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  max-height: 100%;
  width: auto;
this is not resizing my img, what am I doing wrong?
Hey guys! Just a very simple question, that I'm struggling with. Say I have a webpage, x.github.io/y for example, and I want to have another website link to it, example.com/x, is there a way I can do it while still keeping the URL as example.com/x?
@PopeyGilbert You need a redirect?
I guess, but can I do a CNAME page redirection in order to keep the URL the same?
Wait, never mind, I couldn't have a single page CNAME, thanks anyway¬
I am probably missing something stupid in my code
that's some weird-ass resizing
what's with the non-proportional resizing tho
if it goes too small
@PopeyGilbert Use <meta > after you create a page on example.com/x/index.html
so it redirects, if that's what you need
posted on December 01, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

what makes you say it's not proportional
try resizing it smaller
or is this a chrome issue?
@Unihedron Yeah, just what I did! Thanks.
Blackjack and hookers -> End of the year party
@DarkAshelin resize your window proportionately, anyway what are you doing
20 hours ago, by playyip
Hello. Anyone need any HTML help?
@skibbi_bizzle you know what forget about the party
can't get enough of this one
@BasementKeyboardHero being sick at home yet still working :P
@BasementKeyboardHero hahaha I like the way you think :P
right here :P
took you long enough
mind removing that last message
What message :P
not that one :P
that one?
the one with the mention
lol 1 more :P
Wont let me
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi :P
my aerotank is leaking :(
@StephanMuller poooooo po po po po pooooooooo pooooooo
pooooooo po po po pooooooo
told ya
I think it's because of the coils I put in it
bought some in a store instead of ordering the ones from the webshop I always use, they seem slightly different
mine were original kanger
but still they sucked
i have few suggestion to fix it
worked for me
get a cotton thread: marathonthreads.ca/images/product-images/cotton-thread.png and put some on the coil's thread, like so
I'll give that a shot when I get home
after doing that you will find impossible to tighten the coil's screw properly; use a small screw driver or something small but strong like this sketchtoy.com/63789626 @StephanMuller
Lol fuck jquery
Driving me insane
or, get a nautilus aspire :D
Yeah, I'll try the cotton thread and I already ordered a few coils from that webshop again. If it still acts up I'll upgrade
thanks for the tips
i tried to fix it, didn't work
i mean i stopped the leak but the coils were bad
giving me bad taste etc
@Sippy wutcha failing
@Sippy Tarctopus
@BasementKeyboardHero web app works in local env
Upload to IIS and suddenly jqueryui is undefined
what errors do you get on deployment
Is it getting built ?
check the inclusion order
It's fine
jquery is included before jqueryui
I meant after the build
Yeah I did :D
where is it being called
Gonna include from google incase I changed it by accident
love how long it takes to build when you redeploy asp.net web apps.
Yeah apparently I changed something in the library
The google ones work
Q: SASS-Method to add special properties to nested selectors (given by an special ID of the parent element)

jetaaI have a div.themebox with some inner div like: header, content, footer, ... The CSS markup in SASS is done in nested selectors: .themebox { width: 300px; .header { height: 40px; a { color: red; } } .content { height: 100px; background-color: green; a ...

i hate generic "fix my code" questions when the code already works >.>
i have a meeting in 2 hours at client's. going to have a talk with 50 ppl about a better sales management network software they want to build. feeling a bit nervous. 50 ppl
!!suit or casual
where's caprica?
is it a corporate place?
This isn't a cup of Coffee @BasementKeyboardHero
@BasementKeyboardHero People keep shooting her
@Mario If it's a corporate company and such suit up
@BasementKeyboardHero ish
Dw she's a terminator so she'll be back.
Don't tuxedo it but you get the point, look pro :D
@Mario Dude, Nice shirt, good Jeans... smart shirt
Smart Casual
Any client/stakeholder-facing business activity requires suit.
Great article about the meaning behind our passwords
Only if you're steve jobs and you want your clients to think you're "cool"
yea but bad looking programmers = good programmers
^ clients do not see it that way.
@Mario Dude, Ideas > Appearence
Let your work speak for you, not your attire
Are you meeting up with the programmers of their company or the marketing and bosses
@skibbi_bizzle shhhhh go back to cleaning keyboards the adults are talking
@skibbi_bizzle i wish it was like that :P
If you're meeting with developers fuck it go jeans and tshirt
It's entirely about who you're meeting
@BasementKeyboardHero doos
If you're meeting with the ceo and such, dress sharp
It's a sign of respect
will go with suit but not wedding level
You don't need a tie.
Just shirt and suit.
You gotta look like you're serious or they won't take you seriously haha
Make sure your socks match :P
Clients taking you seriously matters at all levels, if you already do work for them, if they don't take you seriously then they'll be more likely to take you for granted, fight charges, creep on scope
fuckin scope creep
If it is a webcam interview, just dress from the waist up
Just make sure you have everything beforehand.
talking of which, i didn't get anything ready except an outline. i will just talk randomly
Outline is fine as long as it's a proper one.
i wrote it on toilet paper while taking a dump (cc @SomeGuy)
@Mario In the meeting^
man that's me
working from home is bad
I love it
I also hate people.
people give you money
you can't hate them :D
when I'm in the office I find it really hard to look interested when people come talk to me about shit they want me to do which isn't my job
"Hey, have you chased this guy up about his spec?"
"No, if it was important, he'd have come to me by now."
"Oookay well can you just give him a ring"
please go away.
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi Lol just saw this, I am literally moving out so I can have better internet.
later folks
wish me good luck
you can look classy in jeans.
@Mario gl bro
it all depends on the wash/fit of the jeans
remember in the end it's gg no re
sing your heart out
ride like the wind
be who you are
leave no stone unturned
@Mario good luck niga :D pasta is on me when you come back
he only eats mushrooms
and goombas
@Sippy Goombas.. so that's what they're calling'em these days
@Neil In English, yeah
Goombas, known in Japan as Kuribo (クリボー, Kuribō), are a species of sentient mushrooms from Nintendo's Mario franchise. They first appeared in the NES video game Super Mario Bros. as the first enemy players encounter. They have appeared outside of video games, including in film, television, and other media. They are usually brown and are most commonly seen walking around aimlessly, often as an obstacle, in video games. They were included late in the development of Super Mario Bros. in order to create a simple, easy-to-defeat enemy. The species is considered one of the most iconic elements of the...
he missed the joke :P
Wat was it
Irony, I smell pasta
@Sippy Implying that was something sexual, leaving it to your imagination as to what it was
I know what Goombas are :P
hello guys
@udaysagar Afternoon
@user3692125 Morning Tom. It's been so long. How are you
@Neil where is that?
@udaysagar I'm in ur futures
@Neil Ah shit.
I haven't spent enough time in here to immediately think of ead
I thought it was common knowledge that @Mario eats dick for breakfast
@Sippy hahaha I think once you immediately think of EaD every time you want to insult someone, that that is the point you become a confirmed member of this room :P
I was going for a euphemism, but that works too
@skibbi_bizzle If EaD becomes my go-to response I want fucking RO
@Sippy Heh, deal.
@SecondRikudo Hahah
@SecondRikudo It's been mine for weeks and I still haven't gotten RO :'(
Happy birthday
Whoohoo :D
@SecondRikudo Thank you kind sir <3
@Sippy When people write "hahaha" and start and end with the same letter (ahaha or hahah) it irks me on the same level as <div>foo</span>
When did 'diaf' stop being cool :(
@SecondRikudo trolololo
@SecondRikudo I honestly thought I was the only one O.o
I may have just pulled off the perfect troll response.
@Sippy "This too
(Or this
Both of those are irksome.
@SecondRikudo Hahahah, thanks for letting us know :D
@Neil Truth is: I am in futures. It's 7:12 pm here
Really tempted to kick you.
@SomeGuy haha @Someguy loves making trouble :P
I've been kicked once for talking shit to @Mario :P
By @mario O.o
Of course
To be honest, though, it mildly annoys me too, @SecondRikudo
Lol there's a project manager here who has an amusing habit of doing a classic Homer Simpson 'Doh!' when he does something wrong
That was shortlived.
@BasementKeyboardHero I wasn't doing anything wrong :(
and I didn't break anything
You were in the room
@Sippy He is worried I am going to kick errybody :P
You will
@SecondRikudo -.-
You'll go on a mad one
@SecondRikudo my hero <3
Hold my goat
quietly walks away before getting removed
I don't even know who @BasementKeyboardHero
I got some rocks to throw :P
@BasementKeyboardHero LOLOLOLOL
I'm not familiar with his nickname or his profile picture.
@SecondRikudo -.-
@BasementKeyboardHero and now :P
Who the hell is he? :P
@SecondRikudo my hero <3
Your neighbor -.-
@SecondRikudo Patsy Issa lol
@BasementKeyboardHero I am confused now
I asked if he was Patty, and he said NO
I asked and he said yes.
Nov 26 at 19:22, by Second Rikudo
@BasementKeyboardHero == @Patty?
@skibbi_bizzle just for the record I was giving you RO back as he took it away :P
Nov 26 at 19:22, by Basement Keyboard Hero
@BasementKeyboardHero I believe you sir <3
@BasementKeyboardHero prove your identity or GTFO :P
Dickpic ?
Patsy disappeared as that guy appeared, and that guy was already RO
@BasementKeyboardHero Pic of your goat would do
@skibbi_bizzle Goat != pokemon
Oh you meant pic
^for editing
@SomeGuy brofist
Gooooooat :P
@SecondRikudo I like this.
@SecondRikudo Hahaha that's awesome
@SecondRikudo By the way, you can kind of check what someone's name used to be chat.stackoverflow.com/…
@SomeGuy I know who he is :P But proving his identity is his responsibility, not mine
But but but i did send the dickpics :(
@BasementKeyboardHero The dick was pink
It had white spots, does that count?
You should get that looked at :P
My vet says it's normal
haha same one that treats Goat?
Can you take this goat back yet? It's heavy
hahahaha that memory is great
I had to go back and read to find out where goat was :P

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