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2 hours later…
Morning guys
2 hours later…
good morning
hi !
@luckyreed76 why you no say good morning to me? :P
Hey everyone!
@AndersMetnik lucky might be busy. Me good after noon :)
This is what happens if you try and join this room:
hm... I tend to reject you @android.h because of your nick name... this is an awful choice to be in an android room...
grr I can't get the english spelling check to work in google drive... what the hell
changed the complete browser language, still the complete gui is in german
Hey Apu :)
Did you try changing the language in Google's settings?
I did
Try clearing Cache?
even reboot didn't work
cache clearing didn't work either
gna fuck it :D
Maybe it uses your location to evaluate the language :)
which would be a really bad idea
Indeed, but thats how stuff works
Any gamers in here ?
what a question... OF COURSE!
@AndersMetnik Anders
What's the best gaming headset persently ? :)
Is this a trick questions?
@Rezoom just bought a new one
No ? why so @luckyreed76
and @Glitch is a pro for headsets/speaker
Looking forward for their comments then :)
I have been looking at this :
hahah...I don't have any gaming devices...but I would think the Power Glove by Nintendo obviously
or the PowerPad
Could consider the #2 due to price/rating
@luckyreed76 wasn't intended for you only ;)
I have this: Creative Fatal1ty Gaming Headset
reed: I wrote this first:
it might not be the best, but I like it and the microphone is really good
6 mins ago, by Anders Metnik
Any gamers in here ?
Thanks, but I don't wish to contribute to Fatal1ty :)
Anders if you really want to step up your gaming I would recommend this ebay.com/itm/…
Probably the greatest game accessory ever made
Dont need accessory, need a headset ;)
no Anders...you need the PowerGlove
Maybe I will get this for Warren as a wedding gift...apparently it comes it German as well google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/…
Anders what is wrong with your current headset
It's a headset which came with my nexus4 phone ;) not really compatible with a Desktop computer ;)
what do you play?
As little as possible for the best possible ;)
@luckyreed76 lol
@luckyreed76 and then you became quiet ? :|
hey hey!
@AndersMetnik i got the audio-technica ath-m50 studio headphones. no headset with build in microphone, but excelent sound for base heavy music and gaming. :D price point around 150€
Thanks :) expensive one though :-/
was think like 80-100€
And i kind of need mic as well, but am thinking of a table mic
don't use a table mic...
they are partly worse then built in laptop mics
you hear more surrounding than the person speaking
you hear tapping on the keyboard
Yeah i understand the drawbacks, but sometimes I'd just like to have speakers and a mic and not have to wear headset :P
afk :) lunch
thats true. you need a silent keyboard to use a table mic. the latest mechanical keyboards are so damn loud...
but awesome for gaming xD
Hehe, well i just have an old keyboard ;)
Q: Can we have a hotkey for loading the new questions please?

Raghav SoodThis is sort of similar to this (shouldn't that question be status-completed, btw?). We currently have a box that says how many new questions are there and we can click to load it. Would it be possible to add a hotkey to do that clicking for us? I tend to work using mostly the keyboard, as I'm ...

@Rezoom what you think of this: pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2395226,00.asp ? :)
I tend to agree to the comment, Raghav, F5 is basically what you are looking for
Eh, forgot about F5 :P
Been too long on a mac
F5 does brightness for me by default
the reputation is not good... neither is a mac :D
I like my mac :D
Got a new Retina Display one
Rep mostly manages itself now :P
Cmd + R
I was barely posting for the whole 5 weeks I was in USA
I am off, being in a meeting
@AndersMetnik its a 5.1 surround sound headset. i wouldn't recommend that. had one once, it was heavy and the sound was... mäh. there is clearly a touch of 5.1, but for games like CS a simple stereo headset works the best.
@Rezoom Not doing simple CS :P
But thanks for the input :)
Can you recommend something within my price range ?
Razer Kraken Pro maybe :)
Okay a lot of good review for the rkaken, that will I get :)
I just told myself what I want to do isn't possible by finding my own answer on SO when Googling. I'm killing my own project ideas :/
HuH ?
I was trying to see if I can dismiss a notification from another app. Found myself telling someone else it can't be done
Now I'm seeing if I can do it with root :P
@AndersMetnik that is basically what i'm valuing the most: the reviews of a product. but sometimes, when i'm not willing to decide between two things, i order both and try them, keep the better one and the other one gets returned.
the comments...
Q: java.util.uuid.randomUUID is returning null after creating some uuids

user2139064Its a weird problem with java.util.uuid.randomUUID() method. Actually in my DB I am using UUID as primary key so every time I am inserting something a uuid is generated and passed on to DB. Records to be inserted are 10k to 15k. UUIDs are generated fine for some 400-500 records but then it return...

Anyone here know stuff about soldering stations?
I have no clue what you are talking about, sorry
Trying to work out if this is any good. ebay.com.au/itm/…
not me
I have to hand solder some 0.5mm pitch parts D:
Hmm. I don't bother with them usually
Bought all my stuff separately and solder on top of a tile
My iron came with a nice stand
And changeable heads
This one has changeable heads
Non changable is useless
My first iron was non changeable :P
Blew the school fuse after i let the element touch the wire while plugged in
This looks cool. I feel like buying it for lols. ebay.com/itm/Gas-Soldering-Iron-Pen-Shape-HOSE-PEN-TORCH-KIT-/…
The TSA confiscated my butane torch on the way back from USA :(
do it!
It was in check in baggage!
it can torch too
way to go
wow AS released 1.0.6... man 3 versions since I started AS the last time...
I downloaded it yesterday and it wanted me to update today >.<
My internet cannot handle this
hey guys
oh did I tell you the most awesome question in my master thesis defense Q&A session?
> "Why did you use JSON instead of XML? I mean, JSON is new and not even a standard..."
i lol'd ^^
this is "University" vs "Reality"
The did say, that they are going to update AS weekly
What? JSON is not a standard?!
don't ask me... "science" is always different from real life
I mean my Java prof heard once about "JavaDoc" but she prefered "AKO" (Anfangskommentare)
which was basically a comment block inside the method instead of above
so that no IDE on earth could show the method documentation
A java prof - really?
Sounds like my Java teacher
> You shouldn't use try-catch in your projects because it doesn't let the program crash
I was the only one who went and used it anyways in the class. These were our board projects, assessed out of school. Everyone else lost marks for just letting exceptions go through :P
need to reboot again
hahah :p
this profesor should implement some ascii art and this code could be looks really nice
this prof also needs to realize that translating every programming term is just nuts
you don't translate Array or Collection or even GUI (which was translated to GraBo, which is just a stupid shortcut for the real GUI translation)
he wrote also a book... with his skills
no wonder why I was bored as hell the first 3 semesters..
i have nightmares about android fragmentation
these UI issues are driving me nuts
I just saw your question
is the s4 an xxhdpi device?
that's what i was told
also: you should calculate your bound values depending on the screen dpi. Your current values are used as pixels (afaik)
can you elaborate on that?
@WarrenFaith wtf? GraBo? hahaha ^^ i had heard, that this prof translate a lot unnecessary stuff. but this is very, very, very bad. xD
well setBounds uses pixel values afaik
so you should somehow calculate the pixel you need for the dpi of the device
I made a helper method for that: pastebin.com/fwB19sZt
helps if you want to have something in 2D to have the same size on every screen
the checkApplication is internally a check if MyApplication is set in the manifest (the method is part of a helper class in my library)
you can ignore that line
@Ahmad thx
@WarrenFaith someone just posted your exact answer lol you want to post the answer so I can give you the credit. you technically said it first.
na, give it him. I will paste my pastebin as a comment...
cool thanks
I am not like Raghav, I have honor! :D duck'n'run
throws stuff at Warren :D
You didn't hit m... bang ouch
I was searching for something completely different... but hey, I agree:
hierarchy view is not working on my emulator
but it should
@hanleyhansen do you know you can use hierarchy viewer on a real device using this ? :)
i heard about that ^^^
or you can root your device :D
can't even get it to work on the emulator though lol
Is anyone here adept at slaying bugs?
Q: Getting (x,y) coordinates of a click after zooming has occurred

RookatuI've got a custom view, which is essentially a grid drawn onto a canvas, for which I have implemented panning and zooming. These work fine, but I also want to be able to find the grid coordinates of a click. In order to do this, I must compensate for both the amount that the view has been panne...

correction hierarchy viewer doesn't work within eclipse
i have to run the standalone
and the torture continues
pixel perfect ^^
lower resolution devices ^^^
that one is 320X480
notice the white bor around the top left icon
what the hell!
is it a 9-patch?
transparency issues?
maybe bounding box? the image size of the super cube looks correct
super-cube/pinwheel thing
also "activity > reading" container looks too large (height)
3 devs here: we all think: Transparency issue
basically because you see the "border" V at the bottom
I am out. cya!
original image ^^
is this the low res image?
that's actually the only one so yes
would the transparency issue only be present in lower resolutions?
no. if you had multiple resources, i would recommend a doulbe-check for the transparency
but in this case... it could be a version issue
what's a version issue
as far as i can remember older android versions (2.3 and before) handle transparencies in a different way than now... at this could lead to some glitches or so
not really sure right now
i have the same issue in 4.0.4
it's only on devices with lower resolution
oh, ok
but it's version independent
take a look at the screenshots of my full test: appthwack.com/public/Rheq5eGky8
it only appears on devices where the resolution is 320X480 and below
what about the Bitmap.Config?
i'm only guessing. but maybe those low res devices using a different Bitmap.Config to save some memory?
where can i find that?
if you call the imageviews getdrawable, do you get a bitmapdrawable back? im not sure right now. but if you do so, you can get it's bitmap and check the config with getConfig()
android studio keeps screwing up with R stuff
Do you like Android Studio?
how so?
its p good
but it screws up
i have to rebuild my project every time i want to run it
if i run it without rebuilding it wont be able to handle any of my resources
how annoying
nah, not that
@hanleyhansen that's true, but the only 4.0+ devices with this resolution and this issue is a samsung device. and on samsung devices you can find android layout bug from version 2.3 even in 4.1!! damn you touchwiz!
i have no idea what to do
try to test the low res devices with an own low-res graphic for this one
that would be hdpi right?
no, m or l
Q: Android Studio need to rebuild project before each run

bill gatesRecently the android studio shows Error Java cannot find Symbol or each run. i have to go to built and rebuilt the project before each run. Is there any way to fix it? i don't know if my project problem or the problem of the latest update of android studio. is anyone facing the same problem ? a...

@Rezoom the res on that image is 72
how much lower am i gonna go?
this calculator is pretty handy
cool thank you
Hello, Android!
ugh this sucks
sorry to hear that
I broke my Linux box last night...
posted on June 25, 2013 by Tor Norbye

We've just released Android Studio 0.1.7. It contains an important workaround for a bug introduced in 0.1.6, as well as as the following bug fixes and improvements: <ScrollView> and <HorizontalScrollView> tags now render their full scrolled view size, rather than just the viewport size. There is also a toggle rendering mode button in the layout actions toolbar in the layout editor.

anyone good with calabash?
how can i touch a button with not text?
action bar home button to be specific
have to go. bb!
Guys I got the S4 for me dad
I'll be using this for a while
You better root it an flash CM on it :) TouchWiz is just too ugly
today is a good day for CM 10.1 as stables are out : androidpolice.com/2013/06/24/…
got my acclaim running it today. after a stupid bootloop issue, its pretty damn awesome
@JMRboosties are you there?
@Ahmad whats up
cool, wanted to ask, if you got that facebook dialog to use holo
finally came around using it myself
Or.. it was you who had the same problem, wasn't it? :P
nah that was me
i couldnt figure it out unfortunately
Oh ok :/
Still thanks :)
That fuckin lib was built with Android 2.2
No wonder it wouldn't work
let see
mine is compiled with 4.2.2
still has the issue
Mine was precompiled with 2.2
Changed it to 4.2
It worked two times
and now it's broken again -.-
My logcat is going crazy and keeps overloading with messages from a skype app and it is messing up trying to figure out my app...I keep filtering my results...any thoughts?
I tried to disable and uninstall skype but it is a system app and not rooted
are you in intellij or AS?
in about 5 seconds I get about 20000 logs
maybe this'll work there. just put in the process number in the filter field. as "pid:xyza"
okay...I want that app out more importantly ha
xyza is the process of your app. I get this from ddms > devices pane
@luckyreed76 you can set up a filter so it only shows logs from your app
oh.. you already found that out haha :)
yeah...and this skype app is blowing up my logcat
I tried to disable it and it keeps going crazy
25k messages right now
adb uninstall com.skype.raider
I tried the adb uninstall...it is a system app on this thing
apparently it is com.skype.rover on this thing
yea...you might need to mount the system as r&w
or check out es file explorer,
I like File Manager HD
as well
I'll check that one out
it is by Rhythm software
I like this one
Holo all the way ;)
most of the time I use adb shell
haha, f u skype...I just used Superuser and Titantium and mounted then blasted it
and I now it is rooted
I had never used Superuser
@JMRboosties finally fixed it: gist.github.com/rashiqahmad/5862471
let me try it

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