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@DanLugg ah, you're trying to do it again...
7 warnings ... fix one issue ... 9 warnings .. dafuq!
@NikiC There is no try, only "do" ;-)
99 little bugs in the code 99 little bugs in the code Take one down, patch it around 117 little bugs in the code
Yeah, feels like it :)
Hey, what happened to the GIF bin?
@DanLugg Only 1 year to make it happen.
@Jack I'm guessing it was auto deleted due to lack of activity.
@SecondRikudo :-O
You're right!
You should ping Gordon about it.
Damn, we should've spent less time on medical science and mobile technology, and more time on hover boards.
What a waste of 30 years.
Hello, I have SQL syntax error here:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'key, activated) VALUES ('Aresak','0ed5b2b3501001878859572e1ad9b9' at line 1

$query = "INSERT INTO accounts (username, password, email, key, activated)
VALUES ('$username','$password','$email','$key','0')";

What's wrong here? :) Thanks you
The wrong here is that you're using sha1 md5 md5 (-2 chars) :)
What's wrong with md5? :P
Nothing, unless you're using it to hash passwords.
So is that really SQL problem or just "don't use md5 to hashing passwords"? :D
In terms of SQL, the use of key must be surrounded by backticks
Both, really.
oops I really forget! Omfg key is reserved -_-
Thanks you :D
But, seriously, use prepared statements as well.
Ok now it works :) What hashing are you using for passwords?
Bcrypt, but PHP has a password hashing api to make working with it easier.
Refactoring to phpng, line 1800 of 3000 ... yawn
A: __callStatic(), call_user_func_array(), references, and PHP 5.3.1

Dan LuggI'm answering this myself with a step-by-step reproduction of the issue, which demonstrates that it is likely not possible to achieve the desired functionality. Our test function is fairly straightforward, and is as follows: function testFunction(&$argument) { $argument++; } If we call th...

^^ Answered my very old question myself with a sort of step-by-step answer; doesn't really "conclude" anything other than what is trying to be achieved isn't possible through the means I was attempting to initially.
Feel free to edit/add
@DanLugg yup. Or just ClassName::method(...[&$arg]); in 5.6
@bwoebi True, true. Feel free to edit that in.
feel free to edit it yourself in.
Ugh. I hate waking up with a cricked neck.
You actually live a double life; programmer by day, dancer by night. You sleepwalk to your gig every Friday around 3am.
heh. Just can't contain the funk.
it hits close to home because I was born in Cardiff, Wales :P
@TOOTSKI are you russian btw?
lol alright
Cto ti mena nazivaet Ruski durak odin
a cho tut takuva?
I couldn't never figure how they write Russian with Latin script.
ыпфрывр <- that?
I know how to spell it, on the computer, but writing it on a paper, no thanks
Not too hard for me, Cyrillic is native script here, Russian has few other vocals but both are Slavic languages so pretty easy to get accustomed.
Although you can't speak with them because they're busy drinking vodka and shooting out from Audi, BMW and Mercedes. /cc @AlmaDo
I am russian, 17 year old, only been drunk 5 times of all time
I'm kidding.
@TOOTSKI Nazi Russian shit?
That's a new term for me.
So, 20 Russians got arrested here yesterday, drunk driving, raising Russian flags, obstruction of peace. :P
good morning //why wake me?
I feel like I woke up, but I'm awake for 9 hours.
Shitty feeling.
@TOOTSKI it's you to blame because of ping Oo
btw, shooting from BMW mostly
Oh, shoo.
Yeah, that's what my sister in law told me, Mercedes for mobsters in suit, BMW for mobsters.
I'm guna learn programming in japanese
Ben Beri: That's quite an ego. :)
Direct copy paste from "Prevent SQL injection" post ^
Why the hell are people flagging messages?
Because it's FUN!
@TOOTSKI lol, someone found that offensive.
@bwoebi I've made some progress on fixing it. Well,l I fixed it but I broke Closure::bind so now I'm trying to fix that.
@AmalMurali Probably a Nazi.
yer gona b banned!
inb4 flag
in b4 I shoot y'all
This thing works?
@LeviMorrison I'm not sure if it's maybe intended that way?
Should work, Golden Boy.
I mean, is it live?
Haven't got clue.
A dog programming
@bwoebi Pretty sure it isn't. Not 100%. Nobody seems to know. All I know is I walked through it logically and can't see why it would be by-design.
> rev 2014.5.9.2233
> 2014.5.9.1599
How come they're different?
@LeviMorrison Ask the one who implemented it?
Who implemented closure binding for $this? Was it the wunderkind?
Did NikiC do closure $this binding? I didn't know this (if it's the case).
Also, morning.
.. ah you mean Nikita… no idea? At that time I wasn't yet participating in internals?
It seems like they implemented this binding but not static binding.
@JoeWatkins Did you find time to look at the problem more or too busy?
@rdlowrey Nope, that wasn't me
I don't think I had anything to do with 5.4 (at least not at language level)
Cool :)
I'm only going to say this once and then I'll stop complaining: PHP's internal streams API is really F-ing terrible.
@rdlowrey You've once mentioned, kind Sir, foreach ($array as list($a, $b)), what's the use case you've had?
@rdlowrey Actually it's sometimes hard to follow code path there, I agree...
@TOOTSKI Any time I get to use that one, it usually turns out to be a bad idea and I replace it with something else ^^
Iterating over Array<Pair> but this is PHP so it's array<array>?
@NikiC Haha, that explains it well.
But it's useful in principle and I think it's good that we support it now :)
In DiC, you register all possible controllers into the container, with all of it's objects that needs to be injected right? e.g $container->register('Controllername', array(objects...));
@TOOTSKI Sometimes I have a very basic structures where I use arrays like structs. OOP or userland objects wouldn't make sense. I wouldn't recommend array oriented programming for everything but in the rare case where it makes sense it's useful.
@NikiC Yup, will cause some eyebrows, tho :P
@rdlowrey Understood, thanks for explanation!
The other thing that drives me nuts is this concept of persistent streams that exists to make up for PHP's shared-nothing handicap where reestablishing socket connections in every web SAPI request is very expensive.
Either share nothing or don't.
But don't muddy the waters and create hacks that make it impossible to modify the streams API without breaking things.
hellow everyone
how are you all
If PHP should ever have code names, first one should be "Muddy Waters".
PHP just has all these lingering this one specific poor design decision that accommodates the single web SAPI use-case. It makes it hard to improve the PHP language .
If you guys have time I'd appreciate it if you could checkout my work and see if you can see how to make it not break Closure::bind @NikiC @bwoebi
@rdlowrey Examples?
@NikiC Updated. The streams API is my only example :)
The streams API is all mixed up with whether or not a stream needs to persist across requests.
Dealing with things like cookies from the web server.
WTF do cookies have to do with a programming language's streams API?
Let me guess. Nothing?
@rdlowrey Okay, I don't follow there. I have approximately -0.27 understanding of streams in PHP :)
@NikiC LOL
That's my complaint: that the streams API is just a big jumbled mess. It's very hard to modify it because it's not abstracted very well and everything has side-effects that you can't possibly know about unless you wrote the code.
But it seems like half the streams API deals with "persistent" streams to share TCP connections for things like mysql across web requests.
It's impenetrable.
The streams API should be completely replaced ... I don't feel equipped to do it, but maybe for PHP.NEXT + 1.
<rage> I can't say PHP7 because of all the morons running around saying the next major should be 7 and not 6. </rage>
Who is equipped?
@rdlowrey hahaha
@rdlowrey But as you'd probably retain the share-nothing SAPIs in any case (even if providing an alternative for your awesomeness), you'd have to retain that complexity anyway, right?
I dunno. Like most things the answer would probably be to build something that doesn't suck using objects.
That way the existing API wouldn't change.
Building something that doesn't suck sounds good to me :P
That's the one nice thing about all the legacy resource stuff: we can build good APIs with objects to replace them without breaking BC.
@rdlowrey That would be rather nice. A more sensible streams abstraction; with binary and text readers/writers, etc.
The streams notifications are currently... confusing.
And useless. The stream notifications as they exist now are only useful for one specific thing: progress notifications on the http stream wrapper (stupid).
ObservableStream pls.
@rdlowrey Yep. I thought I could use them for something else; nope.
lol I had the same annoying realization at one point.
I was trying to do something with proc_open, and yea... No go.
The whole streams API is that way; it's all a bunch of individual hacks for specific use-cases. It's not abstracted out at all.
> How to solve this task? Somebody have any ideas? 3.1 Q Function Q is dened as q(1) = 1 q(2) = 1 q( n) = q(n - q(n- 1)) + q(n - q(n - 2)) for all n > 2: Implement function q, and use it to calculate q(77)
@rdlowrey Yea, rather unfortunate; PHP could have far better userland-written API bindings. I mean, it's doable currently (in most cases) to work with binary data streams for local services, but it's such a PITA, that you sometimes say "fuck it, IDGAF anymore"
Maybe that's what Wez said when he created the original streams API ;)
@rdlowrey ... you should take a soothing shower or something.
Look, this whole PHP 6/7 fiasco can be solved very easily. Just call it PHP 8.
hehe, I didn't mean to go on a rant. I got more and more annoyed thinking about how useless PHP streams are :)
Don't worry, I'll try to keep you calm.
I'm tempted to try my hand at a 1:1: duplication of the node streams API where all streams are event emitters.
I'd focus on your HTTP server first unless you feel that streams is 100% needed.
My old boss moved. His new place is stupidly big. Fits nicely with his Mclaren though. Not bad for age 28.
Fucking fuck. I know PHP has ::class now, but the lack of type-name-string normalization up to and including now is really a fucking stick in the pisser.
@rdlowrey C# has a reasonably okay streams API.
Just... don't look under the hood with a disassembler.
hey developers how are you
The way I see it the thing C# and node have that make their streams abstractions doable is an integrated event loop that allow streams to "just work." Without an event loop the streams can't run asynchronously and generate events on their own. This gets back to my belief that the next version of PHP needs to package an event loop. Libuv makes sense because it's already done all the work to be performant across pretty much all sane operating systems.
@DevilAbhi fine, thanks.
How about you?
i am also fine
actually i ma android developer
@LeviMorrison Yeah, I will :)
@rdlowrey Even without events, a better, iterative set of abstractions over streams would be awesome.
@JoeWatkins Have you given any thought to how resources and objects could be made safe for threading? I've been mulling over some possibilities myself. Just wondering if you'd given it any thought?
@DanLugg agreed
@rdlowrey Or at least some future version.
Yeah, it needs to happen sooner or later (preferably sooner IMO).
Is it wrong to inject an array of needed objects to the controller?
@BenBeri yes
I'd probably just inject the objects. Why wrap in an array?
@NikiC What if I have atleast 15+ objects to inject, I need to inject them all separately?
@BenBeri If anything depends on 15+ objects, something is wrong
true lol
I get nervous when a class instance needs more then two other objects
Why does add_assoc_string_ex take a char * str rather than const char *str? Just cleaning up some compile warnings in an extension and the lack of const disturbs me.
oh - it's actually not const safe at all....
Which extension are you working on?
@LeviMorrison Imagick. Some of the library calls return a const char * which then gets passed to add_assoc_string_ex.
without copying to a non-const char* first.
s/some/actually just one.
I think the slow movement of room 11ers into php-src work is an encouraging thing for PHP :)
Hehe :-)
Secretly become a mason like society.
To be fair I got into PHP-src years ago but didn't make it anywhere. Instead I focused on the areas I could more powerfully impact, like managing bugs, improving the website, etc.
Room 11 is slowly turning into a php-src cartel.
We're not powerful enough yet :-D
And by the way here in our cartel opinions still differ sometimes too much…
Not yet, but we'll just keep getting better at it.
Smuggling illegal yet awesome codes over the php-src border?
Differing opinions (when polite and constructive) is a good thing
^ that
conflict is what drives progress.
Identified only by two pipes tattoo'd on the inside of their left bicep.
If everyone agreed on what was best there would only be one programming language in the world (and it wouldn't be PHP).
When we work on an RFC together we need to appease each other; each of us is different and represents a larger chunk of users. So when we resolve conflicts in our small group it is more likely to resolve conflicts in the greater picture (albeit much easier to do).
It also gives us more voting power ^^
@LeviMorrison Then I seriously wonder which group of users I represent...
I fight for the user.
@Fabien Nah the tattoo would be...
<script language="php">/* never forget */</script>
Those poor unused script tags :(
@salathe this is funny :)
@salathe some time I question Rasmus's sanity.
The best thing is, because no-one ever uses them... no-one wants to remove them. :)
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
Is that allowed in extension source c files?
Guess it might make compiling with VisualStudio harder....
@salathe just remove it in 6.
@bwoebi Heh, yeah! No RFC, no internals thread, just sneaky remove it entirely. :)
jup :-D
It's a bug fix, right?
is there a symfony room also
Hey, are zend_vm_def.h and zend_vm_execute.h generated? I need to modify them.
@AlmaDo Awesome.
> Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit (2014)
Stupid movie really.
Anyone installed Ubuntu 14.04?
What are your impressions? I mean desktop version :)
Is upgrading Ubuntu easy enough or a format and install job?
I always do a clean install, btw. Format and re-install every time. So I can't speak to 'upgrading'.
I'm was going to dual boot, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
There is one feature that is worth upgrading for just by itself.
What is that?
@TOOTSKI I dual boot with 12.04
Local menus would be nice but I work on OSX at work. So i'll never escape.
Windows is horrible but it's GUI isn't that much.
When you work with the amount of screen real-estate I do the OSX way crumbles.
It is, but you somehow learn to live with it.
So... what's "better", OSX or Ubuntu?
In terms of PhpStorm, php, and that's about it.
Ubuntu let's you put the menu back in the window bar (configurable)
That's enough for me to pick Ubuntu ^^
Ubuntu for simplicity and control.
OSX has a habit of deciding things for me.
And not to buy Apple product in the process. :P
@PeeHaa Morning Irishman
Oh, Dutchman.
If you have Apple hardware just use Mac OS X.
Morning @PeeHaa
@LeviMorrison No, no, considered buying one, but all facts are against it.
@tereško would argue not to use Ubuntu at all though :).
@TOOTSKI Here are two you've overlooked: weight and speed.
I've been using Xubuntu for a while and no issues so far. Pretty light-weight...
Not saying you should buy one, but do consider it.
@LeviMorrison Current laptop beats $2500 Mac with specs. I would need $3000+ machine to be effective.
Oh, and battery life.
I'd go hackintosh before macintosh
@TOOTSKI One spec I doubt is a straight compare is battery life.
I've never seen anything else come close.
I also want to be clear: I am not an Apple fanboy; I've never owned a Mac product.
I just used one my work purchased.
Probably true, but to be honest, I'm always plugged in.
My friend has Mac Air, and it's great, it's i3 tho.
Then you probably don't need it.
Yes, probably :) Thanks for the consulting.
At least it'd be cheaper to try Ubuntu first.
Battery life, weight and speed are why I'd pick it.
@Fabien I have Debian but I always break something, I need idiot version of Linux.
(Retina is nice but not a deciding factor)
@LeviMorrison And to blend in when at Starbucks
Retina is the only reason I would go for Apple tbh.
@TOOTSKI It's nice and lacked a competitor for years.
lovely hammer you have there @timpost :)
@TOOTSKI Breaking things is great though. For learning
Dell has something to compete with it now (supposedly) but I haven't seen it.
Mind you brewing on OSX has been nice easy.
I've seen something, someone linked. I was considering Toshiba Qosmio, 32GB of RAM. Current one has 6GB and upgrade would cost me half of the laptop itself.
You're buying a laptop for this?
Memory upgrades always seem prohibitively expensive compared to just buying a new machine. I never understood that.
Only in the last year and a bit
Prior to that memory was fairly cheap.
@rdlowrey Which is kind of insane, I don't get it really.
Factory burnt down in China.
Laptop RAM is expensive. If you want an upgradable machine you need a desktop.
I used my first desktop chassis for a decade, btw.
Yes, talking about laptopt, it's helluva expensive.
I'm on my second chassis for 3 years now.
I don't do laptops tbh.
If I am mobile and needing internet it's 95% for browsing.
Well you guys have houses and space, I live in small apartment :P
@TOOTSKI Link to machine you are thinking about?
I live in a small apartment thanks :P
(too busy to search myself)
@LeviMorrison Here is the spec. Disregard language.
Gtranslate did a decent enough job ^^
Forgot about that.
It's $2372, about $700 down.
What do you need a graphics card for?
Counter Strike :)
Rendering yur texteditor of course :P
That alone is going to kill your weight, your battery life and your budget ^^
I'm still waiting on the solution to buying a single powerful desktop machine to power the entire households computing needs. So 1 machine running an application that allows any local network user to access it the same as remote control. Multiple users at the same time with relatively no lag.
@TOOTSKI don't lie!
Basically, you're right @LeviMorrison, desktop rules here, no complaints.
@bwoebi OK, and pr0n, but that don't take much!
53 secs ago, by bwoebi
@TOOTSKI don't lie!
I wanted to buy raspberry pi and make a "smart" home. But I suck.
Seriously, the latest integrated chips by Intel are really good.
@TOOTSKI They're less powerful than you think.
I know, but you have to buy shitload of useless stuff on laptop to get what you want.
@Fabien Just for things like, turn on/off the lights, etc.
CS would be playable but if you want a perfect experience you'd need a GPU. But, that kills your battery, your weight and your budget.
Should be able to handle that.
I think you should seriously give a go without a GPU.
Gaming + Laptop doesn't make much sense to me. I'd SoC those.
Yes, but the specs are as is. Really considering desktop. For same amount I could have beast + big ass monitor.
@TOOTSKI lol, notification from SE for iPhone came only now..
@AlmaDo iPhone, booo!
Desktop gets me vote @TOOTSKI. Desktop and a tablet. :)
@TOOTSKI Screen real estate is good. 2560x1440 or 2560x1600 is really, really worth it. Two if you can afford them.
In that case, I would need to distribute data, would use PC as a tool.
@LeviMorrison Of course I can (not that I have it). It's the main tool for the job. I spend money on crap.
@LeviMorrison Fully agree. Only 2880x1800 is better.
I think £1500 is a perfect desktop budget too. There's a balance where things go from good value to flagship ridiculousness.
@bwoebi I've never even heard of that resolution. Definitely non-standard.
Sans peripherals.
4k or GTFO -_-
@LeviMorrison "3 Days To Kill" movie is 12:5, which was odd to watch.
@LeviMorrison MBP Retina version, but with native resolution.
@bwoebi yeah, that's not an external monitor ^^
gratz @benjamin!
Also gratz @charles!
@LeviMorrison No idea, why you'd need it externally…
Only thing you should invest without any doubts is hardware or tools you work with.
Lesson learned.
@TOOTSKI If this is your primary work machine I would vote a desktop with 2 2560x1440 monitors (you need DP or mDP for this). The cost to jump to 2560x1600 is pretty big. I have both at work and I don't really notice the 140px difference.
@LeviMorrison Can I join your work too :P
I got one 2560 and a 1920 at work. 2*2560 does make more sense. The smaller monitor annoys me.
I did get $150 from company to buy monitor, spent it on booze.
@Fabien I had to buy eye drops, it's painful really.
If you work a lot.
I mean, chat.
@TOOTSKI We use part-time web developers; don't think you are qualified for any of our other jobs :/
@LeviMorrison I am Stackoverflow Certified Chatter.
Kidding, thanks.
I suck, I know.
@LeviMorrison 140px? okay. When you say so.
Err, 160px ^^
^ delv ..
@TOOTSKI Bought your desktop which we're going to play CSS on yet?
\o/ I have managed to fix one of my bugs without breaking any existing tests!
Just one more bug to go!

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