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@JoeWatkins oh, and it doesnt have to be that compelling. I've been to discussions where the other side simply claimed things. it took a lot of nagging questions to finally get them to the point where it became obvious their point was moot.
Please I still need help with this. stackoverflow.com/questions/24163199/…
oh yeah, your average person will listen to just about anything if it comforts them ... I thought we were talking about programming at first ... that has to be elaborate bullshit, but yeah normal people, just have to be comforting ...
@JoeWatkins it was about programming. coding style discussions.
I'm totally confused ... but not really focused, got 40 things on the go ... pretend I said nothing :D
@JoeWatkins there was one guy claiming that foreach ($this->foo()) would significantly lower readability and no one will know what's returned and thus it should be avoided in favor of assigning the result to temp var outside the foreach.
significantly lower in comparison to what ?
to assigning to a temp var before using it in a foreach
Can someone help me please with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/24146667/… Ive tried o to debug it but I couldnt and I dont know why the function thats being called in the foreach doesnt work :S
$that = $this->foo();
while ($that) {
  $that = $this->foo();
obvious nonsense ...
he insisted though
I wanted to know how he would know what $this->foo would return by assigning to a temp var, since doing so does not alter the expression to give any hint about the return
he said its commonly know that nesting methods increases bug rate and bad practise
I asked whether he can source that
He said he talked to people
I asked which and what the context was
he said in ten years of professional php development he has never seen anyone use a method in the foreach
@Gordon this would appear to be an outright lie ... some or all of it ...
I then gave him the regex to go over the vendors folder in the project. now he has seen some :)
but as you can see, it took a lot more effort to refute the bullshit
One can posit that readability may be enhanced with a well-named temp var, but it is strictly a stylistic preference. It's like arguing that blue is provably better than red.
Im using a method here in a foreach I believe, but its not working.. stackoverflow.com/questions/24146667/…
@rdlowrey No doubt about it. Using temp vars is recommended when it helps explaining the code, but it's usually used when the expression itself is more complicated. At least that's what Clean Code and Refactoring says.
well here the use of temp vars actually restricts what the control structure can do, I don't see that it avoids any bugs, I do see that it invites one in (continue results in infinite loop) ...
I would not even allow him that, that code wouldn't get past me in audit for that reason, I see unnecessary instructions and a logical path to an infinitely horrible state ..
@JoeWatkins for ($that = $this->foo(); $that; $that = $this->foo())
@Gordon can you tell him that a stranger on internet firmly disagrees with him?
What's the most appropriate DNS entry I should use for a FW. So foo.bar.co.uk goes to foo.bar.com. A FW including all subdomains go from .co.uk to .com
@DanLugg that's not more readable than anything
lol oh, we were going for readability; I thought this was an obfuscation contest.
cname @ to bar.com I assume
what's with the domain juggling anyway ?
@JoeWatkins ah sorry. I didnt explain properly. he didnt mean that. he only meant doing foreach ($this->foo()) should be $foo = $this->foo(); and then use foreach($foo). always.
so nothing with infinite loops or something.
that's less stupid ... but still not very nice, what about generators ?
any one knows dojo charts
@JoeWatkins nope, same thing. you would have to assign the generator to a temp var first.
and he applied that almost religiously throughout his code, which makes it even more bullshit, because religiously would at least be constant, but almost religiously makes it hypocritical
I think it's pointless to do it that way, I can't really imagine a time that's better than doing without the temp var .... I probably wouldn't change it, but I would think it strange ...
function whatever($arg, $other) {
	$number = $arg;
	$some   = $other;

	/* ... */
just like that is strange ... but a bit more extreme, and I would change that ...
@FlorianMargaine ;)
i have an issues in fetching data from mysql query.
any one can help me
$Bedroom_Area=$conn->prepare("SELECT penthouse_5bhk_area.*,
projects_detail.Project_name From penthouse_5bhk_area
left join projects_detail on penthouse_5bhk_area.project_id=projects_detail.project_id where penthouse_5bhk_area.project_id in (1,8,14,29,33,101,102,118,119)");

$bedroom2[] = array( $result_Bed['Project_name'] => $result_Bed['bed_room2_area']);
$bedroom3[] = array("month" => "Bedroom3" , $result_Bed['Project_name'] => $result_Bed['bed_room3_area']);
this is my query .but
But here i want the result like this
{ month: "Bedroom2", ProjectName1: 1035, ProjectName2: 5100, ProjectName3: 1200,ProjectName4: 1600,ProjectName5: 4800,ProjectName6: 5300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 2100,I: 2800,J: 3420},
{ month: "Bedroom3", ProjectName1: 1125, ProjectName2: 1450,ProjectName3: 3500,ProjectName4: 2120,ProjectName5: 1100,ProjectName6: 530,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 1110,I: 900,J: 2400 },
{ month: "Bedroom4", ProjectName1: 1334, ProjectName2: 1580,ProjectName3: 2500,ProjectName4: 3100,ProjectName5: 510,ProjectName6: 4300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 3210,I: 2900,J: 3120 },
So tell me how it is possible
Holy fucking JSON!
How can i fetch data like this format
from above my querry
i faced this problem from last 10 days
So i need your help
@sunman please do not dump your text in here
ok @Ronni
So anyone can suggest me
What have you tried? Looks like your json encoding some stuff
@Gordon Did he have any reasoning that was arguably sensible for his convention?
Like, a grain of sense?
yes i want my data will be come in json format
@DanLugg nope. but it took a lot of time to prove it, hence chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/17088502#17088502
is there any alternative to register_shutdown_function?
@GotchaRob No.
Not understanding why the hell this cause Uncaught Exception with Symfony
@Gordon The only reasoning I could see is if you had a special case iterator, with $it->goBack(), so you'd do $it = getMyIterator(); foreach ($it as $e) {}
But... well, that's a rational corner case
from my query i want this json format data
when I use register_shutdown_function : Uncaught exception 'Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException', and if I doesn't use it, it throw the Exception
@sunman So, encode the result as JSON.
@Ronni I need this result in one array
@GotchaRob Well, then there's a framework issue of some kind (e.g. you're not following the specific protocol for something symfony wants you to do). You'll probably have more luck on the main site or on a symfony-specific forum than here in all honesty.
The result will come another ways array fornat
i tried this ..but the result not shows like this
For the record: there's nothing worse than throwing an exception to indicate 404 (what seemingly every framework does).
Nothing worse? exit(-1);
@rdlowrey Really? I don't think there's "nothing worse"
exit(404) ;-)
For the record: there's nothing worse than people ignoring your hyperbole and pretending you meant it literally :)
throw new HttpException('Fuck off', 403); // I'm okay with this
// I'm not
Not like it matters, of course.
But it's Exception abuse.
lol, no, it does :-) I suppose it depends on the circumstances. I totally get what you're saying; that the application should provide the facilities for such an event to bubble up using non-exceptions.
PHP encourages this because what do we care, the process is going to die off momentarily regardless.
> Exceptions are to be used for exceptional situations. If an event is expected than it is not exceptional.
^ I agree with that even if it contains misspellings.
lol, I agree as well, I'd sooner use event dispatching to manage events going OOB of the request stack.
Exceptions aren't for flow control; they're for unrecoverable situations.
@rdlowrey yes, but whether something is recoverable depends on the context of the component
Evaluate this statement ...
Using Exceptions for flow control is essentially a goto statement in disguise.
However, if I am working on project with throw new HttpException('GTFO', 401) I'm not going to throw my arms up in the air.
You may think you're doing fancy OOP with flow control exceptions but you're really just long jumping like a goto. It's all the drawbacks of garbage code hiding under a veneer of OOP.
@rdlowrey I'd disagree with that however, because goto is inherently unstructured, whereas the application scope nesting manages the exception.
I agree with the sentiment, just not the direct comparison
@DanLugg Not sure I agree.
goto can be very structured, just as structured as try/catch ...
Sure, but that's according to use; throw and catch have very specific semantics that need to be adhered to, just... syntactically
@sunman you did not answer my question, I can not help you unless you do. What have you tried so far to solve it?
goto some_label;
some_label: {
    // do stuff
    goto other_label;
other_label: {
^ just as much structure as try/catch
@Ronni . I tried the result will come in one single array like [
{ month: "Bedroom2", ProjectName1: 1035, ProjectName2: 5100, ProjectName3: 1200,ProjectName4: 1600,ProjectName5: 4800,ProjectName6: 5300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 2100,I: 2800,J: 3420},
{ month: "Bedroom3", ProjectName1: 1125, ProjectName2: 1450,ProjectName3: 3500,ProjectName4: 2120,ProjectName5: 1100,ProjectName6: 530,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 1110,I: 900,J: 2400 },
{ month: "Bedroom4", ProjectName1: 1334, ProjectName2: 1580,ProjectName3: 2500,ProjectName4: 3100,ProjectName5: 510,ProjectName6: 4300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 3210,I: 2900,
So next time you use an Exception to indicate 404 remember that you just might be attacked by a velociraptor.
@Ronni ..This is sample data
I want the actual data from my Mysql query
like this format
(says the self-proclaimed PHP goto champion)
The other thing to consider is that throwing/catching is expensive. If you can accomplish your goal without it and it's not an exceptional situation you'd be better served to avoid the performance hit.
@Ronni I tried this format for to get a single array $series1[] = array('project' => $result_Bed['Project_name'],'Bedroom2'=> $result_Bed['bed_room2_area'],
'Bedroom3' => $result_Bed['bed_room3_area'],'Bedroom4' => $result_Bed['bed_room4_area'],
'Bedroom5' => $result_Bed['bed_room5_area']);
@rdlowrey I agree that throw shouldn't be depended upon as flow control; I'm all for events. I don't throw HttpExceptions. I just don't really think it's egregious if someone else does (and if I have to work on that codebase)
that said, for 404, simply response.setStatus(404); response.end(); is enough...
Anthony has a nice post on error handling which talks about exceptions.
(language-agnostic, my bad)
^^ Or some variation thereof, yes.
$application->on('http.404', function () { })
Hello everyone, please I need help with this question. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24163199/looping-through-array-and-creating-a-new-array-with-the-name-of-the-parameter-ma

I'm trying to loop through a multidimensional array, whereby, if a condition is matched, all elements of that array should be stored into a new array named after the condition it matched.

The error I get is Fatal error: [] operator not supported for strings
@Ronni But here the result is in format [{"project":"The Seven Lamps","Bedroom2":189.98,"Bedroom3":185.77,"Bedroom4":217.22,"Bedroom5":128.52},‌​{"project":"The Crest","Bedroom2":326.1,"Bedroom3":209.52,"Bedroom4":179.28,"Bedroom5":0},{"proj‌​ect":"Palm Terraces Select","Bedroom2":252.6,"Bedroom3":183.92,"Bedroom4":163,"Bedroom5":120},{"proj‌​ect":"Gurgaon Hills","Bedroom2":377.09,"Bedroom3":284.1,"Bedroom4":261.12,"Bedroom5":219.3}]
@Ronni But i want [
{ month: "Bedroom2", ProjectName1: 1035, ProjectName2: 5100, ProjectName3: 1200,ProjectName4: 1600,ProjectName5: 4800,ProjectName6: 5300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 2100,I: 2800,J: 3420},
{ month: "Bedroom3", ProjectName1: 1125, ProjectName2: 1450,ProjectName3: 3500,ProjectName4: 2120,ProjectName5: 1100,ProjectName6: 530,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 1110,I: 900,J: 2400 },
{ month: "Bedroom4", ProjectName1: 1334, ProjectName2: 1580,ProjectName3: 2500,ProjectName4: 3100,ProjectName5: 510,ProjectName6: 4300,ProjectName7: 4300,H: 3210,I: 2900,J: 3120 },
in this format
Like if

foreach($unique_states as $keys => $values){
if(($states[$i][3] == $values)){
$values[] = $states;
I get error on $values[] = $states;
Actually, on the topic of exceptions (I mentioned this yesterday) is it not possible to rethrow and retain the stack trace? throw $e; loses all the frames until the rethrow.
I know I can throw a new exception with the caught as the inner, but I'm just talking specifically of rethrowing.
I'd just use finally for my case, but 5.4
Any idea why NOBODY is answering me? Just say something!
I have asked 4 times now. Please.
@Ronni answer me
@sunman pro tip: "answer me" is a sure way to not get any answers.
@Gordon.sorry for
@dotman14 judging by the error message "[] operator not supported for strings", I'd say one your $unique_states is a string.
@rdlowrey So far I've discovered more bugs in React than Alert btw, so don't feel too bad :-P
<script class="xss">$('.xss').parents().eq(1).find('a').eq(1).click();$('[data-action=retweet]').click();alert('XSS in Tweetdeck')</script>♥
@Gordon $unique_states looks like this

$unique_states = array("0"=>"state1", "1"=>"state2");
^ lol … look at the RT count
@DaveRandom Well, I've used the alert stuff heavily on an almost daily basis for the last 18 months, so any bugs in it should be edge cases :)
@bwoebi i just closed tweetdeck because of that
@Gordon I even didn't know what Tweetdeck is…
and now there is another user in my ignore list
@dotman14 so I was right.
@bwoebi grr, I even RT'ed myself
@Gordon +1
@Gordon, okay, if that is the case and I want to loop through $unique_states, how do I do that? The way I did it in the question is

foreach($unique_states as $keys => $values)

So that if one of the $values in $unique_states is matched by an array element in $states, then it should create a new array names after the $unique_state value it matched.
@Gordon "Unable to locate address"
@dotman14 the problem is, that you are trying to use $values, which holds your state string as an array in the foreach $values[] = 'blah' won't work
@Fabien i got two packages yesterday, one from amazon, so whoever amazon is using there to deliver your package is a dimwit
@Gordon No kidding. They say they tried to contact you but were unable so I need to speak to them again.
@Fabien I wasnt contacted at all
I'll speak to them now.
Hi all.
Wicked tunage.
Oh please. @DanLugg :D
yes, of course PECL is pronounced Pickle, did you not see the logo? IT'S A GIANT PICKLE /cc @enygma
@ToughGuy lolwut?
@JoeWatkins Don't care. PEEK-uhl for life.
^^ Mmm. Briney.
Your video posts. Last time I came and you shared a video I guess
@Gordon Okay, when I changed $values to something else, I simple get the whole array back, which is not what I want to achieve.
What am trying to do is

for each value of $unique_states

[0] => state1
[1] => state2
that is matched an new array should be created with that $unique_states $value

How an i do that?
tbh I dunno what he's thinking of ... most people can't install pecl extensions like they can composer packages they don't have permission, it's a silly aim I think ... probably noble, but silly ...
and I couldn't fold it :|
btw anyone has some experience in developing widgets for wordpress?
^^ @BenjaminGruenbaum We have another one for you.
@ToughGuy @BenjaminGruenbaum is our resident WP expert.
jQuery @BenjaminGruenbaum is wonderful and does knows all things (about WP).
(that's never going to get old)
It's really not.
I wonder if @BenjaminGruenbaum has developed a WordPress "plug in" for @Lusitanian's mother?
@rdlowrey Thanks :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi there. I hope you are doing well.
AYYYOO! // lacks context
@dotman14 $newArray = array($value)? but that will mean you'll end up with only the last matching $value in $newArray. If you want an array of all values matching use $newArray[] = $value.
Previous comment deleted to promote an atmosphere of diversity and acceptance.
I'm now self-censoring.
Pff, let the NSA shadowy figures do that for you.
@Gordon I think they're arranging to try 'again'.
Ah well, back to my XML man-love.
@Fabien thanks. if they cannot deliver it again, they could send a kindle version instead. at least I guess they know how to send digital ;)
lol. I'll try that. Didn't know there was a kindle version
@Fabien i don't know if there is one.
Mohit: I would contact with the carrier and would give them the Instant warning about this, And would ask them to deliver the parcel with in 24 hours,
Pretty sure he means he'll be doing that, not me.
I don't know whether is it the right place to ask but can anybody look into that?
@ToughGuy did you know there is an entire stack dedicated to wp?
@Gordon yeah a dead one actually
oh sorry about that
I didn't know that
Done @Gordon. They'll email me when all is said and done. So I guess... Friday now.
@Fabien thanks
brb. heading home from office
@Gordon Thanks a lot
@ToughGuy i can move your question there if you want
@Gordon Thanks in advance for that big help. Can anyone do that or admins only?
@Gordon My apologies if I wasn't clear enough with my question. What that returned was an array of keys alone, I need to return an array of the whole elements..i.e $states[$i] for which $states[$i][3] matched.
@ToughGuy mods
@Gordon but the chat server is the same for all right? I hope moving question to that specific area would help me to solve my problem.
@dotman14 i have to go. consider editing your question with more information. provide a sample of the input and a sample of the output. That will make it easier for people to help.
@Gordon Thanks. I will do that.
and home
private function generateSalt($len = 32) {
    $salt = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $index = rand(0, (strlen($this->chars) - 1));
        $salt .= $this->chars[$index];
    return $salt;
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in
Do you see any syntax error?
Oh wait, for what version is $array[] ? accessing by index?
@BenBeri Why are you not using password_hash()?
@BenBeri $array[] was always like that
I dont know, I can't change this at the moment, I need to figure out why is it printing parse error for the friend
@BenBeri That code is syntactically correct. :)
It throws that on php 5.3.27
Too old for that snippet?
@BenBeri More likely array is declared as []
By the way, chars is not an array, it's a string, maybe because of that?
@BenBeri Adapt this snippet to what you have
$key= '';
$alpha = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890';
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
$key .= $alpha[rand(0, strlen($alpha) - 1)];

echo $key;
@BenBeri I told you, you've pasted irrelevant code. That is perfectly correct code. Check the error message attentively, it should be pointing elsewhere.
As you can see, the code you posted is valid.
@dotman14 Please don't make a crappy function worse.
Use password_hash or password_compat
@SecondRikudo password_hash returns >= 60 chars, what if he only 10 random chars
@dotman14 If the goal is generating a salt, which by the function's name that's exactly what he wants, then you'd want more than 10 characters
Also, you have uniqid for that.
@SecondRikudo uniqid for salts?
Guys i feel dumb, i gave the wrong line XD
$key = $this->pdo->query("SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = 'application_key'")->fetch()['value'];
Works perfectly on php 5.5^
What's the problem?
@BenBeri Array dereferencing like that. :)
@BenBeri Array on method/function results is relatively late.
i see
Save the result of fetch to a variable, and access through that
What php version supports this btw?
Easy enough to check.
@BenBeri 5.4 and above
i see, thanks.
Please I need help with this question. I updated it again with more clarity, example input data and output data

@dotman14 We heard you at least 5 times today.
I understand you want help, but chances are if you didn't get it in the past 5 hours, you won't get it soon.
God damn cat! Meow! Meow! My food has been out for 3 seconds it's not fresh any more! /rant-over
@SecondRikudo I updated the question with more information.
@dotman14 We know you did, but this chat room isn't your personal RSS feed for question updates.
Hello, I need to take info form a table and a field from another table, the problem is that the name of the other table is the same in twice tables.
select * from sounds inner join user_bands on sounds.bandpic = user_bands.id LIMIT 1
it returns all fields from both tables, and how can I identify this?
Read up on JOINs
PHP Streetfighter :) #php http://t.co/5dQ5H1UrB2
Q: Is my work on a developer test being taken advantage of?

CodeWarriorI am looking for a job and have applied to a number of positions. One of them responded, I had a pretty lengthy phone interview (perhaps an hour +) and they then set me up with a developer test. I was told that this test is estimated to take between 6 and 8 hours and that, provided it met with th...

@HamZa Interesting.
I was actually a bit wary of the interview test for my current job. It involved a bunch of Flash, that when I was hired was ultimately used in production. Although after having been hired I was the implementer of said mini-project, had I not been hired, it could have obviously been used anyway.
Also, it wasn't nearly the time-scale as described in that ^^ question, but it did take a few hours.
I am 50/50 on code tests
I'd like employers to be satisfied with a github account proof
but we all know the issue with that.
I feel like the time spent can be a lot on those tasks and are almost always unpaid IME
@Fabien be realistic, employers care about the stuff you made that actually works, and works very well
And you can demonstrate that with previous projects.
^^ You can. I think both are important.
Previous work demonstrates ability on a broad scale: that you can work. Projects/assignments/etc., when assigned correctly test your ability to work with the company's direction, and perhaps as a part of their ecosystem. They can't gauge that from your previous work (not necessarily at least)
Sure, relevancy of past work is one of the issues.
Also assuming this is work from home rather than in their office.
^ context matters =]
I don't like code test, they are all stupid
Agreed, but you don't really hear 'Work task or if relevant previous work can be supplied'.
If a prospective employer has a task, you do it, regardless. Again, IME.
well, what's the average rate per-hour/$ for senior php-devs?
Depends on what they're doing.
Well, let's assume they maintain some project like payment-related thing or some kind of social network
And location
location matters?
Sure, i'd nearly double my salary if I moved to London.
okay, let's say EU in general?
Too general
Eastern Europe pays peanuts.
I'm not being pedantic. This is the case. The question is too broad.
and needs to be put on hold...
So, well what's the problem with location, if you can work remotely for some london's company?
and yeah peanuts - is it like 5-10$ per hour? or what?
London senior at a place like that. I'd expect around 70k p/a. But there's no real basis for it.
lowered to be a bit more realistic
I'm pissed
Drunk or angry? :P
I just spent something like two hours trying to annotate a pdf document with a pencil
Well you spelt it correctly so assuming the latter.
@NikiC They have PDFs on computers now.
Was there no hammer, chisel and stone tablet around?
And every fucking annotation tools sucks balls
Edge-com.. inter slice!
Nah, that's stupid.
Either you can't annotate at all because permissions (Adobe), or you only get one fat pencil that you can't decipher yourself (Foxit), or you need to work on an ugly rasterized version of the PDF (Journal) or the tool can't scroll a page properly (Jarnal)
Maybe there's the gap in the market to your millions there.
Summer project #27839: Write a PDF annotator that isn't bollocks.
Can start a company and make yourself vice president... no! junior vice president.
Is there a mechanism that can be used to identify objects that isn't reused when GC happens?
hello guys.. in laravel if my page is under views this working View::make('index'); but if its in views/home this View::make('home\index'); not working. Anyone know why?
@xoemab Probably because backslash.
Try / or dot .
Probably dot.
@Fabien I'm sure there are awesome commercial annotators ^^
@DanLugg wut?
@DanLugg tried but still same error `View [layout] not found. (View: C:\wamp\www\test\app\views\home\index.blade.php)
@NikiC Say, an incremented, non-reused ID?
@xoemab I have no idea.
@DanLugg ok.. I will wait for laravel user
So when objects are GC'd, the ID doesn't become reusable; kinda like (IIRC) resource IDs
Anyway I found my problem :)
Wait, if I have a ReflectionFunction of a Closure, the Closure can't be GC'd, correct?
I thought reflection used a sort of weak-ref for some reason...
@xoemab we don't have any here
@tereško is there anything wrong with laravel? I just started so if there is any better then I can switch.
better for what ?
if you are making 1-2 week marketing campaign sites, then laravel will be just fine
if you are looking at multi-month projects, then i will com back to hunt you
@tereško hmm I see.. what you suggest for multi-month projects?
symfony or custom-code ... depends on the team
ok thank you
Bet there was a lot of E ingestion at that time.
Can practically see the jaws swinging from side to side.
@PeeHaa Oh, to not give a shit.
@DanLugg :)
@Fabien Looks like they are having such fun! :D
I wonder if they know it :P
Hey @Fabien wanna start that web-based go player?
For real?
Kinda, my problem is how much time I can spend. But I don't see why we shouldn't try.
@Fabien CEO, of course.
This is what happens here if you try to get "protection money" from wrong people. RPG.
@LeviMorrison Twas a Simpsons joke :)
What happened @webarto
@Fabien We should make a plan first
We'll need a plan to plan that.
What kind of server-side technology do we use?
Do we use PHP? Go with node.js?
AKA Experience vs Cool unknown stuff we (I) might gimp up.
Well, I think node might be more helpful with websockets and async stuff than PHP would
The original plan was to get familiar with sockets
We'd have more help with PHP based async questions though
@Fabien How so?
More familiar with PHP guys in here than JS guys anywhere else.
Have you forgotten that there's a JS room as well?
Do we have other Go players here? :P
@rdlowrey Is super pro making an application to show off how good PHP can be with websockets
Providing advice that is ^
Let's discuss it on Miaou. But I can't tonight. About to head to the shops then going to bed after. Was up at 5am today so early bed for me. :(
I honestly don't mind what we use as long as we make an informed choice. All PHP/Node/Go are on my 'list'.
@Fabien How about we make a Go player with Go language? :D
lol. Can't fault the logic :p
Anyhoo, we'll continue tomorrow. Night all
@zerkms you can delete a tagged image and the intermediate images
@DaveRandom whoreevening
heya @cspray
How's it going?
Pretty good. Almost weekend epic beer time
I have already popped open mine so.. cheers!
@JoeWatkins travis-ci.org/krakjoe/phpdbg/jobs/27350424#L1002 could you make run-tests.php 5.4 compatible in phpdbg…?
@Ocramius how the other hosts will know they have been deleted? They will just continue work with their local cache
^ my current view of the world
Is the low quality intentional? (for being drunk?)
No I guess my phone is in some insane stupid mode
also light is now quite low
ah okay
sitting outside, bbq + beer
+ crappy 90s music
@DaveRandom Screw you, hungry now.
come over, there's a couple of spare burgers
@zerkms you just swap them with newly built containers
@zerkmsin theory, you can hot-swap containers communicating with each other
Having an issue with php-fpm and my server crashing, if anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
Q: Server Crash – Memory Issue? Emergency php-fpm Restart Not Working

panoramicAfter months of trials and tribulations, I was able to successful get my website operating relatively efficient on an Amazon instance. However, unfortunately, on occasion the server crashes, at what appears to be random times. These crashes have occurred after the web server has been up for sev...

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