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Listening to hold music
Boom, reproduced
@CS_STEM liveweave.com/gjHuus fix plz
Gradient is re-applied on every chunk of body height, when I want it to stretch over all the document
I found the fix at the end...it wasn't nice
@Zirak is it meant to be that tight of spacing
If you want to make the demo prettier, feel free
Our office internet speed is 6mbps officially :(
@Zirak what exactly are you looking for it to be?
!!afk murdering myself 3 times over while I wait for a single PDF to download
@CS_STEM See how the gradient is re-applied?
Q: How to convert simple $http with callback to use promises

CatfishI'm trying to wrap my head around promises in angular and i have the example below that I'd like to convert to use promises so hopefully it will help me go "Ah ha!". All the examples that I find on the interwebs are using services/factories/etc and I just want to know the best way to make someth...

Make it only apply once, for the entire document.
@Zirak is this a test?
@mikedidthis If it is, I won't pass it either. I looked it up (and IIRC it didn't even work right at the end, but meh)
@ChrisB Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, that's cheating, you removed the positioning
It works fine without it
@Zirak I did indeed. I could see a use for it ;D
If the document was that simple, even I could've done that :P
@Zirak so you are trying to do only 2 colors
@mikedidthis Nope! The gradient isn't actually applied to the document's height, only to the viewport's height
It should be getting bluer as I scroll down
Current situation: You see the gradient from red->blue. Every time you scroll, you see it being re-applied (it goes red->blue every screenfull).
Desired situation: Start the document with red, get to blue at the end of the document, as one gradient.
@Zirak ha! I should ask for the question that caused this.
> Vim is my favourite text editor. I've been using it for years...I can't figure out how to exit.
@mikedidthis Pure necessity
It was hell
@Zirak why is #container absolutely positioned?
Because that's how the page was laid out
It was some two column thing, IIRC
But not the annoying "both columns must have same height".
@Zirak ahh that would make sense. You need at least one element to push the body height.
I give up.
@Weavermount Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I just realized OSX doesn't let you hold down a keyboard key to spam a letter
It just offers linguistically alternative symbols
@RUJordan good thing, I guess :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Ohh it lets me do symbols, just not letters
@JanDvorak haha
@aer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Two of our websites have gone down today due to 3rd party server downages. What are the chances...
I thought I freaking broke the website...
@estaples Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AndrewMortimer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
me talking, misread the faq directions
Are you quoting somebody or is that you talking??
!!> Math.sin(0)
@RUJordan 0
lol you're good. I'm not familiar with android browser testing so I can't help you there, sorry
no problem. thanks :)
I'll retype that since I accidentally edited it
It must be difficult being a bisexual homophobe
"I am both very attracted and very disgusted"
'console.log(Math.sin(0))' is not always returning 0 on Android stock browser only. All other Android browsers, and PC and Mac browsers work fine. In the middle of a lot of other code, and isolated js app with just the sin(0) works fine. Any google terms I can search to find out what's going on. Is this some type of js heap corruption maybe?
Try and reproduce that error, reduce your logic until you get that weird behaviour
@aer Bananas.
Then submit a bug report
> The computed result must be within 1 ulp of the exact result.
And link us to it, because that sounds incredibly strange
I think Math.sin(0) and Math.sin(Math.PI) don't work in Java as expected
hi, mind if I interrupt
@Omar Well, haven't you?
!!welcome OmarGonzalezRocha
@OmarGonzalezRocha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OmarGonzalezRocha you must first sacrifice a goat.
haha oke
I have an annoying cat
Im wondering why isn't this working
for(var k=1;  k>=20; k++){
    this['xCircle'+k] = Math.floor((Math.random() * 15) + 1);
    this['yCircle'+k] = Math.floor((Math.random() * 15) + 1);
define: "isn't working"
@OmarGonzalezRocha k will never be greater than 20, as it is 1.
@aer Cant' reproduce.
@OmarGonzalezRocha Works fine for me.
xCircle1, xCircle2, xCircle3 etc... are undefined
@lukasrms Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OmarGonzalezRocha Run the loop condition in your head
@OmarGonzalezRocha for (var k = 1; k < 20; k++) //I think you want this
Also, doing xCircleNUMBERis indicative that you to store an array
omg what a dumbass
haha yeah..
me neither @SomeKittensUx266 . Only seems to be happening within this plugin code in this plugin framework . I think I found a workaround. Just check for 0, and bypass sin, and set it to 0 manually. Weird nonsense. I'll pop back in if I can get it to mess up with less code.
this.positions = [];
for( ... ) {
  this.positions.push([xVal, yVal]);
probably what I would have done. other than the silly names
@SomeKittensUx2666 I can't find it in the newest now
.push({ x : xval, y : yval })
or that ^
0 and 1 aren't very good key names when the intention is x and y
depending on how i'm using it
Also, Math.ceil((Math.random() * 15))
@SomeGuy Yeah, it got bannedish (no more upvotes counted)
@SomeGuy Congrats, you're the official test runner of this joke: Why did the baby smash on the pavement? Because he was thrown from the 20th floor.
!!> Math.sin = function() { console.log('This is a sin');}; Math.sin();
@SomeKittensUx2666 "undefined" Logged: "This is a sin"
how many babies does it take to paint a sidewalk red?
depends on which floor you drop them from
@Zirak @SomeGuy ^^^
How much baby smoothy can you put in a garbage can?
Depends on how much of it you drank beforehand.
how do you get 100 babies into a phone booth?
how do you get them out?
how do you make a baby float?
can of root beer and two scoops of baby
@alex0112 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What's in common between a watermelon and a baby?
You can easily smash both with a hammer.
!!youtube alligator eats watermelon
@Zirak what is easier to move, a pile of bricks or a pile of babies?
A: babies, you can use a pitchfork.
Hey, can anyone explain to me what $('</div>') does in Jquery?
@alex0112 It should format your hard drive.
Creates a div element and selects it.
@SomeKittensUx2666 if only
@SomeKittensUx2666 who flagged that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no way....
Hi guys, is there anyone who has 3-4 minutes to help me out with what may be an easy js problem but being i am a server side db guy it is taking me quite some time :|
Q: why is $(this).data('mycontrol') undefined?

JonHUnfortunately my front end skills are lacking as my role puts me more on the server side / db technologies as opposed to css / js. In any event, I am trying to implement this: https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/Complete-code-example-using-blueimp-jQuery-file-upload-control-in-As...

@BenjaminGruenbaum of all the things to flag, that's pretty dumb.
I could do a gotomeeting and allow you to view my problem if that helps...
Someone's been crawling throw logs finding stuff to flag.
But I have been banging my head about this for quite some time so if there is someone who could just help me i'd be grateful.
@JonH no idea on first glance. Working so I can't really help outside the chat
RUJordan okay thanks, is there anyone else who can help with this
Im a newbie but... i think its a scope issue. You cant call that function from outside the object.
That is not the issue though, the issue is, is the var that is undefined
but only when i use 2.0.3 version of jquery.
var that that is.
@happygilmore Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Which means that .data('fileupload') returns undefined on jq 2.0.3 basically... mmmhh...
@JonH Knowing jquery UI, you probably sacrificed the wrong kind of goat. It's somewhere in an obscure config call.
right...so how do i translate this: var that = $(this).data('fileupload'); into something that actually works in 2.0.3
Calling one random thing before another, stuff like that. I suggest you try and build a small, working example using the functionality you want, and then try incorporating it.
Zirak I'm not sure what you mean ;) as I am not a front end guy.
Zirak I am trying that, the post mentions where I've narrowed it down to.
@JonH In what context are you executing that? What does "this" represent there? Are you sure its the same object you used to initialize the fileupload?
You have a large block of code, narrowed down. You don't have a small, but working piece of code.
@JonH Pst, this isn't IRC, you have to attach a @ at the beginning of a name
@Zirak I do its workin in 1.6
@SomeKittensUx2666 gotchya sorry I haven't use chat much.
But 1.6 isn't the version you're working with.
@Zirak precisely...
So try and build a demo that actually uses the version you're working with
@Zirak that is what I'm trying to do hence I am here for help. Please understand that. If you cannot help ignore me.
Look, I found a picture of @rlemon:
@JonH My advice is that you're approaching attempts to solve the problem in the wrong direction.
-1 not enough slides.
jquery UI is a bunch of bullshit.
slapshot is an amazing movie btw
recommended from me
I had to ignore him sorry.
I'll repeat and say that what I'd do is write a minimal example which works, and then try and find the difference between that and your code.
Q: angular ui router passing just the data from $http get

Harryresolve: { document: function ($stateParams, $http) { var nid = $stateParams.id return $http.get('/api/document/'+id) }, }, When I inject document into my controller I get an object with these properties config: Object data: Object headers: function (name) { status: 200 statu...

@OhCaN - do you have like 2-3 minutes so I can show you my issue?
I ask because I sense you are actually trying to help.
@SimonSarris Reason #812 to stop trying to help. ^
How ironic
@JonH Nicely done.
@SomeKittensUx2666 - For ?
Asking for help, and completely missing the point.
!!welcome JonH
@JonH Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittensUx2666 - sorry
@dmorgan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Can we eat Jon now?
Q: chaining nested promises in a loop

straiI am kind of new to promises and are stuck on the following exercise. I have an array of values and I want to execute an async call on each one. In the callback, I want to execute another call on the outcome of the first call. Basically, my frustration is in the following: The order of executi...

@JonH Flags aren't toys or tools to disagree with people.
I'm glad to not have 10k+ rep and to not see flags.
That's what I wanted 10k rep for. I love seeing the dumb crap people flag
@f.n174 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hooray! I just wrote my first python script that was outside a tutorial <3
Importing bigcommerce orders via API to salesforce campaign. Balllerrrr
@RichardHeath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all , is it possible to stretch one corner of an element with javascript ? something like this image
using HTML5 Canvas
is there any program that release a code of that ?
@f.n174 I'mma be blunt with you. We don't typically help people who are just looking for other peoples code to use. We're more interested in the actual code
is it possible?
short answer: yes.
long(er) answer: will be hella hard to do with canvas imo.
@RUJordan Well, I like to help people who don't have code.
:8 minutes later: rlemon: codepen.io/suckit/4891343/rlemon/datPenUWanted
@bjb568 go for it. I said typically
@bjb568 aren't you a special little snowflake.
I'm not interested in doing other peoples googling
I am
but my paste key is broken so unfortunately I cannot help.
i googled for that but wanted better and easier way
@f.n174 what did you find that was bad / hard way?
@SomeKittensUx2666 I'm a snowflake? Yay.
And… I'm special.
better way? everyone thinks their way is the best.
easier way? good luck.
likely any library that would do this (maybe something like Three?) you would have to spend a week learning their convoluted API
I presume you are looking for jQuery.stretchCorner(imageResource, { bottomLeft: '25%' });
i mean a plugin or program that receives data and releases code
what i've learned from the last three years of loving JS: People happily waste days looking for that perfect plugin when they could have learned the required knowledge and wrote their own in the same time or less.
great thanks
you have to parse the image pixel by pixel and mutate areas
it is a heavy operation
solid colours could be easier. but images ... eek
what about font icons ?
@f.n174 you can look into css transform matrix
aside from that I fear anything else would be crazy expensive on the browser and would lag
ok thanks
A: Text wrapped around a 3D cylinder effect using CSS

Alex LAfter doing some research I would say no.

@rlemon I recall this being mentioned with something about matrix transforms
all please look at this website : hamyarwp.com
move your mouse around icons
@f.n174 so make a font-face icon that has the before / after and switch them.
JS is not transforming those. it is just "looping over images" so to speak.
Sorry dude, but your asking for someone to do your work, which ain't going to happen.
actually transforming images real time in the browser isn't fun. :/
I mean, it probably is fun as shit. but not easy on the CPU
no im developer but i can not understand how to do that in best way ( better than moving around images
who is flag happy on stupid messages?
they are flagging stupid messages
2 mins ago, by rlemon
actually transforming images real time in the browser isn't fun. :/
^ was just flagged
Why is flagging anonymous?
It's not to mods
it is after it has been dismissed
no history on the flags :/
Ah, in other words the flagger is only visible to "the exact people we don't want to bother with every trivial misflagged comment"
and only if a mod is present or sees the flag
otherwise it is dismissed and no longer in their view.
If someone's flag happy, they'll get banned from chat, just like any abusive behaviour.
I asked Theif a little while ago about this
@RUJordan I finally got this mac to let me open the app store lol
@Zirak but you abuse me everyday D:
So remember how I'm doing interviews as practice?
@Jhawins how?? That was like the most infinitely loop of bullshit I've ever seen on a mac lol
But if you allowed everyone (or 10k+) to see flaggers, then people would be more cautious to flag
Yeah hahaha
@RUJordan Well I just... Copied the App Store from a different Mac
@SomeKittensUx2666 eh. close enough
no way...
No shit
Just got a tentative offer
And then I found this weird compatibility update that was supposed to somewhat fix this and help prepare some Apple voodoo dolls for the actual upgrade
Base salary: $120k
@RUJordan Shut up, whore.
So I installed that on the machine I copied the app store from because I'm updating it first. And now it's broken haha
Take it
I'm all twitchy
That's crazy - I'm 23.
@SomeKittensUx2666 Nice
@SomeKittensUx2666 And you graduated... Fuck you didn't at all right? And you're like 22
What's the job description?
Props bro
@Jhawins Never finished the degree.
@Zirak Digging it up now
That's what I thought. Sounds like you made the right choice ;)
Can I have it if you don't want it. I'll pretend my name is "some"
"I have to turn it down, but do hire this internet stranger"
"uh, ok"
google says otherwise, so I figured I'd ask here: is there a way to find the app's base url from the client side? Kinda like C# uses ~/ to go to the web app's base url, even if it's not the host url
Yeah that's what I was hoping for
@deltree You can't
@deltree Domain name?
oh, I probably missed the point
@Zirak like if my domain is example.com and I have a base url as example.com/app
What's "base url"?
Hahaha. Anyway dude that's fucking amazing. That's seriously mind blowing to me. Especially when I'm all down on companies blowing me off and such. Inspiration bro, that's you ;). But so is every regular in here for one reason or another.
and so when I'm at example.com/app/product/1 I want to use the base url (example.com/app)
i.e. /var/www/?
oh, nevermind
@Jhawins To be fair, others did blow me off
Haha I know. That's the point
Oooh I get it
@SomeKittensUx2666 Good Luck Kittens: Got turned down on job interview, gets a blowjob.
Y'know, I'm not editing that one. Star all you want
@Zirak globant.com/hot-opening/… (Though they never mentioned Java in the interview process)
@deltree var baseUrl = '/app';
> BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience.
way to go skype , invalid ssl and 18 levels of nesting.
What do they do, though?
@Zirak Corporate consulting, so I'm a bit iffy on that one.
@Shmiddty that doesn't work if the app continues to get moved to different domains at different levels
next week the baseUrl may have to be /apps/42/app
well that's stupid
They are not a startup. Good for you
@deltree How do you define the base url, then?
It seems like a very wibbly wobbly thing
meh my epic starred post got unpinned
I'd like something that's semi-intelligent, like c#'s ~ that just finds the base url on it's own...I don't care if it is somethign I have to build myself around a "concept",
So far, it sounds completely arbitrary
@SomeKittensUx2666 they require you to have a deep knowledge of the JSON library. xD
@deltree your use case makes no sense
Wait, am I dumb or is JSON not a library?
@Zirak the url of the "app" which is pretty vague, in IIS you can assign something to be a webapp, in asp, you give it a web.config file
@RUJordan That's not the exact job description, but it's the only one I could find with the right title
@deltree No. ~ is the destructor what the fuck are you talking about
haha well that's one hell of an opportunity man, tap dat job!
You don't know what you're talking about. But you have that same usage of the tilde (~) everywhere on nix
@SomeKittensUx2666 :D great
@deltree are you trying to find the easy way to reference the URL?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good advice there.
@deltree If it's purely a server thing, then sorry, you'll have to send it to the client somehow.
@CS_STEM the base path of the application
Great... because inetu fucked up now I have to manually recreate 17 freaking drupal pages...
God dammit I hate drupal
In case anyone has any doubts about interviewing for fun (ahem @rlemon ahem) - remember @SomeKittensUx2666 :D
@Zirak I'm ok with that if I have to, but I'd prefer something reusable
@SomeKittensUx2666 that's an awesome offer. Are you going to take it?
@Zirak he thinks ~ for home dir is a C# thing...
something that isn't tied to a language or platform
Don't forget to negotiate :)
@Jhawins It is for the .Net web frameworks
/ is going to be relative to the host name
@Zirak Am I really that much of an asshole? :( oops
If they don't negotiate, negotiate your foot in their ass. That's an easy 10k bonus.
@Jhawins You just have poor social skills.
@deltree Since it's arbitrary, you can't, really. It's a server config.
But does it ever find an app directory? lol
To the client it's irrelevent
@Jhawins Yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure. There are some larger downsides - it'll mean leaving this company after 8 months, I'll be in a larger corporate system and the first big project is for a bank.
@deltree do you own the domain that you are trying to reference?
@Zirak is it really always so arbitrary? there's gotta be some consistency somewhere
@SomeKittensUx2666 are you going to be a team lead there?
@BenjaminGruenbaum They said they'd email me more details - I'm waiting for that
@CS_STEM I can do what I want, but in this case, my boss doesn't like doing things the rational way
@Zirak But still. My point stands. He's talking about using it for the home dir not this. And I can't seem to find anything suggesting it does anything like this at all for C# other than the usual...
Then I'll negotiate on salary. Still not sure if it's 'senior' or 'lead'
Is it NavigateURL?
@deltree Is there? It's a config.
@Jhawins ~/ in .NET is the application root
@Zirak the client can figure out a lot on it's own, I mean, I can negotiate directories via ajax if I have to
@SomeKittensUx2666 Still sounds amazing, and it's cooler since you're negotiating from a position of strength.
Q: slash(/) vs tilde slash (~/) in style sheet path in asp.net

Kyasa MadhaviHow these 2 paths are resolved in asp.net. why these 2 gives different path. At what time we need to go for these. <link href="/common/black_theme/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> (this is working) <link href="~/common/black_theme/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> (this is not working) As per...

Jhawins knows nothing of .net // That said I'm still going to pretend I do for fun until I leave work
@SomeKittensUx2666 congratulations!
@Zirak but in this particular company, IT has a tight grip on server.config files, and won't let me even touch IIS
@BenjaminGruenbaum Absolutely. I don't plan on ever negotiating my career from a position of weakness again.
@mikedidthis Thanks!
@deltree If you're already up for talking with the server about it, just have the server return that config value.
ooo, that's a neat trick
I'll look into it
That's actually the exact opposite of a trick
@Zirak Oh I get it. That makes sense. It's still the same general functionality as a tilde anywhere else. It's home
@SomeKittensUx2666 well, I'm happy for you :)
The apps home
@Jhawins Seems like it
!!afk quick walk to ease how tense I am
@deltree Enjoy
Ok well, it's time to leave work. Not pretending anymore.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks!
Regardless, this was good.
!!afk gonna try to steal my desktop back from my psycho father who stole half my shit
Why does your application bounce around so much?
@SyedFarjadZiaZaidi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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