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@monners erm, what
that just seems overly complicated
@monners have you done perf tests?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Did you read the whole article, and the initial blog post?
Compared to BEM it seems a whole lot less complicated
JS frameworks have been using this approach for ages
@Dave Trying to find benchmarks now.
Is there a perf tool for css selectors?
my teacher is making us do unspeakable things for homework assignments
she is receiving some very vile code comments in homework assignments i doubt she will ever read
/// paint yourself naked with code.
// TODO: return Teacher's children
I like lemons better lol
@AaronSiciliano you need to give your teacher more apples. Apples with cyanide.
hehe... you havent even seen what she was wanting me to do
she was teaching c.... and her important lesson for teaching everyone c was pass by reference arguments
and on top of that.... there was no reason for a function in the first place :(
Lesson grade: C
We once had to implement RC4 in any language, so I did it in Haskell
That's a pretty bold thing for a teacher to assign. Must have been pretty confident in their range and understanding of languages
Haskell isn't very good with swapping 2 values in an array, so the code was terrible
But I'm sure it's very good at giving you the result of what swapping two values in an array might be
disclaimer: that comment was based entirely on my limited understanding of the rules of functional programming
I didn't get that comment
swap i j arr = a_head ++ [item_j] ++ a_midd ++ [item_i] ++ a_tail
    where a_head = [a | a <- arr, index a arr  < i]
          item_i = find i arr
          a_midd = [a | a <- arr,(index a arr  > i) && (index a arr < j)]
          item_j = find j arr
          a_tail = [a | a <- arr, index a arr  > j]
@rlemon and/or @Loktar you around?
How do I get the bullets to come out of the front?
Circle equation
x: this.x  - this.w/2,
y: this.y - this.h/2,
Better question: Why?
/me needs math helps
okay, when you fire a particle you want to fire it from (where?) and (where?) is the center of your bot minus a pre-given offset for the nozzle (the front)
so start in the center of the bot, and change the y accordingly.
then when you fire the initial bullet (calculate the velocities) you can take the angle of the bot to direct the projectile.
using Math.cos/Math.sin
ok, I figured it was something with cos/sin
but your example above doesn't use them
projectile.vx = Math.cos(bot.angle) * projectile.speed;
projectile.vy = Math.sin(bot.angle) * projectile.speed;
dx: Math.sin(radians) * -10,
dy: Math.cos(radians) * -10,
current dx/dy
var radians = this.angle / Math.PI * 180;
It's coming out of the right place until you turn
because you need to move the x and y position
do you translate / rotate the bullets when you are creating the fire points?
-(this.angle + 0.055) * (180/Math.PI)
Is the translation code, but I don't know how that changes to x/y
Looks like this is a job for matrix multiplication
A: How to find a point after rotation?

math-visitorRotating any point $(x,y)$ on a plane about the origin by $\theta$ degrees (counter-clockwise) is given by $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c} x' \\ y' \\ \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta \\ \end{array} \right] \left[ \beg...

I think you just need this formula
a,b being the midpoint
pretty cool @SomeKittensUx2666
@copy where'd you find that?
Or, you spawn the bullet in the midpoint and move it forwards by the radius (you'll need moving the bullet anyway)
Midpoint of the spaceship?
that won't work
Why not?
Gah, I need to read up on trig
@copy Actually, it might - missed r
At a later point you will have bullet.move(t), which moves the bullet according to its speed by t seconds
You can spawn the bullet in the midpoint and then use that to move it out of the spaceship
Currently I give the bullet dx/dy which is the change in x/y every cycle
Yeah, change x by dx a few times immediately after the bullet is spawned
that might be better than all this mucking about
...and now it's rotating counter to the spaceship
Almost there
Yep, flipped some signs around, now it's in the right direction
while(Date.now() % 3000){} game.simulateMove(-1,0)
I just ran that in console to synchronize two screens
@SomeKittensUx2666 what's up with the laser origin?
@monners that's what he's working on
Suddenly, a wild red ship appears
@SomeKittensUx2666 can you recreate Super Sprint? That game was awesome. hooniverse.com/?attachment_id=107786
I swear it had a different name. It was overhead like that though
@monners Yep, that's what I'm working on
I'm almost there. It's rotating around the upper right corner of the ship
Is it part of the ship object?
Why not draw it as part of the initial ship draw and conditionally display it? Then your measurements will be relative to the ship.
Ah, I'm thinking of Off-Road.
it....could use some work
wtf is this multiplayer?
ah ok
I need to separate out the bullets, currently whenever an enemy ship fires, it explodes
@Adrian My father-in-law is named Adrian, you gave me quite a start.
Hi which libraries are similar to three.js ? As I need to create 3D website plugin
The ship needs wings
monday morning
@Marek Google will show you "similar" pages if you click the little down arrow caret and click "Similar" ... I see canvas3d listed
@Marek use three.js
I think I may have just discovered the worst code I've seen in legacy markup
<p style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 10pt">&nbsp;</p>
@monners lol
How about:
int random(){
return 4;
int generateRandomNumber(){ return 4; /*chosen from a fair dice*/ }
@AwalGarg what are you talking about? <:|
I must be getting delirious if I find that entertaining
@SomeKittensUx2666 I was surprised that anyone noticed me pop in and out.
@Adrian Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@taco They're generated by retroships.com
@Adrian hi!
Hello guys. Sorry to jump in but I have a question that seems nobody bother looking at: stackoverflow.com/questions/25707895/…
@Hamid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 that link you just sent made me so happy (retroships)
@Capri got the memo. thanks.
@Adrian That was built by one of the regulars here
switch (true) {
case (a > b):
return b;
case (a < b):
return a;
@SomeKittensUx2666 I wish I was that clever.
Hang around here, you will be
A bit of underscore template:

<% _.each(relations, function(relation) { %>
<td class="center"><%= relation.fromProjectCode %></td>
<td class="center"><%= relation.toProjectCode %></td>
<td class="center"><%= relation.userId %></td>
<td class="center"><div class="label label-<%=tplFns.getLabelClass(relation.status)%>"><%= relation.status %></div></td>
<td class="center"><%= tplFns.formatDate(relation.requestDate) %></td>
<td class="center"><%= tplFns.formatDate(relation.acceptDate) %></td>
After two years of hanging around I can safely say I've mastered how to copy/paste from a word document
@SomeKittensUx2666 nice
@taco Loktar made it
@Hamid EJS? Good luck.
@monners, seems the question formatting does not work here.
Anyway, my bullets finally work.
@Hamid Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@CapricaSix, thanks again. Will never forget that.
@SomeKittensUx2666, I don't have the option of adding another library to my code. Other solutions?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Congratulations, you've accomplished with modern technology, debugging tools, and the internet what devs 30 years ago accomplished with dot matrixes and stickytape!
@Hamid Read up on this: goo.gl/taIqf
@monners woooo!
OK @SomeKittensUx2666, I guess I have to explain a little more:

<% _.each(relations, function(relation) { %>
<td class="center"><%= relation.fromProjectCode %></td>
<td class="center"><%= relation.toProjectCode %></td>
<td class="center"><%= relation.userId %></td>
<td class="center"><div class="label label-<%=tplFns.getLabelClass(relation.status)%>"><%= relation.status %></div></td>
<td class="center"><%= tplFns.formatDate(relation.requestDate) %></td>
<td class="center"><%= tplFns.formatDate(relation.acceptDate) %></td>
Ugh, server-side code
And tables
Oh so many tables
Ctrl+k didn't work.
I'm not entirely convinced tables are good for anything anymore, not even tabular data.
The code and the words have to be in separate messages
@Hamid This is EJS, correct?
@SomeKittensUx2666, it's an underscore template. I am using backbone for my mvc.
Are they the same thing? EJS and underscore templates?
no, they are not
EJS is server-side rendering
Your face is server-side rendering
Fuck I'm bored
@SomeKittensUx2666, I want to access the <tr> tag while in the loop so I can bind a javascript object to it.
As in $(sometag).data("relation", relation);
@monners, sorry, won't repeat.
@Hamid Wasn't directed at you. No sweat
@monners, ok, thanks.
@Hamid I'm assuming you didn't read the link I sent. Why do you need to do that.
It's not possible like that. Your overall end goal may still be possible
@SomeKittensUx2666, I have buttons in a <td> and I want to be able to get the actual object content when the buttons are clicked on. The object is too big so I can't really put the things I want in some attribute.
var relation = {
from: "",
to: "",
// other props
What do you mean, "Get the actual object content"?
I put "from" and "to" in the <tr> tag for now. I wanted to know if it was possible to bind (as in $().data() ) the javascript object to <tr>. by actual object I mean, the javascript object. I am a programmer in AF and I don't really know the correct terms. Sorry, I am really learning from you guys.
AF => Air Force?
No. AF = Afghanistan. Timezones?
Ah, I saw that from your profile. Hello from San Francisco, California!
Hello. I love you guys. It's a dream to meet one of you guys in person.
Back to the question though. So you are saying what I am looking for is not possible?
It's possible, but not by the method you're attempting
@SomeKittensUx2666 Why not?
three.js anyone pleasE?
@Marek what about it?
@Marek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal To my knowledge of underscore templating
@SomeKittensUx2666, what other methods can I use to do this?
@SomeKittensUx2666 ohhhh, completely missed that bit. can you JSON.stringify in a template?
@Marek Just a humble suggestion, don't do that again or people will start ignoring you thinking you are a troll. Post your specific question and your code until yet via jsfiddle.net.
@phenomnomnominal and store JSON on the DOM?!?
@SomeKittensUx2666 just sayin', it's doable?
@phenomnomnominal Iam facing problem with displaying .obj as file plugin on my webpage: cryptoaround.cz/3d/index-notexture.html I get "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) " even though Iam able to load .bmp file from same url.
@phenomnomnominal, I did that by the way and it messed up everything.
HA, I'm right!
@Marek that's not a three.js problem, it's a webserver problem.
@Marek it's not reporting the bmp file, it is reporting the obj file. cryptoaround.cz/3d/femchar.obj <-- is not found.
To sum up so far: You want to call a function with the given relation as a parameter when the <tr> is clicked?
@SomeKittensUx2666 did you figure out the bullet question?
@Marek just went to the .bmp... seriously?
@Loktar yep!
Thanks though
There is a button inside the <td> which is inside the <tr> when that is clicked, I want to access relation so I can do some action based on that.
> Get the Angle Between Objects and Project a Point in Front of the Object
@Loktar I've already used some of those.
would have helped :p
this.px = this.x - this.pointLength * Math.cos(radians);
this.py = this.y - this.pointLength * Math.sin(radians);
px/py is the bullet exit point
@AwalGarg yes but Iam not sure why it cannot access the .obj even though the .bmp from same file is accessible. @phenomnomnominal it is for 3d tshirt models lol.
prob how you ended up doing it?
@Loktar Copy's the one who actually cracked it.
but yes, that formula.
alright bed time glad you got it sorted!
no problem!
@Marek eh? You need to have both .obj and .bmp there. Accessing .bmp has no relation to accessing .obj
@AwalGarg the files are there. The .obj is in the .bmp file folder
@Marek link to files?
@SomeKittensUx2666, I replied to your question but didn't tag your name. Did you see it?
@AwalGarg it is this: cryptoaround.cz/3d/femchar.obj but it seems the FTP might block access to this file extension?
@Hamid Yep - Was fixing a quick bug in my code.
@Marek the server says "Error 404", and until you have some weird server config, it would say access denied or something. 404 means the file is not there.
@AwalGarg I know but I can see it in the same FTP directory as the .bmp file.
@Hamid What's the structure of relations? Is it an array?
@SomeKittensUx2666 No, it's an object. like with properties.
@Marek ok link to .bmp file?
And 48MB
Hello Everyone !
Any Backbone developers here ?
@Hamid I think I've got it, one sec
It is model for clothing customization guys..
@Marek so naturally you have to have a photorealistic skin...
@Marek I don't understand what your problem could be but it is not related to JS and it is definitely some silly thing. Try poking around your server's settings.
also, you are using IIS7.5 right?
@user2962766 I've done a bit, what's your issue
@Marek uh huh.
I have a backbone view. Now in that I have defined some functions. Backbone.View.extend({ events: {}, deactivate{}, activate{} .... })
@AwalGarg I will try to put there exe and see if it finds it.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Alright. No hurry here.
@user2962766 mhmm
@phenomnomnominal now I have a ajax request in the deactivate()...
on its successm i want to call activate() function
See what I did in the last <td>?
@user2962766 do you have a model that does that ajax request?
@phenomnomnominal I guess
@AwalGarg yes that seems to be the problem: cryptoaround.cz/3d/pspad458inst_cz.exe
@Marek it loads...
@user2962766 as in you have a var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ url: '' }), and you're doing a var model = new MyModel(), and a model.fetch()?
@AwalGarg Uh, sorry, you are right.
@phenomnomnominal Its something like this
        events: {
        deactivate: function (ev) {

                    thisView.model.save(config, {
                        success: function (model, response) {
        successFunction: function(){
            alert("this is success function");
how do i call the successFunction ?
@AwalGarg Well I see the .obl .mtl and .bmp and new .exe in the same directory I don't understand where is the issue.
@Marek enable directory listing in IIS.
@user2962766 thisView.successFunction(model)
I tried with just this. It didn't work.
letme try. Thanks for your help.
this will be the xhr at the result of that ajax call
unless you do success: _.bind(successFunction, this);
you should probably think about doing a bindAll, and then just doing success: this.successFunction
so i need to use bindAll. But where ?
you don't need to, but you can.
Where ? in the deactivate function ?
In the initialize of the view
That's generally where you'd do it
I am so sorry. I think I didn't pay much attention. I thought you wrote `relation` (single) and not `relations` (plural). My bad. Now I get it. `relations` (plural) is indeed an array so there are no keys for each `relation`. I am sorry again. Anyway, this is a general problem I face quite often and do workarounds like adding bit of data to tag attributes. My original question is here: http://stackoverflow.com/q/25707895/2139684
if you find a solution then you can post it there. (if you still have the patience). Thanks though. Cheers.
One quick question, If I use for loop in js like this -> for
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Then is the scope of i in the for loop or global ?
it's within the function that the loop was declared.
So if i have multiple for loops, in same function, I need different variable than i ?
are they nested?
then nopes
one after another
If not, then maybe no. But know that you can probably use [].forEach
also, ES6 has let which is really cool. just saying...
@Hamid If you add a JSFiddle, ping me. Look into AngularJS if you have time.
@SomeKittensUx2666 That is alright. I'll do that. I don't have the option of using angularjs. I know it is good but our project is really big and it has been using backbonejs for like 4 or 5 years now.
Yeah, switching frameworks at that point is probably more trouble than it's worth.
@phenomnomnominal Any Backbone suggestions?
@SomeKittensUx2666 haven't been paying enough attention, what's the cliffnotes?
@phenomnomnominal underscore templates, want to add an action to each iteration
I'd do what mu suggested and just attach some identifier (they can't all be the same) ad a data attribute then add event handlers in the view?
@phenomnomnominal Of course. I've done that already. I guess it is not really possible to bind data to the tags inside the template. Thanks for the effort guys. This is not really worth spending more time over. Thanks again. @SomeKittensUx2666, thanks to you too.
No problem, good luck
@Hamid you'd need a more sophisticated templating language for that. Maybe handlebars?
@AwalGarg just solved it out. Added .OBJ extension to IIS 8 Mime Types
@Marek ok
@AwalGarg @phenomnomnominal thank you again for all your help.
Is it possible to add 2 textures using Three JS?
@phenomnomnominal I skimmed through the handlebars website. The only thing is, for adding a new library to the project, I have to make a strong case of the benefits and list the problems that will be solved to my boss. I am still struggling to make him switch the project from Junit to TestNG (java). I'll give handlebars a try though.
ThreeJS: any recommendations where to look if I would like to add 2 textures on my 3D model please?
back with a question : )

How do i separate pie chart slices in a d3 pie chart
@grasshopper make a JS fiddle with the current work in it
oh dang mine is written in coffee script and I think it would be a mess to read the conversion here is a jsfiddle similiar to mine (i don't have tooltips)
@grasshopper jsbin.com supports coffeescript (and other javascript dialects) in case you'd ever need to show off your own code
thanks kippie, there are other javascript dialects? better than coffee?
That's up to you to decide, I guess. Typescript's gotten some traction, though it's still pretty obscure compared to coffee. Don't know about the rest
May I know which parameter in this code sets the background scene color please? threejs.org/examples/#webgl_loader_obj_mtl
@grasshopper I am not to sure, I can't seem to find a solution to it. I read through the docs and it seems there is a separation, but it is for a different chart type.
i thought of adding a style to each element, like a margin/ or maybe even a border that is the color of the background
but i couldn't even change the color of the element so I don't think that'll work.
Maybe you should use something different
I can't do that I guess my graph will just stay ugly.
How come you can't use something else?
@monners no, but I don't really like it. Seems op. I prefer this solution if you need to show grouped classes: csswizardry.com/2014/05/grouping-related-classes-in-your-markup
@Brandon I'm working on a bigger project with a team.
Morning all
@Cerbrus lol
@Cerbrus Dat wall of code.
@mikedidthis It's not just a visual thing though.
@monners I disagree.
Forget about the way you invoke the object. You still write objects.
@monners Sure it is.
You could even use CSS3 selectors to get the base css: [class^="btn"]
If you aren't using .[ in your CSS are you?
(I might be talking nonsense because I'm not sure what this is about :D)
@SecondRikudo Err, what?
@SecondRikudo no he isn't :D
That was my example. All I can see amCSS doing is giving a clear indication of the base / modifier classes. Nothing more.
@mikedidthis The point isn't that it can't be achieved other ways, the point is that this method effectively gives you a namespace for style groups that don't rely on a class naming scheme.
I think the column example probably demonstrated that the best
@monners its just an abstraction: am-Grid-Col="12 lap:8"
Why do people love complicating CSS so much?
^ that.
To me, I would prefer to see the classes col-12 and lap-8 applied to the element.
@SecondRikudo: Your edit on that wall of text:
707 identical lines skipped
It was actually an improvement to an edit someone else made.
I merely removed the "plz halp" at the end.
Then why do we rely on custom attributes in javascript? What's the difference? Why not just use a class naming scheme for all that?
I kind of never needed classes like col-12 and lap-8
Why would you need classes named something like col-12 to begin with?
Yea, I saw
@monners we don't rely, people just chose to use them?
@Feeds lol
@monners we do what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum: Foundation zurb
Grid layout
@Cerbrus yeah, I don't really believe in that.
Look at angular ng-XXX
I still don't understand why people use grids over flexbox.
@monners angular uses attributes for binding and not for data. Also, a lot of people don't like that
You better start believing in grid stories, Mr Gruenbaum. You're in one!
Chugs bottle of wine

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