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@Mikhail I like your thinking ... Get to charge em more $£€¥ to fix the issue after - why sell for x when you can do it for 1.05x 😈
Does SO have a new styling?
Or is my monitor just off color
Looks like I can't discern any back ground colors any more.
@sehe It's them, not you (or your monitor).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Declaration/certification "free of rent-debts"?
@JerryCoffin I find everything bright and it's a pain to look at it (might be the time of day too)
@sehe It is distinctly brighter than before.
@Mikhail you do :) of course. In C++ you wouldn't pay for locking when you just pass an iterator
@sehe Bah! C++ is so inefficient that when you write a structure can get like 3 random constructors. And don't even get me started on needing to use virtual dispatch for inheritance guarantees. No sir, I'm going to stick to C, that stuff I can understand.
I wanna C more people who stick to walking because learning to drive is too much of a hassle
@Mikhail Trying to decide whether that would work better in a Peter Sellers as the Pink Panther French accent, or maybe Micheal Palin in a Monty Python skit. I think I'm leaning toward the latter though--the "No sir, I'm going to stick to C..." is a little too obvious of a punch line to really work as Pythonesque humor, but it still seems like Michael Palin would do it well.
@JerryCoffin and then the memory leak kill them all
Wait, I've go it: Robin Williams as Adrian Cronhauer. "Good Morning Veitnam. This just in: we have given the Soviets free C compilers, and now their tanks are all trying to execute past the end of un-terminated strings."
@Mikhail trololol. Why don't you rant a bit on the stupidity of strings "being heap allocated by default" and exception handling? Or the fact that shared_ptrs have so much overhead? Thing is. You. Don't. Have. To. Use. It. I can count the times I used inheritance in my code on the fingers of one hand. And that's for our entire codebase here.
What cost of "virtual dispatch for inheritance"? (Whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean, because there is no inheritance guarantee and also no virtual dispatch when you just use inheritance. But I digress)
@Mikhail uhuh! That's off limits for you :)
@sehe Fortunately for you I'm refactoring my stdafx.h
Sure. That makes total sense.
> stdafx.h
should never exist, but eh :)
#pragma once never again
@Mikhail Oops. That's not nice. That explains the mood, meguesses. Well, good luck anyways.
Off to office
@Mikhail ? You're citing that as the goal for stdafx? Or as the reason for refactoring?
(Also, why are you refactoring central stuff when you are shipping? :))
So I got this code: virtual StageSpeeds getSpeeds() = 0; but what I really want is virtual StageSpeeds getSpeeds() overwrite;
Most of the anger is because I have to use this COM fuck and the idiots in Japan (nikon instruments) live in small single threaded apartments
@Mikhail overwrite?
@Mikhail I know brother. Whatever a "small" STA would be :) I always used FTM in MSVC with ATL
COM is Love
Don Box is a Distinguished Engineer currently working at Microsoft. Along with Bob Atkinson, Mohsen Al-Ghosein, and Dave Winer, Don was one of the original four designers of SOAP, a basic messaging layer for web services. In January 2011, he joined Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business (IEB) as a developer on next-generation platform technology for entertainment and gaming. Prior to joining IEB, he worked on Brad Lovering's team working on model-driven runtime and tool support at Microsoft, including Oslo. Don was also an architect on Windows Communication Foundation (formerly known as...
I wonder how many bitcoins it would cost to...
runtime errors are the best time errors because they can be blamed on end-users
@sehe he looks more like an actor.
@Mikhail they can?
SO, changed some css?
hmm, there are some fails though
Everything is smaller.
Except tags.
@G.Samaras "Crazy Friday" is what I jokingly said back then because I went a bit overboard with the answer :) And today happens to be Friday, so... it still applies to the the no-boost version too — sehe 2 mins ago
also the word votes under vote count is invisible
Does anybody think MS's move to put projects on GitHub is a lame ploy by employee's to improve resumes before jumping ship?
@Mikhail I fear it's a "leave it to the community" kind of thing.
can i define macros in windows command prompt?
You want the set command
@Mikhail but i think i read somewhere that is temporary
@рытфолд It probably requires some acting skills to get that far. :)
@AbhishekGupta its per console session
setx, its like writing to .bashrc
I'm back
@Mikhail oh thanks
@sehe Something like that, yeah.
Is there a (small?) performance advantage to Class::Class(const setting& In) : in(In) vs Class::Class(setting In) : in(In) ?
Oh, SO changed.
The designers need to justify their salary.
Doesn't feel much different to me? Or maybe I'm not enough on SO proper anymore to notice
I do notice that the tag shadows are gone again. Bastards.
Is there any automated way in JavaScript whereby I can test to see whether the user is using the latest release channel build of Firefox?
// A single line is worth 40 points, two lines 100 points, three lines 300 points, and a Tetris 1200 points.
switch (cleared_lines)
    case 4: score += 900;
    case 3: score += 200;
    case 2: score += 60;
    case 1: score += 40;
// Is this switch beautiful or hideous? You decide!
Hmm, new T[X] is illegal if T is generic, in Java.
GenericArrayCreation or something?
@FredOverflow As soon as you tweak the values, you'll cry
Those are standard Gameboy Tetris values ;)
static const int cleared_lines_bonus[] = {0, 40, 100, 300, 1200};
score += cleared_lines_bonus[cleared_lines];
probably better ;)
You can make it more hideous: score=40+(lines>1)*60+(lines>2)*200+(lines>3)*900
I like that one better in a way
Nah. I don't think it's really worth it to be honest. Spirit is /just/ not designed to do runtime parser generation. The whole EDSL thing is invented to do static parser generation! And indeed, I would precise here that the grammar is static. If you properly separate responsibilities, you'd easily convince your boss that Spirit is excellent for the /parsing/ responsibility, and you just need to separate your /interpretation/ responsibilities (basically, like you already do). Nothing about the grammar (currently) changes. Just the semantic handling of it. — sehe 1 min ago
I do feel I keep having to explain that Spirit is no silver bullet.
There are a lot of cases where I'd simply not recommend it.
@Jefffrey That's because arrays know their element type at runtime, but generics are erased at compile-time.
@FredOverflow That seems dumb.
Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of generics?
@FredOverflow At the very least it's HORRENDOUS branch prediction :)
@sehe Horrendous wasn't one of the options, you have to choose between beautiful and hideous.
@FredOverflow slightly, no bounds check
@FredOverflow Branch prediction cannot be hidious. It's either correct or wrong
@sehe How do you do better than a Tetris or worse than nothing?
I dunno. How do you know that from these two lines? You're indexing with an int. That's what we know. If you /assume/ that int to be in a particular domain...
Okay, let me just quickly convert the codebase to Java where array indexes are always checked ;)
And by "codebase" I meant those two lines of example code.
I found out the other day that Java does not allow switch on booleans :(
switch (a < b)
    case true: ok
    case false: whatever
    default: hilarious
I really wonder what made the OP /accept/ this answer stackoverflow.com/a/27980874/85371
It was just a long shot with some background reasoning.
Is he just scared away now?
too much text. Not clear if he read it
Maybe because you were the only one to answer?
@FredOverflow Duh. He posted... what, maybe 30 minutes ago
That's why I'm wondering about this premature (?) accept
@sehe You listed footnote 2 before footnote 1.
@Puppy that's the order in which they grew on the tree
I'm not inclined to swap them as the cross refs are correct :)
I tend to keep editing for these kind of details without end - and it just takes time. So I try to decide cut-off points these days
Why am I asking Java questions in the Lounge?
because you've lost control of your life
Are you studying to become a life guru/coach or something?
Ild be happy to be the life guru/coach for my own life to begin with... Lol
you guys have any tips/tricks for debugging deadlocks? i get a deadlock exception when locking a mutex (at least i think thats whats happening)... i cant really see why though
@Jefffrey studying, ew
@Jefffrey ? is shorthand for ? extends Object, so for (Object o : yourCollection)
@Jefffrey Because C++ programmers know more about Java than Java programmers?
Is it me, or does stackoverflow look different today?
Especially the vote buttons and stars and such.
@FredOverflow Yes it does.
@FredOverflow it does, major overhaul, new design, fresh ideas, pop culture
Why? I hate UI changes!
They backported the Meta Stack Overflow look.
Couldn't they simply have done invisible infrastructure changes?
@ÓlafurWaage the only pop I'm ok with
is popcorn
53 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
The designers need to justify their salary.
@FredOverflow Exactly! , everything is so bright! , my eyes hurt
Designers? The new look isn't even design. The vote buttons are reduced to raw triangles.
@FredOverflow But you are the end user, you don't matter - at all.
There is way too much vertical space between the vote count and the vote buttons. I think I'm going to quit SO.
I just can't get over the fonts
they look comic sans-ish compared to the old ones
@FredOverflow Everything looks okay-ish if you zoom in to 110%
> comic sans-ish
Good argumentation
I don't know what to call it
it looks less serious
oh boy i tried to join a thread to itself
@AlexM. Comic sans is very serious, i has sans
was there any meta rage about this makeover
Also the colors on the new main site have warped. Since when is blue the primary color on SO? WTF, Stack Exchange. WTF.
@MohammadAliBaydoun I wonder why people keep seeing that question stackoverflow.com/questions/27882908/…
@Pris what happened :)
Q: Give the old theme for the main site back

GriwesThis isn't really a question, it's a request. I request that you give us the old (a.k.a. actually usable, unlike the new one) theme back, at the very least in a form of an opt-in. (No, seriously, the new theme is just bad. Stop this madness.)

> Current problem: a Request class that implements method, thus making it impossible to find out where its methods are defined.
@Griwes I'm sure they'll listen :<
inb4 they actually do lol
Also fuck you SE, now I can't tell visited and not visited questions apart.
When the fuck will they learn not to "fix" what ain't broken?
all the new layout discussion reminds me of google product forums whenever they change stuff
No, seriously, the new SO is just bad.
1) I can't immediately say if I'm on meta or the main site.
2) Visited links are uselessly formatted - almost no difference compared to not visited...
@sehe whoa, that was cool
@рытфолд stahp
it would have fit codereview.se better but hey
this is serious
No concrete list of problems, not serious enough.
1) it's unusable
concrete enough
rightfoldslav, someone downvoted you
I have righted this wrong
your answer is correct
@Griwes list of exact usability problems please
i wonder what UX thinks of the changes
@рытфолд It's unusable.
brb posting question there
That's an exact usability problem.
plonk and downvote and close vote
ITT @рытфолд thinks the new SO look is good
SO right now is really flat design gone wrong
with ugly fonts
Works fine for me.
Everything is the same it just looks a little different.
SO right now is "everything gone wrong".
@рытфолд Different enough to, say, not make visited questions distinct enough from the not visited ones.
lol I've been looping that song from fallout nv since last night
so simple and enjoyable
just a simple rhythm with a great voice and nice lyrics
lol this game looks amazing
@FredOverflow eh
1 hour ago, by Jefffrey
Oh, SO changed.
@AlexM. IDGI I thought that was boring
They put the design that was on meta before.
4 hours ago, by sehe
Looks like I can't discern any back ground colors any more.
I piss a lot farther
@sehe I was going to say "Even with a smaller wiener. Impressive. :P", but then I realised it wouldn't have been professional enough for the Stack Exchange network, so I decided against it.
Besides, who would lie on the internet?
oh for fuck's sake they made that new design live huh
yuck yuck yuck
@hobbs: You really think that's something I don't know? Comments seem to be getting way off-topic. But in the same spirit, you're more than welcome to go ____. — martineau 4 hours ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit go planking, go fishing, go do some work, go cure cancer, go pro, go ahead Eagles, go on and on
@Rerito Certainly
Gosh, why the hell does fetching the gem index take minutes? Fuck Ruby.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Since Ruby is a 9 on hardness scale, that might be painful
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He's got a french sounding name...
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, xorn are outsiders from the Elemental Plane of Earth. == Publication history == The xorn first appeared in first edition in the original Monster Manual (1977). The xaren appeared in the original Monster Manual II (1983). The xorn appeared in second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), and reprinted with the xaren in the Monstrous Manual (1993). The minor xorn, the average xorn, and the elder xorn appeared in the third edition Monster Manual (2000), and in the 3.5 revised Monster Manual (2003). The xorn appeared in fourth edition...
Seeing that childish reaction I just thought "I hope he is not"
I don't remember seeing any Xorn in video games
were they removed in AD&D or were they just avoided
They were in 3.5 and in 4th.
means the games just didn't use them
at least those that I've played
(all of them 3.5 based IIRC)
NetHack has xorns.
didn't play nethack, yup
I found these in Icewind Dale (the expansion, more exactly)
The remorhaz is an iconic magical beast in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. It is vaguely similar to the frost worm. == Publication history == The remorhaz first appeared in Dragon #2 (August 1976). The remorhaz appeared in first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the original Monster Manual (1977). The remorhaz was further detailed in Dragon #114 (October 1986). The remorhaz appeared in second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), and reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993). The undead remorhaz appeared in Dungeon #70 (September 1998). The remorhaz appeared...
they looked really exotic compared to the rest of the fauna
This is interesting: jsfiddle.net/9ptk54b5/1
@рытфолд iframe removing itself on changing url?
The worst part of this is that it was also a proportional-width font here for a while before they changed it back to monospace (probably in response to this). Did they forget to push it to the SO branch or something? One of the most blatant regressions I've seen. — BoltClock ♦ 7 hours ago
is that some sort of lasagna
4.06 GBP
Yeah, it's lasagne
bartek why are you paying in GBP
because Poland is British
because he's in the UK
I converted it for you barbarians
Great British Poland
he's after LRiO's ring
also that's one weird fucking lasagna
it looks a bit burnt
and pink milk?
a bit?!
in Java, 1 min ago, by FredOverflow
public void addFred(List<String> list)
    // The following line compiles fine, but it may fail at runtime; we don't know.
    // I don't care if this is a library or a type system issue; it's just stupid.
Care to join us? ;)
It's really tasty
well, a bit more burnt
And that's mixed strawberries and yoghurt
if it's tasty it's ok
@AlexM. ahhhhhhh nom nom
@Alex different topping is all
yours is topped with burnt carbon
it could be something on top, it's hard to tell by the picture
Men just the photo
like how you add butter in the pan, to make your steaks more nut brown
Had one burnt spot and its perfectly OK otherwise
So many upvotes for a question asking about four questions at once, all of which have been asked for. Have a downvote. — Lightness Races in Orbit 7 secs ago
my grandma's macaroni & cheese were extra dark yellow because of the tons of eggs added on top
that baked egg though
it would make the macaroni go all crispy
eggs are great
almost as good as cheese
Ffs module pattern?
in Java, 59 secs ago, by Vogel612
@Jefffrey An array is not a type.
Am I going insane or is ^ false?
They don't understand types
I think arrays are types, how do you do arrays in Java
Type[] sth = new Type[count]; right?
@AlexM. yes
pretty sure Type[] is a type on its own
As a consequence, the whole java communnity misuses terms
in Java, 30 secs ago, by Vogel612
^^ which is not a real type @FredOverflow
why are you even arguing with the people in Java
because I'm writing Java
I can't feel anything anymore
I feel no pain and no joy. I'm not in touch with my feeling anymore.
I think that it's a response to a strong traumatic stress.
> In the Java programming language, arrays are objects (§4.3.1), are dynamically created, and may be assigned to variables of type Object (§4.3.2). All methods of class Object may be invoked on an array.
as per their standard
I'm shaking. Is that a bad sign?
My nails are purple too.
anyway, I don't know Java but
the fact that an array is a subclass of Object
pretty much tells me it's a type on its own
@Jefffrey drink ... hot tea
in Java, 17 secs ago, by fge
Shape up or ship out
It's their motto
stop wasting time there jeff
it ain't worth it
@chmod711telkitty It was a joke of some sort.
@Jefffrey Congratulations, you have reached level 1 of being a Java developer.
@Jefffrey Drink tea anyways.
in Java, 26 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@fge I don't know whether your close minded attitude stems from brain damage caused from using java, or whether it's a precondition to using it, but you could seriously listen to what someone's trying to tell you
where does "m_" from the beginning of private class members come from?
@CălinCruceru it's "member"
@CălinCruceru member
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How the hell
n-ai pt ce
@Jefffrey I kinda lost it after he repeated "use it or get out" thrice
@CălinCruceru The leading m_ on names of members comes from the phrase "my brain is bad".
@BartekBanachewicz Except he didn't say that even once.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit bullshit
Bartek "Strawman" Bananachewits
@Abyx No, it's true! Really!
shut up, you use tabs
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that's rue
and here I was hoping to have an Abyx-free day
(defn find-urls [from body]
  (let [matches (map #(nth % 3) (re-seq #"(src|href)=(\"|')(.+?)\2" body))]
    (->> matches
         (map #(resolve-url from %))
         (filter (complement nil?))
@CălinCruceru Yes, prefixing names of members with m_ is rude; I agree!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so, what do you use instead? write this-> everywhere?
I don't mind m_ that much
people here use it everywhere, I got used to it
I use _ for private members in C# too, so...
@AlexM. And I thought my University was the only place that used _ for members.
no, it's Microsoft's convention for C# .NET
@Abyx No, just use nothing.
@AlexM. Wow, really? Never heard of that.
Well this->x is just bad, you can easily forget to write this-> and use a function parameter or a local variable
_x is bad because you can't use the _ prefix with variables which start with a capital letter, e.g. _X (e.g. abbreviations)
some teams use suffixes, like x_, but I prefer prefixes
@FredOverflow it's either that or "most .NET programmers from Microsoft use underscores for private members"
one of the two
let me dive into .net's source
using underscores in function parameters, e.g. struct F { int x; void f(int x_) { x = x_; } - is just horrible
@Abyx You don't need to use anything. Just have a normal variable name. foo or bar.
@FredOverflow google coding style uses _ suffix
If your function parameters or local variables have the same names as your members and you "forget" to resolve the shadowing, then you're an idiot, and deserve all the bugs you get
It's duplicate code.
It already says elsewhere that it's private.
The Google coding style is terrible overall
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The "make one arg ctor explicit" thingy is painful :(
I guess the same applies probably to all or at least most of the .NET codebase
@рытфолд Wait, why aren't you complaining about setters, as you usually do?
yeahhhhhh it was my swag after all
@Nooble have you already fried Pi?
@Rerito that's the only arguably good rule
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Sometimes implicit conversions can be desired and when followed blindly, this rule is just a pain the ass IMO
if you follow any coding guideline "blindly" then you're also an idiot
I agree, but you know management
If management force me to make a ctor explicit when I want the implicit conversion, that's when I quit
@FredOverflow Make the fields public and readonly.
is there someone who isn't an idiot to you lol
All your problems will be gone.
eww kiwi
green apple what
@AlexM. Robot is the only one
Kiwi is awesome
@LightnessRacesinOrbit even Jerry?
it can't be a co-incidence that this arrived (well, the delivery was first attempted) not 24 hours after I chased it up
piss on them and send them back
Kiwi is the worst fruit after tomato.
Forgot my wallet.
I need to send a fax.
be sure to mention how terrible the new site design is

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