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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Luckily I read each message a dozen times before replying! #justObsessiveThings
aka #dromedaryCamelcase
I found my problem (if you remember it). I was just using the wrong numbers.
(delayed) Congrats @Anthony
"Less trivially, I've interviewed many candidates who can't use recursion to solve a real problem. These are basic skills; anyone who lacks them probably hasn't done much programming." do people use recursion that much? I always kinda favored iteration
@corvid you should be able to do it
But yes, it's often not so useful for languages without TCE
If it was something like fibonacci or depth-first search seems pretty standard
@RobertGrant Trichloroethene!?
@IntrepidBrit yeah
Makes recursion seem amazing
For the record, LaTeX can make beautiful posters <3
@RobertGrant Whoa. That's awesome. Does it help to grease the wheels? (ba-dum-tish!)
@corvid But seriously, I wouldn't hire someone who couldn't recurse
that makes me feel like I should be using it more ._.
@IntrepidBrit I can do simple recursion. Does that count? c:
@IntrepidBrit Hire them, but require them to successfully implement some sort of real-life recursive algorithm in order to access their paychecks.
As in: def func(str): return if len(str) < 1 else print(str); func(str)
Volunteer slave labor!
Okay, I'm curious about something that's actually Python.
Which is?
Someone recommend me a good example programming problem for beginner students
@Iplodman Syntax Error :-)
Given a generator that yields increasing numbers forever - could be any sequence
Did I forget the end semi-colon? ;)
return if... is not valid
I can't do sum(x for x in g if x < N)
Is it not?
Or, I can, but it just keeps testing larger and larger x until something breaks.
return statements take the form of return [expression]. If statements are not expressions.
Similar to the if statement is the conditional expression, which takes the form [expression] if [expresssion] else [expression]. That can go after a return.
@Iplodman Only if you could recognise a good/bad time to use it...
@AirThomas Also slightly illegal ;)
@IntrepidBrit I almost never use it.
Although then the function wouldn't really be recursive anyway, since the return would always terminate the function before you got to the func(str) call.
@Kevin I was looking up statements and expressions today.
I was just fixing that now ;)
Also, it will always recur the same string.
@AirThomas: I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
>>> def func(str):
...     if len(str) > 0:
...             print str
...             func(str[0:len(str)-1])
...     return
>>> func("starlord")
There we go.
Maybe that was a bit too long x_x
I'm always afraid of getting a RuntimeError when using recursion
I did just now ;-;
Python's maximum recursion depth is a lot shorter than most other languages
C is happy to just add functions to the stack until you run out of memory.
Do not fear the RunTimeError - for every except makes you stronger
sys.setrecursionlimit(1500) :P
A large single malt and a haggis would be lovely right now
Sorry... someone came and interrupted me in "real life"
@AirThomas I was going to suggest the two argument form of iter, which halts once it finds the sentinel value, but apparently it can only take a callable and not any iterable.
@AirThomas bah "real lilfe" is an illusion... we want you to stay inside the matrix
@Iplodman I feel like the fine developers at python set it to its default for a good reason, I never question the mighty python Gods.
@JonClements I have the single malt.. but I don't carry haggis in the office I'm afraid
Might be an oversight - but nobody can make haggis that lasts a long time. And also make it taste good.
@corvid Probably, but rules are meant to be broken, and we are born to screw with the developers' choices.
@Kevin Hadn't thought of that. Good idea, even if it ends up not working.
Experiment, kids!
How does everyone but me know what AT is trying to achieve? :-(
@DSM mindworms!
but python does everything so well, it almost makes me want to follow their example. First language I feel like that was the case
>>> x = itertools.count()
>>> sum(iter(lambda: next(x), 10))
@Kevin That's why I like C. It assumes that it know's what you're doing until you both tumble off a cliff naked, covered in sesame seeds into Mount Eyjafjallajökull.
@DSM What's AT?
>>> sum(takewhile(lambda x: x < 10, count()))
@Kevin buh? Explain that sorcery... what is happening there?
iter(a,b) means "call a and yield the value until its value equals b". lambda: next(x) means "when you call this, iterate x and return its value". itertools.count() means "yield a sequence of integers starting at zero and going up forever"
@Kevin: could write x.next too, which would make it startlingly concise.
oh snap, iterators have a next method? TIL
>>> x = itertools.count()
>>> sum(iter(x.next, 10))
But unfortunately that only works because I know you use 2. :-)
So, we're basically all on the same page. TIL about itertools.takewhile - cheers!
oh, duh, nevermind
Yeah, takewhile is better. In particular, iter can only do strict equality checking, but takewhile can evaluate whatever criteria you care to give.
god forbid you try iter(odd_integers.next, 10), it will never end because 10 never shows up in the sequence
@Kevin Not in your dimension.
@DSM you can cheat and not even need the lambda :(
Maths is different in out club.
Well, eventually, but not until well in the trillions and who's got the time to wait for that?
10 is actually the one zillionth odd number. Little known fact because no one ever bothers to count that far.
Sometimes it worries me when we use the same joke. (No offence intended.)
Who needs math when you've got brute force?
Wouldn't that be wild? To be counting farther than anyone has ever counted before, and be like, "One zillion, one zillion and one, Q, ten, pi, '#todo: finish up this sequence. --Elohim'... What the heck is going on?"
@DSM replacing filter for takewhile, but demonstrably the same, sum(filter((10.).__lt__, range(20)))
Travel not into yon far lands of the integers.
@Jon: blek. I always choose a lambda over using dunderscores.
a repeated lookup vs single? :)
Remember the words of AC/DC: "dirty deeds: dunder [methods are] cheap"
Oh, wow. You-- you went there.
@JonClements I don't think that works with an infinite sequence?
Is... Is that not what the song means
@AirThomas nope... it was as a demonstration of using a dunder - that can be applied to a takewhile, instead of a lambda
OK... gimme a moment to try to construct that from your hint. :)
anyway - puppy has to be up at 2:30... laters
@Kevin: I'm genuinely impressed at that line.
@Jon: 'night, puppy.
@JonClements Rhubarb
I grew up thinking "who the heck is this dunder chief guy???" So it's not much of a leap
@JonClements Rhrbhhbhh. Got it. Nice hack. :)
Hmm, I posted an answer to a question, and someone else posted an answer seconds after mine, that could have used a little more proofreading.
Cynically, I think he submitted his post while still half-baked so it would have the same timestamp as mine.
I can't get too upset about this, though, as I have thought of doing the same thing myself in the past.
Ah, don't worry. Some of us always check the seconds. :-)
Glad I'm not the only one :-)
I'm irked. I have only earned 17 points this week - and I'm in the top 32% this week. What the heck are the other ~68% up to?!
Asking one question and disappearing forever, never to accumulate more than one rep. Same as always.
Leeches! The lot of them.
Such is the way of things.
Only another 2,500 points until I can mindlessly close things when demanded of me..
Life begins at 3000.
@IntrepidBrit Better than me. I got a grand total of zero!
Whee, I writed a sieve of eratosothosoneneses
def primes_erat(cutoff):
    """return the set of primes <= cutoff"""
    if cutoff % 1 != 0:
        raise TypeError
    elif cutoff > 1:
        yield 2
        odd_integers = itertools.count(3, 2)
        nonprimes = set(xrange(4, cutoff + 1, 2))
        for i in itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x <= cutoff, odd_integers):
            if i not in nonprimes:
                yield i
                nonprimes.update(xrange(i * 2, cutoff + 1, i))
Maybe naive but hopefully correct?
Let me know if you break it.
Gonna get something to eat.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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