"Less trivially, I've interviewed many candidates who can't use recursion to solve a real problem. These are basic skills; anyone who lacks them probably hasn't done much programming." do people use recursion that much? I always kinda favored iteration
return statements take the form of return [expression]. If statements are not expressions.
Similar to the if statement is the conditional expression, which takes the form [expression] if [expresssion] else [expression]. That can go after a return.
Although then the function wouldn't really be recursive anyway, since the return would always terminate the function before you got to the func(str) call.
@AirThomas I was going to suggest the two argument form of iter, which halts once it finds the sentinel value, but apparently it can only take a callable and not any iterable.
@Kevin That's why I like C. It assumes that it know's what you're doing until you both tumble off a cliff naked, covered in sesame seeds into Mount Eyjafjallajökull.
iter(a,b) means "call a and yield the value until its value equals b". lambda: next(x) means "when you call this, iterate x and return its value". itertools.count() means "yield a sequence of integers starting at zero and going up forever"
Wouldn't that be wild? To be counting farther than anyone has ever counted before, and be like, "One zillion, one zillion and one, Q, ten, pi, '#todo: finish up this sequence. --Elohim'... What the heck is going on?"
def primes_erat(cutoff):
"""return the set of primes <= cutoff"""
if cutoff % 1 != 0:
raise TypeError
elif cutoff > 1:
yield 2
odd_integers = itertools.count(3, 2)
nonprimes = set(xrange(4, cutoff + 1, 2))
for i in itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x <= cutoff, odd_integers):
if i not in nonprimes:
yield i
nonprimes.update(xrange(i * 2, cutoff + 1, i))