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@jAndy but seriously, I respect your lifestyle and could probably learn a thing or two about restraint from you. not that I would ever stop eating meat, but i'm sure I drink a little more than is recommended and could use some more exercise in my daily routine
but then I have to ask you, do you have a standing desk?
@jAndy are you work with Phantomjs ?
are you read the room rules?
no :D
and what about you :D are you read my rules?
Don't drink kids, or some day you will become like @rlemon
^ truth
no, i'm not like that
i'm Canadian, I drink beer and maple syrup
@rlemon I'm just living the style for about 3 years myself. All I can tell people is that I feel better and better since then. More energy, more power, higher concentration level, list never stops. I could not mention a single disadventage
I really feel (and that is no vegan propaganda) that any animal product is .. the devil for the human body
and I not only feel like so, there are a shitload of studies too
I used to be a lot more fit / active and I didn't smoke for a year and a half, I understand the enjoyment and the good feeling (not talking about diet, other than the beer I eat fine in my opinion)
but recently I haven't been as active, I haven't felt as good physically because of it
#phantomjs user ... phantomjs #user ..
hey guys! @MOB wants phantomjs help. ping him if you can offer it so he stops asking, thanks.
@jAndy Did stopping eating meat change that, or was it sports and no-alcohol?
^ there, someone will see it, stop asking.
Since this room is obviously going OT, may I ask a jQuery question? Yes? Good. I'm using .data(varName), with varName being a jQuery object. Is this going to work across browsers? (It's working in Chrome)
@Mooseman you are always welcome to ask js questions (the rules covers our often OT conversation habits )
@copy I did sport alot when eating meat, so.. I have my answer
excuse me?
@Mooseman urm yes. That is the benefit of using jQuery, cross browser support?
the progress, physically and mentally I did since then was extraordinary
!!mute 2965800 3000h
sorry about that ;)
@rlemon User @MOB not found
@jAndy Okay, that's kind of what I wanted to hear
@rlemon Muted user 2695800 for 3000h
whay :| ?
@rlemon Muted user 2965800 for 3000h
!!unmute 2695800
@jAndy I presume you eat tofu / tempeh etc?
@rlemon Unmuted user 2695800
@mikedidthis not a bit
I hate it
@jAndy aside from the diet (which I would prefer we not debate again) I do look at you as inspiration to what I once was like, and could again be like
most of the time I eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Alongside wild/brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, wholemeal noodles, stuff like that
Ahh ok. So bread / beans are your main source of protein?
a) more healthy
b) physically fit.
Ahh yeah that answered my question, thanks :D
and yeah of course, a lot of beans too
i'v'e been trying to work out, but I have fucked up my back and so there is a lot I cannot do right now
I'm gone for 5minutes and this place has turned into a protein palace?
but since I'm pretty active in sports, I also drink vegan protein shakes, taken out of rice or pea for instance
@rlemon massage te spot between your third and fourth toe, that works for me
I have two slipped discs
I don't think it will solve it
yea that sucks a bit, but then again.. there are tons of good exercises. Actually there are very good alternatives for like any injury I could think of
I saw people which really were handicaped.. and they made it, complete awesomeness (not talking about some faky before after shows)
@jAndy Being eaten in half by a shark?
I actually saw them reallife making that kind of progress.. thats inspirational
i'm doing physio. so I have a three times + a day exercise I do
but i'm not supposed to do anything else (according to my therapist) until i'm better in risk of setting me back
so I am just kinda dealing
@Barakados well.. you either can do chin-ups or squads, depending which half was eaten
That made my day lol
Is there a universe in which <a name="53"></a> is acceptable markup?
jQuery TAG MOTHERFU****, DID YOU SEE IT ?! (j/k) — jAndy 26 mins ago
@monners MONNERS!!
@jAndy honestly I want too, I've gained like 7/8 lbs since this happened because I haven't done any cardio since before Christmas
@mikedidthis yessum?
@monners HTML4 or some one who copied w3schools.
@rlemon Car-dee-oh
but I also want to not be in pain, so I'm listening to the guy and not doing anything he says I shouldn't
@monners I found <div margin-top="10px"> once
@rlemon the average human needs about 4 weeks to get used to something. So, best advice I could give anybody is, just do it for a couple of weeks and it will eventually become routine
and feels no more like ".. bleeeh.. do I really have to?!"
But the anchor's got no fuckin' href!!!!
5 mins ago, by rlemon
I have two slipped discs
^ I think you missed this
@rlemon Can't you un-slip them?
we're working on that
what does that mean, do you drive a wheelchair ?
try pressing eject, that works
go swimming
@rlemon I have a wrench if that helps. And a drill.
@jAndy two discs in my spine between l2 and l5 are slipped outwards, meaning I cannot bend forwards, sit, lean for long periods, etc.
I was just commenting/bitching about it
ok that sounds like a case for a doc
i'm seeing one. "the guy" in my comments
how did you manage that ?
no clue, started before christmas
best I can guess is I slipped on ice and jarred it and don't remember
doc thinks it is because of my fish (no joke)
Wia thwat
water changes require me to carry ~100 lbs of water too and from
@rlemon Those slimy creeps
You put ice cubes in your fushtank, so the fish could enjoy a healthy lifestyle
@rlemon hey thats because its not done yet :P
rebranding and going to but a few k behind marketing
shhh dude, i'm plugging for you anyways
lol.. I'm sorry but the fish-line sounded inevitably hilarious
but, yea it sounds reasonable
it wont get anywhere near flappy bird
but if I make my costs ill be happy
also wtf.. why wont my chat scroll at home??!
Good game btw
@jAndy 1gal = 10lbs, I do 10gal changes at a time (2*5gal buckets)
Cind of a crossup between doodle jump and the game with the candy?
cut the rupe
some of the new art
@rlemon another reason to workout and to strength your back if .. the doc hopefully can restore you
which I think he can.. I mean, its not "that" rare right
I like how it automatially lets go when you go past the mark
@jAndy nope, to be honest he is kinda bitter against me because otherwise I am more flexible than he is
if you want, i can get it for you on itund
just dun fucked ma back
@Barakados yeah Im going to look into that as soon as I get it finished
hoping to release in April
that was just a test run/test demo release
but since seeing him starting 5-6 weeks ago I can once again touch the floor straight knee, so there is that.
it hurts my back, but I can do it
I just followed the work of Ivo Wetzel randomly over the past couple of weeks.. dudes
quite amazing
doing that NES gameboy assembly stuff
yeah Ivo does some cool shit
I met @Mosho today, that was kinda cool
yeah the Gameboy cart?
he is actually the first person from SO i've met irl
one day I will meet you damnit
I'm telling you guys.. this years june
channel meeting in Vegas
How did you meet mosho?
@Loktar for sure
!!Look into adding administrative panel or learn you some Jison
@SomeKittensUx2666 Look into adding administrative panel
I live in the bay area, california
@Barakados Sunnyvale, right?
@Barakados he lives in the city I work, so we went for lunch
Not sunnyvale?
Do you even ip stalk?
Palo Alto
That may have been someone else.
Mosho is the doge-guy right
I was close!
@jAndy yes
cool guy
also muscular like you
source: I wouldn't fuck with him
dude! New rift
preordering now
fuck, more orcs
actually that was my intention when I started doing all that three years ago.. the pure fear I'm meeting one of you guys irl ever
Thinking of selling your old one? /me might buy it
I wanted to be prepared !
@SomeKittensUx2666 nah
ill give it to one of the kids
still a dev kit :/
not the consumer one yet
@jAndy I may need to do that too. rlemon, my balls, etc.
@Loktar seriously, can you adopt me.
damn man $372
oh well worth it
watching the occulus
(remembers me to Diablo2 btw)
damn ships in July
so far away..
May buy a V1 to tide me over until Consumer
@AlexLaertes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar so really.. I've filled out the form. should I buy this knowing it there is a good chance I cannot see the 3D?
I'm torn.
idk man, I would try one somewhere local if possible
I really wanna know, but honestly. visiting you would cost me more than $350 so wtf.
haha yea
like I literally have the order form filled out
I don't get it actually
why is it called "dev kit" ?
It's for developers to make games with
its still for developers ^
the device isn't ready to use ?
yea, its not the "consumer" one
but honestly this one is close
^ the release vid for the 2nd dev kit
@Room, historically 3D technologies have not worked on me, I am the small percentage on which stereoscopic 3D does not work.
what do I do?
@jAndy also not sure if you know, but John Carmack left ID he's the CTO for oculus now
@rlemon get it dude
yea I was surprised to see him
in the vid
@jAndy The Game
if it doesn't work for me what are my resale value?
depends on shipping, the DK1 took for fucking ever to ship
they seem to be retaining their value
on ebay they sell for around $300
does the occulus have a webkit / webgl / ecmascript API :P ?
Epic's releasing the Unreal 4 Engine's source code!
ahhh, fuck. I can't.
there's 2 projects @jAndy
not until I try it
vr.js and oculus bridge
I have a legit reason to need to try it
I wrapped a demo in node-webkit
nice, so you own the thing already ?
it wont get here until July :?
I have the first devkit though
how did you wrap a demo without the device ?
ahh I see
ah yea sorry was confused
I have the first one which is pretty badass
thats why ordering the 2nd one was a no brainer
@rlemon what city are you in?
sounds pretty.. tough to code for.. like you have to be an uber 3D /GL genius or something
@Loktar link to demo !
oh shit my pen was featured lol
I didnt think it would be
anyway this is one I did last night
^ you need to enalbe that in chrome
let me see if I can find my webkit one, one sec
Uhh... interesting issue... why would a node server socket only work -sometimes-?
Or suddenly stop working after working, with no error
lawl.. my comment was removed
SO really needs to let some humor in
@Loktar Kitchener
^ that dudes selling his, but... :P
you could say you want to try it first
and then dont buy it
damn I starred for about 60 seconds on the demo... and now I feel kinda sick
but then i have no excuse to visit you
haha yea true
^ my life
- God, 4000 BC
@SomeKittensUx2666 I've been saying that for years (about you, not me)
@monners You've known me for less than a year?
Schroedinger's kittens!
every developer feels that way I suppose
@SomeKittensUx2666 Correction, you've known me for less than a year.
but.. in the presence of you guys I feel more towards the idiot obviously
Q: Cannot get my q promises to catch errors

metalaureateI followed the instructions here: https://github.com/kriskowal/q#handling-errors But I cannot get my promises return handler to throw an error. It secretly fails. This is making debugging very difficult. Can anyone figure out what I am doing wrong? Here is my function: app.get('/api/recommend'...

@SomeKittensUx2666 Remember that tapping at the window as the cried yourself to sleep?
In this case, I'm building a way for one to use SQL to select DOM elements.
@jAndy same here man.. same here
bleehh.. don't do it. You're one of the uber shaolin geniuses around here
Who, Loktar? A Genius? I thought he was just here to server the coffee...
I am happy I joined this room
no idea why I did but it was a fantastic decision
Q: NodeJS Sockets Sometimes Working

RUJordanSo, I have a node server, running expressjs io (uses socket.io), and I'm building a grid map that tracks coordinates in a database. Only, I've run into a peculiar issue in that my sockets only listen sometimes. At first there was no error message, and only by chance I let the page run and I got...

We are so turned up
@Loktar You say that now, but just wait til @BadgerGirl gives me your address.
@SomeKittensUx2666 NodeBot still logs in every startup, right?
She didnt even get it right the first time :P
Lunch time!
!!afk omnomnom
@KendallFrey If you mean every time the server's restarted, then yes
!!afk working
cool. If you make it "remember me", ping me
@rlemon how's the fish tank?
He knows you so well.
My day is now a good day
It's times like this in which I fuck around with the admins by implanting a fake username onto a fake website, and a I say to myself, what the hell have I just done?
@VladSpreys Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.

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