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2:00 PM
@CalogeroNapoli is it urgent?
@I didn't get your command
> In contrast, Perl was designed so that computer programmers could write programs more quickly and easily.
ha ha lol
@jalf I do not tell this to anybody I interact with. I do not say "Are you a women or not?" or "Prove it!" It is only my internal state of mind. I also do not have a problem coping with the existence of women.
@Bartek I didn't get that command
perl is trash
2:01 PM
@Puppy It is
Hey LRiO!
@CalogeroNapoli: Please use the "reply-to" arrow button, so that everybody can see precisely which messages you're replying to. Thanks!
Q: How to declare a lamba's operator() as noreturn?

gnzlbgHow can the operator() of a lambda be declared as noreturn ?

@BartekBanachewicz in all fairness, it does say "write", not "read" :)
2:02 PM
hi @LightnessRacesinOrbit
I will destroy you all
Typical cat.
(That is, "cat", not "Cat".)
You brought some weird people with you
@CalogeroNapoli lollerskates.
@CatPlusPlus Payback time, bitches
2:02 PM
@VáclavZeman This discussion started because you said it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Trial
@jalf Yes, because women do not have, to my knowledge, a track record of pretending to be men, while men do have a track record of pretending to be women.
@Puppy totally unexpected response, amirite?
The truth is that I've been lonely without you and had to make some new friends. So here they are!
@CalogeroNapoli Excellent!
@TonyTheLion Total shocker.
2:03 PM
@VáclavZeman so fucking what? How should that be made to be women's problem?
@VáclavZeman That's not a problem if you just don't give a fuck.
@VáclavZeman why does it matter unless you're trying to get laid?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit do you remember when i said i always downvote you on sight but i spelt sight as site and you got really made i'm sorry please forgive me i always upvote on sight now
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ok, so what I've to do now?
Women pretend to be men all the time, because saying they're women still makes a difference.
2:03 PM
@Ben Ok cool :) BTW it's not "made" it's "mad" you fucker grrrrrrr
@Ben lolwat
@CalogeroNapoli Check the location of the GCC binary for different versions. That's your first step, and may result in a clue.
That kick-mute button looks really inviting right now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes He (or she?!) wasn't replying to anything.
2:04 PM
@Xeo I had the same thought
Why should women be constantly faced with the impression that they don't belong, that they have to prove themselves? It's not their problem that you fear being exploited by inhuman bloodsucking monsters unless you loudly proclaim that everyone you see on the internet must be men
please use it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm a new user in ubuntu, I use it only for C++ programming. How can I check it?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not this particular instance, but still.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yes my name is ben and i'm a female dovoting on site again
2:05 PM
@CalogeroNapoli You'll have to do some investigation. It depends on how you set it up.
I'm trying to work and the drama's distracting
Follow my example and close the tab
@CatPlusPlus Warning: loneliness may ensue
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm using VirtualBox, it set it up using an ova file
The number of amusing comments and answers I've seen on SO that I couldn't share with you guys lately is frankly saddening
@CalogeroNapoli I mean the original GCC installation.
2:06 PM
@jalf You are the only one making a problem of this. I am not making a problem of this. I am not making anybody do anything as a result of this personal internal state of mind. You are the one getting agitated because of what I think and do not say or make anyhow visible in my initial interactions with new people on the Internet.
bjarne would be turning in his grave at all these naked news and deletes
@VáclavZeman No, I don't give a fuck what you think. I care what you say
And what you said was pure bullshit
@Ben Bjarne is still alive
@VáclavZeman I’m not saying anything because jalf has been much more eloquent on the subject than I could be. He’s not alone.
@TonyTheLion How do you know?
2:07 PM
Yes, as the robot said, women most certainly have a track record of pretending to be men. And they do this, and have to do this, because of pricks like you
@rightføld I'm assuming
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't know, the OS was configured by a specialist.
Because that is the only way they get to be left alone, and treated as a person, rather than some kind of rare exhibit to be impressed, harassed or tested
seems like a bug in clang
In other news, Philae is brave again.
2:09 PM
this is 2014. Women on the internet are not rare. And people who accept the existence of women on the internet are not rare either. You're going to have to come to terms with that
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ooh, what now?
Its status changed from worried to brave.
That's it.
@jalf OK. I agree that I should not have said "We all farts". If you feel unjustly included, I apologize.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Next time explain yourself better.
@TonyTheLion okay steve jobs would be turning in his grave at all these unmanaged objects
2:11 PM
@VáclavZeman Or, if what you say only serves to exclude or alienate people, you could just keep your mouth shut. That'd be great.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah :)
Oh, you still on the sex thing? Is this going to be an all-day affair?
+1 everything
Still can't upgrade g++ :/
@jalf I do not have a problem with that. You are getting angry and enraged by my own internal state and my default position. I find that unreasonable. If that alienates you, I think you have a problem, not I.
@MartinJames ISWYDT
2:13 PM
It doesn't alienate him
It's been repeatedly said to alienate women however
stackoverflow.com/questions/26888805/… is officially a standarese question now, clang rejects the code, gcc accepts it :/
@MartinJames Nope. I do not have that much love in me. :)
Yup, still on the sex thing:(
@VáclavZeman No, as I've already said, I do not give the tiniest shit about your internal state. But I care a lot what you say to or about others.
why does visual studio have the best c++ IDE but the worst compiler
2:14 PM
lol best IDE
Fuck this, 'server not found' etc. I'm gonna reboot my house.
If you find it unreasonable that I don't want half the world's population to feel unwelcome on the internet, then I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
I'd go to sleep but my friend needs my help with something in few hours
@CatPlusPlus You cannot err.... catnap?
@jalf I can understand you could get offended by the "We" part of my initial post. Other than that, I do not understand how you could get so worked up.
2:15 PM
@VáclavZeman Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that your internal state does not alienate anyone. Great. However, holding that internal state and sharing it about enables those who hold that state AND alienate people to feel like they're still the majority and they're in the right. Does that help?
@Ben /agree
why does Qt want so many dlls
why do good things never come without a catch
@VáclavZeman I don’t think any of this is about offense, whatever that is.
Oh no dlls
2:17 PM
lol, a programmer here is watching blow's talk about blowlang
@Ben 'cos Windows. It's all DLLs.
I'm glad "blowlang" is catching on
@Ben How does that sentence even make sense?
@Ben Just static-link them. Fuck runtime.
@VáclavZeman No, the "we" part is just you not realizing that the world has moved on and that the rest of us are no longer living in 1994. That's sad, but it's your problem, not ours. The problem is the rest of what you said.
2:19 PM
@jalf You are completely wrong with this one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how doesn't it make sense bro
Rosetta is blaming the programmers if Philae fails :<
Now we just have to push "you Blew it" as a synonym to "you reinvented the wheel badly" or maybe "language X had it first"
The best Integrated Development Environment has the worst compiler.
The compiler is a pretty integral part of a development environment.
@CatPlusPlus lol
2:20 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes you know what i mean R.Martinho why you gotta complicate it
And now Philae is mocking us all. Tch.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm still trying to get over the poster who said/claimed/lied that his/her IDE had no debugger.
@Ben No, I don't know what you mean.
@R.MartinhoFernandes okay
@Xeo I recently realised I am no longer a flatlander.
I've been dead certain of it for a long time, but... I'm not anymore.
2:21 PM
@CatPlusPlus hahaha
@SamDeHaan You are saying that opinion X should not be stated in fear of there being people who also hold X and at the same time alienate people. That does not seem sane to me.
@rightføld oh lord
(Though that wiki is kinda sucky; there's an implied phobia factor that the wiki doesn't mention)
2:22 PM
@VáclavZeman Yes, me and everyone who's not a raging sexist are totally in the wrong on this. It certainly can't be you
A phobia of going out into space?
WTF is a flatlander? A comet probe after landing with faulty propulsion?
@R.MartinhoFernandes interesting, here in Colorado we use the term to refer to people from the plains that decide randomly to hike a fourteener and get themselves stuck in bad weather because they ignored the locals
I can't fathom that a woman could be a programmer/on Internet chat/whatever! I don't see anything wrong with this!
@Mgetz Yeah, I'm sure the term can mean a lot of things in different places/cultural contexts; that's why I qualified it.
2:23 PM
do you even read what you write
Maybe it's a multithreading problem
@CatPlusPlus Who are you commenting to?
Or consensus maybe. I blew it
wow are you guys still arguing
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh I figured, it's just funny when someone thinks they are going to make a summit bid after about 7am
Fuckin CAP
@VáclavZeman Yes
2:24 PM
please ban these jalf for causing trouble and bloating chat
@Ben inorite.
Get lost.
is this a chat room
and then wonders why they get in trouble when it snows at 13k ft in the middle of the summer
2:25 PM
@MarkSchlosser No.
@MarkSchlosser no, it's a bar. What would you like to drink?
@MarkSchlosser no
wow, a web-based chat room.
@MarkSchlosser No, it's a disaster, we're all here just to watch the train wreck
@jalf This early? I'll have a small beer, thanks.
2:25 PM
i remember these from like, 1999 and 2000.
I am still in awe.
if we can all program why aren't we rich like mark zuckerberg
2:26 PM
Who are all these people and what are they doing in my chat room waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@CatPlusPlus That is simply not what I think. Again, you are deriving and implying things I have not stated and you are wrong.
I thought we all were supposed to "twitter" and "instagram" and "emojee" nowadays instead.
@VáclavZeman That is a straight implication hth
fuck a twitter. i'm still not 100% sure what it's even supposed to be for.
I can fuck two twitters even
2:26 PM
> fuck a twitter.
@CatPlusPlus No, it is not.
Yes it is
@TonyTheLion hi
That you can't see it is precisely the problem
@cHao It's a comms system for biological computers with only 160 bytes of RAM.
2:27 PM
@Ben lo
@MarkSchlosser Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Either what you say is false or they are pretty good at it because I have never met any entity online that would on first sight be male and turned out to be female.
Clearly false, then.
2:29 PM
Assuming someone's gender online isn't a fair assumption to make (and IMO never was), and you don't need to know it anyway in order to talk to someone.
Digging a deeper hole, hey? You should have gone to that comet.
@Ell ? :v
@VáclavZeman I've seen it many times. And, yes, they are very good at it, largely because the male population doesn't bother to even take a second look if they think they are talking to a male.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dunno.
@TheForestAndTheTrees You do if you want to make sexist jokes
2:29 PM
I'm gonna make it work with WebSocket though.
@VáclavZeman perhaps they're just not telling you that they're female. Because why would they? It clearly causes your brain to short-circuit
I need to start using WebSockets.
Instead of silly textual graph.
2:30 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, that doesn't make them good at it. It just happens to be easy. They'd be easily beat by a specialised detector.
I cant think of any reason why women online might not want to reveal their gender
@R.MartinhoFernandes True.
@CatPlusPlus Google "Gamergate".
@jalf lol, take a walk, you need a break.
@CatPlusPlus well if it's a dating site they would want their partner to know obviously so that's one example
ergh rebooting sarcasm detector sorry
2:31 PM
Don't mention shitgate
You're triggering me
So what are the odds of a crash
@VáclavZeman I like your style of arguing: "You're wrong because no one is stating their support for you". And when others do that, then you reach for ad hominems? Yes, the problem is absolutely that I need a break, not that there's a problem with your behavior
And why am I watching this via a live-updated stick webcomic
2:33 PM
OK, I'm gonna walk the dog somewhere until the sex thing is over. Maybe Seville.
please someone ban jalf this can be an offical petition all in favor of banning jalf and stopping the spam say i
@CatPlusPlus Because xkcd.
@MartinJames out of context, that's a pretty good sentence :)
@Ben You've been warned. Several times.
2:33 PM
@jalf Well, you were the first to attack ad hominem with "... your brain to short-circuit."
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aww, too slow.
Shall I ban Ben?
"This user has already been kicked" :(
2:34 PM
@TonyTheLion Hallo, ik ben Ben.
@VáclavZeman no, that's pretty much what you told us.
@TonyTheLion Get in the line
@jalf You're deriving things!
@VáclavZeman Insults are not arguments.
@CatPlusPlus Ok
BinBot™ 3000
2:34 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes True.
I still can't figure out what the hell was that "safety" thing about
You said that you need to assume that people are men, or everyone goes wrong for you, you get exploited and abused by evil womans etc
I think "causes my brain to short-circuit" is a reasonable interpretation of that
He may be describing something in an unpleasant manner, but it doesn't make it an argument based on who said what.
is c really considered object oriented
Yes no maybe
2:35 PM
I should have gotten popcorn when this started
I should have gotten alcohol long time ago
tuna mayo yum
I'll make shawarmas tonight
please also argue then
I forgot what a shawarma is
I've got half the top comments and i get banned wow
2:36 PM
I'm sorry, I won't be arguing tonight
Shall we book an event for arguments?
@Ell It's a kind of cheese worm.
Gonna play a board game
@Ell pita bread with stuff inside
Whatcha playing?
2:36 PM
Tash-Kalar, woo
I'm playing Dead of Winter.
@Ell It's a kind of warm shark
warm blooded shark
I'm hungry now
Oh, right. Must not forget to go play Dead of Winter.
2:37 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good thing you have @jalf as your diary :)
@jalf Is that good?
const auto& vec = matrix.viewRight().normalized();
Question for you guys.
Is the above snippet safe, considering normalized returns by value?
2:40 PM
@Ell here, an average home made shawarma meal of mine i.sstatic.net/sstyU.jpg
@Ben having starred messages isn't necessarily a sign of being correct :p
references extend the lifetime of prvalues
tonight's will be more rich in vegetables though
2:40 PM
that one was really just meat, fries, and maybe some cucumbers, I forgot
@AlexM. ohhh Leffe, nom nom nom
yes, beer is a must with shawarmas, yum
@AlexM. that looks yummy
@Ben We star all sorts of shit. It doesn't imply any form of agreement.
We also don't do democracy
2:41 PM
@Ben You also got half the top warnings.
Wait, no. You got all of them.
haha petition to ban jalf
bjarne would be disappointed at what the c++ community has become if he could be here with us today
@Ben you make it sound like he's dead
We're not "C++ community"
yes rest his soul
2:42 PM
Also ugh
im a dictator
I'm tempted to kick him again
@Ben I hope you're aware that the next kick will last a little longer. I highly recommend to behave.
@Ben don't believe them, everyone here supports you
2:43 PM
Ok, I haven't been keeping up. What's the deal with this Ben guy?
@Xeo okay i was just paying respect to bjarne
@jalf Dunno. Never saw him before.
@jalf Some kinda troll
@jalf he's trolling
@Ben Did you press middle mouse button?
2:43 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've only played it a couple of times, but yeah, I really like it
idk the room is being infested
we need some troll poison
@Ben he would, right on brother.
SU&SD has a pretty good review of it. I bought it because of that, and because I figured it'd be nice to have a game that's suited for two players
Some random unfunny scrub that also coincidentally spawned that big debate that is oh so annoying how ironic
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stop.
2:45 PM
@Xeo I'm interested in hearing @Ben out though, I think he has a lot of interesting things to say.
@jalf Oh. I play Go.
Ok guys last warning, I'm kicking all of you :P
There, Tony got kicked.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No he doesn't, don't feed the troll
2:46 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
2:46 PM
And slander
@TonyTheLion :(
@CatPlusPlus When I started going to IRC in 1998 I was only like 19 years old, young and wanted to connect, get laid, etc., and I got burnt by guys pretending to be women. Later, in Ultima Online, I have seen dudes thinking somebody in the game was a woman and giving her the game's money and items, etc., and the characters turned out to be men. So, that is the safety angle of the assumption I work with.
@CatPlusPlus It does not apply these days, I am 35 now and a lot less gullible, but the assumption has staid with me as a default position.
@TonyTheLion I don't think he's a troll, I just think he's not the sharpest tool in the shed :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's not mutually exclusive
2:47 PM
@VáclavZeman please describe "got burnt by guys pretending to be women." in more detail
@BenjaminGruenbaum Assuming incompetence before malice?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well actually i am smart i'm a c++ expert
In fact it usually goes hand in hand
@BenjaminGruenbaum Long story short: it involved a branding iron.
Opsec hard
2:48 PM
@Ben lol
lol who goes on IRC to get laid
did that actually happen?
Who do you think
I'm just imagining t@VáclavZeman being one of these guys youtube.com/watch?v=QZs6kcSYuk8
@Ben surely you can't read rules though because you haven't solved the [Lounge<C++>entry exam question](goo.gl/1TzFEl)
2:49 PM
@VáclavZeman Has it occurred to you that maybe you wouldn't get burned if you didn't treat women on the internet as "a means to getting laid"?
@BenjaminGruenbaum gj
Go there for getting laid. Bring money.
the safety angle becomes completely unnecessary then, as wondrous as it may seem
@BenjaminGruenbaum You are 19, you chat in a non-techincal channel, you want to impress, to get laid, etc., and it turns out the other person is just making fun of you.
@VáclavZeman so you didn't turn up at his house?
2:50 PM
And you learn a lesson but apparently the wrongest possible one?
@jalf Again, you are assuming things I am not and did not say.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In Montreal there's the rue Ste-Catherine for that.
Plugging the same raw input from production into my unit test it actually works.
Something is afoot.
Can we just shut up about this whole woman on the internet thing please
I'm tired of it already.
2:51 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's stuff like that in many places.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you know something is broken when your tests pass
@R.MartinhoFernandes Philae is still afloat.
@TonyTheLion yes please you might be interested in signing my petition
@R.MartinhoFernandes As long as there are customers, there's going to be a market.
@VáclavZeman why did you bring up "wanting to get laid" as your explanation of how you'd gotten burnt, if you don't think that's relevant?
2:52 PM
Internet 101: people will make fun of you for doing stupid things
You are saying that you have a policy of refusing to believe the identity of women on the internet because when you were 19 and tried to get laid, people made fun of you
@VáclavZeman oh, I thought you met up
@EtiennedeMartel This one is actually quite annoying. It's on the way home for me from some places I frequent, and the girls there can be quite... harassing would be a good description, I guess.
@Ben sorry, wrong link here you go. Can you solve the question in under 3 minutes?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's your fault for being good looking.
Anyway, you can't get laid on the Internet. At least not until they invent virtual sex.
2:53 PM
Gee what a great fucking problem
@EtiennedeMartel You haven't been on IRC/MUDs much have you
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahaha you got me good didn't see that one coming imagine if you didn't hide the link it would have been ever funnier good one bro totally got me there and by bro i mean never my bro
@CatPlusPlus That's not what I'm talking about and you know it.
I'm sure they have something in Japan for that
@BenjaminGruenbaum such a sick burn bro still applying the ice right now
> BioWare creates new Mass Effect level to help fan propose pcgamer.com/…
that's nice
2:55 PM
I wanted to do something 15 minutes ago but I got distracted and completely forgot
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: IRC is much more interesting. Go there please. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@Ben Here are 3 questions that'll prove your C++ worth to us: do you know the difference between std::vector and std::array? Can you write a template that calculates the sum of two numbers at compile time? Can you write a set container yourself? How? - Write detailed answers to all these in under 30 minutes and make a pastebin - no googling.
@AlexM. PR stunts
still uses IRC
@TonyTheLion we could. The problem is that not everyone has the luxury of just ignoring it. You and I can just close our eyes and not give a shit. Not everyone can do that. That's why I think it's important. Sorry :)
2:56 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum Man. I can't do the last one in a sensible way
@CatPlusPlus the guy got what he wanted though, so on his side, all was good
There was no guy you butte
you mean it's fake?
@BenjaminGruenbaum can do the first 2 never learnt how to make a set but i would probably pick it up straight away i'm a c++ expert some even say a master
@jalf Ah, sorry, I missed the past tense. Yes, you are right, I would not get burnt if I did not assume that and did not try to impress, etc. Did it occur to you that in 19 years I do not have the experience to know that? Also, why should not I? You seem to be assuming there are no girls on the Internet that will want to get laid.
2:57 PM
@AlexM. lol
@Ben then prove it! Go do it now and make a pastebin.
Oh I know what I wanted to do
@BenjaminGruenbaum no thanks bro
@AlexM. "Jackie sought BioWare Montreal's help in proposing to her partner"
2:58 PM
you meant that
@Ben ok, noob.
Who's that Ben guy? Should I kick him?
He seems terribly unfunny
@VáclavZeman did it occur to you that perhaps what you did when you were 19 shouldn't dictate how treat women on the internet today?
ok I'm slow
2:58 PM
@CatPlusPlus um no
@EtiennedeMartel Get in line
@EtiennedeMartel yeah just kick him
he's had enough satisfaction now
@EtiennedeMartel please don't hate
@VáclavZeman What about the girls on the internet who do not want to get laid, and who do not want to get laid by you? This is just gross. You, sir, need to get out more
@AlexM. They're lesbians.
2:59 PM
yeah I got it in the end
@jalf You keep making as if I maltreated women on Internet these days. I do not. (I do not maltreat women in real life either. )

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