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Shit 2: Electric Boogaloo
should I twitch stream my boost building console window for you guys? :v
Twitch builds boost
Each person types a command line
oh no, I think I just saw some FATAL ERRORs whizzing by ._.
Twitch is crap
Everyone is switching to Hitbox now
we really need two more crewmembers on our steampunk ship
I forgot address
playing with random people is suck.
urgh, crap. and I forgot to direct the output to a text file or something. Now I'll never know what went wrong! ._.
but also ima work on swf thing fo a bizzle
@R.MartinhoFernandes for a week now :P
steampunk ship?
@R.MartinhoFernandes inb4 format C:
@melak47 Probably just seialization and python and such failing.
@melak47 Guns of Icarus
@Bartek weakling. Me and Cat did five minutes of preparatives
pretty cool indie multiplayer game
Guns of Icarus Online? I just got a coupon for that
@melak47 mhm that
I guess those silly trading cards are good for something after all!
@R.MartinhoFernandes IDE setup took us about half an hour. But I was doing small 2-hour games in the meantime :P
"C#? roguelike?" "Yes. Yes."
@R.MartinhoFernandes roguelike clone of pong.
Five hours is enough for two.
we'll see :P
Now we'll spend 3 arguing about coding conventions
only pythonistas won't argue about code conventions
In C#? Nah, just go with R#'s defaults
Or pass a settings file.
I'd rather not pass a settings file
then I'd have to eat a settings file in the first place and that sounds painful.
Maybe that's the cure you've been waiting for!
@R.MartinhoFernandes does twitch have some kind of remote control thing now? o.O
It has IRC
yeah, clearly some of my gut's settings were corrupted.
need a gut reboot
you could also try the gutmann method :v
what, eat a man
...failed updating 100 targets
...skipped 72 targets
I could totally see $ gut reboot happening as a borked git invocation.
...updated 1478 targets...
what do these numbers mean ._.
Boost.Build is a nightmare
I want my cabal fixed.
1478 targets? asjbdfsjgb
@melak47 Just check that the relevant libraries were built.
Each object file is a target
And header probably too
eh, at least on windows linking takes like 20% of the time on linux
so it doesn't hurt that much
I only got around 200 files in stage/lib, and this is already both static and dynamically linked :/
I only got like, 20.
It needs to copy headers to the stage, too
I have 448 files in my 1.54 lib folder
@CatPlusPlus it's only libs and dlls
I got 1 per boost lib that succeeded.
what more would I want/need?
just check that the boost libs you want to use succeeded
Hmm, kitchens, so delicious and moist.
static, dynamic, debug, release, threading=multi, single, static runtime, shared runtime...
You're building way too many variants
wtf why would you build in like, every possible combination?
just build the one you want.
I only built mt-sgd
how would I know what I want :v
Single-threaded is useless, static runtime is situational, static is not very good and in some cases outright doesn't work (Boost.Python I'm looking at you)
static linking > dynamic linking
'>' (the more-effort, more-cost operator)
I disagree
static linking is way easier.
when the linker's done, then you're done, instead of shitting around with redists and dynamic library search paths and etc etc etc.
let's see if crap compiles and links :v
Gosh. Election page so disorienting. Can't even see which votes I already submitted?
Oh. It's there...
well, my thingy compiles, links and runs. so signals, chrono and...that's it I think should work :D
@CatPlusPlus I have a twitch stream going. I need someone to check in to see if everyhting's all okay.
Or if it's at least showing up.
hello all folks
You can look at preview in dashboard
All, hello folks!
@ThePhD we'll need a link :p
@JohannesSchaub-litb s/^.*$/guis/
Just a guess xD
Stalker alert
@ThePhD Fire.
@ThePhD if you're streaming a dude with a big question mark over his head...then yeah it's working fine
I can hear sound, I just need to test voice...
@ThePhD Just give us a link.
Look, I'll start. Hi, I'm Etienne, and here's my Twitch stream. It's currently offline.
@ThePhD what are you streaming?
I've checked that it works.
@CatPlusPlus Well, it all works and I've stopped streaming. The sound is crystal clear and my voice is as awful as ever. :D
I don't have to pay a dime for a pretty good stream either, I wasn't even using the max settings. I should try it.
what are you streaming again
so you're not dead
Who wants to guess what my twitch stream is? :3
I'm streaming nothing of consequence.
we want to see, anyway
@ThePhD I am once again the only one in the room with a sexy British accent.
@ThePhD yeah let's attract more attention to you by hiding in the ~mystery~
His stream is offline
@Ell twitch.tv/englishlanguagelearners
so about jam mumble
@BartekBanachewicz It's offline
no mumbling from me
I'm currently at work.
don't feel like mumbling while coding
well I said jam mumble not ATM mumble
too distracting
you're distracting
also ugly.
also, all of you wouldn't be able to concentrate and would have to constantly change your pants thanks to ze German accent
@Xeo You know me too well~
@Xeo I'm immune! mwahaha
@Xeo I don't find German accents particularly sexy.
@melak47 even ze Germans will be swooned!
@EtiennedeMartel then you'll just be throwing up continuously and not be able to concentrate either
@Xeo I also do not find German accents particularly revolting.
why the fuck is a Function a DeclContext.
sense: this makes none whatsoever.
Surprised that my laptop can stream.
you probably just suck
But tis good the stream exists and I can do it for free.
also, functions can have declarations inside them
Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and an American hockey gold medalist are driving in a car. What? That's the joke.
where the fuck are all those zs coming from
I'm not typing them :<
@Xeo Probably Prussia.
@ThePhD are you streaming now?
template <typename T, DisableIf<std::is_base_of<Sport, T>>...> class Lounge{}; //enough with the sports already! >:/
@Ell No.
Was going to say
are you going to stream your jam tomorrow or what?
Do we do the helicopter together?
@Xeo Yeah.
@Ell No, fancy.
Albeit I won't have an audience, but it'll be good voice practice.
Is it a pun?
Is it a joke?
It's Superlame!
downloads Niebler's range library
what's this helicopter thing :/
22 hours ago, by Cat Plus Plus
> A simulation game where you cheer up helicopters and everybody in the game speaks in broken english.
I might choke the jam tomorrow. Looks like something else is coming up for me during that time.
So we have some 22 hours before the jam.
Who wants to work on a console-based rasterizer?
@ThePhD a scanline approach might work well there.
Scanline approach works well everywhere.
tiles/buckets reign supreme
your mother reigns supreme
I'll take the "actually help work on it" as a no.
meh, I've tried some tech stuff but I want to make most of the things ad-hoc
yeah...no :E
don't wanna find myself limited by a choice I made before the themes are picked
so, Haskell folk
how do you like this API
sampleDraw = do
    objects <- get
    mapM_ glishaDraw objects

    let change x = if x < 1.0 then x + 0.01
                              else x - 2.0
        x = element 0

    go <- glishaGetKey GLFW.Key'Space
    when go $
        traversed.position.x %= change
@ThePhD aren't there libraries for ASCIIfying images already? the results of that are probably better than ASCII-rasterizing individual shapes/polygons/tris anyway :/
I should remove this silly prefix from the functions, I guess
@melak47 That doesn't help for rasterizing a bunch of triangles to make a model in real time.
Albeit, the question of "shaders" comes with this as well.
@ThePhD but how are you going to do composition and crap?
rasterizing to characters isn't different from rasterizing to pixels
@melak47 The same way every graphics device does it.
@BartekBanachewicz well except you could use different characters for "antialiased" results...and how are you going to blend different characters then?
all of the games that use "characters" just render to texture and apply "pseudo-terminal" post-effect
@BartekBanachewicz yeah that's what I'm saying ._.
guess who's not getting it
@Ell? :D
I'm just agreeing with you both :)
time to merge "broken" branch back into develop
Maybe use a temp branch ("fixing")
$ git pull --rebase origin broken :D
@sehe FINE! wait..NO! I will not stop agreeing! with you...so...fine!
I don't like rebasing
I don't like base jumping
@sehe I refuse!
@sehe Bungee jumping is better.
I think I was on crack when I built some parts of this AST.
c r a c k
@Borgleader there's Jamfiles in there so...with bread and butter? :/
lol i mean, boost has jamfiles too but... it has a batch file to go with them
aw man
Wide parser 1237 lines long.
so close.
@Borgleader didn't watch the match but we beat USA at Hockey .... again
@DeadMG Cwack is wack.
Hehe. I like this one:
> The output of the program is, of course, hello world
I should probably correct the misconception in the starboard: I do not remember how to dodge T-rexes. T-rex was very quick, so dodging worked poorly (at best). Fortunately, they had poor blink reflexes, so if one was chasing you, you wanted to throw sand or dust in their eyes.
This is why the Microsoft Excel logo starts with an X http://tmblr.co/ZiWwby185aUED
Whats the complexity of the PAQ algorithm? O(N^9) ?!? this is taking insane amounts of time and I have a good PC =/
What even is the PAQ algorithm
PAQ is a series of lossless data compression archivers that have gone through collaborative development to top rankings on several benchmarks measuring compression ratio (although at the expense of speed and memory usage). Specialized versions of PAQ have won the Hutter Prize and the Calgary Challenge. PAQ is free software distributed under the GNU General Public License. Algorithm PAQ uses a context mixing algorithm. Context mixing is related to Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM) in that the compressor is divided into a predictor and an arithmetic coder, but differs in that the ne...
And why would you be using it on existing video material
I'm running it on boost 1.55 too
I want to see how well it does compared to 7z
Mind sharing the corpus? I can indulge with my own favourite library. It ran the socks off pbzip2 and compressed (much) better too
@Borgleader Is this the 'naked' DL archive contents?
oh lord! what did my cat eat? It'd secreted the most foul smelling giant pile of squits shit ever.
@thecoshman I really would not like to know that :L
@Ell as would I!
@sehe I dled the 7z archive uncompressed it and the used Peazip to re-compress it with PAQ.
> "Peazip"
No way
> Peazip GUI frontend (for Windows and Linux) for LPAQ[9] and various PAQ8* algorithms[10]
Whats wrong with that :(
The name, duh
@EtiennedeMartel I doubt that.
it seems to have a number of obvious downsides to me
the shared paragon experience sounds like a recipe for "Be a paragon = new character play experience is ruined because you've got ridiculous life/etc due to paragon points".
and unlimited level cap? great, the game totally needed more ways to feel like a guy who plays 9 hours/week is strictly better than a guy who plays 8hours/week
Seems like you're nitpicking right now.
@DeadMG Early levels have always sucked at Diablo. Now, with this, you can at least grind through the early parts of the game much more quickly.
no, I had the first experience quite directly in World of Warcraft, they did something kinda-somewhat-similar with Heirlooms and it had exactly that effect.
@EtiennedeMartel Not in D3. The earlier levels in D3 are a complete joke.
@DeadMG If you're feeling pressured by other players' lack of lives, maybe you have a more serious problem at hand.
I actually thought in some ways they were much more fun than playing at endgame
but the difficulty was pretty low unless you hadn't bought items from the AH recently.
How? Heirlooms are optional. If you want to go through the earlier levels quicker after having done them at least once -> get heirlooms. Otherwirse dont.
@DeadMG Diablo 3 had no endgame.
@EtiennedeMartel Well, at level cap.
@EtiennedeMartel It's not unreasonable to feel like if another guy is doing better, it should be because he's better.
@DeadMG Inferno Act 2, eh?
@DeadMG It's not a competitive game.
You don't have anything to prove to anybody.
@Borgleader Everybody playing with Heirlooms completely outclasses by a thousand miles everybody who doesn't.
it's like playing two completely different games.
Also, WoW has PvP. D3 hasn't.
not that WoW levelling isn't broken independently of Heirlooms
but it's still a giant pile of suckage to watch the other guys in the group contribute far more than you are
and boring as shit to "heal" an instance when the tank can solo the whole damn thing.
I mean, D3 doesn't have healers, but still.
@EtiennedeMartel I wasn't referring to PvP.
You're comparing apples and oranges.
Apples > oranges
True dat.
I could go for an apple right now.
well, technically, they could do something smart like group together people of similar Paragon levels.
Honestly, for me leveling is simply a means to an end. I want to get to cap so I can do the raids and shit. So the only reason I bought heirlooms was for xp bonus.
but WoW didn't do anything smart like that.
and honestly, Blizzard just don't seem that smart lately.
they want to tap into that casual market
everyone does apparently
@Rapptz You mean the gaming market
@DeadMG Oh, wait, I get what you mean now.
@EtiennedeMartel very funny
I mean
@DeadMG I always played D3 with a party of friends over Mumble, who all had full time jobs and spent roughly the same amount of time playing it.
So, of course, I never encountered any such issue of feeling "weaker".
I wouldn't describe it as feeling "weaker", per se.
Yeah, it's probably not the right word.
when I play Starcraft 2 then I accept my losses because the other guy was better than me.
that's how it works.
but when you play D3 and the other guy does better than you because he played the game more, that sucks.
But D3 is not a competitive game. You're always playing with people, not against them.
well, that's not really true.
it's boring as shit when the other guy is carrying you and you're effectively not playing the game at all.
you're just watching the other guy play it.
Then play with someone else. Or play alone.
Or better yet, find friends and play with them.
Playing with people you know has the tendency to hide many design issues commonly found in multiplayer games.
I mean, Borderlands 2 is shit when played alone.
friends are for people who don't spend their lives hiding from the crippling stomach pains
@EtiennedeMartel SWTOR with friends is awesome :D
@Borgleader Even a shit game is good when you have friends nearby.
(Not saying SWTOR is shit)
I never played SWTOR
the free version pretty much is
@EtiennedeMartel I was about to say, the leveling part at least is pretty good because well its bioware :)
if you're not premium, the game sucks
heard it was a WoW clone and I was like, if I want to play WoW I'll just go play WoW, at least I have existing progress there.
@DeadMG honestly everytime a new mmo comes out theres always a bunch of guys who'll be ready to say its a wow clone.
true enough.
the same way any new shooter is a cod clone
@Borgleader How about:
sehe@desktop:/tmp/CORPUT$ time pcompress -c adapt -l 7 -a boost_1_55_0/ boost.pz
Scanning files.
Sorting ...
Scaling to 8 threads

real	0m10.691s
user	0m36.366s
sys	0m4.861s
sehe@desktop:/tmp/CORPUT$ ls -ltrah boost.pz
-rw-r--r-- 1 sehe sehe 58M feb 21 22:37 boost.pz
or any building-thingie is a Minecraft clone.
@Borgleader That's because most MMOs are WoW clones who think that they'll succeed where everyone else has failed.
^ (I picked a random level 0..14 there: -l 7)
or any MOBA is a DoTA clone.
the difference with MMORPGs is that WoW has never been successfully cloned.
@EtiennedeMartel swtor isnt, ime.
most MMOs aren't
I've rarely encountered the delusional WoW clone
@Rapptz That's because they're all dead.
yeah, they all died out long ago.
and all the ones that didn't die out went F2P and tried something new, stat.
So what's the point of bringing it up now?
@Rapptz Swinging my cock around?
well, just because they all die doesn't mean people don't keep trying it.
What puppy said is much smarter. Listen to him.
Most "new" MMORPGs I try aren't even close to WoW
I think the whole "WoW clone" is a relic from a long time ago that people bring up for no reason
woo runescape! woo puzzle pirates!
personally I just don't think MMORPGs are my kind of game anymore anyway
Conclusion: RPGs suck
they're practically the epitome of "Invest more time -> higher performance".
@Rapptz So, wait, are you telling me the games you pick from the "not WoW clones" bucket are not WoW clones?
I wonder
did anybody, ever, actually stop the presses?
@EtiennedeMartel I like how you assume there was bias in the random selection I made
@Rapptz Of course there is, you're human, after all.
It's not truly random, now, is it?
As far as I'm concerned, it is. They're just random games I've never heard of before that didn't have a subscription fee.
@Rapptz So, not WoW clones, then.
The only MMO I tried where I got a really strong sense of WoW clone was "Runes of Magic"
Because WoW clones follow a monthly paid subscription model.
It's part of the definition.
Oh so a WoW clone has to have a subscription based model?
How obtuse.
Anyway I have to eat
You should hook up with Tony.
Find out where he finds the quality reddit stuff
So, latest one is The Elders Scrolls Online. AKA World of Skyrim.
@Rapptz The ones without subscription fee are the ones that already went broke trying the WoW clone model.
or rather, all the WoW clones went F2P after going broke trying that.
@DeadMG Or those that didn't even try competing directly against WoW.
Which is the smart business choice here.
either way, you won't find WoW clones without a sub fee, because that's the WoW clone escape hatch.
@Borgleader Do you have the compression result of that? I'm curious (did you see mine?)
Mmm. I already posted that tweet. :|
@sehe The compression result of PAQ? No, its been running for hours =/
I shouldn't have put my computer to sleep before going to bed.
@Borgleader I mean, just on boost
That surely can't take hours, right.
pcompress uses just over 5 seconds to compress that at lowest compression (into ~58MiB)
Subtract about 540min because thats about how long my computer was asleep
Oh! I can haz the vid link too? I think it's just a youtube-dl?
Downloading :) 0:41 remain (wtf they hired microsoft to do the bandwidth throttling/prediction)
6seconds to 226MiB (same at some higher levels, taking more time)
Highest level takes 26s, still 226MiB
o.o how can it be so slow on windows
I'm not using PAQ! I'm using pcompress
In adaptive mode. It tries different compression algorithms selecting which works best
tests succeeded: 3 failed: 107
Good news: you seem to have tests
I already noticed this
being as how I've been sitting here writing them :P
@Borgleader Oh: added information: I was accidentally playing 2 YT videos at the same time (no sound)

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