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I am wondering why is this "napping" thing so much associated with programmers?
I don't like to nap. I wake up and feel worse than before I took the nap, generally speaking
I didn't feel any difference at all... even my typing speed is the same as before.
Though I read that if you want to nap, you should keep it either under 20 minutes or more than an hour. Your body is more inclined to be in a deeper sleep after 20 minutes, and before an hour, you don't "accomplish" anything by being interrupted sooner
@AwalGarg Eye strain.
Some people reckon naps are great for your brain, I personally just feel groggy after napping
But for people who use computers a lot, any extended period of time not staring at a screen is good for your tiredness levels.
My mum told me I should nap.
@Neil I took it for about 25 mins, is that wrong?
Fun fact: in Japan it's culturally acceptable to sleep on the job, as it's viewed as being tired from working so hard.
Probably not in the morning, though ...
@AwalGarg Nah, consider that it probably takes you 5 minutes for your brain to even begin to try to sleep
@Neil TBH, I must be awake for atleast 10 minutes.
Some internet articles suggest I should practice on how to nap properly.
@Sippy Sometimes when I read things like that, I imagine a room full of japanese business men snickering around the coffee machine saying, "What else can we say about our culture? Oh oh! Tell them we eat raw fish! *snicker*"
I am gonna take this further for a few days more, if I don't notice any difference, I would just stick to evening walks.
Can anyone please help me with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/26139341/…
@AwalGarg You need help learning how to nap?
@Neil yea ;p
Don't get used to napping or you'll want to sleep same time every day
That's my advice
Guys quick help
Would take care of that, thanks :)
yup, your right @Neil
InmutoComponent.prototype.save = function () {
    this.$element.trigger('inmuto.change', {
        element: this.$element,
        value  : this.$input.val()
I get sleepy after lunch, so what usually fixes that is a cup of joe
For some reason, when $input is a couple of radio buttons, value always seems to be true
This is the function that generates $input
    InmutoBool.prototype.generateContent = function () {
        var originalValue = this.$element.text().trim();
        this.$dialog = this.getDialog();
        this.$input = $(
            ('<label class="inmuto-boolLabel"><input type="radio" name="formValue" value="true"/> {trueLabel}</label>' +
             '<label class="inmuto-boolLabel"><input type="radio" name="formValue" value="false"/> {falseLabel}</label>').supplant({
                    'trueLabel' : this.options.trueLabel,
                    'falseLabel': this.options.falseLabel
@Neil If I hadn't met Japanese people before, I'd say that was probably true haha
I get sleepy during studies, so what usually fixes that is an origami airplane
The correct value is checked at the time of this.save() getting called
@Sippy I know they eat raw fish, but a part of me wants to think it is made up :P
@Neil Yeah lol
It's weird, I wanna say they probably wouldn't understand the humour behind making up a stereotype for people to believe
And yet their imagination with anime is extreme.
japanese girls are cutish (in a different way than indian girls are ;p)
I like the hot Japanese girls
The cute ones .. iunno, seems weirdly childish.
Simple example ^
@Sippy I honestly look at the japanese and their crazy culture and think, you know what, they are to us what Americans probably are to everyone else anyway
It never seems weird when it is your culture I suppose
@Neil Pahaha, well my concept of Japan is 'serious and precise' whereas my concept of America is almost exactly the opposite of that :D
@SecondRikudo wow this is weird
Well I don't mean to say the cultures are the same, and I don't know if "serious and precise" always fits japanese culture
@SecondRikudo wait, I think it is logging the correct value only... what do you expect the output to be?
@AwalGarg It always logs 1 to me.
It should log 1 or 2 based on which is selected
@SecondRikudo which it should...?
@SecondRikudo nooooooo
hmm, any directives in angular that let you show a popup at a location? Preferably one that you can provide template/controller?
also, preferably not bootstrap
@SecondRikudo jsfiddle.net/wj4s59kq/1 isn't this what you actually want?
@AwalGarg Yeah, I figured it out about 3 seconds before you posted it :D
@SecondRikudo bump! I figured it a minute before I posted!
(I didn't want to post any jquery code so I converted it to vanilla first lol)
Do you know how we can set a disk quota for a Linux folder ? I know it's not JS but when I call 'save.php' from my tool, some data is written to disk... I would like to set a quota for the folder storing data....
Can this be done with htaccess ? I doubt...
quota on what? maximum size?
@KendallFrey yes a folder stores some data (saved by the user) and I would like to set max size of this folder = 10 GB
That seems like a really odd requirement
I don't know of any way to do that specifically
I smell an X-Y problem
@KendallFrey imagine you provide an "Upload image" on your website
then (for example if spambot), I don't want that the uploaded images fill the server's hard drive
do you understand the problem @KendallFrey ?
What will the user think when Upload suddenly stop working?
@KendallFrey If my server's hard disk is filled with 10 GB of data in one night while I'm sleeping, that's because it is a spambot... Then I don't mind what the spambot thinks ;)
Right, but what do the users do?
@KendallFrey nothing : if my server is full, it is full, and it is time for me to look for another hosting solution etc.
so the upload will be down, no problem
That doesn't sound very nice
@KendallFrey I don't care about this for now. It is just a small protection against filling my harddrive with 100 GB of spam : I would like to set a quota of 10 GB
I know it's not the best... It's only a temporary easy solution before I can work on this more deeply
How to set such a quota ?
I think you might need to do that in code
ok that's true and easier to set a linux folder quota, thanks!
Close it, guys.
@RahulDesai lolwut
Damnit. That guy didnt accept it.
I have a hierarchy of object which inherit each others' prototypes.
Each object has a DEFAULTS object which is exposed with the getDefaults() method
Is it possible to combine all of the DEFAULTS object of the entire branch, where more specific DEFAULTS take precedence?
"more specific DEFAULTS"?
Also feel free to propose a better way of doing this ^
Is there a friendly IRC/ SO chat for Linux questions ?
@CapricaSiz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!ban AwalGarg
@rlemon AwalGarg added to mindjail.
@SecondRikudo reading your solution atm :)
@rlemon What's mindjail? Sounds ominous.
@SecondRikudo if you find a better way, I would love to know.
Do you know such a techincal Linux question chat / irc ? @mikedidthis @AwalGarg @rlemon ?
@mikedidthis My current way of thinking is to save the DEFAULTS on the prototype, and extend from parent prototype for each object
@Basj Stack Exchange has several
@Basj why not just use the ul chat here

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
these guys are pretty knowledgeable
Or let Lemon search for you :P
wasn't a search. fav'd room
@Sippy Bot ignores you
22 hours ago, by rlemon
that's fine. When the bot does come back up I'm hard coding @AwalGarg into the ban list.
@rlemon XD
@rlemon thanks !
@SecondRikudo well, there are some things i'm missing... can you have a look at this pls? i'm tryin to update mydata on change 1st list, it doesnt work... and, does it have any effect your "append" on the list instead of my html()? jsfiddle.net/x3qy1due/10
@rlemon I wasn't the only one... and I wasn't even the one who did it willingly
@SecondRikudo Ah.
@SecondRikudo btw, why do you call your var $list instead of "list"??
@Julo0sS It updates nicely for me.
@Julo0sS I like to use the convention of adding a $ to variables which hold jQuery objects.
It makes it clear at a glance on which I can use jQuery methods and on which I can't.
It especially helps with instance variables which can be all over the place.
@SecondRikudo good idea ;) well, when i change 1st list choice, nothing happens (2nd list is updated, but the div doesnt have any content (i set html() on change))
I thought that was intentional. Only the second list change updates the div
That's how it was in your original example.
yes, now, in this fiddle i tried to update myData contents
@taco you around?
user image
@Julo0sS Oh, the selector is wrong
#mydata vs #myData
ns! x)
> WTF is this heavenly thing?!
that fuckin' dog man. those eyes crack me up
@SecondRikudo is there any reason why you're using .append on the select instead of html in the fiddle?
@Julo0sS It's more correct.
I prefer to work with strings as little as possible, especially when touching HTML
So, I just picked one of these up; you jealous!?
@SecondRikudo ok... i noticed that, in my selects, when i fill them, i usually do not set a "selected" item... therefore, i use .val() on it instead of (:selected) when i want to get the selected item... any coment about this?
@Julo0sS Sounds good
If you want to be really fancy about the strings thing, see this: jsfiddle.net/x3qy1due/12
@Julo0sS nothing wrong with $select.val()
whats that maze you're doing?
@NickDugger no
Yes you are
okay, that is seriously cool. but now i'm jelly.
and an article you don't have to pay for
> Free University!
> pay to read full article
Yeah, I heard about Germany's uni's
Has anyone been following Hong Kong at all?
ITT World News
@SecondRikudo ok got it :)
@SecondRikudo thank you vm for the advices and help, i'll go back to my work right now, i'll come again soon :) (probably with another question x) )
@rlemon Isn't higher education pretty cheap in Canada as well, though? I mean, you guys have one of the best social nets in the world, no?
nahh it is pretty pricey
not the worst, but not cheap by any means
Everyone come to Germany :)
In Belgium we still have to pay for it, but it's pretty cheap (500€ per year, and low-income families get it for free)
@BadgerGirl you in Germany now?
I went to a private college for a semester, and it cost me $15k... for one semester... fuck that
@rlemon Yeah
how's that going?
is the pizza any good?
Terrible, as copy is still not here.
I've been to Germany. Beautiful country. I remember one time, we went down to a river, and there was a pants-less guy there, just grilling some hamburgers with his lady friend.
go hang with jAndy
Well, copy will come on Friday.
So, that's okay.
Is copy german?
I can count in German... and maybe have a very simple conversation where the grammar is all fucked up... I've forgotten a lot since school.
And I'm living with copy's parents, so I get to see all his baby pictures and stuffed animals.
I suck at making grammatically correctly written sentences in german. Luckily all of my exams in school were spoken, so I just bullshitted my way through
@BadgerGirl Did you see his baby-weener?
@Kippie Not yet :(
Will post pictures when I do.
Keep us posted!
My German teacher had no idea what she was doing, so we all got away with doing terribly. It was actually unfortunate. I wanted to learn the language of one of my peoples. (I'm German, Norwegian, and Irish)
This is the cleanest I've come
Where most shared logic falls on the base object.
@NickDugger How does that work? Do you have three parents?
@Kippie I think all of my ancestors got together and had an orgy.
I am wondering if it would be interesting...
you could probably get the same info from reading their wiki pages
albeit not as well organized maybe?
yeah... wiki pages aren't that interesting. Books give me a feel.
maybe wait until it has been out for a month and see if there are any reviews on it
or see if tpb has it yet
ohh Nick.
Hi, I've a question regarding bower. My application heavily relies on javascript library which is custom library. Currently it's v1.0. Now for the next release the version will be v1.1. How do I maintain this with bower ???
@user3108072 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon is the bot up yet?
what does it look like?
What does it look like?
Without any package manager I need to update js file name everywhere I've included it. Is there any way to change at one place and it reflects wherever it's included.
What does it look like?
@SomeGuy :D
I'm wired on strong coffee, and fruity tictacs.
don't most editors support ctrl+h and macroing for such tasks?
just what is that supposed to do?
@user3108072 just make sure to always have your bower.json file updated
@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't know the PHP core team worked at Microsoft! :o
Windows 10 is built in php
picture unrelated
I just got it! PHP is the elephant in the room!
Or the elephant in the window
because the elephant is in the room, looking outside
I didn't know this room had windows.
I didn't know windows had elephants
I didn't know elephants had windows
@SecondRikudo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo burn them with fire
Anyone here ever used LDAP to query against Active Directory?
yes windows 10 built in php 4...ftfy
hi all...im looking for a js-based chat solution...any ideas?

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