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@OctavianDamiean good morning
@OctavianDamiean you change your icon?
Good morning Judy
@ThunderRabbit good morning
@ThunderRabbit Are you familiar with playing RTSP video in android
no I'm not.
@ThunderRabbit ok
Judy, you don't have to ping me all the time. :-)
If I'm available, I can read and answer
@ThunderRabbit hehe, ok, I see
Judy, do you understand what pinging means?
good morning guys whoam
You mean I don't need to add "@ThunderRabbit" when send the message to you. Is't true?
If I add "@ThunderRabbit", the stack overflow will inform you.
and I'm super busy with stuff so I would rather not have to jump back here with every message you send. :-)
ok, I see
I guess if I'm busy I should just leave the room. :-)
thank you for understanding.
I know you're busy as well, so I haven't pinged your name a single time
In my opinion, that is the respect for you if I speak with you by ping you.
I see
How about this
Hey Judy, how are you?
you can just use my name, but without the @
ok, That is a good way.
great! we have a solution. :-)
Q: How to combine Include Tag with TabHost?

hunterpHow can I include a tab bar at the bottom of every page? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_hei...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
good morning
good morning
good afternoon
good after lunch :D
@Audrius : hiii


can you please post your comment as answer.. it worked fine
2 hours later…
I need advice!
on what topic?
Say I want an action to happen every X seconds. Should I make a service which starts up every X seconds, or have it always running?
And if the former, what's the best way to do that?
Glitch: countdowntimer ??
i thought ur gonna ask something exotic :)
there's an object that does something and has callbacks every X seconds
yea i was going to say some timer object should do the trick
And that's a good way to do it?
I'm concerned about battery life
Hmm, I see Handler() being mentioned a lot
sorry glitch, i never used it so i wont play smart :)
Running a service should not be battery consuming by itself. It depends on what you do in that service.
I connect a voltmeter directly to the device to check the current flowing :D
So basically, I should start a serivce, and use a handler to execute it every x seconds?
dinner time, brb
This is what I've done : A broadcast receiver listens to ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED. In onReceive() I start a service.
In the service onStartCommand() I run a TimerTask every few seconds
thanks @Reno. I just use my widget as a broadcast receiver
Hmm, now to decide, TimerTask or Handler
in Android Updates, Jul 7 at 11:19, by Glitch
My parents gave me the sword of maturity, and the shield of Internet rage. I'm like Link, but all grown up.
Have you been stalking me? :P
think you need something a bit more powerful than a sword, more like a small battlefield nuke.
@Glitch No, I expect you, Reno and Octavian have got enough stalers as it is ;)
just reading the transcript of (one of the many) andriod rooms yesterday. RAEG, much?
Yesterday? That was a while back
sorry, I meant I was reading through it yesterday.
Ahh. Yeah, that guy raged up. Many of his posts were removed, which is why my posts don't make as much sense.
@Glitch transcript shows all chat posts, even deleted ones ;)
You sure, because I can't see them :/
nope it does not show deleted ones
I was sure it did.
Manjot had typed something worse than that 'dick' thing
and he deleted it after a few seconds
I'm so reporting you Reno, you foul mouthed Android hippie!
help! we're being repressed!
Gah, my code is a mess
Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON requires a bit of a mess to use
oh...thats comepletely weird. I thought it did.
@Glitch : Adding some context to the conversation. There is some deleted content so I don't know what really went down
@Kartik Done.
@Audrius : +1 and Accepted answer :)
Thank you very much, sir.
Awesomesauce, my app can now set the brightness perioidically..
Testing it now, it's working well. I just need to stop it from updating if the phone is sitting there idle
I imagine this will eat up battery
Why do you need to change the brightness @Glitch ?
Q: Switching orientation error: Fragment Error - Duplicate id, tag, or parent id 0x0

GraemeI have a Fragment SearchPageFragment (representing the main view on a tablet) which itself contains two fragments inside of it: <fragment android:name="com.test.fragments.SearchFormFragment" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ...

Just in case anyone is interested this is what i'm working on.
@Graeme it's an auto brightness app
Android's don't have that?
They have but it is not nearly as kick-ass as his version.
(As an android developer I like my iPhone far too much...)
Is it on the market place?
Oooh, where?
I'm worried about updating it, I've rewritten so much of it that I fear it may break existing compatibility! :P
Can't buy stuff - My dev phone is linked to the company CC.
@Glitch Looks really nice. Lots of features, etc. And a price is good.
Thanks @Audrius. It was actually supposed to be cheaper, but Google made it 99c AUD minimum.
@Glitch Heh, well it probably is one of a must have applications in Australia. With all the sunny days (-.
How much do you make from apps on the Android Market place?
never put one on there before
70% of the sale
So, if you put it up for $1, you get 70c. If someone buys it in England do they pay £1 or do they pay $1 converted at the current exchange rate?
You can set prices for different regions
Otherwise it goes by exchange rate
Oh cool :)
Hi all
Hi @Saurabh
@Graeme Hi
I have some problem can you help me
Q: Android InApp Purchase Null pointer exception

SaurabhI had implemented inApp purchase in my application but sometimes it gives me NPE, below is stack trace. I can post the code also if anyone interested. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start service com.market.BillingService@48400380 with null: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.app.A...

The NPE gets thrown from the Market service because you are passing it null.
Simple solution, don't pass it null.
Hi all
@Audrius it is winter in Australia though :)
@OctavianDamiean But I am not passing it null I can show the code also
So you have a null-check in place already?
I wish there was a good way to detect if the phone is idle
@Reno How cold (does it ever get cold in Australia (- ) is it?
i simply used sample code from android it runs most of the times well but sometimes it give this
You can edit your last messages within 120 seconds from posting them by hitting the up arrow key.
@Audrius Between -23°C and 49.7 °C
Those are the extremes
Thanx but my current problem is not that :P
Apparently it was one of them. ;)
no wai ... -23 ? :0
@Glitch is this across the continent?
@Reno that's the record set in the 1930's :P
@Audrius that's NSW
@Saurabh Add a null-check. It will also help with debugging it.
@Reno wait, no, that was 1994, the hottest one was the 30s
@OctavianDamiean Ok but I am finding nowhere to put a null check can you tell me where should I put a null check?
Well where you invoke the service.
You want to make sure that you don't pass it null references and find out when those occur.
2 messages moved to bin
4 messages moved to bin
@OctavianDamiean I updated the Question?
@Saurabh here is some reference, may be of help
I'm not sure what the question mark is supposed to be good for in that sentence so I'm going to regard it as a question and answer it.
I've a flight to catch, safe!
Yes you did update your question.
Take care Reno.
@Saurabh Edited my pseudo code example.
Note the code comments.
@OctavianDamiean I am totally confused to where to put that check
Now I'm confused. What is this supposed to do?
mBillingService.requestPurchase("android.test.purchased", null);
sending request to service but how this line is supposed to be checked
is android.test.purchased throws null
@OctavianDamiean Yours this statement is really making me laugh "Now I'm confused." :D
Gah, gotta switch to my desktop computer to checkout the samples.
@OctavianDamiean that very kind of you
It is, I have to get out of bed for that! :D
I am really sorry for that :(
Don't worry. It is about time anyway. ;)
Its third day I am struggling with this error and finding no solution :(
I'm taking a look at the sample right now, I'm not really familiar with the In-app Billing service.
Great to hear that now I m bit relaxed BTW this is my first inApp implementation
Right, from the looks of it you are are not contacting that service correctly.
Passing null in the requestPurchase() method won't work.
You have to pass it some payload != null.
Oh, now that is interesting. They pass null themselves. :O
I should really starting doing myself what I'm preaching others should do ...
Yeah and so the documentation says that there is no harm in sending null as payload
Reading code comments helps enormously. :P
// Note that the developer payload is optional.
So, no you don't have to send it any non-null payload.
I think passing a string will get rid me of this problem
Your thoughts please?
Hold on. How did you come up with "android.test.purchased"?
actually For testing purpose I used this
otherwise I have to upload the build every time I make changes
not my Q but I'd like to know if ye have an answer:
hi guys
hey oct
guess what!!!!!!!!!!!
My app doesn't have all its resources yet, but......
you didn't lose your job? :P
it's 31.8 MB.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah
ain't lost it yet
That's a good thing? :P
the 31MB that is
but we need some major um .... dieting
@Glitch, were you just offering relationship advice?
@tombull89 I was just bashing my head against the keyboard and words came out
Looks like she had a problem...so she posted it on Yahoo! answers. Now, she's got two problems.
She's in Casual chat, make it three problems.
And may not even be female - now it gets confusing!
@AdamLynch Answered the question you posted.
in Casual chat, 21 mins ago, by Latha Vani
@Glitch i m a gril how can i marry another girl
I take it she does mean "Girl" and not "grill" (i.e. BBQ)
Aww, I wanted to see a grill marry a girl
it's like a man's greatest dream
Geroge Foreman, do you take [x] to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love her, cherish her...and cook her bacon?
I do eyes swell up with glorious tears
@OctavianDamiean Any response regarding that
I just added the resources that I've received so far
and it's 40 MB
Oh dear, periodic auto brightness isn't too kind on the battery
@graeme Thanks. That's what I've done myself (changing background resource) but I was hoping his method existed
Oh. Glad i wasted my time then :)
@Graeme ah you helped someone :)
Hmm, my code kills a service when it's finished doing it's work, but then creates it again the next time it needs to do work
perhaps I should stop killing it, it may use more processing cycles if it needs to recreate over and over again
If you guys had a progress dialog on screen, what would you expect to happen when you change the orientation of the screen?
it probably should rotate
The progress dialog is on the screen still and continues until done right?
Doh :/ I've got an Async task running which displays a progress dialog. If you rotate while that's happening it opens a whole can of worms :( :(
AsyncTask can't call finish()/dismiss() anymore, the original Activity loads from start with no dialog,
Fine, screw the AsyncTask, I'm putting a static float on the class and if bundle != null descrement it before finishing. It's dirty but i don't care.
Is angry and bored of Technology today.
@Graeme The better way would be to handle rotation yourself.
in what way?
First bit of rotation stuff i've ever done. Usually locked into horizontal.
Put android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation" for the activity in AndroidManifest
And override onConfigurationChanged
This way your activity won't be restarted on rotation.
Yeah, good fun
Personally I do not have different layouts for any of my activities, so I have a base class override configuration changes and put configChanges attrivute on every activity.
Makes rotation faster and doesn't waste additional resources.
This is a DialogFragment
Have no experience with them.
I don't really understand how the change orientation event knows what fragments / activities are being displayed to be honest.
I'm assuming there is a table somewhere.
(off topic) I hate consultants who say "I'm not technical - it's over my head" - don't ask then!!!
Q: debugging styles.xml

JayPIs there a way of debugging which style is being used? I have multiple styles defined in my styles.xml. I also define a style for the activity. How do i find out why is my style is not being applied correctly? Thanks

anyone knows how to go about this
Good work @Glitch . That was hilarious
Anyone know why my Application throws an exception, you press "force close" and it flickers a bit but all that happens is the activity collapses and resorts to the previous one?
nvm, i'm too tired today. Will work on it tomorrow.
Q: How to combine Include Tag with TabHost?

hunterpHow can I include a tab bar at the bottom of every page? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TabHost xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@android:id/tabhost" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_hei...

@Graeme I think this is a default behavior when application crashes, at least for me in emulator it always does that.
It probably tries starting activity again with the same intent and if that fails - pops the stack to the previous activity.
Allright I thought I saw this guy somewhere already. On the "Through the wormhole" string theory part.
@Reno Michio rocks! He reminds me of my first programming tutor
Woo, Mac OS 10.7 is out. This download will take a while..
@nil what's the size?
A little under 4gb
I'm about 60% done downloading it, though I've had it going for a while.
what speed are you on? Takes one and a half hour here...
Not sure, but it's not a good speed
High-speed internet access is hard to get in a rural area
back in the village i grow up, top speed was 45KB/s ....
So we're kind of stuck with the bare minimum
Well, our bare minimum isn't quite that bad, thankfully
I can get about 600kb/s (kilobytes, just because I always get asked) off Steam on a good day, so probably something around that or lower
Same here except that I'm not really in a rural area and I'm paying for a server connection but it still sucks hard at 400kB/s.
I have 256KB/s now and I'm happy.
Compared to my old speed, this is like traveling with the speed of light
And now it's done downloading. That went faster than I thought it would. Either that or time is passing quickly again.
Hey everyone
I just uploaded my app and I can't find it when searching on the market, does it take awhile to come up or something?
I cant find my app!
Anyone know....?
Might take some time.
its only on this....Spanish android market site....haha
Found it there, without the demo version, and I can't find it on the official market
Can anybody help me here? I just published my app and thought the High Resolution Application Icon was my launcher icon
Now I have a published app with no launcher icon
Does anybody know how to set your launcher icon in Eclipse? Or if you even do it in Eclipse?
i have a silly java question that is driving me nuts. I made a method with the following signature public static Boolean sameData(List<HashMap<Object, Object>> obj1, List<HashMap<Object, Object>> obj2) I am trying to use it like this sameData(new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> (),new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ()); and its complaining that the arguments are not applicaple
@lespommes you put icon files in the res/drawable-hdpi , mdpi, ldpi, folders
@lespommes Also you reference it in the AndroidManifest.xml
ya I figured you did it in the manifest
there we go, launcher icon finished woo
Sooooo ya I have a problem
The official Android Market isn't showing my app, but third-party App sites are picking it up
All the third-party ones are, but not the official market
Is there something wrong?
Guess it just takes awhile...oh well
1 hour later…
Anybody here have an Android phone?
I have 2...
Alright, got Mac OS 10.7 installed. I will have to create a livejournal account to whine about any minor problems I have.
anybody in here
@Pyrodante Hey you wanna try my app and tell me how horrible it is? haha
I could
Q: set the textsize of a listview

JayPI have a custom listview and have defined a style for it. I am not able to change the textsize of the items on listview. I am trying to change it through layout so that it can dynamically change depending on device. styles.xml <style parent="@android:attr/listViewStyle" name="ListStyle">...

any answers to my question
Are you supposed to use the same keystore for every app you make?
Or does each app get its own keystore? I don't really understand signing
Anyone know of instructions I can read on that or something? People are getting "Package not signed correctly" when downloading my app
You don't need to use the same keystore for each, but if they are to be comapatible with one another they should use the same signing key
The problem is I already uploaded the apps on the market, I wanna start over with a new keystore
Just trying to fix that error
if you sign it with a new key it will be a new app on the store
you can not change the key once it is on the store and have it connect
hold on ill find the blog
So can I just reset it and take this one off?
That explains what cant change once it has been put on the store
Okay here's my problem: I made a keystore and used that to sign my apps, using the same alias and password
I then did a tiny update on it and used the same keystore
But now those keystores were OVERWRITTEN over and I have new keystores, and the Market wants me to update instead of putting a new app up
So, my experience with the market is fairly limited seeing as I use an alternative delivery, but from my understanding you will have to just create a new entry in the market
and btw I can try your app if you want I have a Droid X a Droid 1 and a Droid 2
So if I lost that keystore I'm screwed? Gotta rename my packacge and put a new one up?
"If you change the certificate an application is signed with, it is now a different application because it comes from a different author. This different application can’t be uploaded to Market as an update to the original application, nor can it be installed onto a device as an update."
Ya so I have to rename the entire package
ugh, annoying
"If you change the signing certificate of your application, you should always change its manifest package name as well to avoid failures when it’s installed. In other words, the application coming from a different author makes it a different application, and its package name should be changed appropriately to reflect that. (Of course it’s fine to use the same package name for the development builds of your app signed with your test keys, because these are not published.)"
how do you look at your permissions on SO?
shucks as soon as i ask i find it

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