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@nderscore do you like my problem?
@RUJordan :-0 who?
Me lol
My old questions sucked
@Shmiddty haha that was yours?
I have what I think should be a 100 byte solution but it's wrong :[
I did an IQ-type test last night on Lumosity, and they had something like this as one of the logic problems.
Thanks @KendallFrey
@Shmiddty 100* bytes, your turn :P
@nderscore I'll get around to it soon
@dystroy absolutely hilarious :D ploum.net/ploum-en-j2ee (and french)
I literally can't keep my eyes open for more than 8 seconds at a time
And the trailer for 22 Jump Street is hilarious
"I'm Eric's bitch." "..No you're not.." "YES I AM YOU OWN THIS ASS" wat xD
Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1;
anything better? need a random +-
@RUJordan I think I can get a little longer
@JanDvorak :O go on good sir
@JanDvorak "undefined"
!!>Math.sin(Math.random())|0 // -1, 0, 1
@Shmiddty 1
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Math.ne is not a function"
@Shmiddty "TypeError: Math.sine is not a function"
@Shmiddty 0
having an off day
fml it's so hard fixing bugs you didn't make
@Shmiddty 0
@Shmiddty you forgot to multiply by tau
pi will suffice if you use cos
@Shmiddty 0
!!> (Math.random() * 2 << 31 >> 30) + 1
What's that a lemon pie or something?
That or Pacman is born once again
what did you say about my mother?
!!> Array.map(Array(30), x=>Math.cos(Math.random()*Math.PI)|0)
@Shmiddty ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","un‌​defined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined",‌​"undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefine‌​d","undefined","undefined","undefined"]
!!> [-1,1][Math.random()+.5|0]
@nderscore -1
i will kill you slowly with a rusty hacksaw
!!> Array(30).join(0).split(0).map(x=>Math.cos(Math.random()*Math.PI)|0)
@Shmiddty [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
@rlemon yeah... stick to ternary
this.velocity += Math.sin(Date.now() + seed)/100
does the job
@rlemon you gonna tie me up before you rub that saw on me?
^ tables turned, now it's just gonna sound sexual if you respond
@rlemon That's not really random
@Shmiddty it reverses the polarity every three miliseconds; that should do
I have no idea what he's actually trying to accomplish
var n = $(this).children().text().length*222222;
var h = n.toString(16).substr(0,6);
Weirdest hex code generator I've ever seen
var d = Date.now() + seed & 1; this.velocity += d ^ ~-d;
My bad. People are actually talking about JS here. Surprised me
!!afk back to work
@Shmiddty Why are you leaving me!?
because you gained 10 pounds you cow.
@Shmiddty you'll see shortly.
The code is SUPER DISGUSTING at the moment, but I made an interactive Node Editor for GoJS today: gojs.net/temp/nodeEditor.html
im eating cashews
click on a node in the bottom right and it brings up the node template and model data used to make it
this uses the Ace editor, WHICH IS AMAZING: ace.c9.io
honey-roasted cashews over here
i have to poop :(
it is only 3:30
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
i like them salted
my poops?
you're strange.
@Loktar I love this:

// make some random rects
var i = 50;
    ctx.fillRect(Math.random()*300, Math.random()*300, Math.random()*50, Math.random()*50);
ya, you need to start eating more sodium
@SimonSarris what if all 4 sides are different lengths? That wouldn't be a rectangle anymore
@RUJordan fillRect(x,y,w,h)
so it would always be a rectangle.
Ah, x,y. I thought it was side1, side2 etc
Don't mind me.
but that should have a +1
edge case that Math.random() returns 0 and he has an error
@SimonSarris correct me if i'm wrong, but you cannot draw a rect with 0 width/height ??
whoops I mean anti-rhombus
doesn't that error?
don't need the brackets
bedmas? wtf?
I thought it was pemdas
!!urban bedmas
@rlemon [BEDMAS](http://bedmas.urbanup.com/1984046) B is for Brackets
E is for Exponents
D is for Division
M is for Multiplication
A is for Addition
S is for Subtraction
..I'm gonna stop thinking
eh, same thing
!!urban pemdas
I was taught bedmas
@RUJordan PEMDAS The order of operations in math-- Parentheis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
bedmas sounds like a sexy holiday
why do you think I remembered it
@rlemon you can actually draw rectangles of negative width and height in canvas, they just draw in the opposite direction
Cause u wuz graded on it?
I imagine that zero width/height is a no-op though
@SimonSarris I thought you couldn't do 0 width though.
i'll check
@rlemon You cannot draw a canvas to another canvas if that first canvas has zero width
which you ran into one day, ages ago
that is what i'm remembering
but this: jsfiddle.net/QvSE6 has no errors
okay everyone! disregard!
yeah I figured
I remember that day....
it was a pretty dumb bug
the bug was like "context is no longer usable"
that :D
Oh man this coffee is not helping at all
worst part about having a phone at work is having to answer it
And I have to poop >=|
inMemoryCanvas.width = 0;
// Uncaught InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is
not, or is no longer, usable.
ctx.drawImage(inMemoryCanvas, 0, 0);
@rlemon I've gotten 2 calls on my phone since september 5th. And one was a test call during setup. The other was our president
Huh? Why was my answer deleted? meta.stackoverflow.com/a/212179/241700
I will testify!
@ThiefMaster ^ * 3
You might want to ask The Grinch
is there an adequate Stack Exchange chat for graphic card question?
@ThiefMaster Can you? I have no access to him.... Would you be able to undelete it? I am not sure why it was deleted....
struggling with a pc that can't go to 3 screens
@qwertynl pop in there and ask
thx lem
@rlemon I am in. Thanks.
@qwertynl it is often where you can find a mod (in the chats that is)
@rlemon I see. :-)
That question was my 3rd nice question badge. What what what's up
I just do not get why my answer was deleted...
@qwertynl just look in a mirror while thinking of your answer then turn around
BAM problem solved.
@rlemon eh? What do you mean?
you'll forget about it
:walks away:
Will I?
Woa! 23 people!
best turn out yet!
I got 2 js bugs left
I'm honestly surprised after 5 days no one has registered Bobby Tables or Caprica
anyone have experience with ckeditor?
I am happy, not many people are fucking around with it
brb 1 moment
but also, knowing you guys.... I am surprised
Don't be surprised with me. I couldn't hack my way through gentle woods with a machete.
@SimonSarris heh thanks man :P
@eazimmerman Don't be surprised with me. I couldn't hack my way through genital woods with a machete. (source)
I did it super quick in between learning the app here
!!afk smoke and poop (not in that order or at the same time)
@RUJordan Nobody cares.
@qwertynl @eazimmerman Don't be surprised with me. I couldn't hack my way through genital warts with a machete. (source) (source)
guys, how do I "include" a file into a webworker?
@eazimmerman @qwertynl @eazimmerman Don't be surprised with me. I could hack my way through genital warts with a machete. (source) (source) (source)
do I need to pass the functionality to it explicitly?
what is a webworker?
@eazimmerman a high-level abstraction on a thread provided by JS
I understand why it doesn't have access to global space, but I just need to pass functionality
If you have no better ideas, I will just add that to my initial message.
There's importScripts
@qwertynl it works.
@BartekBanachewicz what does?
@qwertynl image quantization
Did I win?
A Pizza?
@BartekBanachewicz yum
@copy you win an image of a pizza
but it's a quantized pizza
On the first day of Pizzamas rlemon sent to me, stuffed crust pizza!
decided I liked yours so much I should make my own
@rlemon Now that you've suggested it...
@rlemon you changed your avatar :/
@eazimmerman I did, then back again
on meta it is changed still I think
But seriously, why wreck somebody's generosity?
Especially a regular who we know and love tolerate.
u so nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's an oddity with it parsing 04 as octal instead
@DannyBeckett no there's not
No nudes?! You're google glassing wrong. — RUJordan 10 secs ago
@RUJordan There goes the neighbourhood.
!!> parseInt("014")
@BenjaminGruenbaum 14
@CapricaSix @DannyBeckett
I saw something on MDN
!!> parseInt("04")
@BenjaminGruenbaum 4
@DannyBeckett Depends on implementation
saying it should always be used
Last I knew, Firefox was the last hold-out for requiring radix.
Someone on the internet said so is not a very strong argument.
"Ryan said so" is a stronger argument.
... but not a lot stronger :-D
It's the manual
Not the comments
I take MDN as my reference, not some W3schools shit
> radix: An integer that represents the radix of the above mentioned string. Always specify this parameter to eliminate reader confusion and to guarantee predictable behavior. Different implementations produce different results when a radix is not specified.
@RUJordan "I use this google service and love it! also they don't charge me for it! but I don't like that I can't control it like I want to be able to"
solution: don't use google glasses
@DannyBeckett does W3 standarize JS in browsers too?
> Ajax posting notes with pesific id
@BartekBanachewicz There are standards... but it's a matter of whether they're implemented.
@RUJordan LOL
some people seem to think "specification" === "if you feel like implementing it this way"
and by some people, I mean browsers
@RyanKinal are there JS standard conformance tests?
@BartekBanachewicz :shrug: Maybe. I haven't looked.
Hmm, that star should have gotten me the cat hat.
JSLint/JSHint aren't bad places to start, though.
Does that take a while to update?
test262.ecmascript.org @RyanKinal @BartekBanachewicz
aha just found it
Internet Explorer is the best according to it.
@BartekBanachewicz Use JSLint but tweak it to your liking, e.g. /*jslint maxerr: 9999, white: true, browser: true, devel:true, undef: true, plusplus: true */
@DannyBeckett I was thinking about testing browser conformance, not my code.
The main part of my job is testing driver conformance against OpenGL spec, so I was interested.
ah I see what you're saying
I am sure Google/Mozilla/MS have their own suites, but nevertheless I'd expect something like test262 exactly.
not that I am going to write my own JS VM :)
VM = virtual machine?
BTW Wikipedia states that one of the features considered for ES7 is operator overloading. And typed arrays.
!!afk meeting with my fashion consultant
@RyanKinal Apricots are people too!
@eazimmerman @Loktar jsfiddle.net/rlemon/DDY4f/2
!!> parseInt(0.00000007)
@phenomnomnominal 7
@rlemon I see a line of pixels
requestAnimationFrame isn't polyfilled
!!google reset incrementing pk sql server 2008
posted on December 17, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Peter Higgs: I wouldn't be productive enough for today's academic system Peter Higgs, the British physicist who gave his name to the Higgs boson, believes no university would employ him in today's academic system because he would not be considered "productive" enough. The emeritus professor at Edinburgh University, who says he has never sent an email, browsed the internet or even made a

polyfill: A polyfill, or polyfiller, is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively.
Just yesterday it was called a "shim"
A shim and a polyfill are similar
@Shmiddty Welcome back!
shim is slightly different
in most cases, they are interchangeable.
@rlemon I've added window. and I see snow :3
A shim will put it on the native interface
@BartekBanachewicz what browser are you using man?
a polyfill will provide the feature through a separate interface
@rlemon Now stable Chrome
shim is something like window.AudioContext = window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext
hrm, what browser did you have to add window to?
also, I know there is a better way to do this performance wise. Loktar showed me once but I forgot.
for( var i = 0; i < snow_count; i++ ) {
    var dx = snow[i].x - e.clientX,
        dy = snow[i].y - e.clientY,
        d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
    if( d < hand_size ) {
        var r = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
        snow[i].vx = 2 * Math.cos(r);
        snow[i].vy = 2 * Math.sin(r);
@rlemon I think it's a bit not-fluent even without moving the mouse
but that might be either canvas or GC suckiness (or both)
Fun fact: You can go to blow your nose, and end up with a large amount of liquid just flowing out everywhere.
nah, that is me cheating and using Math.sin to determine the x sway
the FPS never dip for me
Bonus fact!: Dogs love snot
(until I add like a crap load of flakes)
@rlemon come on, it's a hardware-accelerated operation
tip: just cover one hole, and blow, and it gets out
Outside, sure.
though I recently learned that actually using SSE4 to add series is faster than using old coprocessor sin
this.vx += Math.sin(Date.now() + this.seed)/60;
not talking about lag, talking about this ^
ride your bike in the cold for 20 minutes before, to facilitate the nose blowing, or eat pepper
the movement is choppy because of that
ugh, network booting on an UEFI system is a pain in the ass
it was a cheap "ugh, i'm too lazy to do this properlly" moment
@ThiefMaster s/on an UEFI system//
nah, in legacy mode it's easy..
I failed to do it recently
configuring this weirdly named server killed me
so I just swapped a bunch of HDDs around
dnsmasq is pretty easy to use - it even includes a tftp server
@BenjaminGruenbaum another LESS?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah I saw that, yay for auto prefixes
@NaN Then I'll be leaking blood everywhere out of it instead :/
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, but it's a css.old to css.next transpiler. So you can write freely in let's say - canary and use in chrome.
@NaN OpenFlow is actually being implemented in Enterprise-grade hardware
@phenomnomnominal prefixfree.js
@BartekBanachewicz that's great if it's used other than universities
@NaN there certainly are plans to make it happen
@rlemon damn, that's sweet, never seen it before
Somebody should make an awesome plugin for whatever called theresapluginforthat.js
in Lounge<C++>, 1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
so I am doing university project in Javascript and I am enjoying it
but existing societies not gonna move their current huge and ugly network configs, probably just new ones
@BartekBanachewicz :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum awww shit!
@phenomnomnominal yup, is awsm
@BenjaminGruenbaum the code is dead simple :v
@BartekBanachewicz what does it do?
@BenjaminGruenbaum (let's move that here) oh so JSDoc is a thing
@BenjaminGruenbaum image quantization
@BartekBanachewicz webstorm can generate it for you, it'll infer types and then you can get your precious compile time type warnings, which aren't helpful because why the heck would you pass anything but color anyway?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I sometimes mix the order of parameters
so what do I click to get magic types
@BartekBanachewicz pass an anonymous object instead.
@rlemon you look fun with short hair :))
Or whatever, if it's an RGB color I'd probably just use an hex literal anyway :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum so that's your cheap-ass solution for named parameters, huh
@BenjaminGruenbaum I need float precision
@jAndy you look fun with no hair :))
@BartekBanachewicz until ES6 becomes more mainstream, yes. That's our cheap ass solution :)
@NaN hehe thanks?
Optional params/named params only work in FF atm if I recall correctly.
that makes calls lenghty, though
was too lazy to go to the hair dressers, so just buzzed it myself
foo(a, b, c); -> foo({ a: a, b: b, c: c});
It's always red, then green, then blue. I don't really mix them :P
@rlemon well I guess your old avatar was an old pic?
last year
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't mix channels, I mix variables
@BartekBanachewicz example?
@BenjaminGruenbaum function findClosestPaletteColor (color, palette) {
the order of those isn't obvious
!!karma Caprica
@NaN That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BartekBanachewicz That function should be either on your palette object or your color object :P
Most likely on the palette object.
@BenjaminGruenbaum meh. free functions are nicer.
@BartekBanachewicz not at all, you can mix oop and functional so you might as well enjoy both worlds.
@BenjaminGruenbaum free functions are as functional as it gets
@BartekBanachewicz which is why I'm saying mix
Color -> Palette -> Color
@BenjaminGruenbaum well I suppose adding that to Palette prototype is an option.
what's worse than no internet at all? a partially working internet connection!
codepen.io/Sonick/pen/vijJl holy good lord this is effing cool
//Which is nicer? @BartekBanachewicz
var closest = findClosestPaletteColor (color, palette);
var closest = paletter.closestTo(color);
@ThiefMaster agreed. I'd rather know it's broken than have false hope.
@ThiefMaster no electricity at all :/
@ThiefMaster Herpes
@BenjaminGruenbaum well I can partially apply first :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum OOP vs functional?
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean?
@NaN it's not a vs.
@rlemon That is a shitload of CSS
closest :: Color -> Palette -> Color

a :: Color
p :: Palette

closestToA = closest a
closestFromP = flip closest $ p
@BenjaminGruenbaum I meant "first example"
Did someone missping me..?
how do you clear a session in your browser?
@BartekBanachewicz you can apply the second too, or bind it to a different this, or make a partial out of it.
i tried clearing the cache and cookies but nawp
@BenjaminGruenbaum okey, I can agree here. However, this is really solving the case for 2-param function, no? If it had 3 parameters, we're back at the same problem :)
no we're not :P
this is bound at runtime in javascript, you can pass another this if you want. That's what .call and .apply to, you can also fix this (and) parameters using .bind
@BenjaminGruenbaum foo(a,b,c) can be moved to a.foo(b,c) but that still leaves order of b and c ambiguous
All flip does is:
flip         :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip f x y   =  f y x
well I know what flip does :) the original problem was about non-obvious order of parameters, though, which cannot be enforced in just JS obviously.
You just treat this as the first parameter

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