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A: Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

hakreFatal error: Call to a member function ... on a non-object Happens with code similar to xyz->method() where xyz is not an object and therefore that method can not be called. This is a fatal error which will stop the script. Most often a sign that the code has missing checks for error condition...

@HamZa Thanks, but why is $result not an object? As far as I can see, it should be.
@Styphon because $result === false
@Styphon The first bad thing is "global $dbConn;". Just pass it as a parameter
@Leri How can $result === false? I check for $stmt->num_rows > 0 before calling $stmt->get_result()
False it is, I just don't understand why
@Styphon mysqli_stmt::get_result returns false on failure. It may fail for numerous reasons. You need to find that reason.
@Leri $stmt->error is empty, is there anything else I can check?
@Styphon Check mysql error log as well.
@Leri Never had to do that before, where would one find that?
And thank you for the help :)
lol @Gordon
What's faster than Highcharts? Highercharts! — Gordon 3 mins ago
Hello, what do you think about this approach of using PDO with Memcached? Isn't the getSql() function very costable with that foreach in it?
@Styphon Depends on mysql server config. That config is called my.cnf
@Gordon lol!
What a piece of art! Are these the pearls SO is looking for?
Q: How i can make such kind of programs ?

user2560344Stackoverflow members could you please help me to know how i can code such kind of program. For example "Bywifi Video Accelerator" Who don't know about this program. It is a software which accelerate your online videos....That's really work and i can clearly notice it with DU metter but bad news ...

@leri Yea, google just lead me to my.cnf, no mention of a log file in there
I use WHM, so wondering if that configures the path?
or would it be local-infile?
> notes : the 152 column, is a DB done by a huge company, done long time ago, not by me, i have to deal with it... no choice
poor OP
@leri found it, it's not logging atm
@leri I've added log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log to the file now
Q: Why not 2 way TCP Handshaking used?

ShubhamI wanted to know why 2 way TCP handshaking would not work ? Is 3 way handshaking sufficient , as in why not 4 way handshaking used ?

Why not 6 way handshaking just to be sure?
congrats on leveling up @DanLugg
@Styphon Restart server and see the log
That networking stuff always confuses the hell out of me
@DanLugg dude, stop losing HP!
GRATZ! @DanLugg old fuck!
Thanks @all :-)
I am an old fuck. I was tweezing the white out of my beard last night.
There was only like, 2, but still.
@DanLugg happy I'm-still-not-thirty-yet day. :)
@Leri it's empty
@PeeHaa 3-3-3-3-way
I restarted mysql service
@salathe fuck all of you :p
@DanLugg happy birthday. best of luck to you.
I gave it ownership of the file
@Lusitanian ;)
@Danack Hey, I'm in my thirties too :)
Yea, I've got one more year to get my shit together before my life is in I'm spending all my time on the toilet.
morning ya'll
@Styphon Hmm.. Have you also set report mode: php.net/manual/en/mysqli-driver.report-mode.php ?
I'm not 38 though *poke*
@salathe two years until omg-i'm-forty-day.
@leri no, not heard of that before
@Danack ok dad :)
^ lol
Congrats ++@DanLugg
You guys are old enough to be my father :)
@Lusitanian So you're saying your mom is about the same age as me?
@leri OK, turned that on now and still nothing
A guy I grew up with, same age, had a kid with a girl at 13. It's hard to believe his kid is 15.
@Danack Nope. Just saying it's possible.
@DanLugg That is unfortunate/crazy
Could WHM be overwriting what I have in the config and putting the log somewhere else?
@Lusitanian Yea, rather so. Oddly, it didn't completely bludgeon his life into shit. Nor his kid's. Nor his girlfriend.
He's a bit fucked, but he's got his shit more-or-less together.
@DanLugg Eh, I think the whole "if you have a kid young your life turns to shit" thing is a bit overblown -- though 13 is extreme
@Lusitanian Well, in a lot of cases it does turn your life into shit, only because it completely removes you from what you're normally responsible for (which is next to nothing)
But yea, 13. Between grade 8 and 9.
Is he still with the same girl?
Nah, that ended long ago. They get along though, I think.
Haven't really kept contact with him in recent years.
@DanLugg That and there's no way, at that age, you can be even remotely prepared for the extreme amount of responsibility that comes with creating life.
^^ That's what I was getting at.
I'm 30 and just the thought of that amount of responsibility terrifies me
@cspray Of course not, but nobody is. I'm sure it's crazy hard but still doable.
@DanLugg i knew a chick that did the same thing at age 15. They got married and bought a humble little house and are still together today :O
^^ Wow. Good for her.
.. watch Teenage Mom Season 1,2
@Lusitanian Well, I would imagine a 20 year old is gonna have a better clue than a 13 year old
the chance of getting a college degree for a young mom is about the same as winning the lottery
@cspray Agreed. But how much of an advantage will a 20 year old have over a 17 year old?
@cspray Actually, I'd almost argue that. At 13, you might have some sibling-care mode that you can use to your advantage. At 20, you just want to get piss-drunk and have more sex.
Switch it off switch it off!!!
changed? :P
PHP <- controversial topic
fair enough :P
PHP: Pre-Highschool Pregnancy
@Lusitanian Perhaps quite a large one. At 20 I imagine you at least have a high school diploma, at 17 you may still be a senior in high school.
@cspray Eh, I suppose. I'd think life experience is similar though -- but I can't really speak to that considering my own age. Regardless, I'm not advocating having children ridiculously young, I just think that it's not as life-ruining as it's made out to be by MTV.
@Lusitanian Fuck MTV and fuck those teen pregnancy shows. Ridiculous in my opinion.
@cspray They're awful. I don't understand how anyone, in good conscience, glamorizes stuff like that.
Stats tell the truth
They thrive off of making profits from the misfortune of others and obviously all the viewers don't seem to mind.
@Lusitanian I fucking hate shows like that. It's incredibly stupid to put something like that on TV imo
Personally speaking, I still don't think I'm ready to have children. If I were to have been thrust into the situation though, I would have hoped it been after I was 23, cause anytime before that I couldn't take care of myself, let alone someone else.
@cspray Yup. And that's a channel that used to show, y'know, music videos.
@DanLugg I know I'm not ready for children; I actually don't want to have children. Too much responsibility and, as you mentioned, I'm just barely able to take care of myself.
"Almost 50 percent of teens have never considered how a pregnancy would affect their lives."
> A sexually active teen who doesn’t use contraceptives has a 90 percent chance of becoming pregnant within a year.
^^ thank god for that 10% -- otherwise I'd be a statistic.
@Gordon you here?
@DanLugg i think they missed female teen ;]
^ I gathered. But I'm the male teen that slept with them one.
Me too
10% Master Race
I'm pretty sure all my swimmers are dead.
Like, testicles-in-a-microwave dead
that sounds painful D:
@DanLugg Dude, just get a vasectomy
brain is not closed at the moment... please someone remind me how to force argument to function to be string public function takesString(String $string) { ... }
I'd also be interested to know how you closed the door
@iroegbu Simple, you don't
if(is_string($string) === false)
@cspray Carefully, and after a rigorous stretching.
Oh Damn!
can't do same for string...?
@iroegbu Notice that it says "instance of bool"
It is expecting you to pass an object of type "bool"
@iroegbu have you considered reading the type hinting part of the manual?
Yes, you can do the same thing with 'String'...you just have to create the class yourself
@iroegbu Neither for bool
@DanLugg Just from the still image I'm gonna guess that is relatively NSFW
Also South Park
oh ok... Thanks, I'll just throw exception if it isn't a string.
@RonniSkansing :P
Pretty annoying error if you come from Java I guess =]
@AlmaDo depends
@PeeHaa Hi again! I am getting an error for the following request:
$result2 = json_decode($etsyService->request('/shops/MyStoreName/receipts/open'));
Error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'OAuth\Common\Http\Exception\TokenResponseException' with message 'file_get_contents(https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/shops/TaharaFashion/receipts/"open"): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found ' in
Any clue if that is a badly formulated request?
God please shoot me now:
     * Retrieve shopping cart model object
     * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Cart
    protected function _getCart()
        return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');

     * Get checkout session model instance
     * @return Mage_Checkout_Model_Session
    protected function _getSession()
        return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
@PeeHaa oh. my. god.
@PeeHaa you must've done something really bad in your prior life to have to deal with this now :/
@samyb8 Looks like an invalid api resource
@Lusitanian I have been hunting the bug for the last hour and I still have no fucking clue
@PeeHaa Etsy's fault I guess?
Mage? Like...a wizard?
Yes, he can do all things
An evil wizard, spawning his singleton monsters
But on the horizon our true hero arrives, wielding the holy sword of testing
nevermind, back to work
@rdlowrey Well in my eyes you're both monsters (in the good sense)
@cspray Ah, not really. Just the bottom of Randy's ass.
@DanLugg Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that
@Gordon oh, ok :p
@cspray Inconceivable wealth would befall you?
@DaveRandom Cool. parseQueryString is especially awesome. In fact, I was going to limit query to array or object in setter and use php_url_encode_hash_ex when building.
@DanLugg If 3 nickels is inconceivable wealth, sure
Precisely 3, eh?
@DanLugg Yea, I have a little notebook I keep these kind of tallies in. You're number 3
> spawning his singleton monster, over and over again
@Leri The specific reason I wrote that query string parsing routine is the parse_str() (and the underlying impl that also handles populating $_GET etc) converts characters that are not valid in PHP variable names to _ as a legacy of register_globals. This implementation shouldn't do that (and it actually cause me a problem the other day when I tried to use this class)
@cspray Notebook? That is so 1973. You should use MySQL.
@DanLugg MySQL? So 2003. Use MongoDB.
@DaveRandom I hate that.
@samyb8 Can you share a link to the etsy docs where the url is coming from?
@Lusitanian Very Mongo. Much webscale. Wow.
@DaveRandom I wrote a similar function myself; I'll just hijack yours because mine had a weird bug IIRC.
@DanLugg I make no warranty that mine doesn't :-P
@DaveRandom 'twas gonna say.
@DaveRandom lol, that's alright, I'm a fan of plausible deniability.
i wish I could punch myself from a year ago in the face
You could do it now...
right, but not as useful
@samyb8 AFAICT you need to add the status
because the URI is /shops/:shop_id/receipts/:status
shop_id	Y	 	shop_id_or_name
status	Y	 	enum(open, unshipped, unpaid, completed, processing, all)
@DaveRandom I was sure (don't know why) that there was some flag to disable replacement in parse_str.
@Leri tbh the whole function is borked, the signature is wrong as well, need to implement an http_parse_query() in core.
But I imagine the We Hate Progress brigade will say "no, we already have parse_str(), we don't need another one"
holy fuck I just var_dumped some magento object and it is horrifying
8.6MB and still dumping
That's a big steaming dump
@PeeHaa óÒ
@PeeHaa I am doing request('/shops/MyStoreName/receipts/open'));
@PeeHaa Magento: No Way Out -- One Man's Quest to Tame The Beast. A survival story by PeeHaa
In theaters everywhere this Friday.
@DaveRandom Well, if I implement query string parsing (and won't leave restriction to hashtable), it would be trivial to create that function.
jesus fucking christ one god object to rule them all
I think it contains the entire application including third party code and database records
@PeeHaa lolz
@samyb8 Sorry misread. Do other URI's work?
We have 7 (now 8 pins); who's going to be the owner to trim it down to 3?
Mage_SuperModel (not so thin)
@Leri You may as well just modify the existing underlying routine and add flags to control legacy behavior
no point in totally reinventing the wheel, just file it down so it's actually round.
@PeeHaa yes, for example: $result2 = json_decode($etsyService->request('/receipts/12345')); That works perfectly
Please vote which three or four pins should remain.
@DaveRandom AFAIK, parse_str uses sapi module directly. Will investigate when I'll get home.
Damn it who unpinned that!
Now I can't re-pin it
who's sabotaging the pins?
@samyb8 The status code basically tells you the URI is not valid, unless it gives back stupid nonsensical statuscodes
I unpinned it; it didn't fit the charter limit… it was shortened with an ellipsis…
Are you sure that tahar thing is an actual shop id/
@bwoebi so what?
Only one of Yasuo's RFCs got shortened
@NikiC doesn't look nice…
@NikiC Ah okay, then fine…
@NikiC Finally
Works for me
I took the freedom to remove some unnecessary RFCs ;)
nice! :-)
They are quasi unanimous no's anyway ;)
@NikiC Vote on TLS ends today, might as well remove that as well I suppose
@DaveRandom Nah, with the spam gone it fits ;9
Aaaaand of course the bug is somewhere is some fucking magic global super static call somewhere. Fuck you magento developers seriously
why is magento so popular
@PeeHaa So it's definitely Etsy's fault!
@Lusitanian shittyness of frameworks is usually proportional to their popularity…
@samyb8 See my own after that comment
@bwoebi yup. which i'll never get :(
me neither… maybe they look easier to use for noobs
@samyb8 I.e. are you sure TaharaFashion is a valid shopid?
@PeeHaa Indeed, was the wrong store name...
@Lusitanian imho, frameworks get shittier as they get popular, because lots of workarounds (to handle someone's messed up logic, data, etc) are merged to core.
it works fine. Sorry ETSY!
@Leri php is at the top of this list :P
return $this->getQuote()->getItemsCount()*1
Never realized that $array = &$array[]; is valid.
I really don't understand references
and that made it even more confusing
Is this class doing too much?
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Quote _getResource()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Resource_Quote getResource()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Quote setStoreId(int $value)
 * @method string getCreatedAt()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Quote setCreatedAt(string $value)
 * @method string getUpdatedAt()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Quote setUpdatedAt(string $value)
 * @method string getConvertedAt()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Quote setConvertedAt(string $value)
 * @method int getIsActive()
 * @method Mage_Sales_Model_Quote setIsActive(int $value)
It's missing at least 900 other methods.
@PeeHaa It has a clear single responsibility: all the things.
^ var_dump of a single product object
that is a ton of information, what is stored inside that product object, the entire thing?
I'm pretty sure every object in magento stores and loads the internet
Not related to the god-objects, but Magento uses an EAV schema, correct?
a.k.a. slow as shit paradigm
(in the case of magento)
Well, EAV is almost always a performance fuck.
straight from the wikipedia "There are certain cases where an EAV schematic is an optimal approach to data modelling for a problem domain. However, in many cases where data can be modelled in statically relational terms an EAV based approach is an anti-pattern which can lead to longer development times, poor use of database resources and more complex queries when compared to a relationally-modelled data schema."
@Gordon if you'll have time, please, take a look into this meta question - currently, I have no idea what's wrong
@AlmaDo How can @Gordon help you with that/
@PeeHaa well, he's moderator, that's why I thought he can
You already have a respons from a mod
.. which is "I have no idea" :D
No, which is "nobody has any idea" :)
ololo :p
E_WTF_RU_DOIN -- totally just implemented that shit.
@AlmaDo Maybe you hit 200 daily rep, so reputation did not change while votes did.
@Leri no, on screen you can see that it's 150 rep today
I've become lazy, I know, but that's off the question :p
@AlmaDo E_CACHING maybe. Anyways, why do you care? :p
doh.. it's gone now (got another record)
@Leri well, it may be some bug in counting system, which particular consecuense is this. So mentioning that may help improve the system and avoid pitfalls in future :p
Yay, new 27" monitor for work next to the laptop :)
@Jimbo same as my setup :)
@DanLugg Happy birthday!
@Jimbo IPS?
I love the 27"... We have one in the office that no one has claimed, I hope to snag it up :)
I think...
Later people. It's beer time and i FUCKING NEED IT
Take me with you :(
See ya @PeeHaa enjoy the cold one
I have a 22" and a 24" attached to my surface pro. so need a monitor upgrade
sad. why bcmath doesn't support scientific notation?
i.e. I see why (from sources) - but why is it still not implemented?
@RonniSkansing :'(
Anytime I do something convoluted I always blame the language and tools. The problem is never with me or how I do things.
I mean... duh
I am sure that this question has been asked many times before, but I haven't been able to find the answer... How can I convert "2013-12-06" into RFC-822 date-time for an RSS2 feed?
Check DateTime
const string RFC822 = "D, d M y H:i:s O" ;
Or is that not what you where looking for?
I'm unsure as to what the encoding is that I am converting from...
i.e. "2013-12-06"
not sure what to search for really
@LeaHayes something like this eval.in/103235 maybe?
Thanks guys! looks like what I am after :)
@crypticツ how does it feel being called a guy all day?
Btw. Helix is alright in my book
@RonniSkansing rugged, manly and feelings of wanting to get into a bar fight
I might have the same reaction to being called a girl to many time
hehe sorry :P
thanks guys n girls
Nice puppy btw
guys n girl
@RonniSkansing thnx, his name is Pickles :)
Is it possible to get a form element, probably invalid, and strip all the tags which are not form related from it?
The most epic question title that I've eve seen — Alma Do 10 secs ago
For example, the input element can be inside a nested div>div>ul>li
already -11
Can I extract all input elements so that they are always directly under the form, and the rest of the elements die?
@RonniSkansing that made my day Oo...
@AlmaDo The answer to that question; the user... Read the "About Me" in his profile.
> Get shiny vegetables and fruits from a trusted source:
> Wash them until all dirt vanishes:
> Bring the meat from freezer:
^^ I smell schizophrenia.
^^^ That user has a weird edit history...
^^ wat?
@DanLugg One of the more recent ones - Deleted 4444 characters
@DanLugg maybe the name is from 3 different people?
I dunno, something seems fishy; like position fixing.
You shouldn't flush a tampon. I don't know if that's your problem though. — aetheria 11 mins ago
possibly the funniest comment i've ever seen on SO
which flag does copytheft go under?
@RonniSkansing I do "other" and tell mod that what is going on and link to original material
Ok thanks
Hello everyone! does anybody know how to prevent wordpress enqueque script function to cache my scripts?
@crypticツ guess not =] "
I would consider this copytheft – Ronni Skansing 11 mins ago declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention"
@RonniSkansing did you link to the original content?
Well not on the flag, it is pretty clear on the thread though stackoverflow.com/questions/21888712/…
@RonniSkansing you should always link in flag itself so mods don't have to go out of their way. I've flagged multiple posts as copied without attribution and link to the original content, and mods have accepted it.
I dare not flag again =/
but if the mod even just read the question is would be clear
@RonniSkansing i've been wrongfully declined before, just go into tavern and ask a mod to take care of it
@CarrieKendall thank you, did not even know of the tavern
you're welcome. @crypticツ's right though. always include as much as possible with a clear explanation. the mods are trying to quickly make decisions and will generally not delve too deep
@RonniSkansing what @crypticツ said. however, even then the flag would have been declined because asking that is not expressively forbidden. we rather think the community knows how to handle these folks by not answering then.
Hmm... For sake of argument, what reason do you have to think the majority of the community knows how to handle this these folks? I am not sure I can agree that any kind of copy theft is something that a non mod should handle, such a thing could lead to curruption (on princple) faster using mod controlled hierachy for such cases imo

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