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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Raghav, isn't it like 4 in the morning where you are? Don't you sleep?
1 hour later…
@forgivegod no problem
Is there a toolbar API, I've googled and all I get is the action bar api.
Like in dropbox there a menu on the bottom like a tab bar, and on photo screen there's option s on the bottom
ActionBar Sherlock
is the only one I think I know of
Well isn't the action bar always at the top?
or bottom? I want a customizable location. Like I want to do a browser, so like of I wanted to do tabs like chrome does they have tabs, them a bar
Even went on github can't find anything besides the actionbar stuff?
there is sliding drawer which goes on the right or left, I don't know man
Nope:-P I just need a toolbar basically that can be placed anywhere. Like on iPhone there's a api called UIToolbar
ActionBar can be on the bottom but if you need something very customizable then you're better off creating your own
2 hours later…
@AndersMetnik me too, and about the same time
I wonder what we were talking about?
what up Reno
Started sopranos
The sopranos is kick-ass!
Hello @LalitPoptani
How are you
Did you? What do you think?
In the pilot episode the Soprano daughter was chubby
In the second one the same girl was slim
This is messing up with my mind
Well, she's growing up! =)
Gandolfini is amazing tho
alots get a lot of thanks
for doing nothing
flickr.com/photos/toyokazu so fucking cute, this
I am going to be curious to see how it stacks up to the Wire with you
how far along are you?
Just midway into ep 3. I think the Sopranos revolves mostly around one family (till now). The Wire is more broader and has a lot of story lines intersecting each other.
idk I have to see how the characters develop
It is too early to say
yeah...sounds about right
@Reno Seems someone who got kicked from the room got mad? :)
Morning :)
what happened?
we both got serie downvoted
damn Anders...can you see who down votes or no?
@MaxHasADHD Try using a split action bar
watching the Daft Punk Get lucky Vid..kind of cool
No you can't lucky, but I reported it, and hopefully admins will revert it :)
what if it was an inside job muahahahahahha
They actually already did, they reverted 3 of 4 :)
how many got marked down?
Don't know if anyone else in here got downvoted as well
how many of your answers did?
yo !
yo yoy
what is the deal in Paris these days?
not much
plans for the weekend?
Alcohol. A lot.
where are you going to go?
A collegue has resigned, we go celebrating on friday evening at a small lake near the office ; then, we'll see where boose will take us :)
Lucky i kind of told you already, when I said they reverted 3 of 4 ? :D
I loved those happy hour/then going out friday nights
ohhhh sorry Anders...I saw or not of
Any lady friends Ocus?
In this "geek/dev" environment, not much (or not the one you wanna touch even with a woodstick)... :D
but...after, I am sure there a lot of very hot French girls out and about
I'll surely already be too drunk to do anything at this time :D
(as usal, lolololol)
haha...I know the feeling
haha...what is your poison?
Anything. Everything.
> Somebody must have changed my code
hahah :D
really? no favorites?
> I couldn't find any examples of how that can be done anywhere online
not really. I just tend to drink less beer than before, makes me pee to often ^^
I like Jack Daniels and diet Coke
yuk. diet coke :|
I only drink that with bourbon
If you're really on a diet: just don't drink coke ;)
hop, gotta go on a meeting, see ya
@OcuS If you really are on a diet, don't drink alcohol ;)
then you can't drink though
You can drink, you just can't get drunk ;)
what do you drink Anders?
Water, water with some taste, milk :)
Or did you mean what alcohol ? :)
I dont drink often anymore though
But one of my fav. is jimmy with regular coke
jim beam?
I used to be a tender you know :)
I use to be a bouncer you know
lets open a bar!
I did not know :) but cool
sure you pay for it when your app earned enough cash ;)
Warren will obviously work the door with me
Definitly :)
who the hell are you?!
Say what ?
Michael Knight? Never heard! Get out!
off or out?
is warren talking to himself ?
Mental breakdown i bet
I am playing the bouncer :D
but you are going to have to say Get out! not off
that's what they all say ;)
I corrected myself
getting off is extra at the bar haha
Haha way extra
@JellyBean rejected, you even do pings without a message...
@MinkleGarg rejected for using stuff like "nds whats abt u"
@RelinJose rejected. 11 reputation out of 20 answers... well seems like most of the code only answers aren't upvoted, right?
@JgdGuy Taken from the message removed to recycle bin: "I found a way out" - I will help you by not letting you in in the first place...
lining them up
hello guys!
just fyi dont ever "format" on Eclipse in android XML
why not ? it does it perfectly fine
@JellyBean requesting access after being rejected is rude...
whatever...I screwed up everything adding all these line wrapping
maybe it is clean up
I like my xml wrapped to one attribute per line
basically the ordered typical android sorting is pretty neat
as do i!
especially when you have version control... it reduces the "I order it my way" overhead
what the hell is that for a twitter trend? twitter.com/search?q=%23germanimagines&src=tren
at least for a german it is kind of funny
hahaha, i lol'd
"you should go to bed now" "no" "why" "der gerät wird nie müde der gerät schläft nie ein"
poor boy
and I guess, according to her hand movement, that she might have lost some coverage...
yeah looks like it
they definitely won't be on the list for the bar
Thank you sir
I just slowed it down... and it increased the pain I feel
they are out
user image
I do know that feeling...
I do too!
it is like everyday in programming
in my game I have this problem....
the graphics are terrible ? :P
I start with something and at the end I try to get 4 thinks to work at the same time...
I know how that is
lucky, the graphics can't be terrible... "nothing" can't be terrible :D
Does anyone have an older computer they would like to donate to me?? ha
What's "old" ?
um not sure...mine is from 2007 I think
user image
hey every one good evening!!!!
why would you ever want to install macOS? ^^
indeed,love it
maybe to save the 46gb it fills up though :P
haha xD
what about this
@Glitch for a moment I read it as "googled it on lumia"
#germanimagines "Omg your boyfriend is so hot! " *Whispers* Gefunden auf otto.de " what? " #onlygermansunderstand
LoL Warren
found on a dating site?
otto.de is a delivery company like amazon
they started with wearable stuff and now you can buy "everything" there... but otto is totally limited to german speaking countries
@Glitch can you tell me the context for this? twitter.com/joshuatopolsky/status/356820022947098625
TheVerge did this to Josh? no way
Nah, Engadget fired their editor
Samsung starts to piss me off... literally
I'm making an effort to call them out on their bullshit
They have way too much power now
They are worse than Apple was back in 2008
At least Apple was innovating
^ second that
I'm here you guys
You're not Samsung though :P
oh now I'm pissed
you know it.
Google and Apple are Sammy's RnD labs. Basically.
And they still manage to fuck it up
Samsung, Microsoft and Oracle are my most hated brands
Currently Samsung and Apple are both on the top at my list...
Apple without Jobs isn't as bad as Samsung
yo best way to share an eclipse project between 2 computers and different OS? Win and Ubuntu
Samsung are a soulless company who stands for nothing but profits.
@luckyreed76 Dropbox?
git? ^^
yeah that is what I am messing with right now Dropbox
don't use dropbox!
even as a single user dropbox was messing up big time
why? I think it is messing with my formats
I had a lot of conflicts on sync
mostly in the hidden files but it was just plain stupid
if you switch a lot, use a workspace on a stick
and just backup with dropbox/drive/whatever
well I have 2 shitty computers
but...together they form a less shitty computer
like a really crappy version of Voltron
has anyone tried Google Drive with Eclipse?
Anyone good at photography here?
I'm good at pretending to be good
Just clicked on that vid as well :D
#xkeystore! :D
I think Warren works for the NSA
I speak better! :D
How do you get this pastel palette of colours in photography?
inb4 instagram
@WarrenFaith LOL know a lot of people who talk like this
F dropbox....remember that time Warren when I was bitching about formatting?? ha
wow I just found a dev who has no idea who Snowden is...
Does he live in North Korea?
Or somewhere in the jungle?
nope but he is an iOS dev... and french :D
Hi there
Explains it haha
hi there
I have an important question: In android developing you use often methods to load resources from XML but I don't have any idea how this works. The main problem is that I want to load a PreferenceScreen (with Items) into a ListView like the method addPreferencesFromResource in the PreferenceActivity Class.
never worked with preference screen but shouldn't it scroll automatically? I mean there is no need for a listview, right?
what do you mean with scroll?
why do you want to use a listview?
A preferencescreen contains only a ListView
sorry an PreferenceActivity
I hate godaddy.com. Why is it acceptable to reserve random domains and sell them for the 1000x of the original price? I waited too long to buy myName.com. They just randomly raised the price from $500 to $2800. Wtf.
I want to build a menu with tabs+swipe for Android 2.2 with ActionBarSherlock. That's no problem but I only can use PreferenceActivity in Android 2.2 and for swipe I need PreferenceFragment (API 11). So I thought I use a normal Fragment from the support library a put a ListView with the PreferenceItems in it
but for that I have to load the items from the XML into the ListView
and you don't know how to create the items?
yes that's the problem
you know approximately how a preferenceScreen XML looks like?
Btw github.com/Prototik/HoloEverywhere/blob/… (Backport of PreferenceFragment)
See the Android source code
I will try this thank you! :)
Good morning
> Is there someone who needs Android developers? We have 2 fulltime developers that can join your team. They will work remotely from our office in Ukraine [stopped reading]
nothing against people from Ukraine but I hate outsourcing!
Hello everybody
who has a N4?
@FoamyGuy I does
raghav and warren
Is it rooted? and have you gotten the prompt to install 4.3 yet? if so did you do it and did it kill your root?
Morning kabuto
I flashed the 4.3 image from the Developer Site.
hey @jcaruso
But when I OTAd from 4.1 to 4.2 on my Galaxy Nexus I did lose root
was your N4 rooted when you flashed 4.3?
you always lose root
ask Lucky, he told me the same
and the n4 of my wife got the update on sunday
bleh too much work then for so little reward
rooting is a 2 minute job :D
as long as everything goes correctly yes
"There is a setting to keep Wi-Fi on at all times..., even when you disable it."
(?_?) - One switch for wifi seems like enough to me.
It's not enough
Wi-Fi has two uses
location, and internet
both of which work correctly when it is on...and neither of which should be needed while it is off.
i ponder
@FoamyGuy Not really. Having Wi-Fi off means the GPS needs to be turned on for location. That's pretty insane.
I've never found that to be an annoyance
generally if I want my location I want it more accurate than wifi or 3g/4g can get anyway, so I always use GPS if I want it
@kabuto178 I'm down to three issues
But if you want to use wifi for location why not just leave it on for real?
ahh lots of progress since then hehe, @jcaruso whats problem now?
well i haven't been able to get that calendar to clear events on the back or forward a month that i posted.
and i need to optimize that area because it is going through that entire array every time it hits a date
thats two of my 3
ahh your almost done then man :D not bad at all
very much so! I'm starting to burn out, so i need to launch this bad boy
lol of course
I do probally need to revisit a few things but i'll have to make a list ;)
@WarrenFaith Have you updated your N10 to 4.3?
get base release ready
Or, does anyone here have an N10 running 4.3?
yea the last thing i probably need to revisit is the Sql injection possibility someone commented on my code before base release goes out
got it ota a few days ago
@Rezoom Could you please install my Permission Manager and see if it works fine? I'm getting a bunch of emails saying it gets stuck on the loading screen when you open App Ops.
actually this was the first thing i testet. xD works fine for me. on the n10 aswell as the gnex
Oh yay!
Thanks :D
btw: i saw your app on one of the largest german blogs: stadt-bremerhaven.de/…
I think one of my users is cheating on his wife....
> This app can be more powerful and funtionality if you could configure a diferent profiles, and apply to diferent situations such as work, girlfriend, wife.. etc..
omg yesterday on a flight one guy called up 6 girls to hook up
and at the end he called his wife
His voice changed in the last call like a zombie talking on the phone
And then he flirted with the airhostess and the air host had to come to intervene
we just found an awesome playstore comment: "Very buggy lately :-( Die App wurde letztens instabiler. Hängt sich plötzlich auf, reagiert nicht mehr auf Berührungen (wie meine Frau) und zeigt nicht mehr alle Visitors in der Liste an! Katastrophe." short international version: "The app doesn't respond to touches (like my wife)."
Ok, I take back what I said about 4.3 If I can block individual permissions per app then it is worth it. But I still think one wifi switch is enough.
@RaghavSood I have but not OTA
I don't think that should make a difference. I flashed the 4.3 image onto my N4, and it works fine
Not fake at all hahah
I wonder how he does when it itches his armpits...
Why do some people even use that many steroids. Looks so ugly.
found a picture of him in his youth
'cause bigger is always better
Guess I'm the best then
user image
Quick question: What's better for hosting an API? 16 instances à 128mb each or 8 instances à 256mb?
Or should I rather ask this in the php room?
depends on your usage
Yeah that's the difficult part
I don't know if my app will be really successful or not
But I expect at least 50k users
then go the 16 instances..
ok good
But are 128mb enough ? I mean that seems not really much :/
for a php script?
again depends on your usage
some sql access and basic calculations: way enough
The API only queries a mysql database
ah ok good then
think about your android app, you would be happy to have 128mb RAM available :D
haha you're right :D
1 hour later…
@ahmad why split?:P
Ill just have to create it myself i guess. like make a background image, place some buttons on it i guess. hmm.
@max don't you want something like a bottom bar?
or did I misunderstand what you where asking for?
well it could be on bottom. I want basically a bar than i can place anywhere
like in Chrome they have a bar a little down from top, because tabs are on top of it
and it has a text field in it and such
basically like that, a bar i can add anything inside
In the chrome app?
I don't see a bar there other than the ActionBar
the bar at the top right below the tabs
thats an action bar?
so an action bar can have a text field in it? and be placed anywhere? and have multiple ones?
like if i wanted 2 of them. one on top and bottom
here is a riddle
how do you get a multi line edit text with DONE as the ime action
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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