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Again, the problem is not with explaining, it's with putting yourself in the position of being the only truth holder out there.
Not explaining, being a prick is the problem.
@Xeo that seems in favour of variable... just doing it well... (still reading it over though)
51 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@Jefffrey considering widespread adoption of fixed timestamp, I think so. There are still a few people that think it's a bad idea to do that, but I am pretty sure they are a minority
... right.
it seems to say what I said, don't just use a completely free dt, have a minimum and maximum dt. And when you render, check to see if you are close enough to the next physics update that you should use that instead
Or threatening me of not explaining any more shit if I don't make you happy in this discussion. That is also somewhat condescending, because it's like you are saying "I'll remove the privilege you currently have of listening to me explaining stuff".
@BartekBanachewicz and since when did we accept "everyone else does it this way"?
@thecoshman Read on
@Jefffrey Sigh. Not, that's not threatening. That's telling you you annoy me to the point when I don't want to talk to you anymore.
@BartekBanachewicz That has absolutely no value whatsoever.
A lot of people thought the Earth was flat too. Didn't help then either.
@Jefffrey (no they didn't, but never mind that)
"People say" -- "A lot of people think so"... tell me why you think what you think.
@Jefffrey why don't you go out there into the wild internet and form your own opinion then
@BartekBanachewicz Because here I'm ... where?
@Jefffrey I tried. Apparently I was conveying the "only truth" so you stopped listening.
@Jefffrey I mean outside of the lounge, obviously.
Remember "not explaining", the attitude it wrong.
You might want to get a specialized tutor for explaining what "condescending" means.
Can I just step in and say that your (both of you) constant bickering is getting kinda annoying.
@BartekBanachewicz cool-aid man :P
You're very good with this irony thing
@Xeo no, shhh :P
@Xeo I'm really looking forward to being able to discuss anything w/o jeff cutting in and yelping how bad and condescending I am, granted.
@Xeo Temporary (or permanent) plonking is there for you.
because cosh actually made some very interesting points but they kinda drowned
@BartekBanachewicz You might want one for "irony" too.
I prefer to not ignore but act. And just because I might plonk both of you, doesn't mean you've stopped bickering and disrupting discussions.
well it was kinda our discussion you know
You can still disrupt them with going off-topic.
@BartekBanachewicz keep in mind I never said that fixed was wrong, I'm just questioning your decision, it seems to simply be based on what others have said you should do. Perhaps you do understand why it's better but can't explain it, but as it stands, you just look fanatical.
It was an interesting discussion, until it became about you guys telling each other off.
@Xeo you have to be wrong the right way
@Xeo what do you propose I do when @Jefffrey starts deraling discussions like that, then?
How am I deraling my own discussion?
@Jefffrey Nice try
I am willing to continue but the wall of "you're a condescending prick" is kind of killing it
That really touched you, eh?
not even mentioning the fact it might, just might, be a little bit not nice to me or something
@Jefffrey yes, it did.
If you two really can't keep a normal discussion up, then just stop. Don't derail it, just stop.
@BartekBanachewicz I noticed.
You can't but keep going there.
That usually means that deep down you know I'm right.
Don't worry, I know you'll never admit it now.
@Jefffrey he's a sensitive guy :P
FFS, stop it.
@Xeo A discussion is a discussion. If you don't want to listen plonk.
If you have something else to talk about, talk about something else.
@jeff you really are starting to act the twat
I am the twat.
then stop
I haven't slept one bit. If I'm not the twat today, when will I?
How about never?
Everybody is the twat some day.
LRIO has quite the monopoly of twatness TBH.
Hi fellas
Remember the head hunter dude that contacted me?
I'm a wonderful person.
That's not incompatible
You wonderful twat
He won't disclose the name of my "friend" that told him I was "the best guy he knows at C++".
@rubenvb Mr. S. O. is attached to his privacy.
@LucDanton I guess. This is almost the only place someone knows about me, so chances are it's a lounger in one form or another.
That, or someone involved in MinGW-w64.
much c++ going on there?
No, not really.
grasping at straws :v
There is this jesusnjim dude that asks terrible C++ questions on there that don't even fit on SO proper due to their 'I have not read the F* manual'-nature.
@rubenvb It's more likely that the headhunter is lying.
That's not a comment on your abilities or friends, just on headhunters.
Haha, yeah, that's the other case.
Although, as a friendly aside, you're shit at C++ and have no friends
... tough crowd.
Thanks for that. I feel much better.
@rubenvb She's just jealous
@rubenvb You're welcome ;)
Nah I'm sure you're great at C++. I don't believe I've ever actually seen either way.
Q: Fixed time step vs Variable time step

Nick SonneveldWhat is better for games when developing game loops, fixed time steps or variable time steps? What type of games are better with one or the other? Variable time steps: With variable time step, I mean physics updates will take in some sort of "time elapsed since last update" argument and hence ...

this thread also has some interesting points @thecoshman
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Now I'm not going to point you to anything I wrote, ever :p
@rubenvb Probably wise!
No, I'm quite well aware that my code "sucks" in a general sense.
One thing that I immediately noticed was "doing a variable time step solution is actually perceived as less complicated than it really is by a lot of people"
> (better.call.saul.s01e01.1080p.webrip.x264-tars.mkv AutoUnRAR) [header] [thumb]
@LightnessRacesinOrbit dude, just get netflix
@BartekBanachewicz Scaling all the shit properly is annoying
@rubenvb I don't actually watch anything that Netflix would help me with.
(I'm not actually downloading Better Call Saul; I just saw this link and found it funny)
not implying anything here, but the up side of hang around on an online chat full of jerks is that you don't actually miss it when you take your leave for a week or two
But I do try to stay legit(ish) nowadays. All my software and music is legit.
@BartekBanachewicz oh sure, fixed time step (like really fixed) can make a lot of things easier.
Well, okay, aside from the fact that I'm in the 11th year of my 30-day WinZip evaluation
@Xeo You mean, * dt? I suppose you're just moving that factor to constants.
hi @thecoshman
@chmod711telkitty I miss the online chat full of jerks after just a few hours!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol, ever heard of 7zip?
@rubenvb Yeah I have it ;p
imo either way, you should feed the physics engine a 'time to simulate' the fixed/variable debate is about how you get to the value to feed into that update function.
Your joke detector is malfunctioning this morning @rubenvb
Yeah, reading too many complicated papers today :(
inb4 your jokes are malfunctioning this morning @Lightness
@thecoshman pretty much every engine accepts that value, so I think it's a moot statement
@BartekBanachewicz it's a moo statement
@BartekBanachewicz so the code implementing of physics engine does not matter, you still have a 'movement per second * dt'
@LightnessRacesinOrbit well, I have real life friends & bushwalking buddies, so when things go sour ... err ... I just turn to the other two groups.
@chmod711telkitty AFAICR you haven't had an "incident" here in over a year
I think we can also all agree the physics and rendering should be decoupled
@thecoshman true. Well, you can technically factor that out to outside if that's never ever going to change
@thecoshman Which implies the need to interpolate
Actually, I'd like to talk about interpolation now
Excuse me, sir
Do you have a moment to talk about Interpolation?
Because doing it on the whole user state seems... well, spooky
I was thinking about a LERP-able typeclass/interface
@BartekBanachewicz not really. You could just render what ever was the physics engine last time it was updated, not as nice I grant you, but still works. I guess with a fixed rate it's easier to work out where to interpolate to.
@thecoshman I have that at this very moment and it really visibly stutters
@thecoshman you just have to render one frame into the future, that's all
@BartekBanachewicz render that latest physics step?
I can't get this to compile under VS2013.
@BartekBanachewicz to do what exactly?
@thecoshman as I said before, the time by which that last step is late to reality varies.
@thecoshman you need one before the current moment and one after it. The current moment always lies between them.
If you just take the last state, it's going to have some amount of lag in range of [0, frame_time], changing arbitrarily
also been doing roof trusses for the new house:
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Accept reference, not value_type const&.
Huh, that's a good point about things like springs... the 'damping value' is easier to tune if is to a fixed dt...
Heh, reference is for iterators actually.
Scrap the && to const&, sorry.
@BartekBanachewicz oh right, yeah, but that's why I said it's a crude system.
It's also something that is less of a problem the smaller the jumps in time are
@thecoshman because the range for the error becomes smaller, ye.
It complains about the typename Container::value_type part. C2825: 'Container': must be a class or namespace when followed by '::'
if you render at 60fps and simulate at 240fps you prolly could ditch the interpolation
1/4 frame lag might not be that noticeable
@BartekBanachewicz indeed, but it's only a visual error, keep that it mind.
@l4mpi Seems to me you're fabricating reasons to downvote good posts. And the only reason I can smell is "fear". That's exactly as good an argument as you are making. ("that just feels like you're out of logical arguments"). My statement is that it's not an issue to have useless posts. Besides there is nothing you can do stop people from wasting their time. (Some people will waste their time arguing in comment threads.)sehe 29 secs ago
btw @thecoshman a bonus is that I can save the stream of commands spit out by my FW and rerender somewhere else, like those GL tracing tools do
@AMostMajestuousCapybara You could try lifting using value_type = typename Container::value_type; out of the lambda.
@thecoshman in games it's all about what you see.
@BartekBanachewicz the dt could be treated like that too though.
> C2825
easy target detected
@BartekBanachewicz just apply motion blur to everything :P
@thecoshman then replaying the stream on another PC would have to lag exactly like it lagged on the original one :)
@chmod711telkitty nice skies
I dunno, I have mostly vectors and floats and they are pretty trivial to interpolate
I might add the interpolation as an optional component to my framework
@BartekBanachewicz the physics yes, except it might lag even more in places where the original machine was just fine. You can still decouple the rendering so that it appears smooth.
@LucDanton No luck, C2825 again. aaaaaaaaa
you'd just need to provide (GameState, GameState) -> Float -> GameState
@sehe What's an easy fix?
Don't answer "don't use VS". I would if I could.
I suddenly feel really bad for the dinosaurs.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Nice. I could ask you, but you wouldn't see, so you'll notice on twitter
@AMostMajestuousCapybara I won't :(
@AMostMajestuousCapybara remove_reference
@sehe He uses twatter
Or rather, unqualify
> you'll notice on twitter
Oh. The typo was significant?
@AMostMajestuousCapybara FYI, VS2015 preview compiles it just fine.
@rubenvb Depends on the arguments
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Damn you're on a roll
@sehe My typos are always significant, have you not learned that.
Yes I have not learned that
@Xeo Well, the test case as given of course. I'm not going to write any code to actually test it any further. This isn't like, not Stack Overflow :p
I'll just hardcode the value_type, meh
2 mins ago, by Xeo
@AMostMajestuousCapybara remove_reference
2 mins ago, by Xeo
Or rather, unqualify
Also, that std::forward should be without && (not that it changes anything except being cleaner)
I suck at C++
you can imagine this is a chocolate star
to sweeten up your badness
In Soviet Russia, C++ sucks at you. (Just ask Vlad...)
@AMostMajestuousCapybara You suck at MSVC. That's not unexpected
@AMostMajestuousCapybara s/ at C++//
@sehe That's not MSVC's fault.
That's Container being deduced to a reference.
@Xeo Yes, that's the case. Thanks :)
oh look I started the work at event scheduler
But why is G++ not complaining
@AMostMajestuousCapybara Because you don't ever call it (in the coliru snippet)
@Xeo this is another nice topic BTW. Higher order implementations of event schedulers, aka "every n seconds" and "after x seconds"
@Xeo Can I kiss you
oooh, Gaffers approach is have the physics update by a small (but fixed) amount each time it updates, so you get nice precise updates, and then do as many of those as required to match up to frame rate.
Is there a well known resource for that
JS uses setTimeout and it seems to work well huh
@thecoshman I uh please tell me it was obvious from the beginning
Wait... why decide?
Otherwise I failed spectacularly
@thecoshman decide what
@Xeo Everything is MSVC's fault.
@R.MartinhoFernandes poor robor
Can't you have some physics done with variable, where it doesn't matter if you skip updating it for a second (like visual effects)?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Get some Zupfkuchen
@BartekBanachewicz no, hence the revelation just then
@thecoshman those can be directly drawn as FRP tweens, yeah
@thecoshman fuuuuuuuuuck
@BartekBanachewicz sure, some can, maybe, but not all.
@thecoshman stuff like armor shining or flames or whatnot
those can be interpolated in shaders directly
I was gonna say :)
Thanks uguise for your help! :) Everything compiles, time to go home~
@BartekBanachewicz if you wanted stuff like... confetti to fall and respect the other objects, but it doesn't matter if it's a bit choppy
@BartekBanachewicz like not at all
... particle system really.
@thecoshman yep
those can be done in shaders true, but it's hard to have them react to geomotry
@FredOverflow I don't get it.
and even then you are still using varying time deltas
@thecoshman noob
it's just that you update your physics at small steps instead of just once per "frame"
I guess cloth is another thing that is physics intensive, but not really requiring to be 'correct'
@Jefffrey lol. Good job.
@FredOverflow yes
So you hadn't tested it and it didn't work pretty well. You were talking crap. You're welcome! — juanchopanza 1 min ago
@BartekBanachewicz No, you good job.
You are terrible at explaining.
I take the current heap size plus the padding plus the object size and I multiple that by an approximation of the golden ratio.
And that is the new heap size.
Or maybe you were just spewing out what you read without actually understanding it yourself.
wink wink
I'm calm.
I'm so calm.
oh this view is so soothing
I want a desk zen garden
@BartekBanachewicz shadows are all wrong
@FredOverflow however, I remove objects on reallocation.
it doesn't matter. This garden is at peace. And so am I.
Because it's a collection cycle.
It's extremely likely there will be objects removed.
@BartekBanachewicz what about that cat?
@thecoshman true.

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