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never heard a canadian like that
I read every one of @AbhishekHingnikar's messages like he is screaming them through a mic.
o wait! that is how he speaks!
How do you know?
because i've spoken to him
and he just screamed at me
@AbhishekHingnikar Why don't you ever speak to me?
Indians always sound tense when they speak.
Like their accent is hard to do or something
not SomeGuy
@VikramAnandBhushan Hello
Mar 13 '13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
why does that keep popping up after lunch?
@Neil why does that keep pooping up after lunch? (source)
I'm a genius.. why didn't I think about this regular expression before? all this pain of finding lines containing QLLND and adding more underneath easily fixed
@Neil its oddly, satifyingly symetrical
@DrogoNevets I know, right?
Though this will undoubtedly insert bugs in my program, I am blissfully ignorant at the moment
fear not! bugs are what keep you and i in a job!
if software development was easy, anyone would do it and we'd get paid less
@Neil What do the {} do?
why would putty cause a connection abort immediately after trying to connect?
@BenCraig subgroup matching in visual studio 2010
It'd normally be parentheses, but microsoft has to be different
how do you re-bootstrap dom that has been ng-cloaked, once you lazy load that doms module code?
Either there's a pun or it's retarded :
Q: What is the deference between nodejs, signalR and webSocket?

BellashWhat is the deference between nodejs, signalR and webSocket ? What is preferable and in which scenarios ?

I wish I had more people working with me
So a rabbi, a priest, and a buddist walk into a bar. The rabbi goes, "What is this, some sort of joke?"
I've hit another wall and it sucks to have to explain half-assed my entire project to get help on it
Ah okay, thanks
hey guys I want to know is there a way I can use a json value recieved from $.get() function to populate a form selct element ?
@VikramAnandBhushan yes
@VikramAnandBhushan Absolutely this is possible.
Okay I read about this JSON.parse(data); method
I tired using this to decode but its showing error
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
@Neil @RoelvanUden
whats the meaning of life
@VikramAnandBhushan Can you show the json? (use pastebin if it is large)
okay I will add the code in pastebin
@VikramAnandBhushan Just the json should suffice
If it were valid json, JSON.parse would not give you an error
@Neil can you tell me how I should copy the json variable ... Because I can only see the response in firebug
@VikramAnandBhushan Take a screenshot and upload it here, or you can try to copy and paste it if possible
@Neil sorry for my silly questions I am very new to all of this .. here is the pastebin for my Json string pastebin.com/t6gZJ9Vv
due to my neverending boredom, here's that string formatted
@FutuToad JavaScript
JavaScript is life, JavaScript is love.
@Cereal :) thank you
nothing to see here. move on
i cant seem to connect to AWS from work :(
@VikramAnandBhushan Hmm, I would expect an obvious error in the json
@rlemon nice!
@FutuToad 42
Silly question: Are you sure it has not already been converted to javascript when you pass it to JSON.parse?
@neil no bro I dont think so because I tried directly using the data object to populate the select element but it was showing undefined variable
What does it say when you console log it?
That should show if it's a string or an object, I guess?
@Magikass it shows Object
this is how it looks when I do
Hey guys, I don't know how many of you needed to show the console messages in UI, but I want to share my project that is designed for this thing: github.com/IonicaBizau/console.js
think id rather press F12
@Kippie are you on teamspeak ?
which reminds me i should install it aswell
@rlemon don't put water around the nexus 5 it hates water big way
@VikramAnandBhushan Wait, I'm confused.. this is the output of the json string?
If so, it isn't json
@AbhishekHingnikar Nope, not sure what exactly goes on at this teamspeak server. Is it gaming-related stuff?
@Kippie how can i talk to uotherwise ?
I don't know
!!urban hobknocker
@SecondRikudo hob-knocker when a guy hits you in the face with his penis.
that sounds hot
Anyone familiar with Ember.js and Handlebars?
I'm trying to use registerBoundHelper but I don't know what the context of the last argument is.
@VikramAnandBhushan Click the arrow on the right of a message when you hover over it, so you won't have to worry about misspelling a username, or use the autocompleted usernames above the chatbox, I didn't react because you misspelled my name. Sorry
Greetings, earthling
How's it going?
@SecondRikudo Is there also a term for when a guy hits you in the penis with his face?
@Kippie Bj?
Well, no, that implies you having it in your mouth and actively cooperating
not to be confused with the anti-mushroom stamp
!!urban reverse-hob-knocker
!!urban mushroom stamp
@KendallFrey mushroom stamp Verb: An act occurring after anal intercourse, where the man removes his "Mushroom"-headed warrior from his female participant's rectum or balloon knot, and proceeds to take his poo-stained man-pole, and slaps his partner in the face or forehead (whatever preferred), leaving a mark (or stamp) in the shape of the tip of the distributor's dong (mushroom-esque);
@Kippie No definition found for reverse-hob-knocker
I've been here 5 minutes.
5 minutes.
blame kendall
5 minutes is a long time in the Javascript chatroom.
@rlemon You mentioned it first
Also, why do people assume that your dick is completely drenched in shit after anal sex?
setInterval( creepOut.bind(null, RUJordan), 1000 * 60 * 5 );
@RUJordan That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: undo
@RUJordan I have no idea what happened:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/css/chat.meta.stackoverflow.com.css?v=3e101a301527">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/favicon.ico?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="//cdn.sstatic.net/stackoverflowmeta/img/apple-touch-icon.png?v=3e101a301527"><link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Chat for chat.meta.stackoverflow.com" href="/opensearch.
@Zirak ^
I brokeded your toy :(
Ha. "I have no idea what happened:"
I love it
Helper cat is awesome
Helper cat is filled with static electricity, and will most likely blow up your pc.
@Kippie But it's ok because he's so cute
you're just jealous of its superior heat-distributing power
okay enough images for now.
There will never be enough images
If the people at my job look over they'll know I'm not doing work
It's okay, I'm already looking over at you IRL
jk, I'm an intern, they don't give a shit what I do
/o/ .. up up and away!
/ \
Oh shit, I'm supposed to be working as well
fuck it, going home to watch football
@mrzepka guihacker.com
courtesy of @Loktar
well now it looks like I'm doing too much work
the fact that zanb.se isn't real makes me sad
you should buy it and rickroll people who check it out
@rlemon hackertyper.com this at least looks somewhat more realistic
@Loktar i trolled my dumb cousin by f11 + guihacker.com
@Kippie the point wasn't for realism
Also, what is zanb.se ?
it was to emulate the screens you see on TV/movies, targeted the 80's/90's movie look mostly
^ reminds me of the support call where the lady is like "my computer is over heating" and the tech guy asks how she knows, "it is on fire"
@Loktar -_-
i should off taken a video of it :-(
Sorry last one. The cutes is overloading me.
@Loktar -1 not enough WMP
What kind of animal is that? Groundhog?
you need to make a GUI in VB to track IP's man
I feel like I didn't get a memo, I'm the only one here right now
@Kippie looks like it
you saw my codegolf answer right?
@RUJordan How'd they get a groundhog to wear a headset?
@Loktar yes
> So I went a little crazy with this. I did it between breaks from working on my GUI to track IP's using Visual Basic.
ah ok lol
can anybody give me a starting point to write chrome apps ?
but I actually want someone to make it
@AbhishekHingnikar .
as well as the WMP "hacking" from that indian movie
@Neil ?
This hacker typer is pretty crazy
have never seen the WMP thing
!!youtube hacking with WMP
i want to do a hangouts like thingy for facebook :D
@Neil lol how would I know?
inspired by the android one ... this sunday
@AbhishekHingnikar Not enough? ...
i'll find the vid
@Neil no chrome apps are different
!!youtube 2 idiots one keyboard
@Loktar ^^
@AbhishekHingnikar In what sense?
I want to be able to draw without a window
more like how hangouts app does :P
You asked for a starting point. I gave you one. :P
or facebook messenger does.
@Neil lol
LOL wtf
love that smooth text
@AbhishekHingnikar agreed, that was a lame joke
!!doge hack,hardcore,WMP,india
such hack
           very hardcore
                       so WMP
many india
If I have to explain it, it's even worse
@Neil I laughed
At the original
Well thanks, I suppose. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress.
@AbhishekHingnikar Are bollywood movies actually seen as good in India? Or are they just supposed to serve as over-the-top parodies?
I just came to ask:

$(var) vs $var - what is the diffrence?
in what language?
@BDillan In the first you are passing var to the function named $, in the second you have a variable named $var.
Or a PHP variable.
why sometimes I face with this error in browsers for Trim function:
TypeError: someText.trim is not a function
I know that I can implement a function with using RegEx and solve this; but I want to know why I sometimes face with this error?
Because apparently someText.trim is not a function.
@MRS1367 String.prototype.trim doesn't exist in IE8
these accurate answers...
@MRS1367 Are you sure someText is a real string?
for example, this is not valid!!!
@SecondRikudo what do you mean? Suppose:

var Btn = '<button id="button' + " class="btn btn-test" >-</button></div><div id="field">';

var newButton = $(Btn);
var str = "       Hello World!        ";
@MRS1367 that won't work in IE8
$(Btn_ is not a function - it is a variable
sorry $(Btn)
@Kippie I DO not watch indian movies
@SecondRikudo -> yes I'm sure
$ is a function, Btn is a variable
@FlorianMargaine -> and I'm not in IE8
infact i do not follow most of cultural stuff over here
@SecondRikudo -> yes I'm sure
@BDillan No. $ is a variable/function/object, and you are passing Btn into it.
I'm in FF30
welcome to the J - Files.
Can var newButton = $Btn instead of newButton = $(Btn)?
@MRS1367 that works perfectly in chrome/ff
This is fun to watch
how can String.prototype.trim sometimes not be a function, Agent Julder ?!
I don't know Jully
thats really strange
@FlorianMargaine -> I know, but sometimes I face with that error and I use a function with RegEx
@MRS1367 console.log(str.trim(), str.trim);
@SecondRikudo -> and I face with that error too
!!> "".trim;
@RUJordan "derp"
@RUJordan "function trim() {\n [native code]\n}"
Nice, didn't know you could do that
!!> Object.getOwnPropertyNames( String.prototype );
@jAndy ["length","constructor","quote","toSource","toString","valueOf","substring","to‌​LowerCase","toUpperCase","charAt","charCodeAt","codePointAt","contains","indexOf"‌​,"lastIndexOf","startsWith","endsWith","trim","trimLeft","trimRight","toLocaleLow‌​erCase","toLocaleUpperCase","localeCompare","repeat","match","search","replace","‌​split","substr","concat","slice","bold","italics","fixed","fontsize","fontcolo (snip)
there Julder.. trim I can see it, I can see it
@RUJordan Or typeof str.trim too
!!> typeof "".trim;
@SecondRikudo "function"
@BDillan yes you can do that but you don't seem to understand jQuery selectors. I assume you're using jQuery.
!!> "what the heck ?".codePointAt( 1 );
I'm trying to gracefully handle an error
@jAndy 104
@rlemon yes?
http.request(options, callback);
@SecondRikudo oh I meant I didn't know "". was a shortcut for String.prototype
if the host is unreachable it throws an ENOTFOUND error
I just want to retry and not crap out
as in, exception?
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
at errnoException( dns.js:37:11)
function f() {
    try {
    catch (e) {
        if (e.code === 'ENOTFOUND') setTimeout(f, 500);
I was hoping for a clever way
@jAndy Error: getaddrinfo PENIS at errnoException( dns.js:37:11) (source)
but wrapping it in a try works.
@RUJordan I thought jQuerry used Javascript Syntax since it was a collection of Javscript functions. Are you telling me jQuerry has its own syntax?
@rlemon don't forget to check the e.code. But yeah, if an exception is thrown, there's nothing you can do but try/catch
This should be added to the bot ^
No. jQuery has it's own functions. $ is short for jQuery()
@FlorianMargaine always a finally too....
You pass in a CSS-like selector, which returns a jQuery object
@DrogoNevets ... in javascript?
There's no finally() in native, is there..?
@jAndy You pass in a CSS-like selector, which returns a penis (source)
@BDillan from the jQuery source:
it looks like there is
var jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function( selector, context ) {
but I'm not sure, FF's try/catch is full of custom stuff
like typed catches
@jAndy s/jQuery.*/penis/ would have worked too. Why did you \s+?
and why do we do that ? because its much more enjoyment to type less...
to the ES spec!
For some reason the site I write plugins for rebinds jQuery to $j
thats why answering with "No" is always more enjoyable than "Yes"
@NathanJones that is to avoid conflictions
@SecondRikudo @penis penis penis penis penis penis (source)
@NathanJones noConflict
such serious
I'm cheering for Croatia
@RUJordan Right, I get that, but why do it if you leave $ as the built in browser function?
I'm still upset hockey season is over. :(
@NathanJones built in??

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