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Hmm.... well.
I guess so.
// oh, and for the unwrapping
template<class T>
T& unwrap_or_copy(std::reference_wrapper<T> wrap){ return wrap.get(); }
template<class T>
T unwrap_or_copy(T&& v){ return std::forward<T>(v); }
your mother
actually, probably shouldn't copy at that stage
or maybe not even unwrap, now that I think about it
Ann Coulter.
[hysterical laughing]
Thank you. I'll be here all week.
if you just pass things through to std::make_tuple for example, the unwrapping n stuff will be automatically taken care of by that
make_tuple unwraps std::reference_Wrappers ?
What a whack job. Seems her full time occupation is figuring out how silly she can make herself sound in her articles.
@ThePhD Yes.
I use special_decay
@ThePhD Yes, it also does copy-by-default :P
@Rapptz decay_copy, as it's named in the standard?
@Xeo Wat.
std::make_tuple(some, vars) will make copies of those
@Xeo what?
Well, at least that's not the behavior for std::forward_as_tuple... right?
@RobertHarvey who?
@RobertHarvey Yeah... the thing is she gets paid a lot of money to do this...
@ThePhD Guess why I said make_tuple, and guess why that one is named *forward*_as_tuple
@Rapptz Oh, trait
That name is misleading
it does no decaying
I would've expected unwrap-or-decay
doesn't matter what I call it
it's under detail
Detail sanctuary!
Doesn't matter if it's under detail, it's still a misleading name
oh yeah, I wanted to sleep, didn't I?
I can always change it and not care :v
@RobertHarvey oh. Yeah I agree she says same pretty ridiculous shit. However, she is largely a comedian with what seems to me at least, reasonable beliefs.
now then, g'night
In other words a lot of her stuff is tongue in cheek
@Xeo Wait!
With NGNL finished, I don't know what to do with myself tonight. Suggestions plz. :c
or something
... That's totally not cool. :c
FFS chat, stop limiting me
I thought they loosened that shit for high-rep users?
@Chimera You may want to read that article and reevaluate the reasonable beliefs part
I can only type 2 messages in quick succession before it stops me
Oh yeah, and then it gets worse for a while
@RobertHarvey Make them fix it, kthx
@Chimera But then again, I do believe she's pandering to her audience who probably do believe most of the crap she's spewing in there
@Praetorian Maybe so. My point is that she is like a radio shock jock who doesn't believe half the stuff they say themselves. They say shit for attention.
Q: How could we help these people

frenchieHere's a link to a question: How can I get page source which dynamically changes? It's basically a total beginner and the question will get shut down. I'm wondering how we could actually help these people? Could there be a way to somehow redirect them to some chat room for beginners?

^^ The answer is don't?
@Praetorian Could be. But then again, I've stopped listening to her because over the past couple of years she has come unglued a bit.
Ann Coulter used to be a bit less extreme.
@Chimera That could be. I've only heard her ravings from the past couple of years
I would view it as more of a joke if she wasn't selling books and getting paid lots of money to keep saying what she's saying... and keeping an extremely straight face while she does.
@ThePhD People could be buying her books because of the crazy shit she says. But yes, some people are crazy and believe crazy shit.
Because they get a laugh out of the crazy...
@cyberspace009 Yeah that source is probably not biased at all.
@Chimera True. One example is that fat kid on the pageant show.
@Chimera hmm, I'll dig deeper.
Found a list of quotes. The women is crazy.
@cyberspace009 I'm sure she has become crazy. I'm not arguing that point. I'm saying she hasn't always been so far out in the deep end.
When lounge chat is done none of these problems will exist!
@Chimera I think she reached the deep end IMO. I found all her quotes about deporting or placing illegal aliens in a camp.
oh, that's good to know! I think this goes for several historical figures that went off the deep end.

@sehe I say that only to convey the idea that it's possible to belief a crazy person still has some core beliefs that aren't crazy even though they may begin to act crazy 99% of the time.
No. Just no.
Much more likely is, that they have decided to stop acting. Or that they didn't have any core value to begin with, and it just starts showing more?
And one has to wonder if she believes what she says. Maybe she's just turned into the equivalent of a radio shock jock when writing her books to get attention and make money?
@sehe That is certainly possible as well.
@Chimera that's is very possible.
@Chimera ^ that's what I think. But the fact that someone used to be less deranged should not change our response to the current behaviour, IYAM. The person, yes/no/maybe (who cares, she's not my neighbour); but the behaviour: hell no. It's not acceptable, regardless
@Rapptz oh man. I like this.
> games like TF2 attempt to nerf quick scoping by making sniper rifles weaker unless scoped. others make it so there is a "ready time" where the gun is still pretty inaccurate while first scoped.
bah, stuff like this takes away all the fun of mastering such a weapon :\
there was this other guy on gd.se asking about how he could avoid players becoming too powerful in 4x strategy games
you don't, steamrolling is the most fun aspect
the best thing to do is to make it even quicker for the powerful player to win
@sehe Agreed
> Also your name rearranged spells Rectal Tuna Horn. Not a question, just an observation.
@AlexM. haha!
> I also imagine the last person who had sex with her had to have everything below the ribs removed due to frostbite.
@Rapptz What a clusterfuck.
that's quite rough
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can't.... find any responses from Ann Coulter that are actually there.
It's just swamps of mega-upvoted, gold-awarded clusterfucks.
> Alternate question was going to be something about 1 horse faced Ann Coulter vs 10 Ann Coulter faced horses, but then I realized "How would you tell them apart?"
@ThePhD Did reddit verify it really was Anne Coulter?
I was there when this AMA happened
I'm trying to sign on to reddit, but the name and password they gave me says "Invalid Password." It's like Obamacare.
this chick must be trolling
She's just really stupid
I see she really doesn't want women to have many rights from what I'm reading
@Rapptz or really smart to get money to act stupid and crazy.
That's not smart
she is also a "best selling author"
More evidence soccer is for girls. Player from Uraguay caught BITING an opponent yesterday. Not punching. Not a cross-body block. BITING!
she can't just say these things seriously
nobody can
She just sounds like she is pretending
@Rapptz oh yeah, I found this crap: TLC honey boo boo. God why.
Poe's law, named after its author Nathan Poe, is an Internet adage reflecting the idea that without a clear indication of the author's intent, it is difficult or impossible to tell the difference between an expression of sincere extremism and a parody of extremism. The law and its meaning Poe's law, in broader form, is: The core of Poe's law is that a parody of something extreme by nature becomes impossible to differentiate from sincere extremism. A corollary of Poe's law is the reverse phenomenon: sincere fundamentalist beliefs can be mistaken for a parody of those beliefs. History The...
@Ell I second that. She is trolling.
Nobody trolls for that long. She's been at the whole thing for so long, I'm fairly certain she believes her own bullshit now.
speaking of biting in football, here's a more fun type of bite d3dsacqprgcsqh.cloudfront.net/photo/aPvEbgn_460sa_v1.gif (probably NSFW?)
@EtiennedeMartel probably. She is crazy from her own troll shit.
So now I know where this predilection with "retarded" comes from! It's a reddit/racism thing. "Fagots" Pfft.
> You're just amazed by me generally - admit it. narcissistic syndrome: check
Well, happily, it's just one person so far.
Would you trust the technical content of a site with such bad grammar?
They can do a lot of damage, but...
@Chimera No.
Stupid caps lock
@ThePhD ??
@Chimera Just laughin' at @Rapptz's Capslock.
@Chimera Example of bad grammar there?
@ThePhD Was that really a "lmao" scenario?
Guys, let's play a nice game called "I'm going to steal everything you have got".
Do you guys allow emoticons to close an opened parenthesis?
That was so funny! (The bit with the part :)
Yeah it looks terrible. But (the bit with the horse :) )
aah don't put that space
Looks terrible too. I think I usually just restructure the sentence
(sideways (:)
still terrible
just use two )
In this line:

std::vector<std::string> lines((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(fn.c_str())), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());

What std::vector constructor is being used from this page:http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector/vector
the one that takes two iterators
@AndyProwl Ok but what is that Allocator() listed for then?
@Chimera That has a default argument
@AndyProwl Oh ok...... thanks...
no problem
@Jefffrey wow. that's nasty. where's that?
@Jefffrey I played that game with a bank once, its not fun :(
I guess SFML devs don't like my pull request :v
I'm like the only one who cares about generic code I guess.
maybe they dont like you :P
It's lame.
@Ell I tend to give up and replace ) with D
It's whatever though, not a big loss.
How does the second parameter of the std::vector constructor get matched up with the first InputIt? I mean what is telling the constructor that the second InputIt has the same source as the first InputIt? I hope that makes sense...

std::vector<std::string> lines((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(fn.c_str())), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());
@Chimera IIRC it's a single template argument
I know what that lines does, I just don't fully understand how it does it...
You can also just std::vector<std::string>(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(is), {});
@sehe OMG don't confuse me more. :-)
1 min ago, by sehe
@Chimera IIRC it's a single template argument
@sehe What is the template and what is the argument in that line?
the template is the declaration (it's a function template, and also happens to be a constructor)
template< class InputIt >
vector( InputIt first, InputIt last,
         const Allocator& alloc = Allocator() );
@rapptz what was your request?
I remember Bartek having trouble with Laurent
I was requesting for sf::String to have some more compatibility with std::string
It currently does nonsense like ConstIterator instead of const_iterator
and InvalidPos instead of npos
@Chimera So, it considers the template constructor, deduces the iterator type for the first concrete argument given, and tries overload resolution for the rest (note that by then, the second argument is already "known", which is why {} is fair game)
and it doesn't provide established typedefs like value_type
I guess they already chose their convention
it's silly
Why does it have its own string type anyway?
I have no idea lol
It's a stupid wrapper around std::basic_string<uint32_t>
Is it a U32 string or something then?
well. library design for stable API? Also, implicit conversions be bad.
they also named their substr function substring..
forgot to have an early night... whoops
anyway the work around is to just use std::string everywhere since you it can implicitly convert to std::string
or do some special casing for sf::String
There's all manner of badness that can ensue with naked std::basic_string<uint32_t> in the wild. E.g. the standard doesn't specify locale facets for it, so if you "accidentally" use it with streams, it will throw on some implementations?
That doesn't sound good
I wonder how robot is doing on ogonek
It makes perfect sense, to me, for a library author to limit tangledness of their type systems. Explicitness is good.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hmmm...is his silly doubt female and gorgeous? :-)
lines((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(fn.c_str())), std::istream_iterator<std::string>())

The first constructor argument is easy to understand.. it's creating an input stream from a filename. However, what I don't understand is how the second constructor argument is connected to the first.... I don't even know how to express my confusion... shit. What does std::istream_iterator<std::string>() mean? Is that somehow referring to the first constructor argument?
@sehe you make good points :)
@JerryCoffin mmmmm flesh
sf::String doesn't do anything special outside of converting to/from UTF-8/32
@Chimera It's not connected to the first. A default-constructed iterator is analogous to a NULL pointer. It can be compared to "the end of the stream" through the power of "it's magic because that's how the standard defines it".
Which could be very well be done with free functions
@chimera Its initializing a blank iterator
but nah, gotta have a class for everything
What lightness said
@Rapptz that's hardly anything to gloss over
Q: What should I do with my popular question, which attracts a lot of low quality answers

Salvador DaliI have asked a question on SO, which happened to become popular. The problem is that it started to attract a lot of low quality answers (some of them has nothing to do with the question). Currently it has 27 answers and out of them maybe 4 are useful. Previously I was flagging every new bad ans...

^^ aha reminds me of the --> question.
is that the downto operator
Hmmm why would they use unit32 if it's utf8? Aren't all codepoints 8 bit in UTF8? Unless it's more than a container of codepoints which I guess it could be
@sehe The backbone of the class is already implemented through sf::Utf<N>.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit So then the std::vector<> constructor sees that and makes the decision to iterate to the end of the first argument?
which are all static functions iirc
@Rapptz yes? Your point was that it should be a bare basic_string, as far as I could see
so they are free functions and this class basically wraps them up in a class
that guy has deliberately pretended to be a fit woman in order to troll for profile views (read his profile, where he admits it). how evil! who would do that?!?!
@chimera are you familiar with begin() and end() iterators?
Of a vector for example?
@Ell Somewhat...
Well with stream iterators, the equivalent of end() is a default constructed iterator
@Rapptz the point of the class is not to group the functions, but to hide the raw basic_string, is my guess. Remember the "pit of success". Exposing the raw basic_string (without explicit step) is making it very easy to use the API in the wrong way
@LightnessRacesinOrbit star bait denied
And here the begin iterator is the iterator constructed from the filename or whatever
So if this works ( and the second argument is really a null iterator ):
lines((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(fn.c_str())), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());

Why can't that be written as:

@Ell Ok thanks
@sehe He could, at the very least, provide an API that is compatible with std::basic_string.
I'm fine with magic/abstractions, but don't half-ass the interface for no reason
You know what I want?
The ability to define an operator statically inside of the class the operator is using.
I mean obviously it can't because there is no vector constructor that matches that signature, but since it a common thing, why wouldn't a vector have that sort of constructor?
@chimera the second isn't a null iterator, it is an iterator which represents the end of the stream
@chimera because not all iterators can be default constructed in that way
@Chimera The convention is to provide a range. A beginning, and an end. The vector constructor doesn't care that your iterators in this case happen to be stream iterators and, further, it doesn't care that your end iterator happens to be at the very end of the actual input data.
Ie you can't default construct a vector iterator and magically get an end iterator that works for all vectors
@Chimera Beyond that, no big reason. Vector could have a std::vector<T>::vector(std::istream_iterator<T>) in theory. It just doesn't because it would not be of any added benefit to have it.
@Rapptz Is it okay if the bootstrap.py for sol included a definition for generating a main.ninja?
@Chimera Basically, yes. In fact it'll just keep incrementing the first argument until it compares equivalent to the second one, and the way istream_iterator reacts to reaching the end of the stream makes that happen at the right time.
@Ell God, I understand that now, but fuck, why does this shit have to be so opaque?
@ThePhD Why?
@Rapptz you mean, model the same concept (which doesn't exist, technically). Yeah, those are half-valid points, although, in all honesty, it's mostly snake-oil (it won't become a standard container anyways), and might just cater for the same evil implicit "compatibility" pitfall again: once it's easy to pass sf::String as if it were a regular basic_string<uint32> you're back to square one, with broken "pit of success".
I want to play sniper elite 2+ but the killcams can't be disabled
For making small main.cpp's and testing stuff like these issues.
So I don't have to handcraft a ninja file every time.
@Chimera cos freedom/liberty!!1
I don't get what kind of strange fetish one must have to enjoy x-ray killcams like that
@jongalloway @codinghorror this strikes me as a phishing scam! here's my rockstar name: ...
@Rapptz It's really nothing personal. They are against pull request almost all the times.
shit, he got it
@Rapptz If your own lib wishes to consume foreign and standard containers, man up and write the few traits that are required (boost::spirit::traits, anyone?) and live happily ever after, in the face of minor annoying semantic differences (which you can then patch for!) and future changes, or even more "annoying" non-standard-ish APIs
@sehe It is easy. They have operator std::string() already.
@Jefffrey Yeah I know. Was worth a shot if anything.
Finally, the restrictions on the interface prevent magic, instead of representing it, somehow. It's only "magic" (as in: unclear) if the documentation is lacking
@chimera I find it quite elegant to be honest :)
@Jefffrey NullReferenceException "TheModelOfYourFirstCar" is not set to an instance of an object.
@Rapptz implicit? Well, yes, in that case, I thought too highly of their reasons
You didn't even look at the class :v
@JesseBlack82 @jongalloway @codinghorror Do you get paid to ruin people's jokes by explaining them?! ;)
It's literally nothing special.
@Rapptz I looked at your arguments.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh!!!! So std::istream_iterator<std::string>() == end of some string iterator .. doesn't matter WHAT that is because it will be the same thing as the "end" of the first argument?
My arguments were from a POV of someone who uses the library and looked at their internals.
@Rapptz Which is precisely a good reason to expect nothing in particular of it :)
@Chimera yeah
it's a bit of a hack of the language IMO
@sehe Just curious, are there any performance benefits from (not) using lex when using qi?
@ThePhD just do a single command
it sort of simulates what you get with a NULL byte at the end of a C-string (only very loosely, mind you), but it's not necessarily intuitive (as you've found out)
g++ flags stuff.cpp -o stuff -llua
the idea is that a default-constructed iterator is "invalid" (or singular) and once you reach the end of your actual stream then the iterator that's iterating over the stream will become "invalid" as well, so then the two will both be "invalid" and therefore equivalent/equal
the main.cpp file isn't even on the repository
why would it be on the bootstrap.py which is on the repo?
so there are ways to make it seem more intuitive, if you just describe it in the right way
@Lightness how come you think it's a hack? I think it's quite a clean solution
@Rapptz Just for ease of use!
@Ell it's probably the best that fits into the model
it's a single file :v
I guess they could make it so each stream had its own end, but when they can all share the same one there is no need, right?
@Borgleader depends on usage, but in principle: no. In fact, the lexer can reduce load because the parser will not have to do as much backtracking (depending on grammar, obviously) and the lexer tables might be generated statically (which would improve at least first-time invocation, and possibly subsequent invocations).
Hmmph. Fine.
In principle, though, with proper rule defs the compiler might generate fine code by inlining the shit out of the qi parser expressions
g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -static -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c++11 -I. \"${file}\" -o \"${file_path}/${file_base_name}\" -llua
this is what I use on ST3
st3 the search for cock
@sehe Cool, thanks :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ok thanks... I think that makes it pretty clear... But shit, how would you figure that out on your own if you had nobody to explain it to you?
maybe it's generated at build time¹ <tinfoil/>
¹ I already thought too highly of them, this one is a non-flier
Is it so hard for me to understand because I just don't know enough yet about C++?
@Borgleader My stance: Spirit is nice for one-offs and rapid prototyping. As soon as you start using Lex everything complicates. In that case I'd hand-roll or use ANTLR etc.
@Chimera Yes
@chimera experimenting, reading, asking :)
How do you use a separate file with ninja again?
ninja main.ninja -t my_target ?
@sehe Ok.. guess I will look up InputIt and make sure I fully understand them.
@sehe I'll probably go the Puppy way and handroll a parser. But I'll wait until I have something that at least works well enough and have tests to make sure I don't regress when making my own thing.
ninja -f main.ninja target
Q: Display different divs based on month and day

user3781272I am trying to make my site show different a different div during February 15th and November 15 than the rest of the year. Would someone show me what I am doing wrong? <?php $today = date('m-d'); $enrollDate = date('m-d', strtotime($today)); $enrollEnd = date('m-d', strt...

lol dat problem
ITT end < x < start
@Chimera Patience and experience ;)
@Borgleader I think the Puppy hand-rolled expression templates (basically, handlrolled a minimalist Spirit). He might have dropped it, but I sure didn't hear him say that
You did the right thing by asking here. It would have been a good SO question, too, actually.
@Borgleader yup. is what I tend to do
@LightnessRacesinOrbit First thing I did on SO this morning was VTC a "tell me how to optimise this Java code" post (I'm not calling it a questions, it was a request)
@Borgleader demand?
make your language easy to parse
like lua
^ that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yep... I'm finally getting a chance to work on C++ code for work and I'm just trying to get up to speed... so I'm excited but it can be overwhelming at times... note that I'm really at this point just an embedded C developer...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit tomaeto tomahto
I don't entirely understand why there is both an input iterator and forward iterator - they can both be advanced with std::advance anyway, so why bother? Or is it about efficiency?
@Ell forward can be dereferenced twice, so auto it2 = it; it++; it++; it2->foo() is valid for ForwardIt, unspecified for InputIt

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