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hi all
3 hours later…
@anu well, hi
please don't drop in just to say hi, though. If you have a question, ask your question.
2 hours later…
@tripleee I've been going through some of the questions and I do find some that could be the canonical one. I specially like In bash, why do shell commands ignore quotes in arguments when the arguments are passed to them as a variable?.
@tripleee however, we may use the approach Gilles suggested and just write one from scratch
@tripleee what approach are you guys following on this?
I was looking at the hits from the google search from yesterday and gravitating towards the same conclusion
I don't have a lot of experience from writing canonicals and it's always a bit uneasy when you are basically duplicating content from an external site, such as Greg's wiki
out of the existing questions, stackoverflow.com/questions/12136948/… looks like a reasonable canon candidate
Yep, I like this one
in terms of upvotes, this one is pretty popular, but it's the wrong answer )-: stackoverflow.com/questions/11079342/…
as to the one about git you replied to yesterday, I think it's okay to be pretty ruthless if you suspect that it's a duplicate
they can edit and ask for reopen if they can clarify how the dupe doesn't apply
anubhava's looks a bit cumbersome and may lead to the typical "my question is different" or "that did not work to me"
yeah, also the question is pretty long and messy
stackoverflow.com/questions/2005192/… has a lot of votes, but uses eval as well
I just marked the git question as a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/q/36717103
I am also pursuing a canonical for a sed kind of question. I saw you in stackoverflow.com/q/20808095 suggesting stackoverflow.com/q/5864146 and marked as duplicate as well. In fact, sed's wiki contains a link to this one
anyone here familiar with the command dd?
I cannot fully comprehend the manual of dd so I need some human for extra clarification
@mr5 shoot
@fedorqui that's a good canonical, I'll add it to the wiki
@tripleee it is already in the wiki
so I'm trying to recover some files from my SD card (I think the system got it corrupted since I never touched it before)
The [foremost tool](http://foremost.sourceforge.net) needs some image file generated by this **dd** command.
So my question is, how can I make **dd** generate an image file from a specific folder in SD card such that the image file contains only those files that are deleted
@fedorqui you mean the sed question? I was referring to the 50faq
@tripleee yes, I meant the sed question. OK
@mr5 (you need a http:// or https:// prefix for the link to work)
@mr5 dd is just the last step, you want to create an ISO filesystem I guess
I can't do it
or do you specifically have a problem with dd if=inputfile of=/dev/sdcard?
I don't know the argument combination to be pass on that command :|
so what have you tried and how did it fail?
does the dd command generates an image file?
no, dd simply copies stuff
I haven't tried anything because I might mess it up
of is destination?
and if should be? file?
yeah, "output file"
the syntax is allegedly a joke but nobody is laughing any longer
so file can refer to a folder too right?
no, you need an image with exactly the bytes in exactly the order you want on the card, so basically a file containing a file system (usually FAT32)
dd if=<drive of SD card>/the_folder_that_I_want_to_recover of=/Desktop/.
briefly, create an empty image.iso, run mkfs on the file, mount -o loop image.iso /mnt/iso, copy the stuff you want into /mnt/iso, unmount; now what you have in image.iso are the bytes that you want on the card
you can't use directories, and you will need to mount the card (or copy the card to a local image.iso and mount that)
so basically dd if=/dev/card of=/var/tmp/image.iso; mount -o loop /var/tmp/image.iso /mnt/card; do stuff with /mnt/card/the_folder
from memory; the order of arguments etc is approximative
easy enough to google anyway, though the pages you find might be confusing if this is your first time
but if as you say the file system on the card is hosed, you can't mount it
@tripleee could you find a canonical for that?
(I am going through all the log of this chat, since I just discovered it exists : D)
@fedorqui I don't think I did, no
not even sure what I wanted to find
using backticks where no backticks are required or useful?
I am not so used in linux directories. Is /dev/card equivalent to (in Windows) I:\
or something like that
@mr5 apples and oranges. an unmounted drive in Windows doesn't have a drive letter yet, does it? And once you mount something, the mount point is what maps to a drive letter in Windows hell
so it means I need to create an entire copy of the SD card with an image(.iso), before I can navigate to its folders?
so /dev/something is the raw block device. For example, you can read the raw partition table of your hard drive with dd if=/dev/sda with a suitable offset parameter etc
and if it contains a valid file system you can mount it, and then you see what's inside (directories, files, whatever)
@tripleee the case when people say if [ $(expression) ] where if expression is enough.
@fedorqui yeah, I guess so
hmm okay. is it the only argument I needed to specify?
if and of? how about the bs?
@mr5 not sure what "it" refers to or needed for what
to copy everything on a memory card into an image, dd if=/dev/card of=image.iso
@tripleee Command inside if statement of bash script could be one, but the accepted answer is not very useful.
the bs is optional but might help speed things up; generally bigger block size gets you stuff (slightly) faster, up to about 64k last time I checked
@tripleee I mean the if and of
@fedorqui uhhh, agree. I seem to have upvoted the second answer
@mr5 both are required, I don't think you will need any others.
Maybe try to articulate your question without "this" or "it" or other anaphoric references so it can be understood in isolation
I used to think you needed count= but it will stop when it runs out of bytes, so it's not required here IIRC
if you copy just a slice of something, you need to indicate how much of it, of course
@tripleee okay. I think I already have enough information for now. I don't have any linux around here, although I'm on Mac. I am still afraid to do it. I think I'm better doing it on Ubuntu at home
play around at the command line with regular files if you want to get a feel for how it works
the Mac OS has some additional voodoo around physical disks I think so yeah, probably good
so I must need to know first the size that I want to chunk from that storage before copying anything?
@tripleee thanks! cya :)
oh. so ibs and obs are just buffers and specifying bs would supersede them both
@mr5 yeah, if you want to create an empty file of a particular size, you need to tell dd how big it needs to be, otherwise you will basically fill up your entire disk
with something like dd if=/dev/zero of=image.img
is it buffer for files or buffer for memory?
I think the default is 512
the buffer is how much of the thing it will read at a time. 512 is a legacy value, suitable for small disks; with recent drives, you would be better off with something like 8192
but it doesn't really matter, you can copy a single byte at a time and it will work, just not very fast
and if the device you are accessing is not a traditional rotating platter, the block size isn't hugely relevant anyway
for human readable command lines, using an even block size is a good way to simplify calculations
I just suddenly get confused when you refer to file buffer which makes me think I need a storage buffer before actually writing to a storage device. So yeah, it's a memory buffer
so bs=1024 count=1024 is a megabyte
what does the block means in dd's context?
if you have the memory you could do bs=1048576 count=1 just as well
@mr5 as above, it's how much it will read at a time before writing, then starting over with an empty buffer and do another cycle of read+write
yeah I understand what buffers are for in IO operation. I just get confused when the word "buffer" is used in storage rather in memory
now I am more confused with count. Is count another buffer?
no, the count is the amount of iterations; see the bs= count= examples above
anyway, are you familiar with foremost tool?
there are no man pages for it, so I am left with only 2 options on how to use it: run it from a directory where the image is; or supply the location of the image in the command argument
@mr5 sorry, no
foremost.sourceforge.net/foremost.html looks like a man page, though
the page you link to isn't very helpful, but Sourceforge projects often have two confusingly unrelated "home" pages -- one SF page with the source, builds, bug tracker, etc and another at a random location which the project's owner designated as the main page (or whatever SF calls it)
linking them to each other would be recommended practice but many projects don't
and with the advertising / malware brouhaha many projects abandoned Sourceforge without updating their pages there

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