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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

Being Drunk as fuck. Its a religious holiday, and my birthday so....
2 hours later…
@JonClements Could not find anyone linked to that fellow (can't respond to chat flags in private...)
most of the tag
@davidism linkedin.com
more like
that would solve the problem...
Close reason: Other: use careers.stackoverflow.com instead
@BoltClock no worries
@Jon another thing to add to the chat wishlist is allowing room owners to see/deal with flags in their rooms
although I'll probably have 10k before that actually happened
that's already been proposed I believe
and how the chat flags work in general
I actually bother reading chat flags, and the related transcript before saying "yes/no/not sure" blah blah
yeah, I figured, couldn't find it on meta though
ah, it's on meta.se
I did raise a flag... hence @BoltClock's gracious attendance... 8/9 hours later
at least it wasn't 6-8 weeks :-P
anyway.. need to pick up this wiki entry after checking the DBs I manage are happy and some coffee down my neck... etc...
I'll edit in something about bookmarks really quick, since I brought it up earlier.
@davidism cheers
actually, the more I think about it, the less clear I am about what these chat moderators will actually do
it seems more productive to give room owners more powers, at least within their rooms
... yes, give me all the power ... mwahahaha
I've thought about that too... although some rooms don't have policies and go off the rails with stuff...
added the bookmark section at the bottom, you should clean it up if you can but I think it gets the point across
ty - I hope you don't mind if my English (English) kicks in and changes a z to an s :)
hmm, I'll try to look past it :)
Remember installing something once: "English (British), English (American), English (Australian), English (French)"
I obviously went for the first choice there, but very curious what the 3rd and 4th options would do
Australian English is very much like British English really
@BoltClock I was just surprised to the option :)
The only difference is that you read the text in an Australian accent.
@BoltClock anyway, while we appear to have your attention - are you able to remove a couple of bookmarks for us?
@JonClements Do you mean bookmarked convos, or starred messages? I have no idea about the former
@BoltClock the former...
regardless - it's nice to see you and welcome to the Python room :)
Thanks :)
I'm guessing you voted in favour of hats this year? :p
On the contrary, I hate hats... that are not my own ;)
I don't wear hats in real life, but my avatar will have no such problem.
@BoltClock can you delete this bookmark? chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/conversation/moderate
Turns out I can
@Jon I've never really looked at the list before, but there's a few in there that are pretty much useless
@davidism while we have @BoltClock's attention - now's the time I guess
oneboxes!! /shakes fist
never mind I see it
anything that's not directly related to the room or how we effectivey work should be removed
@davidism while it's nice that @BoltClock is here... let's not try to take the piddle :p
lol, well you gave me weapons free :)
@JonClements I did not know there were variations on "taking the piss"
or, piss, for that matter
it's different for dogs
@BoltClock it's 5am in the morning, my potentially coined expletives will come later :p
actually, I think that's all of them, so thanks @BoltClock
kinda makes this somewhat redundant
Blah, and 24mb connection, speed tests are only coming up 14mb
reading through these bookmarks really gives you a sense of how weird we are, lol
I keep cracking up at this recent one though: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/conversation/…
I'm a little biased because it's mine, but adding the extra pun in the title was a great touch.
@davidism we have our quirks - but I'm proud to say we're very welcoming and quite possibly one of the best rooms on the network :p
at least I hope so - spent 2 years of my life building it
@ZeroPiraeus you're on a role with
2 hours later…
That bit about room bookmarks should be it's own meta post. It could be written up first and then linked to from the chat moderator post.
2 hours later…
cbg @poke
9gag.com/gag/amLpoEX multithreaded programming :D
@davidism I don’t know what to say.
Hi, could someone explain what does this mean:
candidates = [node for node in unvisited.items() if node[1]]
haven't seen nothing like this in Java
It's called a list comprehension
It's equivalent to the following code
candidates = []
for node in unvisited.items():
    if node[1]:
Oh, okay, but what is equivalent to this: unvisited = {node: None for node in nodes}
That's a dictionary comprehension.
That’s a dictionary comprehension and builds a dictionary instead of a list, where node is the key and None is the value
unvisited = {}
for node in nodes:
    unvisited[node] = None
Okay, haven't seen a comprehensions before in Python, only in Haskell
docs.python.org/3.4/tutorial/… and docs.python.org/3.4/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries are the appropriate docs for list and dict comprehensions, respectively.
i will certainly check them out
current, currentDistance = sorted(candidates, key = lambda x: x[1])[0] is there any way to write this out in a different manner aswell?
candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by the second value
current, currentDistance = candidates[0]
Where the second line means essentially this:
Yeah that looks neater
current = candidates[0][0]
currentDistance = candidates[0][1]
You could also use itemgetter but it would just be extra lines of unnecessary code.
The benefit of sorted over list.sort is that if candidates is a dictionary (which has no order itself), you can pass candidates.items() to sorted.
candidates is just an array
@Martijn Cabbage
stackoverflow.com/q/27376297/3005188 tool request or unclear, take thy pick.
stackoverflow.com/q/27376093/3005188 requires example of the data object
that was quick
i deleted my django migrations from the database as well as from the migrations folder
even when i change the models of django, it detects no changes and thereby the database is unaffected by migrate
Should not have done the deletion in the database?
hi all does anyone know how to filter "Hot Network Questions" from the sidebar
I want to blacklist some sites from there
@wim actually, yes. Kevin wrote a userscript the other week that the sci fi sites because he didn't want to read spoilers in question titles
particularly the religious ones like the site about jewish law and tradition and the christianity one I really don't give a flying fuck about
I don't have it to hand, but if I can find it in the transcript I'll ping you, otherwise Kevin will be online in ~3-4 hours and he can ping you.
@wim: you can't without a userscript; there is a feature request out on Meta.SE to make it configurable.
@Ffisegydd I'd search Kevin's starred messages, but Kevin has so many.
Yeah I tried to look for "spoliler" but couldn't find it.
I have no idea what that question is saying. It sounds gibberish.
@Ffisegydd priceless
@davidism I set a filter in the cv review queue after seeing your link to the meta post.
despises LinkedIn possibly even more than Facebook
Interesting problem is interesting stackoverflow.com/q/27378244/3005188
It seems like it should be solvable with some crazy Python trick, but I can't think of it;-;
@Ffisegydd I kinda wanna do this with rabbit now…
I think it needs to be Priority #1...
Does the SO API give me information about close votes?
i.e. when the account doesn’t have close vote rights
I don't think so
@poke you can get a questions timeline with api.stackexchange.com/docs/questions-timeline
Which might have close details
well, ofc except when the Q is closed
No one, using the API or not, can get who has voted to close on a question that hasn't yet reached the critical number
But once it is closed, you should be able to access the details.
@Ffisegydd It doesn't.
Not sure if they're broadcast on web-sockets too.
Anyone has a question for me that isn’t closed yet but has close votes?
Found one
(not telling you which one, or you will close it :P)
Woo, 8k.
pineapple @Ffisegydd :)
And I don't see any close votes in the timeline provided by the API.
Nope, no close votes
@Ffisegydd Go! Go! Go!
One could use /questions/{id}/close/options to see whether one can still vote for close (probably requires close rights though), and even count the votes, and /questions/{ids} to see whether it’s closed or not.
API requests go to meta.SE, right?
Anyone want to help a Node.js developer get a job? Less flippantly, I think it's a great cause and they seem to have the momentum to actually get somewhere ...
I've found it
In closed_details there is a by_users option
Which will return the users who closed it.
That id is one we gong'd earlier.
Not sure if the web-sockets will return when a question is closed or not. You could always begin listening to a question that is cv-pls'd and then listen for the close web-socket if it is. Then if the details aren't in the WS data, use the API with the specific filter.
@ZeroPiraeus I didn’t understand what it’s about.
@Ffisegydd Only if it’s already closed, not while being closed.
No, you can't get that detail at all ever, can't you?
I mean, even using the site itself without the API. It's not publicly available.
I want a current_close_vote_count.
Ah, right. I misunderstood.
I was thinking about the gong and checking whether the closers were room regulars :P
@poke Basically they want to destroy Facebook, render the NSA helpless and create an iPhone killer ;-) The individual steps they're taking in that direction, however, are both useful and acheivable ... Pulse, for example.
there's a data-isclosed="false">close <span class="existing-flag-count">2</span></a> in the source code of the page
There is a close_vote_count in the SE API for /question btw.
which turns into data-isclosed="true">reopen</a><span class="lsep">|</span><a href="#" when the Q gets closed
Do you have an id of a currently partially closed question to hand?
No, no close votes are listed in that API while they are still pending.
It appears that they are? I mean that id has one close vote and the API shows one close vote.
Unless I'm mistaking what you meant.
Not a python question, but you don't need domain knowledge to recognize a book recommendation post. stackoverflow.com/questions/27379104/…
@ZeroPiraeus Watched the video now.. sounded good until they mentioned building their own phone and phone operating system…
Is it bad manners to tag a user in a comment for my question, if my problem references his original code and he might be the best help I could get?
Unless that user participated in the question, they won’t get notified.
Did he answer a previous question of yours? I generally don't mind if an OP replies to my answer saying "This worked, here's your checkmark, but now I've got a follow-up question [here](link to question)"
(although there's no guarantee that I'll reply, as follow-ups tend to jump in difficulty from the original question)
@Sven you should probably also include your code in your question, rather than in an ideone link, not sure how permanent they are.
morning everyone
Is it morning? With this weather, I can't tell.
It's gray O' clock.
same way here, what with the frozen rain and all
I'll count my blessings then, I only have regular rain :-)
Thanks to this balmy 38 degrees F climate
They reckon it might get to -9degC in UK tomorrow. If the internet freezes over and we can't get in contact with SO, please send halp.
You gotta buy the high end Internet cables. Instead of freezing, they become superconductors.
Your bits will be so fast.
But then they'll go on forever and ever. The internet will never stahp.
@Ffisegydd thanks, I did so because it's a bit lengthy
but I just inlined it
@Sven nice one. Better to be a bit lengthy than in 6 months time someone else tries to read your question as they are doing the same thing and can't understand a thing as the link is borken :)
fair enough
I'm still waiting for the first comment who tells me to just use numpy though ^^
I think you should use jQuery.
@poke Well, there aren't nearly enough upstart phone operating systems out there ;-) I know what you mean, and it seems unlikely to me they'll manage the phone part, but the intermediate software goals are worth supporting IMO.
everyone should use jquery
@corvid CAW
Shame you can't try it though.
As that's easy-peasy.
@ZeroPiraeus Exactly, that’s why they should just build independent stuff instead of even bothering with thinking about a phone part. That will just kill them. They could easily focus on Firefox OS too if they want to support an open OS.
There's a place for people who dream big ... and they're going about it the right way: building independently useful stuff with an eye to its future usefulness if the miracle happens.
@Kevin 22C=72F here, but it's bound to warm up later.
I am filled with jealousy.
Me too.
That's too warm.
It’s 5°C or something here.
TBH once it hits 30C it gets kinda uncomfortable ...
If it could be October all year round, I'd be a happy Julia set.
22°C is the perfect temperature.
Sometime this week I have to take a half mile walk to another building for red tape purposes, and it's just going to get colder and colder :-(
I have the displeasure of administering the damned python-Levenshtein package.
ppl keep complaining that I need to generate docs for it, fair enough...
but the problem is that the apidoc is the pydoc in the extension module :D
anoyne know how i can have setup.py run a function/script/whatever in setup.py so that whenever sdist, bdist is run, it would generate a documentation file
A: Autogenerate documentation for Python project using setuptools

siebz0rTo extend setup.py so it contains an extra command for Sphinx, you could create a custom command. I've cooked up a small example that runs Sphinx apidoc and then builds the doc sources. The project name, author, version and location of the sources defined in the setup.py are used (assuming they a...

Is that kinda what you're after?
but can sphinx extract from extension modules
Hey @Ashwini, congratulations on 100k by the way.
@Ffisegydd Cabbage and thanks!
@Ffisegydd nope,
sphinx does not even know how to do extension modules
how does one get rst for extension module?
user image
@Peter Yousa no likesa Jar Jar?
@Ffisegydd :P
A peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss.
You are correct. </discussion>
Is there any ways to do it without importing anything? — Marlon C. Carrillo 6 mins ago
I love OPs that don't like importing things from the stdlib, they're my favourite.
psh, import that right away
I import itertools even if I don't need it. I like to have it close by :)
It's quite easy to never import itertools, because the docs give you implementations of each function using only built-ins.
def from_iterable(iterables):
    # chain.from_iterable(['ABC', 'DEF']) --> A B C D E F
    for it in iterables:
        for element in it:
            yield element
<div>How do you annoy a web developer?</span>
Tell him "we need you to support IE6 and up"
Tell him "we need you to support IE6 and down"
These images aren't rendering in Lynx, plz fix
one site my school uses only supports Solaris, windows 7, windows xp, and mac OS X 10.1. You can't access it without one of those operating systems
Thanks bro for the answer,i just got it — Rally0078 12 secs ago
No problem brah!
I'm sure this is in meta somewhere, but if we come across a link-only answer, how do we flag it? Technically, it is an answer, so "not an answer" seems wrong. How can I get it into the Low Quality queue?
what is the difference between the concept of computer science regular expressions vs actual, practical, programming re? They look fairly different
pretty sure they're the same, what makes you say their different?
I suppose in cs you get problems like "is this language regular" or "are these expressions equivalent", which I don't really think about when writing a regex. And I guess there's also extended regex to recognize non-regular languages.
here's a question from my book: In each case, find a string of minimum length in {0,1}* not in the language corresponding to the given regular expression, where a given regular expression might look like 1*(01)*0*
ah, I remember the good ok old days of CSE105
that's a 105 class? .-. Do schools there have different leveling systems?
yeah, UCSD's numbering system was weird
for the most part, everything under 100 was lower-div, above 100 was upper-div, above 150 was more specialized classes, and above 200 was graduate
From what I remember, CS regexes seem to be a small subset of practical ones. Ex. there's no group capturing, no \w \b \whatever escape sequences, no ^ or $...
Basically you have (, ), |, *, +, and literal characters
oh cool, here it's 100-200 is entry-level, 200-300 is intermediate, 300-400 is advanced topics. Theory of Computing is like 350 I think
@Kevin so my regex would read, any number of 1s, followed by any number of 01s, followed by any number of 0s?
If you know python regex, then you know CS regex.
so a string that wouldn't fit that pattern would be "011"
but the original expression evaluates to just any pattern of 1s and 0s put together? Seems somewhat inconsistent
Pexpect wants a regex of what the prompt should look like... Does anyone know how to deal with a prompt that is colored?
When they say "find a string of minimum length in {0,1}*", they just mean "find a string of minimum length composed only of 1s and 0s", and by that they mean "don't be a smartass and say, "this doesn't match the string "Q""
I don't know what they're doing with those curly brackets. That ought to be (0|1)* in the usual syntax.
I guess they're intermixing regex notation with set notation. Weirdos.
The curly brackets donate the set {0, 1}
(In both mathematical and Python terms :P)
yeah, I thought 1*0* makes it seem more consistent. Unless they're trying to separate a language from a regex or something
1*0* would imply "zero to infinite 1s followeed by zero to infinite 0s" though.
Not necessarily intermixing then (so no 101, only 11100)
touche, but a set seems like it only has two elements
Some sets have two elements, yes. Some have more. Some have less.
I think what they're trying to say is "zero to infinite elements drawn from the set {0,1}"
But yes it's a bit confusing.
This is why you should all do an MPhys in Physics, as opposed to studying comp sci.
wait, are we talking about a different pattern now?
Nah. Film and compsci double major. Makes for an interesting resume
the first one was perfectly clear
Yeah, we are talking about {0,1}*
Ah, going backwards I see. Making an apple pie, understanding the universe first, etc. etc.
We need an sopython mascot.
I propose:
I need to learn about supervisord for when Nidaba starts up, so it automatically starts everything on server restart etc
Being cabbage man is suffering.
If the answer is popular (upvotes, even accepted), try and edit it to add the missing context from the link.
ok, so it's acceptable to mark it not an answer
If without the link markup the text is no longer an answer, flag it as NAA. (This tutorial will help you).
We should put together a wiki page of useful meta posts like this...
What about "Everything you need is in the api docs.", or some form of that? Technically it still works without the link.
@Ffisegydd I actually already had it starred :/
That post is really a mathematics question, but since I can't vote to migrate there, I'll just go for "unclear"
It's also unclear as OP doesn't specify which is X, Y, and Z.
In principle, it doesn't matter which is which, provided the columns are consistent.
(assuming his definition of "angle between three points" is the same as mine)
True (I think).
I hope that link I posted is extensible to three dimensions.
(although even if it is, I expect a comment from the OP saying "Kevin, how do I extend this into three dimensions?")
(or, more likely, "Kevin, I have points not vectors. Please help")
...do you really think he'll be that helpful? It'll be "I dont understand, what si the code?"
Hmm, what close reason should be used for questions not written in English?
See, OP doesn't know the trick. You run your question's non-code text through Google translate and say "my code isn't in English, sorry". This at least will keep your question open, although it will be a ghost town.
Is there a Spanish SO now?
(I assume that's Spanish, I don't actually know).
I saw a link to a german SO on reddit the other day. Would that help?
I could ask if there's a Spanish SO there, yeah.
Either there are 3 cats outside, or I'm studying too hard
Remember to speak loudly and slowly, that helps people understand languages they don't know.
Greetings! From. Across. The vast. Sea!
Luckily I spent 5 years studying German and can remember none of it.
with accompanying gesticulation
Don't mention the war!
@Kevin You jest, but people who don't understand "más despacio por favor?", especially in countries where the default is to talk very rapidly and drop three quarters of the consonants, are much more annoying.
Luckily I am culturally ignorant, so generally I never think about wars.
"Yes you did, you invaded Poland!" Genius. Comedic genius.
The question has been translated to english,
It's been deleted.
"How do I uninstall Python?" is sort of a superuser question anyway, I guess.
Morning cabbage for all.
cbg DSM
Good graytime.
My sundial is reading NaN
I would try rebooting, but I can't find the switch.
There's gotta be a joke about the cloud in there somewhere ...
It's grey up here too. But this is my last week before a three-week vacation so it's sunny in my heart.
I am filled with jealousy.
I too am off for a vacation, but it's to North Wales, which is the wettest, greyest place in the world.
That home?
I actually rather like gray weather. But I like complaining more!
Yep. I didn't see the sun until I was nearly a man.
@Kevin The translated version is still OT.
Scary ball of flame in the sky!
Could be a SuperUser question if improved.
@MartijnPieters Yes, which is why we must reopen and then immediately close again, but with a different reason :-D
^ so that I don't clog up chat with unrelated cv-pls's
This could cost me a lot of rep in downvotes. I think this is a conspiracy for you to lose me rep!
I didn't downvote answers for the most part
I'm downvoting only the particularly bad ones.
Mainly from one dude -_-
lol, this one follwed the instructions to put hash tags in
most of those questions are being treated as "go read the docs" by one of the devs
is screenscraping websites generally against TOS?
if they have an api, definitely, if not, then probably
@davidism do you know if someone has made a meta post about linkedin?
yeah, it got closed as a dupe of a more general discussion
Q: LinkedIn directing people to SO?

MonkeyZeushttps://developer.linkedin.com/blog/stacking-api-support-linkedin Is this really happening? Can we no longer provide comments to the effect of "Take this up with the support team for XYZ Product." How is this going to be handled within the SO community? How long before other companies claim to...

that one
what about if you alter the data in the json you receive from the api to kind of "cheat" the system a bit? Eg, you change the url of an image to get a bigger image.
I added racing stripes to my Python and it runs 50% faster
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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