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Woo hoo! Bluetooth issue found and it ain't me :D
You guys may quit hearing about me bitching about it now
I'm sure you'll find something else to bitch about
Oh, indeed
And I'm excited to be able to move onto bitching about something different
Well make sure it's something controversial so it's more interesting to us.
the twitter rate limiting is not fun.
15 requests in 15 minutes?
really? they went that low?
for some of the services yah
specifically the one I want o.o
<Twitter> Feed me (money), Seymour.
The more I think about it, the more Twitter's rise in popularity reminds me of the Little Shop of Horrors.
@nebulae That has to suck when you're just testing out your code.
lol right?
the upside is, lots of time to make quesadillas.
Just replace the compiling with run out of API requests
@nebulae They don't have any kind of sandbox API do they?
That would be really helpful...
And yes. I will post xkcd's even if they are only related a tiny bit. That's how I roll.
As soon as I saw that, I knew which one it was. haha
no, no sandbox :(
anyone use Google Places API at all?
seems like the best option for me
I can't find other business listing api's that don't require putting their logo in my app
(Yelp, YellowPages, etc)
we use Google Places on the back-end
but I'm not familiar with the code
api looks really good and radar search is just what I want
probably nothing better than Google
I finally have a cool app idea to make in my free time
I assume Google is the most up-to-date/accurate API anyway.
I wouldn't want to support a company like Yelp anyways
anyone else watching fargo?
posted on May 07, 2014 by Android Developers

A new release of Google Play services has begun rolling out worldwide, and as usual we have a number of features that can make your apps better than before. This release includes a major enhancement to Maps with the introduction of Street View, as well as new features in Location, Games Services, Mobile Ads, and Wallet API. Here are the highlights of Google Play services release 4.4:

thanks feeds!
wallet fragments!
sweet, streetview
i wanna play with the indoor maps feature sometime soon
theres gotta be a cool game in there :)
Find all the pokemon game again but more extreme?
there are so many pokemon games at this point it would be a feat in and of itself just to collect all the damn games, forget the actual monsters.
I'm mainly talking about the april fools joke they did with maps.
I missed it =x
God dammit
got linux and all my tools running
I hate setting up an OS
which linux?
I can't find my usb stick so I couldn't boot into another and that was the only version I still had on CD
sudo do-release-upgrade time!
if you, you know, feel it...
I just switched to 14.04 lts
me too
was the first release upgrade i didn't have to re-install my video drivers
so that was nice
twitter oauth is kinda stupid
is it?
is it worth it?
eh, it's not that different. i didn't read the release notes tho
I just implemented twitter oauth this morning jmr
was easy peasy
but python.
its easy enough
its stupid though
if you press cancel it launches the given callback intent
instead of just closing the browser
i need to figure out how to use the callback to open the last activity which is where i want them to land
Why can't I get ActionBar here? :
IDE can't resolve getSupportActionBar(); ((((((((
you have to extend ActionBarActivity
by looking at the docs you see there is no getSupportActionBar() on FragmentActivity
yeah, I messed all. I was trying to switch my project, that is API14+ to use supportv4/v7 libs, because BetterPickers library expects to see SupportFragmentManager, not just fragmentManager
but now I think that is not how it supposed to be
Am I the only one that thinks Google Now is creepy?
Really stalkerish
i like it
It just displayed me my flight number
i get notifications if my drive home will be longer or not
and the weather in zürich
yes it's a bit creepy
I got a card telling me where I possibly parked my car...
yeah, that was my face...
and since they were wrong I got this moment of satisfaction because I knew that Google was mistaken
It is creepy but I also like it
@Emmanuel they won't be for long.
Though I keep getting told how long my drive home is. I've been driving it everyday for two years and have lived in this area all my life...I know how fucking long my drive is!
I can probably change it so I don't get that but I'm too lazy
Doesn't the time supposed to somehow incorporate traffic?
code, at least your commute stays constant?
mine can vary wildly based on traffic accidents / protests / acts of God
Good thing I never have gps on
Yes, in a town of 50,000 (where I work is a bit more) my commute stays pretty consistent
yea, traffic for my commute varies every day
Mine might vary by a few minutes but that's it
57 minutes today (8 more than normal)
I don't have to get on crazy freeways and shit like that. Most are two lane roads but a couple might be 3 or 4 lanes for a small stretch
That's why I was freaking out a year ago when I had to drive to Detroit...in February!
mine is 7-8 minutes from garage to desk.
6 or 8 lanes (I'm not sure but seemed like 20) I was going 60 or so and everyone was passing me like I was a grandpa in a wheel chair
how is his answer different than mine?
Q: Extending base activity to other activities navigation drawer

dusanI was following the android navigation drawer guide and all went well until i tried to to create a navigation drawer base activity so I can extend that activity and use the menu in all activities. unfortunately my app keeps crashing. Can anyone tell me what the problem is or can anyone please po...

^ that caused my commute to go from 20 minutes to nearly 2 hours
the drivers around Boston are nuts
I usually drive to conserve gas since my car only averages ~22mpg, and premium is over 4$/gallon right now
Get a car with better milage.
OR, EVEN BETTER: Get a Tesla S.
I was one really bad
anyone using BetterPickers library here?
I drive a Prius. Went from an oversized truck to the Prius, and the gas savings covered the car payments...THEN the price went up $1 a gallon
Alexsummers asked the same question, so he might
@trevor-e I drove a Tesla S P85 last Friday....LOVED IT! I did a FULL throttle acceleration, and it was so fast it pressed against my ribcage and it HURT!
I drive a Honda Element.
It's alright.
I drive a Suzuki Reno. I get to work most days.
I ride GT Avalanche 2.0 2012 and it is way better than any car )))
I was getting 12 City 14 highway [55mph! 70 was like 10...]
I kinda am leaning towards getting a VW TDI if i ever can get the money.
I hear VW has a hybrid diesel that gets like 300MPG, but it will NOT be shown/discussed/sold in the U.S.
damn capitalists.
They won't make much on fuel taxes, so...
It's just like the crap that pulled with Tesla and not letting them be sold in certain states
Tesla gets around it easily! Sell them online...
Mmmm, old-timey UIs.
some states require that all cars be sold at a dealership.
Something quaint about them.
Just gaze in awe at how weirdly utilitarian a Motif-style UI looks.
You can buy one online and get it delivered, but the Tesla stores cannot discuss price in those states.
so whats the deal with launchmode singletop
does that actually work
I should run in strict mode more often...
that's so true
LOL. Sure is.
Openssl only has one full time developer
well, had
now there are 2
that looks a lot like my garage office life.
Open source stuff is mostly one-man teams with twice-yearly patches provided by nobody you've ever heard of because they got tired of waiting for you to fix a bug
Though I might've found an accomplice for maintaining bits of my Ruby OpenGL stuff
wasp wasp wasp
it flew away
It's a wasp, it'll be back.
you have a garage office, now you only need some poor excuse for a social network and you'll be rich
rich, I tell ya
funny, im making one of those right now.
it's like... like...
I just know.
oh btw what happened with the app you where working on with raghav?
is it still in development?
That's the social network
ugh.. why doesn't everyone just request ALL THE PERMISSIONS... certainly seems like they're heading that way.
Why does every app need to know my approximate location
they all like to stalk you
Why does every app need to read my phone status so they can uniquely track me
or they just use the facebook permissions generator
Ah found it
figured it out
singletop isnt the answer, singletask is
oh, yah, we never started
we talked and then just no time
Grrr, Scala generics aren't as awesome as C++ templates and this is bugging the hell out of me because it means I can't just do T.something and have the compiler figure out whether T works or not because it wants some way of just assuming T has something instead of the compiler determining if it has something when I pass it a T.
sounds like you need to make a scala compiler.
gist.github.com/nilium/528101dec6364d9b878d ⇐ The first class and function are all that's needed to cover every possible batch-friendly type in C++.
Doing the same in Scala would require either all batch-friendly types to inherit from a class or to implement an interface saying "I have begin and end"
Instead of, y'know, just checking the damn class at compile time
The other, other alternative is to simply write a function for every single type.

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