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12:55 AM
Can't decide if I like the triplebuffer implementation anymore..
Oh well.
1:51 AM
Night guys. I'm off.
see you tomorrow.
I occasionally find it a little annoying that Scala has no do-while loop.
Not really a big deal since it's easy to re-add it, but still, bit annoying
Anybody here good with database design?
2:18 AM
not bad, me
So I have a simple-ish question
Say I have n users. Each user needs to enter in multiple rows of data. Do I create a new table for each user, or have one table with all the data with a column showing which user owns it?
My only issue is that if n becomes large, then even a relatively small amount of data/user will blow up that one table
And make it really huge and slow
I'd just have one table for all users' data and map it back to a user's ID number.
it would have to be pretty big to show a performance impact
Just keep it sorted on user ID, maybe?
Well, user ID and row ID.
2:26 AM
having multiple tables would be a lot more complex, and if you have to join those tables...
Yeah that's what I was leaning towards
That way each user's data is contiguous in the table.
I was thinking I'd manage with Primary Key ID, user id, data title and data value columns
That way, I know how many records, who's records and what records
is this a sqlite question?
Its all running on a backend server
2:27 AM
ahh, ok
yah, you're fine
App queries it through a webservice
I will refrain from further discussion of DB stuff since I only use sqlite.
one table, for the user data
one table for the users
I have one table for the users, one for data, one for sessions
I'm just trying to do a proof of concept right now, so I don't mind changing the design later on
1 hour later…
3:56 AM
Hey guys! sorry i haven't been around we had a baby!
4:20 AM
Yes sir! then my app had a spike and i'm up to 20 sales
4:56 AM
coincidence?..... I THINK NOT!
5:08 AM
@FoamyGuy would you happen to know if the new kitkat "Immersive mode" works on old apps?
apparently it is per app
literally just go the internet back. I went all day with internet...it was weird
5:43 AM
Hm, now been two days since anyone bought Ascension. I guess that means it finally fell off the charts.
Hey Lalit
give me an update on the cash register :P
did you finish the printer program?
1 hour later…
6:52 AM
Hey lucky!
yeah just completed the printing stuff now going to give a demo for the same!
now only some minor changes are remaining
also got info. that working with RFID is my next task in the same device :P
how much are you selling those things for?
Its a product base app as of now so the sales team will have to decide all those things!
of course..but estimate?
7:15 AM
no idea!
7:26 AM
hey Anders!
2 hours later…
9:16 AM
Hey Kman :)
hi buddies
Oh shit ! It's already that time of the month when @nil turns himself into a REAL monster ?!
I'm currently extremely irritated because this infection itches and the bandaid is pulling at the hair on my arm.
Infected ? oO What happened ?
9:26 AM
I had to stop my parents' dogs from trying to kill one of our cats, and in the process of trying to extract the cat, she clawed my arm.
One claw apparently went deep enough that disinfecting it afterward wasn't good enough, so it got infected.
Deep enough in the sense that, on day one, I could pretty clearly see inside it.
Day two and I had to .. you actually don't want me to repeat that part, I'd guess.
Let's just say the verb "drain" comes into play.
Oh wow. Sounds really bad :|
9:30 AM
It's fairly normal as far as infections go.
It's just incredibly damned annoying and aches.
I just spent 3 hours debugging my app because I forgot to echo the JSON in the PHP file
I spent a while debugging something like that. Was wondering why something wasn't working — turns out I was returning zero from a stub function I'd forgotten about.
9:48 AM
Well @RaghavSood that only tells you one thing ;-)
Don't use php :P
I'd love to get away. But sadly its the only language I know how to use properly on a server to rapidly prototype apps
good morning!
@TheLittleNaruto Welcome, on probation! Please read the room rules
@RaghavSood Thanks.
Is there anyone Java Expert ?
9:53 AM
Okay. Thanks.
Nobody here will claim to be an expert 'cause it's offensive to be called one.
Ohh! I am sorry. I got it. Better to ask my question
hey there
I am trying to get meta data of an mp3 song in java
it's working fine for some songs
9:55 AM
grml I was invited to a room yesterday and I joined and ask why... got a response 12h later... tech support
leave me alone
Choosing some songs , it's giving me "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" along with "File Not Found"
@nil so you are an expert? :D
String index out of range: -7
File not found means you can't access the file. It may be stored somewhere outside of your application's access levels, or you may have got the path to it wrong
See I have used JFileChooser class. which is used for taking correct path, I guess.
9:57 AM
I am not an expert.
I am a godking.
@TheLittleNaruto You can debug that on your own, I think.
Also, there is no JFileChooser in Android.
That's why I asked for java as I am doing this in Java.
This is an Android room.
9:58 AM
Uh, this is an Android room
It only uses Java as a language, and even then that's optional.
Whatever JFileChooser is, it's not Android.
I am sorry
You might find the Java room more helpful for.... Java questions.
As no body is there to reply. that's why came here
the experts of that room are of different time zone
10:01 AM
They might also be ignoring you 'cause you're calling them experts.
@nil of course, I am sorry
Hey Warren, do you find the N5 upgrade worth it from the N4?
Your "issue" seems to be pretty easy fixable when you try to run the debugger
hm... if you don't mind the money: totally. But honestly I never really used the N4 (my wife has one but not me)
upgrading from GN to N5 -> must have! Sell a kidney if you have to...
Tried firebase ? :)
Or if it is, spring-boot (extremely simple)
10:03 AM
Hmm. I don't see too much of a difference in the hardware, so I'm kinda split on springing for an N5
Out of bounds exceptions, NPEs, etc. are all the world's easiest problems to debug.
They're all ridiculously specific and easy to narrow down, thankfully.
@AndersMetnik I don't do server stuff often enough to really bother with a full new technology :P But I may end up giving them a shot for this project.
... Oh dear, I just realized something of mine got stickied..
You can cancel stars :P
10:05 AM
I can, but the Judge Dredd joke makes it worthwhile.
Raghav, Firebase is Backend-as-a-service (If you can use a nosql storage, it offers you everything tbh. so you don't have to do any backend programming)
Ahh. That could be pretty useful
Thanks for the tip!
Your welcome :)
I know who did this, nil... at least I have a strong educated guess
Though for a guy that has his head a lot in ordinary sql db's, nosql is hard to figure out.
Wasn't me! I promise!
10:09 AM
If my concept actually works out, I'll put in effort into setting it all up properly
Right now, its a complete mess
I'd shoot anyone who handed me such code for a project :P
There's no sanitisation, no error checking, no error handling nothing
Just true/false responses for insert/select/update statements
in firebase there is nothing as insert/select/update ;)
Did I do it and forget?
it's getData('url') or pushData('url') :)
That sounds convenient
I haven't drank in a while, so I know I didn't do anything while drunk..
10:14 AM
nope, wasn't you
his nick is not as short as yours but it is a close one :D
rebooting... kernel update!
Putting my money on Reno then.
and the winner is...
Or OcuS ;)
Reno's more in the "would get Judge Dredd jokes" department.
10:29 AM
the frenchman would never try to deal with nil
Reno is the only one who can handle nil :D
I used to be able to speak some French.
Back when I was still learning to speak French.
Je ne regrette rien!
Now I can only count and say a few words in French.
I think I'll go pass out.
10:31 AM
sleep well
i know one line "c'est bien" in french which means "that's good"
One of my friend taught me this ^_^
@AndersMetnik WAT
11:12 AM
11:22 AM
^ listening to french rap!
yes, exactly
11:39 AM
@WarrenFaith hahaha
So many basics unknown.... oh man...
and no, this can be found in every country because nearly every country gives a shit about education these days
Absolutely right.
@ChintanRathod rejected. You just want "Genie" tech support.
geinie tech support awesome :D
11:52 AM
Wtf ?
just a gif ^_^
12:32 PM
someone experience with taskbuilder?
I have some curious behavior with activity transitions as soon as I use the taskbuilder to modify/build my back stack history
Nopes :)
g+ copy & paster! :D
but it's a good one. xD I laughed hard.
12:47 PM
I felt the pain
hello all.
just wondering something.
you know voice recognition.
hey Ahmad.
thought you weren't speaking. :P
how do I get it to put full stops when using it to write texts for me?
Just came home
works perfectly but I'm not sure how to add a full stop at the end of sentences.
as if I say "full stop", it just writes "full stop".
12:56 PM
should be possible, no?
Never worked with it, so not really sure hoe the API works
But it should be possible to listen to words
not talking about in programming terms.
I'm talking about if I'm actually just using it inside the messaging app myself as a standard daily user.
hmm good question
so you click the voice button.
then start talking.
and it writes your text message for you.
I actually tried to figure that out myself as well
just not sure how to put a "full stop" without it writing full stop in full words and not putting a dot.
1:00 PM
but did not find any solution to that either
this really intrigues me.
might post a question on stack.
android.stackexchange.com would be better for that
I wasn't going to post on stackoverflow.
don't want to get downvoted haha.
haha ;)
kind of annoys me how it doesn't just contribute to one main overall rep though.
don't like how it splits it off.
as I'm not really bothered whether my android stack account goes up to 100 rep or so lol.
looks messy.
1:03 PM
You can just say period to insert a .
Or question mark for ?
let me try this.
if so, you're a boss.
At least, I think that's how it works
1:04 PM
According to a couple of threads I found
good evening.
works perfectly.
thanks so much @RaghavSood.
what about commas?
and what happens if I want to actually say 'period'?
Then you can manually put your cursor after the dot and change it to the word
It'll show up in a drop down
1:05 PM
fair enough.
trying to make it do as much as I can without physically touching the phone though.
also...I literally despise it when my clothes don't dry properly and end up smelling damp.
it's worse than the smell of not washing it!!!
Omg yes!
I hate that
haha I know right.
how to italicize?
do HTML tags work?
<i>Maybe</i> Nah just enclose it in asterisks.
how to strikethrough old text?
Three hyphens on either side
1:10 PM
also I just realised, you're the one everyone was talking about the other day.
BuBye Guys... Cya tomorrow :) :)
the youngest user on this chat, at 16. :O Nice one dude.
also, I really hate this chat timer limit thing. :@
I think @CCInc is younger
1:10 PM
I know it stops spamming which is good.
but I like to type lots of things quickly haha.
You get used to timing your messages right :P
I'm so impressed @RaghavSood
also...perfect English and you live in India.
wtf, are you a robot?
Heh no
Both my parents speak good English
And I go to an English medium school
oh nice.
1:13 PM
greyed out icons on the right mean what?
@RaghavSood I awoke on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 07:56:13 GMT (that's about 5 hours ago), teleported 62 goats
hasn't typedin what time?
That's the robot, if you want :P
what else does he do?
@edwoollard I awoke on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 07:56:13 GMT (that's about 5 hours ago), got invoked 1 times, teleported 16 goats
1:13 PM
benefit of the robot is?
@edwoollard They're for reporting (thunderbolt sign), starring messages to the pinboard on the side (star sign) or replying to specific messages like I did for this (return key sign)
@RaghavSood birthday, unicorn, flip, docs, catgif, meow, cat, whoami, help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, accept, addid, awsm, beautify, convert, get, google, hang, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, reject, remove, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, userquality (page 0/0)
The best command is still the mustache command
1:15 PM
made by you guys?
or stack?
Made by another room's people
We forked it with a few of our own things
!/docs Viewpager
oh nice.
I'm really hoping that brings up the docs for ViewPager.
if so, that's just plain amazing. :D
I think DaveRandom's app's down for Doc parsing
yeah it seems like it
1:17 PM
@DaveRandom You around?
the little baby.
Lemme see if I can switch it over to my older PHP script
@RaghavSood what are your plans for employment in the near future?
Finish high school, go to a good college :P
I'll see after that
@RaghavSood I awoke on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 13:20:40 GMT (that's about 12 seconds ago), haven't done anything yet!
1:20 PM
!/docs ViewPager
@RaghavSood ViewPager - Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data.
There we go
what got you into programming?
and nice! :D
it works!
cheering man is that?
1:22 PM
I dunno really. Just spent a lot of time on the computer and started off
how do you have so much fricking rep if you're at school most of the time etc?
and at that age, my motivation to learn was nil.
you guys really do impress me.
I mean I'm 20.
I built it up over 2 years :P
at uni.
1:24 PM
Now I mostly make rep off old answers. Don't have too much freetime these days
got my own app out there and started my own business.
and I'm 'wreckage' for someone my age.
@Ahmad isn't too far ahead of me. Just a little older
so you're just like ridiculous!
that's why I said "you guys".
You're just 4 years late to the party :P
oh wow! :P
you guys make me want to climb into a hole and die.
as I can't go back 4 years and dominate. :P
what's happened has happened.
1:26 PM
@RaghavSood Yo
not going to lie, I'm dominating for most people my age anyway.
Heya Dave
and hopefully planning to work at Google next year...applying atm.
I think your Heroku app that parsed the Android docs for the bot is offline
what causes the chat to choose when to put a dotted line?
1:27 PM
Ooooh maybe, I forgot about that. I have a new vhost, I'll pull it over there at some point over the weekend
I've not actually set up anything on it yet
Awesome! I've switched it over to my older PHP parser, so we're good for now. No hurry.
Who are you hosting with now? I'm thinking about changing my host
I'm on GoDaddy right now, but a shared server is getting annoying
Go for a VPS!
But with whom?
1:29 PM
@mistrfu showed me some really cool offers a few days ago
Wait, I saved them
Really neat prices
I think I may opt for AWS
If I can figure out how to use it
waving guy?
1:33 PM
@John Rejected for chat as tech support, incessant pinging.
AWS isn't bad but get's quite expensive quite quickly, you can get serious discounts if you're willing to risk being shut off, in the marketplace.
Hmm. Fair point

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