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A: Call function with out button click from java script directly with out page refresh

Rahul SinghAs mentioned in the comment, you can easily do it with jquery ajax. For this you will have to define a WebMethod something like this:- Please include using System.Web.Services;. [WebMethod] public static bool Check_exam_id(string className, string MethodName) { bool examIdExist = false; ...

Thnaks for the reply [WebMethod] there is a error it says the name space WebMethod does not exist
@Shaik - Please include using System.Web.Services; in your file.
I did that is working fine i have a quick question the string className if i use it then it is showing me an error
@Shaik - What error? Are you passing the value from your dropdown as parameters as I have shown?
Passing From dropdown it is, Check_exam_id giving me the error not all code path returns the value string, string,string,string,
@Shaik - That's what Iam asking when you are having issue? In javascript code or code behind? I have added the code to fetch values from dropdown as well.
the problem is in code behind
What is the problem?
the problem is in code behind i already added the code for the dropdown the problem is i think in the code behindpublic static bool Check_exam_id(string className, string MethodName) this line it is giving me the problem
shell i share my screen
you cannot share the screen
send me the screenshot
Its clearly saying not all code returns a value
It will be gone when you write return examIdexist;
at the end
i did
then also it is showing the same
show me updated code
sorry i dont place return examIdExist; after if condition
i have a quick question how will the code
it is true are false
which code?
success: function (response) {
if(response.d) //If method returned true.
alert('No Student Found')
error: function (msg) { alert(msg.d); }
on success //If method returned true. this says yes but how will it know wat says true or false in code behind
Our server code is returning a boolean right
that value will be sent in response object
whioch we can read with response.d
ok vl check now
yes debug your code and see step by step you will understand
the alert is saying undefiend
ok then your server code is not returning correct value I guess
debug and see
check the browser console as well
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
console is giving me the above error
then it is not hitting the webmethod as well
have you changed the url?
url: "Default.aspx/Check_exam_id",
with your actual page name?
yes i did
$("#BodyHolder_Check_examid").click(function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); //To avoid postback
//Get these values from dropdwon
var className = $('#DD_class').find('option:selected').val();

var DD_section = $('#DD_section').find('option:selected').val();
var DD_Method = $('#DD_Method').find('option:selected').val();
var DD_Subject = $('#DD_Subject').find('option:selected').val();

var DD_batch = $('#DD_batch').find('option:selected').val();

var data = { "className": className, "DD_section": DD_section, "MethodName": DD_Method, "DD_Subject": DD_Subject, "DD_batch": DD_batch };
the above is js
public static bool Check_exam_id(string className, string MethodName, string DD_section, string DD_Subject, string DD_batch)
bool examIdExist = false;
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Logging"].ConnectionString;
string DDSelected_Class = className;// store it in some variable;

string DD__section = DD_section;// store it in some variable;

string DD__Method = MethodName;// store it in some variable;

string DD__Subject = DD_Subject;// store it in some variable;
correct me if am wrong
any ware
my page name is : Scores.aspx
Your parameter order is wrong
correct that please
wat is that
It should be className, MethodName,DD_section,DD_Subject and finally DD_batch
in your "data"
order of parameters to webmethod
check that order and order in your webmethod
var data = { "className": className, "DD_section": DD_section, "MethodName": DD_Method, "DD_Subject": DD_Subject, "DD_batch": DD_batch };
you have className then DD_section
but in WebMethod it is className and then methodName
order should be same at both places
vl doo
public static bool Check_exam_id(string className, string DD_section, string MethodName, string DD_Subject, string DD_batch)
var data = { "className": className, "DD_section": DD_section, "MethodName": DD_Method, "DD_Subject": DD_Subject, "DD_batch": DD_batch };
is it ok now
looks fine
ok vl check now
same error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
in console
i thnk the C# is not responding
hey no
wat to doo
let me check your code once again
500 error comes when it is not able to find the method
Have you build your project?
yes i did
shell i re past my code heart
no need
I will check
Have you written the JS code in aspx page?
It has to do with data
But you have already changed it'
try clearing the cache
of your browser
same issue
i did
is it not possible for u to have a look
if i share my screen
no yaar you can't share your scree
i think there is a small prblem if you have a look that would be help full
i think there is a small issue
yeah these is just a small issue from client side
I am trying to find that only
ok cool
my bad luck
can you share the screenshot of console?

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