
@AlexisKing I'd probably leave that alone. It's not exactly a stunning piece of work, but for folks likely to have that question it may well be the best answer.
IOW, it appears to be pointing to canonical documentation - this is what you'd hope folks would've read first anyway. If it isn't helpful, then there's another answer that might be.
Links to someone's blog OTOH, with nothing in the answer itself... Well, that's getting sketchy.
For questions that are essentially asking for links, consider closing the question if it doesn't seem very useful rather than worrying about the answers.
To use this example again, it appears to be a common beginner question with a couple of useful answers, so I wouldn't worry about it.
In cases where it's... Y'know, someone begging for a tutorial on some topic... Then either close or, if there's a good answer to be had, rewrite as a HOWTO question.
Is there a way how to create folder in windows without command line? When I run
cmd /C mkdir "C:\Path\To\Dir"
it causes blink of quick showing and hiding cmd window (I want to avoid that).
When I run
rundll.exe shell32.dll,SHCreateDirectory "C:\Path\To\Dir"
rundll.exe kernel32.dll,C...
@rene Yeah, questions about batch programming are on-topic, but this question isn't specifically about that (although it sounds like it is) which makes it off-topic.
@rene If they're calling it from an installer (which I find unlikely) then they should be using internal functions of the programming language (or the installer should be offering some SDK to do this).
voting too-broad, it was between that and "unclear"
It's a specific proprietary application and there is no way to import any dll or create custom code. Only thing it supports is to execute command with parameters. — BreteP1 min ago
^ if I read that right, it's not his program
yeah, this question still confuses me with ever new revision
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [adobe-illustrator]"
@rene Your last completed review session ended 14 seconds ago and lasted 8 minutes and 50 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 13 seconds.
@KevinBrown I have forcefully ended your last session. To see more details use the command last session stats. In addition, the number of review items is most likely not set, use the command last session edit count <new count> to fix that.
@gunr2171 Your last completed review session ended 12 seconds ago and lasted 17 minutes and 4 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 25 seconds.
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
commands - Shows this list.
help - Prints info about this software.
running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
Who knew that being able to post a question doesn't guarantee being able to post an answer?
I will answer discussion posts and write some PHP as penance.
Answering discussion is fine... PHP is too much. We should save it for something really bad. — BraiamMay 5 '14 at 17:33
@KevinBrown Your last completed review session ended 15 seconds ago and lasted 14 minutes and 59 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 22 seconds.
I agree that this would be a good addition to that screen. Until this gets implemented the following userscript achieves the same:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stats
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @description Adds the current stat coun...
@LynnCrumbling Your last completed review session ended 14 seconds ago and lasted 38 minutes and 25 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 57 seconds.
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
| Tag Name | Count | Latest Time Cleared |
| video | 4 | 2015-03-04 21:24:07 UTC |
| adobe-illustrator | 5 | 2015-03-04 21:23:24 UTC |
| search | 4 | 2015-03-03 18:55:44 UTC |
| server | 7 | 2015-03-03 18:45:21 UTC |
| algorithm | 3 | 2015-03-02 19:16:06 UTC |
| java-ee | 5 | 2015-02-25 23:26:29 UTC |
| android-activity | 6 | 2015-02-25 23:24:59 UTC |