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fair enough
I only use it for, well, debugging the compiler anyway
most of those will only be hit if Clang fails to link C++ correctly.
which would hardly be a surprise to me
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you know if AIFF (Apple's Lossless uncompressed audio format) with tagging decoder is available for Foobar?
@not-kbok Still considering going. I mean, if my employer doesn't cover a part of it, at least I will invest in a bit of network for my next job :/
Okay, this is getting weird.
(I'm with the same employer for ~17 years now. I might be a tad too loyal)
Time for good old -fmax-errors=1.
@sehe I could see that as an investment for sure
Gah, those cubeworld guys should get their stuff sorted. :(
Yeah. They totally should. Shame on them for not sorting their stuff! (what did you mean?)
@ThePhD Not that I know of (but that's more or less meaningless because I never sought one)
In file included from Stages/Parser/Builder.cpp:1:0:
Stages/Parser/Builder.h:10:14: error: use of enum 'Error' without previous declaration
         enum Error;
foobar2000.org/components doesn't seem to list one, so you would have to google.
Same in GCC. :|
g++-4.8 main.cpp Stages/**/*.cpp -std=c++11 -lstdc++ `llvm-config --libs all` -I ~/llvm/tools/clang/include -I ~/llvm/include -I ~/llvm/build/include -D __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D __STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -fmax-errors=1
@DeadMG Oh whoops didn't notice that one.
@sehe They disabled account registration because so many people are registering and it's like a DoS. Or maybe they're getting hit by a real DDoS attack
I fixed locally and I also fixed that bad reference to vector.
@rightfold can you provide me with a patch once you get it to build?
@Xeo ... fail. ish
And I want to try the game so bad
@not-kbok Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No solutins there from a quick search, but I'll o more digging.
Compilation failed! :'(
@not-kbok I pushed a fix for bad vector reference and bad enum forward declaration.
no fix for __debugbreak though
You guys should get a Lounge<Wide> room or something :P
Stages/Semantic/ClangTU.cpp:22:10: fatal error: 'CodeGen/CodeGenModule.h' file
      not found
#include <CodeGen/CodeGenModule.h>
Let's see where I can download this fucker.
it's clang/lib.
Oh. :v
that's why you have to have the full Clang source- the Codegen headers are not part of clang/include.
so you can't just have the Clang libs and their public headers
-I ~/llvm/tools/clang/lib/ :P
is what I have for VS
@ThePhD How did x86 release build go for you?
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh clang fuck youuuu.
what happened?
Stages/Semantic/UserDefinedType.cpp:168:45: error: overload resolution selected
      implicitly-deleted copy assignment operator
        type->Functions["~type"]->functions =...
How can you have an implicitly-deleted copy assignment operator?
@not-kbok Have a non-copy assignable non-static data member.
oh, right.
@rightfold Okay
for MSVC I use the PPL, and for the others I use the Standard threading facilities in a relatively shitty wrapper
didn't properly wrap operator= for that.
I've just thought. It doesn't matter what language you write the compiler in, as long as you can get something vaguely working even if its hacky means you can always rewrite your compiler in your own language
just head to util/concurrentdetail/stdvector.h and add a copy assignment operator that copies the internal vector (no need to lock the mutex for assignment)
So write it in ruby, it doesn't matter if its slow, etc.
@rightfold Or define a move constructor or a move assignment operator
Oh, LLVM and clang finally finished building. xD
@rightfold You built it on Windows?
I don't naturally write MSVC-only code
@DeadMG Can I do the rename now? :c
but it happens that illegal things seep in that MSVC accepts
6 mins ago, by DeadMG
@ThePhD How did x86 release build go for you?
Quite amazing how missing a qoute can cause errors.
@Ell It does if you can't interface with LLVM and Clang, and it also does if your language is a slow-ass language not suited to heavy-duty compilation or can't expose C APIs.
@rightfold I rebuilt with the std facilities here on Windows and it seems that the operator= was all that was needed.
It doesn't once you have bootstrapped a compiler
@DeadMG I added it myself.
Vector& operator=(Vector const& other) {
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
    vec = other.vec;
no need for the lock (it won't hurt though)
@DeadMG asm { int 3; } works on MSVC. It's slightly different on gcc: asm("int $3") or something IIRC
@sehe Doesn't work for x64.
Oh. Ba-dum-splash
What's wrong with __debugbreak()?
@DeadMG Just a quick question - why do you have x86 and Win32 and AnyCPU builds?
@ThePhD Win32/AnyCPU are .NET for Visual Wide. x86 is for C++.
@not-kbok Clang won't recognize it.
Oh. Well, let's get some conformance and clean this up...
Okay LLVM is built, damn that was long
@DeadMG Okay
if you're using MSVC then you won't have a problem with it
obviously, since it's an MSVC intrinsic.
Yes, my son?
My VS is choking all of a sudden, really hard.
do I need to build clang as well?
@ThePhD Ah. In before "out of virtual memory" and "extending the page file" and "would you like more information?"
@DeadMG Is it okay if I make a function that gets an environment variable in source? The whole hardcoded MinGW path deal is really shitty.
@sehe Lol.
I wonder if there's a standard way to get an environment variable...
@ThePhD No. Then you're talking about requiring that the environment variable is set on the run-time machine too.
@not-kbok Yup.
@DeadMG An environment variable is way better than polluting a diff/pull-request because I had to remove your hardcoded path name.
well, what would be better is setting it to optionally take it by command line, say.
... Wat.
What compiler asks for its tools via the command line?
well, you set the include paths for all your headers via command-line for GCC and Clang, right?
Good news, I picked up couple of cheap HDs while shopping today.
... But these are non-optional include paths. Wide won't work without these paths.
well, either you pass the path or you live with the default
Bad news, I won't be able to pick up my uncle because our airport is kinda out of commission atm.
@Mysticial wow. that was long anticipated. How much? (assuming HDDs)
I'm not saying that changing the default path to be "In working directory" would be a bad thing.
Internal 4TB for 140 USD.
Not bad. Brand?
only that I'm against environment variables.
Hitachi - or whatever they renamed it when WD acquired it.
you can't set those on your user's machine by magic.
you can't unpack Wide.rar and then run Wide.exe.
Well, fine, mingw will come bundled with Wide then. I'm down for that -- it's small anyways.
@Mysticial Cool. Seems like prices are finally coming down then. After, what, 2 years?
well, IMO there's not much choice for reasonable distribution
especially since Wide needs a specific version really
@Mysticial I saw a 3T external for 98 EUR the other day
I actually need internals much more than externals.
I have so many enclosures around. And the drives I retire usually end up as code-testing drives.
Which need to be internal for speed.
So, is it manga or back to Pi crunching?
@Mysticial With sata (and technically, not even USB3, but that's still USB) there need not be a speed difference
17 mins ago, by DeadMG
6 mins ago, by DeadMG
@ThePhD How did x86 release build go for you?
My mouse just died and I'm still fixing paths.
@sehe USB3 bandwidth tends to get shared by the controller. So you can't hook up more than 1 or 2 of them and still get full bandwidth.
.... My
trackpad, has legitimately kicked hte bucket
The internal SATAs are all independent.
I can't move the damn thing.
@Mysticial Was my point. But Sata still stands
my "v" key is annoyingly broken, I have to hit it several times to get a result.
Okay, finally got it working
@sehe But external HDs only come with a USB plug.
@Mysticial Not mine :)
@sehe Then yours is special.
Granted, I often use regular disks with an external eSata/USB3 enclosure
@Mysticial That's what she said
Jeane Claude jaquetti with his Jacket on
@sehe You know, striking it doesn't make it acceptable
@rightfold How's linking going?
@not-kbok What, wasn't it acceptable to begin with?
1 hour ago, by sehe
I'm off for today. See you later :)
Anyways, i'm failing again
@DeadMG I'm continuing my adventure tomorrow.
ITT: the puppy babysitting a group of disciples trying to compile the prerequisites for Wide
I compiled and ran it once before.
A group of 2 but yeah
Now I'm re-doing everything. :c
Currently writing parser for Gear.
ITT the puppy should write docs
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: A group of disciples having a "building Wide" therapy session lead by the Puppy [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [kbok-still-graduated] [no-helpdesk]
What I really wish is if you could parameterise VS project
What do you mean?
inb4 build configurations
you can't build Wide without the LLVM path.
I'm doing exactly that.
there's simply no point in even permitting someone to open the project without providing it.
well, unless they just wanted to browse or something.
So, the puppy invents the reason for environment variables. Or relative paths in project files
environment variables are bad.
and relative paths aren't enough.
they feel bad.
they are bad.
you are bad.
We're bad!
inb4 yt link
the only required scope of LLVM_PATH is the Wide project, there's no reason that data should be randomly global.
@DeadMG What about NuGet?
what about it?
yay. there's NuGet for C++ anyways
NuGet does build and package management.
That could be a nice way to manage the dependency on llvm
personally I've never used it, but it won't do you any good anyway unless LLVM and Clang were already put on there.
@DeadMG environment variables aren't global.
You can have a dedicated repo
Yes, there is a system environment that "seeds" everything, but the rest is decidedly local
import io;
let main := io.lines io.stdin *< length |> sum;
I thought of this syntax for Gear.
What's Gear
io.lines io.stdin is a lazy sequence, *< is parallel map.
@sehe How local is local.
I don't like the word import, so I'd probably stick with include in my language.
@DeadMG process local
I don't like else so I'll go for otherwise
I don't think that's going to be suitable for an environment variable setting up the LLVM path, since you'd need to set it every time you re-launch the compiler.
@DeadMG no kidding. You don't do much building from any kind of command line, do you? Ever noticed the VCVARS.bat?
@ThePhD import implies a different format, include implies pasting a file's contents in place. That should be the reason to choose one or the other
why would I?
$ FOO=bar ./waf configure && ./waf build
Cos GUI is for n00bfags
FOO is only available during that command, not afterwards.
@sehe AFAIK, that's a completely different thing.
@DeadMG Because then you'd know a bit more about how the rest of the world works? Environment variables have a use
Ever tried to call VSVARS.BAT from MSYS? It's horrible
@not-kbok Hm. I guess so? I'd do something like include, and then verbatim for pasting contents.
@DeadMG Tell me the difference
@not-kbok I did. I ended up translating it and putting it in my .screenrc
@sehe Namely, it sets up the current cmd to have access to the VC stuff, rather than, say, setting the IDE so that it can expand an arbitrary user-provided variable.
@not-kbok Toy language.
or let me put it another way
Code looks like a pipeline.
the fact that you would have to run vcvars.bat every fuckin' time is exactly the problem.
@DeadMG You're saying that PATH is special. Granted. But VCVARSxxxx.bat sets way more than that
@sehe I spawn a cmd from bash to run the bat and then spawn a bash that prints path for the bash two layers lower to catch it
Running something every fuckin' time is what shell scripts are for.
@DeadMG And also aptly demonstrate there is no such thing as 'global environment pollution' going on
@rightfold I neither have nor want a shell script.
The problem is that you're too ignorant to learn how to use the command-line.
Because MSYS has quirky rules of translating paths
@rightfold cool.
the only thing I'd gain from the command-line is having a massive disconnect between my toolset and the compiler I'm using
@DeadMG You're spoiled. You want Wide to see adoption. But you don't want to facilitate it, because... god forbid, you might have to accomodate others working with the same code. Hmm. Time for me to really go to sleep
not to mention that ultimately, you have the exact same problem- the user has to provide the MinGW path.
@not-kbok I ended up using cygpath repeatedly. Not a very big deal, but yes, annoying
@DeadMG That is so wrong, msvc is a breeze to use with the command line.
Also running the script is equivalent of opening your ide surely?
@not-kbok sssshh. Don't tell him cl.exe exists
you're right, I'd find it a total breeze to remember the magic name for every variable I used to set from the IDE- I'd have to have it open every time anyway to remember wtf /Zm is.
You don't. Complain about having to open your side after its closed
@Ell Nah, but I'd be pretty irked if I had to reconfigure it again.
anyway, CMake handles this problem just fine.
That's a handful of short names and it's irrelevant when you're the kind of people who knows the whole stdlib by heart
Running a script isn't configuring :S
@DeadMG Why would you want to set it every single time? And this is a boon: it can be pretty gruesome to set this option across all projects/certain build configs. (I hear there have been minor improvements in this ares since VS2010, but still)
@not-kbok inb4: he doesn't
@sehe I agree that setting the thing across every configuration is quite annoying.
And the "most pointless bounty on SO" badge goes to...
Q: git remote update

David HinkesIs git remote update the equivalent of git fetch?

@sehe I really don't know the whole stdlib :P Only a few most common APIs. Besides, it's a bit different when I have Intellisense to remind me what's going on.
Whew. I'm really heading off to bed. Cheers
@DeadMG I know. That'd be silly. Know the gist and know where to find docs :/ My credo
Nighty night :)
@DeadMG No need for intellisense, even.
@Ell :)
besides, I think we've lost track of the actual problem at hand, which is that it's annoying to set up the LLVM path to build, and if you have to edit a script to set it, that's not really any different to setting an environment variable to set it
@CatPlusPlus uh-oh
@sehe time sleep -sehe --message="Good Night!"
CMake handles this problem, IMO, very well- you have to provide a variable at generate, and then it creates cross-platform scripts and the value is baked in for you.
@sehe -1; weekend.
I would make some CMake scripts, but I looked at their website and holy crap it's some random crap they hacked together instead of like, Python or something
@CatPlusPlus That guy's profile picture tells more than 1000 wor-- pointless bounty of 500 rep.
@sehe of course, but we all remember a very large part of it, and the names aren't always obvious. those few switches to learn are not an acceptable excuse
^ @CatPlusPlus "please delete me"
1 min ago, by Griwes
@CatPlusPlus That guy's profile picture tells more than 1000 wor-- pointless bounty of 500 rep.
@Griwes oh, I thought you meant the frog. Anyways, the account bio speaks more loudly than the pic, even
Weird, his latest answer is from 2 days ago.
@sehe No, the photo says it better.
I like how his names resembles 'depressz' too
it's time for me to go to bed
It's almost more explicit at saying it.
@Griwes You failed to mention it :)
I'mma leave LLVM/Clang building since ThePhD's libs didn't work
I'll try tomorrow on Linux
@sehe I can't stop laughing
nighty night

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