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12:02 AM
@SecondRikudo You said we could discuss my matter in the chat so here am I. :)
Hey :)
My problem is linked to the box's content.
Can you recreate the problem in a jsfiddle?
Doesn't need to be production code, just a minimal piece of example to show what the problem is.
This will be hard. My file had too many changes and I tried quite a lot of things.
Too many tricks.
12:04 AM
I can resume 'em for you, it will be much simpler for both of us. :)
Trick #1 : The z-index trick. You put two divs one above another and switch their position when hovering a given element… The problems are as follow :
Let's get back to basics
- Even with visibility set to none before the interaction and visible after interaction, it will conflit with animations.
You want a read more link that appears when you hover over the box
@RevoltXS if you can't recreate the situation in a minimal version then you're either 1. solving the wrong issue or 2. have no idea what you're doing
12:05 AM
Not really.
The box itself links to the article. :)
Only the article intro gets replaced by the "Read more…" indication (vertically and horizontally centered, taking the article intro's full space and hiding it).
But I shall be able to click anywhere on the box directly, even before the transitions are over and get redirected to the article :).
use js
@ZachSaucier Or solution #3 : have tried too many tricks to give a minimal version. But I am considering JavaScript, now that you say it.
12:09 AM
@ZachSaucier No need.
no need for CSS hacks to do something that js does easily
How does the example I gave you in my answer doesn't fit?
!!caniuse pointer events
12:10 AM
It fits but it gives weird results.
@SecondRikudo I already upvoted :P
@RevoltXS Define 'weird'
And I tried this solution of using the Content property with an animation before. It will enter in direct conflict with an animation.
IE11 support only, lol
12:11 AM
Well "weird" will be a strange zoom effect or pixels that will be "at the wrong place" while the transition occurs.
There are in fact multiple ways to do it. But each time, it enters in conflict (either visually or technically) with an animation or simply won't be easy to combine with the existing box.
Sounds like you need to take stuff off the existing box.
There shouldn't be anything there except for the headline and the text.
Unless I'm missing something.
Hum… If I think about what you think, I guess I would have to take the thumbnail out of the preview box.
Thumbnail is fine too.
FYI I hate what you're doing
if it's what I think you're doing
12:15 AM
The markup shouldn't really affect whatever is happening in the transition.
your question on SO is bad.
@ZachSaucier What do you think he's doing?
@ZachSaucier Hm…?
too broad
I have no idea why it has 2 upvotes
@SecondRikudo I think (but this is just personal) that transitions and animations tend to act strangely when put together.
12:16 AM
they do in certain cases
esp in firefox
@RevoltXS Shouldn't, unless they operate together.
@ZachSaucier It may also be a matter of point of view. People will like, other dislike…
@RevoltXS too broad is not a point of view...
@ZachSaucier I don't think it's too broad.
Hum… Well there are transitions on the box but they are not linked to the animation.
12:17 AM
not worth arguing
have a good day guys
There are a few ways of achieving it, he shared what he tried extensively, he described his situation relatively well...
I did not try to argue anything. But have a good night. :)
But I'm going off-topic, now. So I will get back to my animations. :)
The animations should occur first. The boxes actually appear with the animation.
The transitions (colors, contents et caætera) will take effect when interacting with the boxes.
12:20 AM
Both will kind of overlap but not directly. I already tried the Content property about two days ago and the effect was completely unexpected… Not only it did work for like 0.001ms but it also restarted the animation, making the box reappear as if I refreshed the page. This is why I switched to the z-index trick.
Sounds like you have something funky going on
Do you have a live example hosted somewhere?
Ah, I should've kept the changes because it was kind of spectacular. There is, in fact, a "fade in and bounce from left" animation that plays on the boxes when loading the page. With the transition enabled, whenever I hovered the box made it start its animation over.
The transition is a simple fade out if hovered and fade in if unhovered of the article intro. When hovering the box, the intro was to fade out and the "Read more…" stuff to fade in.
There are multiple ways to do this but each one of them enters in conflict with animations. This is what leads me to consider @ZachSaucier's JavaScript solution.
At first, I though I was doing it wrong. I tried different pseudo-classes, different operators, different ways for each solution but none of them proved effective.
12:28 AM
Sounds to me like something is retriggering that classes that cause the animation to start.
Do you have JS manipulating the classes somehow?
No, not at all.
There is currently no JavaScript loaded.
I try to avoid JavaScript for as long as C.S.S. allows me to do clean stuff. C.S.S. will generally get loaded much faster than JavaScript.
Okay, it's difficult for me to help you without something concrete
Yes, I apologize for this… :(
12:31 AM
You should try setting up a jsfiddle that demonstrates the problem.
Wait, I remember sharing my code with a friend over Mega two days ago.
Let me get it back, the bug might be inside.
Oh, for Christ's sake ! It is the version where the bug was just fixed. Damn. :( I can still share it to you in a JSFiddle.
Okay, here it is. The full code, this time. The spectacular bug will not be included, though. jsfiddle.net/o4fr3dnp
You... don't have version control?
12:41 AM
Well… This is not the cleanest thing I write, to be honest.
It is a personal website. Well, personal… For me and a friend.
Dude, I use git to play Pokemon.
Use version control, you won't regret it.
"Dude, I use git to play Pokémon.". Ha ha, excellent. Mother of God, I like that one. :D
@RevoltXS Everyone loves it
Well I use it too, usually.
12:43 AM
I don't see a problem with the version you shared on jsfiddle though
My friend just said that he would dismember the code for his R.O.R. and modify the H.T.M.L. so we said "Let's just make something that runs for now.".
I did not even think to git.
The version I shared should have a text to appear when hovering the box.
Well, I can see that you're using animations as a transition
You shouldn't do that
That brings unexpected results
Thank you for the advice, I was not aware of that.
12:46 AM
.caca0:hover .latest_article_lede {
    visibility: visible;
    -webkit-animation: fade_out 0.25s 1;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
Talking about this one for example
And the web browsers random support does not arrange things…
Okay, I will be more careful.
Yes, transition is much better supported than animation.
Well, I have to go soon
2:45AM here :D
12:46 AM
I saw this. Animations are stil kind of weirdly supported.
Where from ?
It's 1:46:59 here.
France. :)
You and @FlorianMargaine would fit right in.
12:47 AM
Hell, there is not a huge time difference between our countries… :/
Ha ha.
I though there was a bigger difference between Western Europe and North Africa. I was obviously wrong.
Well, I'll be off then
This is what you should probably end up with ^
Thanks. Good night.
Use it as reference
12:50 AM
Okay. Thank you.
1 hour later…
2:58 AM
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi morning
2 hours later…
5:26 AM
@skibbi_bizzle Thanks, I know I am awesome. Not sure about some of the others (hint: @BasementKeyboardHero)
But honestly, yeah, this is a pretty cool room
@SomeGuy Thing about this room is people are friends
and that is what makes this chat room so amazing
we don't look at each other as just another keyboard warrior... we look at each other as actual mates... and thats what makes it great
@rlemon best skype date EVER!!! :P
5:46 AM
@SomeGuy fuckyouverymuch :-D
@skibbi_bizzle <3 you missed out your name in the awesome list :)
@Mr.Alien Thought I'd let everyone else shine :P
Also went to reply from cell and I think I've mistakenly pinned... :p
if I put my name in, i would steal all the spot light
Will brb, lil tired, reached home at 4 in the morning
6:04 AM
I havent slept
@Mr.Alien You didn't
6:22 AM
@BasementKeyboardHero I already bought it Wednesday
hey guys, in case of <label>: is this right ? <label for="firstname">First name: <input id="firstname" type="text" name="firstname" /></label>
note i am using for-id as well as putting form element inside label, both
@edwardtorvalds where is the question?
not that I can help you... but you are stating a fact... not asking a question
its in the message
<label for="firstname">First name: <input id="firstname" type="text" name="firstname" /></label>
so all you want to know is if <label for=""> is correct?
note i am using for-id as well as putting form element inside label, both
@skibbi_bizzle got my question ?
6:29 AM
I do, but as I said... "not that I can help you" :P
I but let me check something
@edwardtorvalds have you tested it? gotten any errors etc
or are you asking before testing
well test it so long
i tested, i am asking it to know conceptually
i tested no problem
o ok... well I am a networker so I cant really help you much...
but I will pin your message and when someone who can help comes on
ill get them to ping you
7:00 AM
the "for" attribute in label is used to pinpoint it directly to the input that has the same id, where then name on the input is used for backend only/identifyng the control value.
7:16 AM
mornin' mario, where's luigi? :D
@Mario BOOOOO!!!
@skibbi_bizzle you thought i committed suicide?
but no, still looking for peach
@Mario was actually hoping you did O.o
Peach is a whore!!!
@skibbi_bizzle eat a dick
7:18 AM
@Mario you know I love you son
Guess what I did all night while not sleeping...
@Mario The only thing I wanted to do but didn't
I will give you a hint
I drank all night and then the sun came up... and now I feel like a drunk
isn't like that every day for you?
@SomeGuy aah thnx bud, my phone showed that you starred and pinned this message so I had no idea how that happened cuz all I wanted to do was click on the reply
I went 5 full days
7:22 AM
i'm getting 200+ mail of spam daily on an old mailbox i have. it's time to start to use countermeasures
I get spammed erryday
user image
So I went here and had great fun
Looks like fun
@SomeGuy yes indeed, the best part was when I had to travel back from silvassa without a confirm ticket yesterday night..
8:15 AM
posted on November 29, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

9:15 AM
i'm repwhoring just because i want to humiliate @skibbi_bizzle
9:50 AM
Hahahaha love that one
@BasementKeyboardHero @mikedidthis youtube.com/watch?v=-BSlqZYtWzQ
@SomeGuy the guy is basically describing @crypticツ
posted on November 29, 2014

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "How to read a Professor\'s Door" - originally published 11/28/2014 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

@Mario It's an hour long, so I don't remember which part you're talking about
the buying a gun to get ready for the zombie apocalypse part
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
Can I ask a stupid CSS question and not get thrown out of the window?
Within the same <style> tag, I have two h1 font colors defined. Will the first h1 declaration or the second apply?
the second will
but show the code to be sure
but even in a different <style> tag
a css selector applies to the whole document
unless the <style scoped> attribute is present (which isn't supported by any browser yet)
11:29 AM
11:55 AM
2 hours later…
1:38 PM
2:11 PM
2:27 PM
@easwee i finally built a beast
it's not perfect yet but very promising so far
1445 cpu lol
it's max cpu so i will need to trim it a bit
at the back
@easwee wanna game?
2:55 PM
@Mario sup
bad connection? :D
my internet is crazy and making me crazy :(
so better not try to play robocraft :P
i want to leave my country due to damn fucking shitty crappy internet :(
@Mario robocraft (mumble lol mumble anger mumble lol!!!!) even browsing is almost impossible with my internet connection
3:19 PM
@obiNullPoiиteяkenobi I am getting 1 Mbps speed right now. What about you?
@VarunAgw i am getting barely 80-100kbps and i have Mbps broadband connection
That sucks. Where you live?
We don't have good broadband in my city. The best we have is 3G but it is very costly
posted on November 29, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} We are keeping things 10% off in the store for a few days longer!

3:54 PM
For the people here for whom Project Euler is a bit too challenging (like me): codeabbey.com is a pretty fun coding challenge
4:21 PM
@StephanMuller coderbyte.com +
4:34 PM
what's better looking facebook or google plus?
4:46 PM
A: Does the CSS direct decendant (>) not have any value in selectivity?

Bhojendra - C-Link NepalThere's no value for > for css specificity. Both case have 11 value for specificity: .foo > a { color:green; }/*specificity value is 11*/ .bar a { color:red; }/*specificity value is 11*/ In your case you may use like this to have greater specificty: .bar .foo > a { color:green; }/*greater ...

Poor C-link
Check out the comment thread
5:02 PM
5:29 PM
surely that question has been asked before :p
5:44 PM
@rlemon I feel like I have been hit by a train
@Mario whore
5:59 PM
@skibbi_bizzle biatch
@Mario stop shouting at me, I have a headache
@skibbi_bizzle ping
@skibbi_bizzle ping
@skibbi_bizzle more ping
@Mario You are a dick -.-
waking up at 7:30 pm is never good :/
6:08 PM
@skibbi_bizzle sorry
@skibbi_bizzle but it's too fun
@skibbi_bizzle I agree with the poop guy
i thought you were the @PoopGuy
6:56 PM
@SomeGuy @Mr.Alien
1 hour later…
7:56 PM
@skibbi_bizzle yea dude, I don't even remember getting off the chat
I drank way too much considering I didn't eat since noon
@rlemon I lost track of the amount of beers I had
all I know is there are 7 empties on my table
i drank like ten tall cans
was pretty hung this morning
I went to sleep roughly 10am this morning
I have a night hangover
not the plugin we want, but the one we deserve
8:32 PM
@rlemon beer time :P
9:20 PM
I was taught in school that the cgi bin was a security risk in running. but, I have a python script that monitors for key presses, and sends them to an arduino, which pans a camera.
9:34 PM
@skibbi_bizzle you alcoholic!
@easwee #drunk
I'm staying home today
it was a wild friday lol
got home 4am
10:06 PM
I stayed up till 10 am
drinking with lemon
havent left my house today
10:18 PM
bunch of alcoholics
#drunks ffs
join #drunks

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