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^ Sounds stupid, unless someone gets a minimal grasp about what bit shifting means.
Perhaps I should stop now
Go to 5000.
OTOH 4567 is prime
Go to 45,678
I should write some answers but 99% of the time I browse the questions I either see shitty ones or stuff I cannot answer
Become more knowledgable so you can try other tags.
Q: Passing array values to namespace constructor

user3072143Doing an assignment, and im asked to pass the items price/name into the .set() constructor under item.cpp and store the price/name in there. However my item[i].set(); line shows me an error. main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "item.h" using namespace std; using namespace items;...

Why did I even try
That coding style though.
Hmm, my flair still features my old avatar: fiddle.jshell.net/u2yb5y6w/show
@рытфолд My excuse for not doing that atm is time
"namespace constructor" chuckles
> the .set() constructor under item.cpp
I'm going to take a serious descision now:
- I have a can with "Rinder Gulasch"
- I have a can of "Sauerkraut"
- I have 2 red peppers
- I have a glass of cooked potatoes
- I have Fusili noodles

What's the direction to go ([Szegedin Goulash](http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://bingcookingsecrets.com/wp-content/gallery/czech-segedin-goulash/13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bingcookingsecrets.com/czech-segedin-goulash-with-potatoes/&h=449&w=600&tbnid=7DJ-AflbvSjXQM:&zoom=1&tbnh=91&tbnw=122&usg=__x2aV4rKNWxdR-hYjK7o5XxbCr48=&docid=1B_EvHDjhBzlXM&sa=X&ei=NabXVO6NIdDhsASChoCwCg&ved=0CC0Q9QEwAQ) )
delete sauerkraut
it's disgusting
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The question was edited, although I'm not sure why it doesn't show that it was. It asked me to reload it a bit after that guy criticized the OP.
@рытфолд Szegedin Goulash is very tasty stuff.
It is. What's funny is that in Szegedin they know nothing about Szegedin Goulash
if (QUESTION_COUNT !== 1) {
@AndyProwl He never makes a newline.
@AndyProwl I know nothing about pronouncing "Szegedin."
@AndyProwl but you have time to slack in here!
@AndyProwl That's an interesting point! Anyway I'm used to cook it from scratch, and not using a readymade goulash in sauce.
@рытфолд That's where I learn the most!
Hanging out in the Lounge is not slacking, it's growing professionally.
Oh, it's actually Szeged lol
at least in the original language
here we call it Szegedinský Guláš
    .filter(function() { return $(this).text() == 'Vorige'; })
    .filter(function(i) { return i !== 0; })
Writing bad code is so much fun.
@AndyProwl I should focus on learning Czech, they are my neighbors :-D ...
You don't need it :) Many people in Czech Republic speak at least some German
@AndyProwl Always stop in your primes :)
So either the OP is being very appreciative, or I have a supporter i.imgur.com/JBrSSTE.png
59 is prime.
5 is prime
5 answers. gotta stop.
@AndyProwl I well know (and appreciate this). But it's always a good idea, to know about your neighbour's lingo. I'm even keeping seriously tracking up with my very nearest neighbours (tyrolians), and there's only subtle differences mostly.
Liquorice, yummy.
> Is 55 a Prime Number?
Uh, no. 55 is divisible by 5. You can tell because it ends with a five.
> Is 5 a Prime Number?
not really
You can tell that 55 is divisible by 5 because it ends with a five.
@рытфолд @рытфолд amazing
5 is also divisible by 5 and, though in this case that is not enough to make it a prime number, there is no contradiction here.
You simply failed to correctly interpret the English language.
what were you quoting, anyway?
"5 ends with a 5"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit As mentioned, knowing lingo is important.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he generally makes up his own quotes
@hlide Correct. Well done!
@рытфолд drop?
@πάνταῥεῖ I knew some French long time ago, but other than that, I can't talk to any of my neighbors. At least not to any of my native neighbors. I can talk to some of the neighbors of the place I live in, but it's no special achievement (Czech and Slovak are very similar). I keep telling myself that I should learn German, but so far it's the same as with Rust or Haskell. "No time", "too much work", etc.
@hlide The quote does not claim that 55 is prime because it ends with a 5.
@StackedCrooked Lekker!
@StackedCrooked gisteren teveel op
I see Venus.
@AndyProwl Same for me regarding Czech. But there's hope still I find some time, or spent some in the country.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I suspect Liquorice wanted to say any number ending with 5 is divible by 5 - except for the number 5. "except for" was missing
@hlide No. He said precisely what he meant to, and it was wholly factually accurate. The only thing missing is a correct comprehension on your part.
I've even explained how so.
But sure ignore it
also lol at calling rightfold "Liquorice"
@sehe You are actually more far away, but technically a neighbour as well. (Dutch or Belgian is mostly understandable for Germans)
you guys should move to the US. learning other languages? hah
Depends on the dialect, I surmise (likewise in reverse)
in fact, i don't see why it is easy to tell 55 is dividible by 5 because it ends with 5 unless there is a more general rule to say it
I might escape to the USA one day.
@Blob er, or move to England? The home of... English?
why would the USA be the go-to choice for that
Possibly to Canada.
@рытфолд RIP
There aren't many places where Dutch is spoken outside of Europe.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit because its the go-to choice for everything
Perhaps Suriname.
Canada only has the US as a neighbor (or at least i think), so that may be a better option.
@sehe Well, bavarian is different from regular german as well, you'd have a hard time if I want to.
@Borgleader it's the go-to choice for being shit
Both US and UK suck so
Poland is nice but I don't speak Polish.
@рытфолд thats a skill you need to... polish
Poland isn't nice.
Polish girls are nice.
There is a difference.
I'm arguably a Polish girl.
It would be a short argument.
So arguably thanks.
@рытфолд He clearly meant to add "in general".
Go on then in what way are you a Polish girl?
I have Polish roots.
And I'm a girl.
You're a Dutch boy.
That's absolute bullshit.
I fear that you're beginning to believe your own lies, mate.
@πάνταῥεῖ prržoiśly
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit in fact, i don't see why it is easy to tell 55 is dividible by 5 because it ends with 5 unless there is a more general rule to say it. That's the point which leads me to think there is a contradiction. That's just funny, nothing more
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am in joy when you are in fear, so that's good.
@рытфолд cool
They're used to have **Sticky-Out Ears**
That was blatantly racist I know ;-) ...
@hlide It's a fact of the number 5....
Did you not go to primary school, or something?
@hlide there is. It's not hard. The decimal syste, has a weight factors that are powers of 10 for each digit position. Powers of ten are by definition divisible by 5 (because 10==5*2). Therefore any digit combination * 10 +0 or +5 is divisible by 5.
@πάνταῥεῖ It's blatantly not "racist" in the slightest
hey did you hear, black people have dark skin - OH SHIT I'M BEING RACIST AGAIN
@hlide It works by writing out the "formula" to arrive at the "value" of a "digit string" (abcd -> 1000*a + 100*b + 10*c + d; (1000*a + 100*b + 10*c) is by definition divisible by 5 because 10 is divisible by 5)
@πάνταῥεῖ How is Belgian any easier to understand for Germans?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well I mostly not care about their ears shape. I've been meeting a number of very cute polish girls over time.
Is Belgian a thing? I thought it's Dutch, French, and German
@hlide if you don't see how "55 is dividible by 5" then there is no contradiction. There would be non-sequitur instead
@R.MartinhoFernandes There are matches to be spotted. Can't explain actually. But I'm also able to decipher some french stuff.
@AndyProwl yesh
guys, be cool. I'm speaking about logical viewpoint, not math
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That was the point: go to the US to not learn any other language. Except Spanish.
Flanders is nice.
And Belgian.
@sehe Yesh it's a thing?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^_^
@AndyProwl Noesh
@πάνταῥεῖ Oh, and you really meant Belgian French and not some Flemish or something. Wow.
I seesh
@hlide Maths is the logical viewpoint when discussing why number X is divisible by number Y and possibly a prime number
I fail to see what possible other angle you could have for that
The level of mutual intelligibility there is so low it's not worth mentioning.
Wallonia is a myth.
@R.MartinhoFernandes But you just did
a bit like in the Lounge
Even my spell checker doesn't know about it.
a bit like the Lounge
@R.MartinhoFernandes Flemish is the part, where it comes out to be similar to german or english.
a bit like with the Lounge
yo momma
a wit bike in the lounge
mayo momma
mayo momma so fat
mayo wanna
mayo gonna
mayday momma
I lost track of Venus.
That bitch escaped.
shut up rightfold
@рытфолд The goddess of love and beauty?
[wolframalpha.com/input/?i=batman&a=*C.batman-_*AdministrativeDivisio‌​n-](Turkey is awesome, UNLIKE FUCK MARKDOWN)
Why are the slavic languages out of focus right now? These are actually where I have my hardest times to grasp anything.
Nov 14 '14 at 0:55, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Just found this: https://www.google.de/maps/place/Batman%2FBatman+Province,+Turkey/@37.8955195,41‌​.131737,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x400b46fc6e630ad3:0x8fba52e2fe61162e?hl=en
If only that fixed Markdown.
And besides, turkish, arabic and hebrew is a completely different kettle of fish ...
I always was fascinated by the Finnish and Magyar languages, which don't fit anything common (europeian) source at all.
Markdown is fine when you get the parameters in the right order. Quit blaming everyone else for your abject failure.
Gosh, that was easy.
That was easy. The unneeded attack, that is.
is char mychararray[35] = {}; valid (by the standard, not some implementation)? I thought you needed at least one element?
it's supposed to make everything 0
@Blob It's fine. You thought wrong.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'll give you an Ü for that :-D
In fact, you should do it that way. Giving just one member for the sake of it is misleading.
@Blob You'd be right if you were writing C.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I really don't know what you're doing here. So, if anyone ever says something that you don't immediately think was called for you are prepared to give them flack for half an hour (if not months). Yet here you are, saying stuff like that.
@milleniumbug Really?
The whole episode with 5-divisibility was your own doing too.
This time I'm plonking His Highness. And if it's to bothersome trying to make sense of it all without the noise I will just put the lounge to rest.
I really don't want to be in a place where all this is normal and should be ignored - lest one wants to be the target of bullying oneself.
I recognise that this is hardly a "proof" of anything, but...
This is not normal. It should not be normal, it will never be normal. Not in my world.

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