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2 hours later…
@ShivamGupta this looks very much like a classical homework assignment, what have you tried and where are you stuck?
the limitations seem awkward (sic) -- the efficient and readable solution to this would be to use Awk
the instructions seem detailed enough -- if you can't understand those, what do we need to articulate an answer which is understandable to you?
2 hours later…
if you don't want to write awk script you can pipe the output of grep with sort (that can be instructed to sort on spefific fields.
For example sorting ascending numeric values on the fifth column:
grep -iv chevy cars | sort -n -k 5
and then you could grep again to omit the ones with more then 4 characters in the fifth column
@tripleee: all the piping will be painfull to see
@louigi600 for a production script you want to avoid unnecessary I/O and minimize the amount of external processes, but if the purpose of the homework is to learn pipes, they are kind of unavoidable
I'm doing my homework on sed to write less painfull stuff :D
I'll never be brilliant at it but I think I've improved a little
1 hour later…
@Queen k
@louigi600 as always, useless use of grep is pretty much anything with grep | sed or grep | awk
the sort in there would make it slightly less annoying but why would you want to sort things you are going to throw away anyway? so sed '/^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\|chevy/d' | sort would be the way to go if sed is a requirement ... but of course you could just as well use grep -Eiv '^[0-9]{5}|chevy' | sort (notwithstanding the requirement to avoid {5})
uh, correction, the number is at the end of the line, not the beginning
@tripleee : the first grep could also grep out big money ... as you said ....
Trouble is that the 17000 mustang still stands in the list: why is that ?
yep it's because it's at the end otherwise it works
@Queen k
damn it the caret has different meaning according to where you put it:
[^0-9] is very different from ^[0-9]
one might be tempted to think [^0-9] would match the beginning of a line and any number but instead it means match anything but a number
must make mental note of that
yeah, common newbie mistake
the regex tag info wiki has a bunch of these mental notes
yes ... but I'm not a newbi :(
Anybody over here ?
I need to ask something about cron in linux
go ahead
Well I ran a command crontab -e
It made a cron file for my user
Now I wrote in that file * * * * echo "Hello World" >> /home/contrive/cron.out
ok ... what's in your user's corontab ?
user's crontab ?
How can I check that ?
I'm kind of new to cron
I am following this tutorial
crontab -l
will show the crontab content for the current users that is executing the command
ok you will need to put the absolute path for that to work
not sure where echo is on your system on mine it's
so the cron entry should be something like this:
* * * * /bin/echo "Hello World" >> /home/contrive/cron.out
1 * * * * /bin/echo "Hello World" >> /home/contrive/cron.out
that will run every 01 of every hour of every day of enery month or every day of the week
I see
Will it not have 5 steriks ?
rather then four
the command that you posyed ?
look at the crontab man page
# run `date` at 6:10 am every day
10 6 * * * date
so there are 5 time fields that identify when the command is to be executed
watchout that the day of week and I forget which other field are in OR clause not and like all the other fields
I may have accidentally only put 4 * ... there should indeed be 5
let me see if it runs
depending on your distro the crontab man page may not have this important note:
Note: The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields â day of month, and
day of week. If both fields are restricted (i.e., aren't *), the command will be run when
either field matches the current time. For example,
``30 4 1,15 * 5'' would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am on the 1st and 15th of each
month, plus every Friday. One can, however, achieve the desired result by adding a test to
the command (see the last example in EXAMPLE CRON FILE below).
os it's the last to that are in OR clause
1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ (4 v 5)
but in this case using four instead of five is almost certainly the actual error
how to fix it depends on what you want to accomplish
every minute would be * * * * *
just echoing a static string is not a very good diagnostic, maybe run date instead of echo
I made a typo .... allways 5 fields identify when the the 6'th fiels (the command) is executed
but be careful, you can't comfortably use % unescaped in crontab
which means date -d '%F' will not work without modifications
I just can't understand only one thing
tell us
when we specify it like this 1 * * * * does that not means that you have to run it after every single minute ?
since the first * represents the minutes
no, it's the 01 minute of every hour
the first field is 1, not *
the first * in your case says every hour (second field is first *)
stackoverflow.com/tags/crontab/info has more information than we can comfortably type in here
ok let me check it over there
put that comment in the head of your crontab .... it's a good reminder ;)
lol yeah
the "incorrect timespec" section of the tag wiki seems to be your question
ok yeah
@louigi600 by looking at you message the first is minutes. Am I right ?
he also did not put in the full path of the command ... not sure if crond will find /bin/echo when it will try to execute the command as a plane echo
sure it does, it uses a standard PATH
though typically more restricted than you have in interactive use
@Gardezi the first field selects the minutes of the hour, yes
Incorrect timespec

People frequently put 1 * * * * mycommand in crontab, wait a few minutes, and wonder why their job didn't run. In this case, it's because the timespec means one minute past every hour, rather than every minute. Try a tool like cronchecker to sanity check your timespec.

To test your cron job, use * * * * * if you want to run it frequently (every minute) while testing.
Now I understand it
* means every minute, 1 means 1 past the hour
I've had trouble in scripts run by cron when full path of commands is not specified so I allways assume that offline jobs need full path or need PATH variable to be set in the script
it may depend on the cron implementation and how the daemon is started ...
no, it gets a standard path so anything in /bin or /usr/bin should work but more esoteric locations might not work
or maybe it's me being over conservative :D
so to conclude the discussion If we want to run it every single minute we will have to run it like this * * * * * but if I want to run it after 5 minutes then I will have to do it like 5 * * * *
it's not just cron, it's anything that wants to be runnable on a rugged system such as a startup script, busybox thing, daemon etc
*/5 * * * * runs every fime minutes
I see. Well guys thanks for all the help
So can I ask one thing. What is this room about ?
errr ... bash related stuff
Bash is a shell, a popular resplacement for the trad Bourne shell on Linux and BSD systems (etc)
so anything you can type in a terminal might get an answer :D
yeah, it's hard to draw the line exactly so unless your question is specific to another incompatible shell (ksh, zsh, csh, etc) pretty much anything U*x terminal
I see. Well guys thanks for all the help
and if you've done your homework correctly, a well-articulated ksh or zsh topic is arguably more welcome than the inevitable "ahlp I accudentally my Grub pllllzzzzzzz urgent"
@tripleee: does crond hereditate it's PATH from the script (or systemd module) that starts the daemon ?
init details are somewhat system-dependent but typically /etc/profile I guess
Linux man page points to /etc/environment
which however is typically empty
but /etc/profile is a shell thing
while crond can execute binarys
it executes the shell
are they always executed from a shell ?
which in turn interprets and executes whatever commands you put there
yes, it even tells you on some platforms as a word of warning that it will use /bin/sh and not whatever your interactive shell is defined to be
and where is the shell it uses for that configured ?
hard-coded would be my guess
or is it allways /bin/sh ?
if it was compiled to do so
well then echo is a shell built in so for the echo thing then no path is required
but I guess that's the daemon's SHELL, not the user's
Intresying so it will get that from the init script that ran it in the first place
now on some systems /bin/sh is linked to /bin/bash
but on Ubuntu it's linked to /bin/dash
(not an authoritative source, just the first google hit)
To complicate firther the thing I guess different cron implementations might do it differently
like slackware uses dillon's crond
the sane way is to not even assume POSIX sh and put anything outside of absolutely trivial in a separate script file with a well-defined interpreter
ubunty (Vixie Cron)
RHEL cronnie
and like you say probably defensively make sure the PATH contains anything you cannot expect to be installed in /bin on mumble HP-UX and Solaris and and and
ok ... this could go on forever ....
I'll ask another question to quit the loop :D
do you like bash or do you use it because it's the default on Mac ?
a bit of a compromise honestly, I need to be portable across Linux / OSX / *BSD
I try to remain POSIX sh compatible but some things are too painful
then on the other hand when that happens it might be a good time to consider moving to Python or something
I actually like bash ... only thing I miss are multidimensional arrays
But over time I've learned how to work around that
the array syntax is pretty clunky, I can see how backwards compatibility dictated that but arrays beyond the absolutely trivial is one of the places where moving to a more versatile language usually plays out well
help form fellow stackoverflow'ers was ans is valuable
oh I'm sure many people are struggling with that and can't easily switch to a different language
I've paid in blood for sticking to shell script for things which were growing too complex, I swear I will never write another parser for my own output again
which is pretty much inevitable if you want to string together pieces of shell script modularly
for that particular system, switching to Python + JSON reduced the code base to a fraction of what it was
and disciplined exception handling came as a very nice bonus
what do you mean by modular ?
with shell script, you either have a very large monolithic script, or a bunch of nominally independent but tangled command-line tools
there is no sane way to put something in a library and include it
sure, there are ad-hoc systems you can deploy locally but there you have it, another tangled dependency
I often bunch together functions in separate files and source them ... some of the functions can even be sourced by several scripts that need to do the same thing
process boundaries turn into interfaces which is often not a good fit
pipelines are wonderful when there is exactly one input set and exactly one output set but real life tends to have hierarchies and other nonlinear relationships
I've also worked on a standard way to handling options/parameters to scripts and minimize the required code fo handle and give user help feedback
and I've translated that into C for doing much the same in obash
same soup different label, the de facto standard is insufficient for the real world and so there are 9998 other solutions in addition to yours
I will revisit the bash version to put right the mess I wrote in place of ${!A}
sure ... but I like my array own approach with options/parameters, stored value and help text :
#default is to require association
"a,,\t\t:Do not require association to AP ,$ASSOCIATE"
"c,:,\t:Wpa supplicant config (default $WCFG),$WCFG"
#default is to require IP via dhcp
"d,,\t\t:Do not require IP via DHCP,$DHCP"
#default is to activate iptables config accordinf to /etc/firewall.cg
"f,,\t\t:Do not activate basic Firewallroles,$FIREWALL"
"h,,\t\t:Show this help message,0"
"i,:,\t:Use wireless specific interface,$NIC_NAME"
all in one structure ... then a few functions to manipulate the array and the usage functions is a loop that dumps the help text
no extra code for handling new options/params
the case loop that handles the arguments only needs minimal recoding ... the rest you'd haveto write anyway
1 hour later…
how about a questopn on uclibc cross compile toolchain ?
or if you prefer a workaround for making links use a socks proxy ?
but not -socks-proxy <user@host:port>
Need something that I can set in the environment
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@ShivamGupta you posted the same question here yesterday chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/35864423#35864423
you have not responded to requests for clarification
this is not a "dump your homework ground"
scroll back to see some actual answers and discussion regarding the dump you left here yesterday
if you do this again, one of the room owners (of which I am one) will ban you from this room
consider yourself warned
@louigi600 doesn't sound Bash-related, there are many rooms for C programming and network programming
@tripleee okay, i am sorry about reposting the same question. But I haven't been able to solve the problem. I am restricted to use SED with GREP
which part do you have trouble understanding? does your course material not explain pipes?
@ShivamGupta there are many beginner quesstions, does this help? unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18117/how-to-understand-pipes
@tripleee and I still haven't been able to figure out the problem. yes, i did read over the post from yesterday. I guess the problem is more of getting the regex right. grep -iv chevy cars ( removes all the records with chevy in cars file) further I am suppose to pipe the result of grep into sed and delete the cars with a price greater than 9,999. which should be -> grep -iv chevy cars | sed '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$'
I don't understand where I am wrong with regex
the regex is fine but sed doesn't actually do anything with just a regex
the syntax to delete something in sed is sed '/regex/d'
or more generally sed "<address><action>;<address><action>"
where the "address" /[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ selects lines which match this regex and the action d says to delete the addressed lines
so grep -v x y is sed '/x/d' y not just sed x
otherwise why would we need a separate sed command if it was precisely identical to grep?
jesus christ it worked
the slash is the traditional and default separator but if you need a literal slash in your regex, you can use a different punctuation character, so you could equivalently say \#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$#d and it would do the same thing
but you don't need that now, I'm just including it for completeness
sed '/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/d' was the sed part
yeah, you are reading standard input so no file name argument
make sense
@Queen k

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